The scope of federal power
Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby
‘Do we really want presidents who sign laws that they think are unconstitutional?’ It was a debate over the Bush administration’s conduct in the war on terrorism. The discussion had turned to the president’s heavy reliance on ’signing statements’ — written interpretations by President Bush of bills he has signed into law, frequently including the claim that one or more sections of the new law are unconstitutional and can therefore be ignored. One of the speakers, a critic of the administration’s aggressive efforts since Sept. 11, 2001, to expand presidential power, was scornful. ‘This notion that presidents in our system of government don’t have to carry out laws authorized by Congress is absolutely preposterous,’ the speaker said. ‘If that were the case — if Congress’s laws are merely advisory — why would you need a veto?’
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Jeff Jacoby
‘Do we really want presidents who sign laws that they think are unconstitutional?’ It was a debate over the Bush administration’s conduct in the war on terrorism. The discussion had turned to the president’s heavy reliance on ’signing statements’ — written interpretations by President Bush of bills he has signed into law, frequently including the claim that one or more sections of the new law are unconstitutional and can therefore be ignored. One of the speakers, a critic of the administration’s aggressive efforts since Sept. 11, 2001, to expand presidential power, was scornful. ‘This notion that presidents in our system of government don’t have to carry out laws authorized by Congress is absolutely preposterous,’ the speaker said. ‘If that were the case — if Congress’s laws are merely advisory — why would you need a veto?’
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 25. Okt, 14:46