Dying For World Government
by Darren Weeks
Americans continue to send their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, with hugs and kisses, overseas to the killing fields, believing the lie that they are sacrificing their lives for freedom. How it grieves this writer to see the faces of America’s finest plastered on the TV screen, having given their lives for the lie. It kills me to see their weeping mothers, with broken and empty hearts, clinging to their sole source of comfort the belief that their baby died “doing what he loved.”........
Americans continue to send their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, with hugs and kisses, overseas to the killing fields, believing the lie that they are sacrificing their lives for freedom. How it grieves this writer to see the faces of America’s finest plastered on the TV screen, having given their lives for the lie. It kills me to see their weeping mothers, with broken and empty hearts, clinging to their sole source of comfort the belief that their baby died “doing what he loved.”........
rudkla - 23. Okt, 09:54