Stand with the Burmese People

Stand with the People of Burma


Have you heard about the crisis in Burma?

Burma is ruled by one of the worst military dictatorships in the world. This week Buddhist monks and nuns began marching and chanting prayers to call for democracy. The protests spread and hundreds of thousands of Burmese people joined in -- they've been brutally attacked by the military regime, but still the protests are spreading.

I just signed a petition calling on Burma's powerful ally China and the UN security council to step in and pressure Burma's rulers to stop the killing. The petition has exploded to over 200,000 signatures in a few days and is being advertised in newspapers around the world, delivered to the UN secretary general, and broadcast to the Burmese people by radio. We're trying to get to 1 million signatures this week, please sign below and tell everyone!

Thank you for your help!


Bloggers Risked All to Reveal Brutal Burma Crackdown

Kenneth Denby, of the Times UK, reports: "since last month Ko Latt, 28, his friends Arca, Eye, Sun and Superman, and scores of others like them have been the third pillar of Burma's Saffron Revolution. While the veteran democracy activists, and then the Buddhist monks, marched in their tens of thousands against the military regime, it is the country's amateur bloggers and internet enthusiasts who have brought the images to the outside world. Armed with small digital cameras, they have documented the spectacular growth of the demonstrations from crowds of a few hundred to as many as 100,000."

Groups Struggle to Tally Burma's Dead

Michael Casey of The Associated Press reports: "One hundred shot dead outside a Myanmar school. Activists burned alive at government crematoriums. Buddhist monks floating face down in rivers."

Burma: UN Getting Nowhere With the Generals

Marwaan Macan-Markar reports for Inter Press Service, "Few foreigners are as qualified to talk about the mind and the manner of Burma's dictatorship as Razali Ismail, a Malaysian diplomat who served five years as special United Nations envoy charged with facilitating political reform in that military-ruled country."

Burma Citizens Launch Silent Protest

The Associated Press reports: "a growing number of citizens in Burma's largest city are shutting off the government-run nightly newscast, trying to send the subtle message to authorities that they are tired of listening to their propaganda, residents said Tuesday. Most are switching off the news for the first 15 minutes of the hour-long broadcast, while some also are shutting off all the lights in their homes. It was unclear how many people participated in the protest, which spread by word of mouth."

Chevron's Pipeline Is the Burmese Regime's Lifeline

On Truthdig, Amy Goodman says, "Chevron's role in propping up the brutal regime in Burma is clear. According to Marco Simons, US legal director at EarthRights International: 'Sanctions haven't worked because gas is the lifeline of the regime.'"

Protesters Stay Put to Battle Junta as World Waits on Burmese Border

Peter Popham, of The Independent UK, reports: "at the Moei river in Thailand there is sticky sunshine, jungle and the world's media in waiting. Yet there is no flood of refugees from across the border in Burma. From Rangoon there are disturbing reports of monks fleeing the city; of thousands more locked up in windowless improvised prisons with little to eat or drink."

Monks Defended by Power of the People

Kenneth Denby reports for The Times UK: "To the handful of monks still remaining at Ngwe Kya Yan monastery - bruised, scared and in shock - it must have seemed that everything was over. The soldiers and police made their first swoop in the early hours, cracking skulls, firing rubber bullets and dragging away more than 70 monks to secret detention centres."

Monks Flee Crackdown in Burma

The Christian Science Monitor's Simon Montlake writes: "A violent crackdown in military-run Burma (Myanmar) is continuing, one week after security forces broke up peaceful monk-led protests on the streets of Rangoon, sending shock waves around the world. Predawn raids on houses and temples in the former capital, which is under nighttime curfew, have netted truckloads of people suspected of joining the biggest antigovernment outpouring since 1988."

Burma's Saffron Revolution: Goodbye, Generals

Writing for Truthout, Cynthia Boaz and Shaazka Beyerle say, "Just because we can't see protestors any longer doesn't mean they aren't there. The Burmese regime wants us to believe their claims that they have 'restored normalcy' to the country. They want us to conclude that the repression was successful and that the resistance has been crushed. But that's not the real story from Burma."


Burma: British Paper Reporting 'Thousands Are Dead'

Chevron’s Links to Burma Stir Critics to Demand It Pull Out

The Martyrdom of Burma’s Marching Monks


Burma: Monks vanish as troops step up presence

Independent [UK]


The gates were open at Rangoon’s glittering Shwedagon temple yesterday but soldiers, not monks, wandered its marble-floored shrines and pavilions. Five days after Burma’s military leaders began a crackdown on protesting monks and their civilian supporters, the red-robed Buddhist clergy, normally seen in their thousands around the city, have vanished. And the UN’s special envoy sent to confront the military junta was stalled for yet another day. ‘The monks are gone. We are worried about them. We don’t know where they are,’ said a young guide at the temple. … ‘It is strange now,’ said the guide, out of the earshot of soldiers. ‘We don’t think the army should be at the temple. We think the monks have been taken away. We think they are in jail.’ A senior monk told The Independent at the weekend he believed 3,000 monks had been detained by Burmese security forces, and were being held in police and military camps...

Monks ‘trying to escape Rangoon’

BBC News


Scores of monks are trying to leave Burma’s main city, Rangoon, following the military’s bloody crackdown on anti-government protests, reports say.Monks were seen at the railway station and bus drivers were reportedly refusing to take them, out of fear they would not be allowed petrol. Curfews and night-time police raids are continuing in Rangoon. Correspondents describe a climate of fear there. …. The correspondent described how a middle-aged man in one of the city’s tea shops whispered: “I really want change - but they have guns and we don’t, so they’ll always win...

Soldiers hunt dissidents in Burma

Yahoo! News


After crushing the democracy uprising with guns, Myanmar’s junta switched to an intimidation campaign Wednesday, sending troops to drag people from their homes in the middle of the night and letting others know they were marked for arrest. People living near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar’s most revered shrine and a flash point of unrest during the protests, reported that police swept through several dozen homes about 3 a.m., dragging away many men for questioning...

Burma, Chevron and Total: If I were on a jury…

by Brad Spangler


As you’re no doubt aware, the Burmese state has been bloodily cracking down on popular unrest — massacring pacifist monks, dragging people out of their homes in the middle of the night and so forth. What you might not be aware of is that oil companies Chevron and Total are business partners with the Burmese state. These enterprises are complicit in propping up a tyrannical regime. Agorists recognize that, like most of the corporate dominated ‘white market’ economy, the source of their wealth is not really production and exchange but subsidies, sweetheart deals and generally cozy relationships with the bandit gangs more commonly referred to as ‘governments’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Burma in Turmoil


How the U.S. tied its hands in dealing with the human rights crisis in Burma


My Last Conversation With Aung San Suu Kyi

By John Pilger

As the people of Burma rise up again, we have had a rare sighting of Aung San Suu Kyi. There she stood, at the back gate of her lakeside home in Rangoon, where she is under house arrest. She looked very thin. For years, people would brave the roadblocks just to pass by her house and be reassured by the sound of her playing the piano.


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