Kokesh to Marines: "This Is Not Going Away"
Marine commander Lt. Gen. John Bergman today announced he had endorsed a review board recommendation that Cpl. Adam Kokesh get a "general discharge under honorable conditions." But the corporal, now a student at George Washington University, said he'll appeal. Truthout's Geoffrey Millard and Scott Galindez reported on Kokesh from a press conference in Washington, DC, on June 1 to his hearing in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 4.
Truthout Speaks to Adam Kokesh
Cpl. Adam Kokesh thought, when he received his discharge papers in November of 2006, that he was a civilian. Then he got a letter from the Marine Corps telling him he was under investigation for wearing a partial military uniform at a political rally. The day before the hearing, Truthout's Geoffrey Millard sat down with Kokesh.
Truthout Speaks to Adam Kokesh
Cpl. Adam Kokesh thought, when he received his discharge papers in November of 2006, that he was a civilian. Then he got a letter from the Marine Corps telling him he was under investigation for wearing a partial military uniform at a political rally. The day before the hearing, Truthout's Geoffrey Millard sat down with Kokesh.
rudkla - 15. Jun, 10:50