Schumer: Gonzales No-Confidence Vote Monday
Sen. Charles Schumer, who has led the investigation into the firing of several US attorneys, announced Friday that a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be taken in the Senate Monday.
On Monday, June 11, there is scheduled to be a no confidence vote on Alberto Gonzales in the Senate. This vote will tell us as much as any other who deserves to remain in the Senate, and who must be removed themselves.
You can call toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your own Senators.
All our senators need to hear from us on this, but especially we have a message your Republican senators need to hear. How dare they call this vote playing politics? Talk about turning justice on its head. The whole reason Congress must now step in is to STOP the justice department from playing politics.
What WAS politically motivated was when Gonzales turned our justice department into a hit squad for the RNC. If they keep voting in lock step to protect the criminals in the White House, watch what happens next election. Then they'll see some REAL playing politics, only we the people will be playing.
In explosive testimony before the Senate before the break, the former number two official in the Justice apartment, James B. Comey, testified that Alberto Gonzales tried to bully a deathly sick John D. Ashcroft into signing off on a secret and massive domestic wiretap scheme which had already been determined to be profoundly illegal.
And if that were not bad enough, Gonzales had previously testified UNDER OATH, that there had been no disagreements in the department about implementation of the program. So he just bald-faced lied and perjured himself again, and again, and again. And he's still doing it.
The situation is so bad that 56 members of Alberto's Harvard Law school class took out an ad also in the Post excoriating him for his outlaw abuse of power. The Harvard Crimson further reports that there was NO dissent whatsoever in this from members of that class, even among those who for professional reasons could not sign on publicly.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
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Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved
Sen. Charles Schumer, who has led the investigation into the firing of several US attorneys, announced Friday that a vote of no confidence in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales will be taken in the Senate Monday.
On Monday, June 11, there is scheduled to be a no confidence vote on Alberto Gonzales in the Senate. This vote will tell us as much as any other who deserves to remain in the Senate, and who must be removed themselves.
You can call toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803 and ask for your own Senators.
All our senators need to hear from us on this, but especially we have a message your Republican senators need to hear. How dare they call this vote playing politics? Talk about turning justice on its head. The whole reason Congress must now step in is to STOP the justice department from playing politics.
What WAS politically motivated was when Gonzales turned our justice department into a hit squad for the RNC. If they keep voting in lock step to protect the criminals in the White House, watch what happens next election. Then they'll see some REAL playing politics, only we the people will be playing.
In explosive testimony before the Senate before the break, the former number two official in the Justice apartment, James B. Comey, testified that Alberto Gonzales tried to bully a deathly sick John D. Ashcroft into signing off on a secret and massive domestic wiretap scheme which had already been determined to be profoundly illegal.
And if that were not bad enough, Gonzales had previously testified UNDER OATH, that there had been no disagreements in the department about implementation of the program. So he just bald-faced lied and perjured himself again, and again, and again. And he's still doing it.
The situation is so bad that 56 members of Alberto's Harvard Law school class took out an ad also in the Post excoriating him for his outlaw abuse of power. The Harvard Crimson further reports that there was NO dissent whatsoever in this from members of that class, even among those who for professional reasons could not sign on publicly.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved
rudkla - 9. Jun, 09:10