Urge your assemblymember to vote Yes for global warming and water conservation bills

The California Assembly is considering two important bills that would help the state fight global warming and conserve precious water resources.

AB 493 represents a common-sense, market-based solution to global warming. The bill would provide one-time rebates on the purchase of the cleanest new vehicles. The rebates would be funded by one-time surcharges on new vehicles with the highest global warming emissions. Several vehicles, including many family-oriented minivans and smaller SUVs, would fall into a "zero band" receiving neither a surcharge nor a rebate.

Another bill, AB 1420, would require water agencies to implement conservation measures, including programs targeting large landscapes and commercial, industrial and residential water use, in order to receive state grants or loans. The bill also would give special recognition to agencies that achieve a higher standard of excellence in water conservation.

Both of these bills must pass out of the Assembly by this Friday, but opponents have redoubled their efforts to stop them.

== What to do ==
Send a message today urging your assemblymember to vote "Yes" on AB 493 and AB 1420.

== Contact information ==
You can contact your assemblymember directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/


Urge your state senator to vote Yes for clean air and global warming bills

The California Senate is holding marathon sessions this week to meet Friday's deadline for passing bills to send on to their next stop in the Assembly. Two particularly important environmental bills would implement last year's historic global warming law and clean up air pollution at state ports.

The first bill, SB 375, would provide incentives to communities that plan for compact development that reduces driving and conserves farmland and wildlife habitat. Preparing properly for expected population growth and related transportation infrastructure could have a huge impact on whether California can meet the global warming targets established by the Global Warming Solutions Act. SB 375 would promote land use and transportation planning that reduces, rather than contributes to, global warming pollution.

SB 974 would reduce air pollution caused by the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland, which receive more than half the goods shipped to retailers throughout the entire country. Such huge amounts of cargo transport generate staggering levels of air pollution and associated health problems, including asthma, cancer and premature death. SB 974 would collect a $30 fee on each shipping container processed through the three ports to fund measures to reduce pollution, including plugging in ships to electric power and upgrading port equipment to use cleaner fuels.

Both SB 375 and SB 974 are opposed by big business and industry groups, so state senators need to hear that their constituents support these two key environmental protection bills.

== What to do ==
Send a message right away urging your state senator to vote Yes on SB 375 and SB 974.

== Contact information ==
You can contact your state senator directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/


Speak out for a state budget that protects California's environment

California's legislative leaders and Governor Schwarzenegger are meeting this month to craft a state budget for next year. State officials continue to grapple with budget shortfalls and rely increasingly on bonds to fund key environmental programs. Bond funding helps, but we still need long-term funding to best protect the state's air and water quality and other natural resources.

Legislators must ensure that state agencies charged with implementing California's landmark Global Warming Solutions Act have sufficient resources and accountability to do the job. In order to meet the goals of the act, they also must reject the governor's proposal to strip more than $1.3 billion from public transit.

In addition, legislators should support funding to add more fish and game wardens, especially for coastal waters. These wardens are the front line of defense in protecting California's wildlife and water quality, but currently there are only 200 wardens for the entire state. And legislators should support funds to restore the San Joaquin River, but reject funding for costly and environmentally destructive dams.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging legislative leaders and Governor Schwarzenegger to develop and pass a state budget that protects our environment and helps reduce global warming pollution.

== Contact information ==
You can send a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/ or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4633
Email: governor@governor.ca.gov

Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata
State Capitol, Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-327-1997
Email: Senator.Perata@sen.ca.gov

Senator Dick Ackerman
State Capitol, Room 305
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-9754
Email: Senator.Ackerman@sen.ca.gov

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0046
Fax: 916-319-2146
Email: Assemblymember.nunez@assembly.ca.gov

Assemblymember Mike Villines
State Capitol, Room 3104
Sacramento, CA 94249-0029
Fax: 916-319-2129
Email: Assemblymember.villines@assembly.ca.gov

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Protect California's environment and reduce global warming in the state budget

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger, Senator Perata, Senator Ackerman, Speaker Nunez and Assemblymember Villines,

As you consider the state's budget, I urge you to provide adequate funding for programs that protect the environment and combat global warming.

Specifically, I urge you to approve funding for implementation of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act, and to restore the $1.3 billion for public transit that was proposed to be redirected to other purposes in the governor's budget.

California should continue to fund restoration of the great San Joaquin River, and should increase funds for more fish and game wardens who protect our wildlife and public lands every day. But please reject expenditures of public funds on shortsighted, expensive and environmentally destructive dams; less costly alternatives are available.

California's natural resources and innovative environmental solutions promote a thriving economy by attracting tourists and spurring investment in clean, efficient technologies. Again, I urge you to pass a budget that protects and funds programs critical to a clean and healthy environment for all Californians.


[Your name and address]


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