Bush's "Magic" Formula: The Rich Get Richer
Larry Beinhart writes: "You may have been hearing that the Dow Jones Index is at an all-time high. It's true. However, it is only 16 percent higher than the day George Bush came into office. By comparison, when Clinton left office the Dow was 320 percent higher than when he came into office. It's a very rough measure, of course, and there are many others. But by that measure, during the Clinton years, investment in America's leading business had grown more than three times over. Under Bush, it's only grown 16 percent in six years. Since the consumer price index is up 18 percent over the same period when the new all-time high is adjusted for inflation, growth is effectively below zero."
Bush's "Magic" Economic Formula
"Supposedly we are in a sustained economic recovery and have been since 2002," says Larry Beinhart. "Part of this is Bush hot air and the Republican Noise Machine, which the media quote verbatim. By a certain measure, however, it's real. But the recovery has some really strange features."
Bush's "Magic" Economic Formula
"Supposedly we are in a sustained economic recovery and have been since 2002," says Larry Beinhart. "Part of this is Bush hot air and the Republican Noise Machine, which the media quote verbatim. By a certain measure, however, it's real. But the recovery has some really strange features."
rudkla - 4. Jun, 22:12