Wi-fi? Why worry?

Here's a link to Bill Thompson's website: http://www.andfinally.com/.

E-mail him direct via the address there.


And mine...

Since when did the BBC start receiving bribes from the wireless industry? How can Bill Thompson be allowed to peddle such outrageous lies in his article ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6583815.stm ) such as "There is no evidence that electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies, where the energy levels are too low to dislodge electrons and affect molecular bonding, can cause health effects except by heating tissues." Where do I begin with the hundreds of studies that Mr Thompson claims simply do not exist? Did he bother to attend Dr George Carlo's presentation in Westminster inn February when Dr Carlo, the man who ran the US cell phone industries' own health research program in the 1990's describes the mechanism by which cells and DNA are damaged by microwave signals from mobile phones, masts, Wi-Fi and related devices? A mechanism, Mr Thompson may want to realise, that has nothing to do with heating. He seems to be quoting the pseudo science that the mobile phone industry has been promoting since the early 1990's that has been proven to be based on false assumptions. I sincerely hope the BBC send someone more competent than Mr Thompson to do some real research into this very important issue and publish a complete retraction of his nonsense, together with an honest explanation of what really happens when a cell membrane detects signals from a wireless system.


I've done mine:-

This item entitled "Wi-fi? Why worry?" is the most opinionated baseless and biased piece of reporting I have seen so far on the BBC website.

The parts stating "Unfortunately the science says he is wrong, and his students are suffering as a result." and "Cellphones heat the brain and could cause problems. Wi-fi doesn't, and it is safe." can not be substantiated, are conjecture and belittle a serious topic.

THIS ARTICLE SHOULD BE WITHDRAWN FORTHWITH and Bill Thompson should be reprimanded for such baseless and biased statements. It does not deserve to be present on the BBC site where people may actually believe it and think that the BBC endorses such statements.

The last part "My daughter is sitting here as I write, her new wireless laptop beside her, and I'm a lot more worried about the damage she would do if she dropped it on her foot than I am about the impact of the low power radio waves it emits." is sick! It reminded me immediately of John Gummer feeding the beef burger to his child at the height of the BSE / mad cow crisis.


Please forward Is there no end to the BBC's bias? Can any MP's raise the issue in the House of Commons? The BBC reporting is now at odds with the reporting from the serious broadsheets.




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