Plans to bring mobile phone masts under control

Lets hope this new Bill is passed in June.

Best wishes


Date : 21.04.07

Crediton district councillor David Nation says he is encouraged that a new Bill that aims to bring mobile phone masts under strict planning control will come before Parliament for its second reading in June.The Bill challenges the government to change the law to give local communities more control over where telephone masts are sited.

It will bring in the precautionary principle, giving extra safeguards for schools, homes, and medical facilities from the risk of excessive radiation.

Cllr Nation, leader of the Lib Dem opposition group on Mid Devon District Council, said: "The positioning of phone masts has upset many people in Crediton and elsewhere in Mid Devon, as masts have been put up close to schools, hospitals and residential areas.

"Countrywide, there are dozens of stories of people coming home from work to find a mast that they knew nothing about at the end of their garden.

"Under the current ridiculous rules, it is easier to get planning permission for a 15-metre mast than it is for a five-metre conservatory.

"This Bill will allow planning authorities to take account of health concerns and will require the industry to produce more evidence about the radiation emitted."

The Telecommunications Mast (Planning Control) Bill was presented to Parliament by Andrew Stunell MP on March 28.

The Bill is listed for Second Reading on June 29, although a shortage of parliamentary time means it may not be reached for debate.


Plans to bring mobile phone masts under control

By Steve Sowden

YEOVIL MP David Laws is supporting a new Bill that aims to bring mobile phone masts under strict planning control and bring in the 'precautionary principle', giving extra safeguards for schools, homes, and medical facilities from the risk of excessive radiation.

The Bill has been presented to Parliament by LibDem Shadow Local Government Secretary, Andrew Stunell, and it challenges the government to change the law to give local communities more control over where telephone masts are sited.

Mr Laws said: "The positioning of phone masts has upset many people in Somerset as masts have been put up close to schools, hospitals and residential areas.

"There are dozens of stories of people coming home from work to find a mast that they knew nothing about at the end of their garden.

"The Conservatives did a deal with the phone companies when they were in government to cut planning controls for masts. Under the current ridiculous rules it is easier to get planning permission for a 15 metre mast than it is for a five-metre conservatory."

And Mr Laws added: "This Bill will allow planning authorities to take account of health concerns and will require the industry to produce more evidence about the radiation emitted, and to justify the need for each mast."

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