Iraq war protester marches to Bush’s ranch
Iraq war protester Cindy Sheehan urged President George W. Bush to ‘end this madness’ in Iraq on Friday in a march toward Bush’s ranch. Sheehan, a vocal protester of the war since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004, also expressed disappointment with Democrats in charge of the U.S. Congress for failing to stop the war. Sheehan, a vocal protester of the war since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004, also expressed disappointment with Democrats in charge of the U.S. Congress for failing to stop the war. Sheehan took advantage of a heavy media presence covering Bush’s Easter weekend by leading an anti-war protest of about three dozen people in a march to the security checkpoint outside Bush’s ranch. Sheehan asked police at the security checkpoint for permission to go see Bush and was told no. She and her group set up an altar with candles on top and she read aloud some of the names of the more than 3,200 American soldiers killed in Iraq...
From Information Clearing House
Iraq war protester Cindy Sheehan urged President George W. Bush to ‘end this madness’ in Iraq on Friday in a march toward Bush’s ranch. Sheehan, a vocal protester of the war since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004, also expressed disappointment with Democrats in charge of the U.S. Congress for failing to stop the war. Sheehan, a vocal protester of the war since her soldier son, Casey, was killed in Iraq in 2004, also expressed disappointment with Democrats in charge of the U.S. Congress for failing to stop the war. Sheehan took advantage of a heavy media presence covering Bush’s Easter weekend by leading an anti-war protest of about three dozen people in a march to the security checkpoint outside Bush’s ranch. Sheehan asked police at the security checkpoint for permission to go see Bush and was told no. She and her group set up an altar with candles on top and she read aloud some of the names of the more than 3,200 American soldiers killed in Iraq...
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 9. Apr, 17:56