The Declaration of Peace


Thousands of people across the United States DECLARED PEACE in the more than 375 Declaration of Peace events that took place the week of September 21-28! We raised our voices and took action to call for a concrete and rapid plan to end the US occupation of Iraq and to support a comprehensive peace process.

Vigils, peace concerts, marches, rallies, teach-ins, readings of the names of the Iraqi and US war dead, interfaith services, call-in days to Congress, and acts of nonviolent resistance took place nationwide. In the past week, 265 people in 22 cities were arrested as they engaged in nonviolent civil disobedience at Congressional offices, military bases, military recruitment centers and at the White House. Visit the Declaration of Peace website for the amazing stories, photos, video and media coverage of the Week of Action. If you have a story or photos of an event, please submit them to the Declaration of Peace website.

We celebrate the actions you have taken to DECLARE PEACE! And we look forward to taking the next steps with you in the coming days, weeks, and months to bring the troops home and make this comprehensive plan for peace in Iraq a reality.

Steps We Have Taken to Declare Peace

We came together from every corner of this nation, joined by a deep commitment to end the U.S. occupation in Iraq.

Nonviolent civil disobedience inside the Hart Building

We called on our government leaders to commit to legislating a rapid, comprehensive and just plan for peace in Iraq.

When Congress failed to legislate this plan, we the people DECLARED PEACE.

With commitment and creativity, we took nonviolent action for peace throughout the United States and in other parts of the world. Visit the website for highlights of this first phase of the Declaration of Peace campaign.

Next Steps to Declare Peace

The occupation of Iraq and funding for this war, however, continue. Our Next Steps are clear. We must elevate nonviolent grassroots pressure on current and future elected leaders in Congressional districts and states across the country to make the upcoming fall elections a referendum on the US occupation of Iraq. We must also resist "preventive" war against Iran. And we must plan for the next phase of nationally coordinated nonviolent actions. In addition, we must:

DECLARE PEACE by calling on Congress to pass legislation to bring the troops home, prevent permanent US military bases in Iraq and end the funding of the war.

DECLARE PEACE by supporting US soldiers who refuse to fight in Iraq.

DECLARE PEACE by joining efforts that challenge the military's recruitment of our nation's youth.

DECLARE PEACE by educating ourselves and others about the realities of the invasion and occupation in Iraq and by supporting an Iraqi-led peace process.

DECLARE PEACE by joining other initiatives to end the war.

Thank you for joining this growing effort to DECLARE PEACE. Let us celebrate what we have begun as we prepare to take the next steps to end the US occupation of Iraq!

In peace,
The Declaration of Peace National Strategy Committee

See all the press coverage from the week! Check out our photo gallery and video footage!

Why The Declaration of Peace?

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Oakland, California 94612
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Informant: Martin Greenhut


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