Every Fish Counts: Help End Red Snapper Overfishing



Act Now to End Overfishing of Gulf Red Snapper

Overfishing is a serious threat to the long-term health of the Gulf of Mexico. It is bad for fish, fishermen and the coastal economies that depend on sustainable fishing. You likely know that we have been working to end chronic overfishing of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, which has resulted in a reduction of the spawning population to just 3% of its historic level. Right now we are at a critical juncture that can lead to key conservation measures being put in place within the next few months. Please join us in urging the National Marine Fisheries Service to implement their proposed temporary rule to end overfishing and finally start rebuilding the depleted red snapper.

Last August, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council failed to take action to end the chronic overfishing of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico in time for the 2007 fishing season. This failure prompted the U.S. Department of Commerce¢s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to step in and take action to put key conservation measures in place early this year. These conservation measures are contained within a proposed temporary rule that NMFS is currently taking public comment on. We thank the thousands of you who helped convince the Commerce Department to stand up to interest groups fighting to continue the overfishing of red snapper. Your efforts led to this positive action by NMFS. We need your help NOW to make sure the Commerce Department and NMFS implement the temporary rule as proposed or make it even stronger. The conservation measures included in the proposed interim rule would: Lower the red snapper catch level from 9.1 million pounds to 6.5 million pounds, to help address overfishing. Reduce the number of fish recreational fishermen can keep per day from 4 fish to 2 fish. Reduce the commercial minimum size limit from 15 to 13 inches total length to reduce bycatch. Establish a target to reduce, by 50%, the terribly destructive bycatch of red snapper by shrimpers. For more information, please visit our website - http://www.oceanconservancy.org/site/Advocacy?id=327


David Dickson
Director, Gulf of Mexico Outreach and Advocacy
The Ocean Conservancy

Informant: Charlie's Angel


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