Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus
Showdown Over Habeas
by Sen. Patrick Leahy, TomPaine.com
If Congress votes to suspend this essential legal safeguard, liberty and accountability will be the victims.
Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.
From Information Clearing House
by Sen. Patrick Leahy, TomPaine.com
If Congress votes to suspend this essential legal safeguard, liberty and accountability will be the victims.
Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 26. Sep, 18:10