Act Now To Save Habeas Corpus: our freedom depend on it!

--Please Forward--

This is a paraphrase of the urgent CCR letter copied below:

Even though Republicans are balking about supporting Bush's torture proposals, they seem to be caving about saving habeas corpus. Both Warner and Frist versions of the bill strip away the fundamental right to habeas corpus, the right to challenge your detention in a court of law, not to be locked up under the President’s say-so, guilty or innocent, never to be heard from again.

However, an amendment by Specter-Levin will fix this grave problem with the bills.

The rights of victims of rape and sexual assault are also under attack in this legislation, an injustice that is completely under the radar: both bills would change the definition of rape and other torture and cut back on hard-fought victories of victims of sexual violence. Tell your Senators they must uphold the Geneva Conventions and allow survivors of sexual violence to hold their perpetrators accountable.

So please fax your Senators with this FREE FAX using this link (please scroll to the END of page of link to find fax)

and/or if you can call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 right away, especially if they are on the list at the end of this email.

Thank you,


The following message is from Center For Constittuional Rights.

EMERGENCY! They Left the Worst Part In

The fight over the military commissions bills today isn’t about politics, it's about lives, and it's not over. Please take a minute from your busy day to help, even if you acted last week.

The debate around these bills misses the point: both versions strip away the fundamental right to habeas corpus, the right to challenge your detention in a court of law, not to be locked up under the President’s say-so, guilty or innocent, never to be heard from again.

An amendment in play could take out this dangerous measure – please use our site to fax your senators and tell them to support the Specter-Levin Amendment on habeas corpus when it gets introduced.

The bills are S.3901, The Military Commissions Act of 2006, sponsored by Senator Warner and S.3861, The Bringing Terrorists to Justice Act of 2006, sponsored by Senator Frist. Please call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 IMMEDIATELY, especially if they are among the 26 we’ve identified below as critical in this fight.

Anyone in U.S. custody, at home or abroad, must have the right to challenge their detention in court. Nothing is more fundamental to our democracy than this right. Tell your Senator TODAY that they must vote to save habeas corpus.

The rights of victims of rape and sexual assault are also under attack in this legislation, an injustice that is completely under the radar: both bills would change the definition of rape and other torture and cut back on hard-fought victories of victims of sexual violence. Tell your Senators they must uphold the Geneva Conventions and allow survivors of sexual violence to hold their perpetrators accountable.

This is an emergency—please forward this alert to as many people as you can.

Thank you for your commitment.

Vincent Warren
Executive Director

For more information, please visit our website at .

Make a donation to help us fight for justice.

See a calendar of events.

The votes of the following Senators will be critical:

Kent Conrad (ND) (202) 224-2043
Joe Lieberman (CT) (202) 224-4041
Ben Nelson (NE) (202) 224-6551
James Jeffords (VT) (202) 224-5141
Lincoln Chafee (RI) (202) 224-2921
Richard Lugar (IN) (202) 224-4814
Craig Thomas (WY) (202) 224-6441
Chuck Hagel (VA) (202) 224-4224
Lisa Murkowski (AK) (202) 224-6665
John Sununu (NH) (202) 224-2841
Peter Dominici (NM) (202) 224-6621
Gordon Smith (OR) (202) 224-3753
Arlen Specter (PA) (202) 224-4254
Daniel Inouye (HI) (202) 224-3934
Mary Landrieu (LA) (202) 224-5824
Ron Wyden (OR) (202) 224-5244
Olympia Snowe (ME) (202) 224-5344
Susan Collins (ME) (202) 224-2523
Carl Levin (MI) (202) 224-6221
Hillary Clinton (NY) (202) 224-4451
Richard Durbin (IL) (202) 224-2152
Harry Reid (NV) (202) 224-3542
John Kerry (MA) (202) 224-2742
Lindsey Graham (SC) (202) 224-5972
John Warner (VA) (202) 224-2023
John McCain (AZ) (202) 224-2235


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