Penally TETRA mast decision due next week

A decision will be made next Tuesday by the planning committee at County Hall, Haverfordwest, on whether to allow a 15m pole with Tetra antennae on top, at Crackwell Farm, The Ridgeway, Penally.

“There has been a lot of confusion as Airwave O2 have used a loophole in the planning system which allows masts to be erected at this height without full planning permission; the company just need to give a ‘prior notification of intention to develop’,” said one of the campaigners against the mast, Clr. Mrs. Ann Dassen.

“The county council are allowed to refuse permission, but the decision needs to be made and delivered within 56 days, otherwise the approval is given by default.

“What is equally worrying is that Airwave’s agent submitted this notification without waiting for any response to a pre-planning application letter they are obliged to send under Government and Telecom industry guidelines. Penally Community Council sent a strong letter of objection to the proposal and gave a list of neighbouring properties, who should also have been contacted, one of the most important being The Wheelabout operated by The Harriet Davis Trust.

“Luckily most close neighbours have now been made aware of the application by Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning department and I believe all have sent very strong letters of objection,” stated Clr. Mrs. Dassen.

The site proposed is only approximately 100m west of the original site (under appeal) and would be a fifth mast in such a very sensitive area, along a very short section of the well publicised Ritec Walk. “The most tragic part of this bombardment of applications and appeals, is that the whole future of a charity for severely disabled children is at stake,” continued Clr. Mrs. Dassen. “Written proof of this has been sent to all involved. Other sites have been identified, and tested by the police and found to be adequate, so why on earth does the vice-chairman of Airwave, Mr. Jeff Parris, not honour his promise to Mr. and Mrs. Davis and apply away from this area?

“We have to remain very patient and diligent in order to teach this big conglomerate that they will not win the day by bullying with their constant applications. Defending the rights of some of the most vulnerable children in our society is worth every letter, phone call and meeting necessary.

“We truly hope that the planning committee will refuse this latest application and all others submitted nearby. We are confident that the Planning Inspectorate in Cardiff will also take these matters very seriously and follow previous refusals, because of the number of masts there already and the close proximity of The Harriet Davis Trust property.

“May we thank the readers of the Tenby Observer for the letters they have written and ask as many supporters as possible to please attend next Tuesday’s planning meeting at 10 am at County Hall. Anyone needing transport, please fill in the list at Penally Post Office or telephone Ann Dassen on 01834 844957.”

Copyright Tindle Newspapers Ltd 08 September 06


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