Signs of our disease
Liberty For All
by BetteRose Ryan
It occurred to me that just in my lifetime, not only has technology accelerated, but so has the loss of our freedoms. When I was a young girl in school, we studied about the feudal system. We were told how awful it was, how the serfs had to yield up to 25% of what they grew or created to the lord and his knights. This of course was given for protection against raiders and space within the castle walls if that became necessary. Today, we - as a ‘free’ people - give more than 50% of our earnings up to those who govern us!
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by BetteRose Ryan
It occurred to me that just in my lifetime, not only has technology accelerated, but so has the loss of our freedoms. When I was a young girl in school, we studied about the feudal system. We were told how awful it was, how the serfs had to yield up to 25% of what they grew or created to the lord and his knights. This of course was given for protection against raiders and space within the castle walls if that became necessary. Today, we - as a ‘free’ people - give more than 50% of our earnings up to those who govern us!
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 5. Sep, 15:06