Campaign report on GM trees and action alert for Saami people

Call for moratorium on GM trees

People´s Forest Forum
23th on May 2006 in Finland

People´s Forest Forum is an initiative for open global forum for discussing and reporting of forest issues in different countries. Our first campaign was against the risks of genetically modified trees. The petition campaign was a success. By backing the signatories of individuals and ngo:s we visited in three UN meetings and distributed our materials in two side events. Look and print the posters here:

In last CBD meeting in Brazil lot of countries took critical position on this issue and also the reports by FAO is quite critical for introducing transgenic trees. Look more:

We feel that our campaign has had at least some effect for this success. Thanks all of you involved! Be free to continue adding your reports, news and other information on the workshop on GM trees:

Finland and global forestry

Now we want to invite people to discuss about Finland´s role in global forestry. Finland as a state has lot of influence in global forest policy and globalized Finnish forest industry is powerfull actor as well all around the world. We believe that there is a good reason to focus on these activies also from critical perspective.

Last yoik in Saami forests?

We open this discussion with the hot and actual issue of Saami forests in Finland. Union of Ecoforestry has taken part in producing a critical videoreportage about the indigenious Saami peoples campaign for their livelihood and land rights agains Finnish state owned companies. This documentary movie is presented in UN Indigenious peoples forum in New York in 23th May 2006. You can join in discussion in the forum: You can load the present version of the movie on the adress:

For more information on Sámi forests:


Campaign report on GM trees and action alert for Saami people

Thanks for your contribution for the campaign Global Ban on GM trees. The final campaign report with video clips is available on the address

We hope the campaigning continous to stop invasion with transgenic trees. Thanks for your contributions.

The second issue in this letter is the hot and actual situation in Northern Finland in forests of indigenous Saami people home area.

As a Finnish campaigner I have to ask your help to stop the Finnish state and forest companies destructive colonialism in Saami forests. Here below is our campaign letter on the issue.

Hannu Hyvönen documentarist and campaigner Union of Ecoforestry in Finland


As a critical documentarist investigating Finnish forestry I am interested all kind of information of these multinational "Finnish" companies; Upm-Kymmene, Metsäliitto, Stora Enso, Metsäbotnia, Timberjack, Jaakko Pöyry, etc and their operations in different countries. Also through different institutions as Forest Research, Fao, UN forum on forests etc the Finnish forestry sectors influence is even more heavy than in papermaking bisnes.

Finnish forestry sector is powerfull actor which define lot of the future of forest cover on the Earth. It is time to make an analysis what is behind this success story in Finland and abroad.

Press release and campaign letter 1.6..2007/ Union of Ecoforestry in Finland

The destruction of Saami homeland forests in Finnish Lappland started again - this is a call for action to friends of the Saami !

The long lasting forestry conflict in Finnish Lappland is again in a very urgent state. The Finnish state owned company, Forest and Park Service, has started large scale logging operations in the home area of indigenious Saami people on the 14th of May, 2007.

These loggings can't be accepted for the following reasons:

-there is no solution yet for the landownership conflict between Saami people and the Finnish state. -the Finnish state has not proven to be the actual owner of the forests it is logging right now. -the clear-cutting style of logging ancient forests in the extreme north of Europe cannot be accepted from an ecological and micro-climatical point of view. -the loggings destroy the very basis of the culturally important Saami free browsing reindeerherding tradition -the loggings waste the ancient forests and its wood and leave less possibilities for future truly sustainable continuous cover forestry without destructive clear cutting.

By these arguments among others Union of Ecoforestry urged Finnish parliament to stop the logging immediately and gave for parliament groups the documentary movie Last yoik in Saami forests ( ) The director of the movie, Hannu Hyvönen, expressed his feelings about the on-going loggings recently: "It is quite easy for us to update this sad turn-up in the documentary movie, but we cannot update these forests which are now again cutted down."

Finnish state own tv-company seems not to be able to broadcast the documentary which accuses Finnish state human rights violations,

Union of Ecoforestry supports campaigning for Saami forests and invites all friends of Saami now for actions. -In this situation we strongly encourage Finns as well as foreigners to arrange movie actions, public presentations, to get widely known and understood what is really happening in Lappland, in Saami forests, the last natural forests of Europe. Union of Ecoforestry supports dvd distribution for public presentations.

The documentary movie can also be loaded here:

If you want to order the dvd and/or join in friends of Saami -posting list please send a message to info

More information:


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!


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Mai 2006


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