House Vote on Arctic This Week

Drilling in the Arctic Refuge is NOT the answer to America's energy problems!

As hard as it is to believe, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in the crosshairs again. Some House members may force a vote on drilling in the Arctic Refuge as early as this Wednesday. Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA) has announced the latest drilling vehicle, H.R. 5429, euphemistically labeled "The American-Made Energy and Good Jobs Act."

A House vote on this bill could happen as soon as this Wednesday, May 24, so it is critical that your Representative hear from you as soon as possible. Even if you've taken action on this recently and repeatedly, we urgently need your phone calls to Congress. Talking points and more background is below.

Click here to look up the name and phone number of your Representative.

Please make your call today! If you've never called Congress before, it's easy. You'll either leave a message with a staff member, or on a voice mail machine.

Once you've made your call, please click here to let us know about it!

When you call, make the following points:

1. The Representative should oppose any legislation that would allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

2. We can't drill our way to lower gas prices. Drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge won't provide relief at the pump. Drilling would destroy an irreplaceable wildlife sanctuary, but wouldn't lower prices by more than about a penny a gallon in 2025. That's no solution at all.

3. Congress should focus on clean, renewable energy sources and making our cars go farther on a gallon of gas. Efficiency and renewable energy are the best ways to reduce consumers' costs now and in the future. They are the fastest, cheapest, cleanest way to reduce families' energy costs, increase energy security, end our dangerous oil addiction, and reduce global climate change.

We need to get as many phone calls and emails to Congress as possible in the next few days. Once you've made your phone call, will you help us spread the word about this campaign? Click here to urge ten friends, family members and co-workers to join you in the fight to protect the Arctic Refuge.


Congressional leaders have been trying to pass drilling legislation for years, but have been turned back every time, thanks to your e-mails, letters and calls. Now, Rep. Pombo and other pro-drilling members of Congress are, once again, manipulating the discontent over high gasoline prices and using that as a rationale for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. According to the latest intelligence from Capitol Hill, the bill is likely to come to the floor on its own, but it could be coupled with other energy legislation.

Of course, drilling in the Arctic Refuge would do next to nothing to bring down gas prices. The Energy Department's own statistics show that drilling the Arctic wouldn't lower prices by more than about a penny a gallon, 20 years from now (when production would hit its peak).

Instead of focusing on real energy solutions, such as requiring automakers to produce more efficient cars, or diversifying our energy sources to include more clean, renewable fuels, Congress is continuing to push a dead-end "drill it all" approach.


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