My MP and the forthcoming Bill

I also had a letter from my MP Hugo Swire (tory) who gave me a similar comment, plus a comment about "everyone needing mobile phones" that annoyed me intensely - hence my attached diplomatic letter in response.


Dear Mr Swire

Thank you very much for your letter of 16th February 2006, kindly setting out your reasons for your support of Mr David Curry’s Private members’ Bill regarding Mobile Phone Masts.

I am in agreement with all but one of the comments you have made, and that is, in your final paragraph you say, “…we all want to be able to use mobile phones.” With the greatest respect to you as my valued MP, this statement is not correct, the truth is, for many important reasons, huge numbers of people are choosing not to own or use mobile phones. A few of the categories of people not owning/using mobile technology are:

1. People who have already suffered benign or malignant brain tumours will have been strongly advised by their doctors against using mobile phones. People with epilepsy and other serious neurological health problems will also have been strongly advised by their doctors against the use of mobile phones, as it has been known for a long time now that mobile phones can aggravate/worsen these health problems.

I have enclosed a copy email reporting on a new study imminently to be published in the International Journal of Oncology by Dr Lennard Hardell and colleagues, showing statistically significant increases in the risk of benign brain tumours, especially acoustic neuromas, following the use of mobile telephones. WLAN and DECT phones also use pulsing microwave technology and enclosed is a letter from Dr Gerd Oberfeld MD, Head of the Salzburg Public Health Department banning the use of WLAN and DECT phones/equipment in schools or kindergartens.

2. People who are suffering from Electro-Sensitivity will be avoiding using mobile phones or being near anyone else using mobile phones. Myself and many others in Devon, (and throughout Britain), have taken part in some of the truly independent research currently being carried out, but as yet unpublished. These research test results have proved to others and myself that it is not our imagination, as our bodies do exhibit real physiological effects within minutes of being in the presence of active mobile phones and masts.

3. There are a huge number of people choosing not to use mobile phones for moral and ethical reasons. I have enclosed a copy email that contains an extract from the full article from the magazine ‘Ethical Consumer’,, setting out the serious problems brought to the people/environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo, by the mining of coltan used in mobile phones.

4. There are large numbers of people who regard the intrusion of mobile phones an invasion of their personal peace and privacy so do not allow their use on their property. As these people find mobile technology completely unacceptable, they also choose not to own or use mobile phones.

Being an intelligent, interesting person as well as my MP, I appreciate that you are always in great demand, sometimes in areas away from your own constituency. However, I cannot help being very disappointed that you will not be present to vote on this crucially important Bill that affects the whole country.

I have read a great deal about ordinary people’s concern about masts and health throughout the whole of the country, including Scotland. If it is to ordinary Scottish people you will be speaking on the 3rd March next, I would bet that if they were given the straight choice of you speaking in Scotland or voting in London on Mr Curry’s Bill, the voting in London would win.

I believe that unless the Conservatives act as a strong opposition now, making sure all MPs attend to vote on this Bill, the general public will not believe they have what it takes as a party to truly represent and protect the ordinary person. The Conservatives Telecoms Mast Policy good though it is, cannot make immediate changes for the better – unlike Mr Curry’s Private Members Bill which can – but only if voted in! Actions speak louder than words.

Although disappointed, I am still extremely grateful you have said you will be speaking up for local residents suffering from badly sited masts.

Yours truly,



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