Impeach Bush/Cheney and End the War in Iraq

Thanks to your continuing support, we have upgraded to permit effective local organizing by Congressional District. And we're putting this new capability to work to Impeach Bush/Cheney and End the War in Iraq. We urgently need your help to succeed, so please sign up below and spread the word!

Bob Fertik

Nonviolent Peaceful Demonstrations In Front of Congress Members' Homes Every Weekend, Progressive Democrats of America, After Downing Street, Gold Star Families for Peace, the Hip Hop Caucus, Democracy Rising, and Velvet Revolution, are organizing grassroots teams in all 435 Congressional Districts plus 5 Delegate Districts (DC, PR, VI, GU, and AS) to hold nonviolent peaceful demonstrations every weekend in front of the homes of Members of Congress.

Our Mission: to persuade each of our Representatives to support

1. Impeachment: Support John Conyers' Watergate-style investigation (H.Res. 635) of Bush's Iraq War lies - and immediately introduce Articles of Impeachment for Bush and Cheney

2. Getting Out of Iraq: Support John Murtha's bill to remove troops from Iraq (H.J. Res 73) and Jim McGovern's bill to end funding for the Iraq War (H.R. 4232)

The Problem: For a year, we have tried all of the traditional lobbying techniques including marches, petitions, emails, letters, calls, town hall forums, and even face-to-face meetings with our Representatives. Yet despite all this effort, not one Representative is willing to introduce Articles of Impeachment, while fewer than 30 have co-sponsored Rep. Conyers' Watergate-style investigation. On Iraq, John Murtha's bill has nearly 100 co-sponsors but not the 218 needed to force a floor vote; Jim McGovern's bill has fewer than 20 co-sponsors, even though George Bush just asked for $120 billion more for a war America does not support and cannot afford.

The Solution: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King faced far worse resistance from political leaders when they tried to end segregation in the South. So they took their movement to the streets and marched peacefully directly into the face of that resistance. We will take our inspiration from them, and bring our movement nonviolently and peacefully into the face of our resistance: the 435 Members of Congress who are supposed to represent us but refuse to do so. (We'll make an exception for the House Honor Roll - Members who support our three priority bills above. For those Members, we will focus on Member Meetings to persuade them to introduce Articles of Impeachment.)

Learn More and Volunteer: You won't be part of this campaign unless you sign up here:

More Ways That You Can Act Every Day to End the War By David Swanson


Sign up for these, find others, and create yoru own at

Peace Events in Vancouver February 14
12:30 – 2:00 pm Valentine’s Day "Give Peace a Dance" at Vancouver City Hall, 453 W. 12th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. 7:00 pm Vancouver: Peace Messenger City at Kitsilano Secondary School Auditorium, 2550 W. 10th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Dr. Allan Connolly, past President of Physicians for Global Survival and Rex Weyler, Program Coordinator, World Peace Forum 2006

Making Change/Creating Peace! Featuring: Medea Benjamin, David Swanson February 15, 7:30 p.m. Veterans Hall, Santa Cruz, Calif.

War Research and the University February 15, 7 p.m.
180 PLC, University of Oregon Concerned Faculty for Peace and Justice, and Strike for Peace

Committee Vote on House Resolutions of Inquiry into Illegal Spying The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled for mark-up of the two following resolutions: H. Res. 643, "Directing the Attorney General to submit to the House of Representatives all documents in the possession of the Attorney General relating to warrantless electronic surveillance of telephone conversations and electronic communications of persons in the United States conducted by the National Security Agency" H. Res. 644, "Requesting the President and directing the Attorney General to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution documents in the possession of those officials relating to the authorization of electronic surveillance of citizens of the United States without court approved warrants"

The mark-up conference will be carried live on the web, February 15, 2006, beginning at 10 a.m. ET.

Lights Out Chicago: 30-Day Electricity Fast Begins February 15, 8 a.m. to March 15, 7 p.m. For 30 days, local activists for social justice will forgo electricity at home, choosing instead to shed light on the failure of reconstruction efforts in Iraq to create significant and reliable improvements in electrical power supply since the U.S. led invasion and occupation. Lights Out Chicago participants will maintain a vigil at the Federal Plaza in Chicago (Dearborn and Adams) each weekday from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., then on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Water Tower Park ( Michigan and Pearson).

Winter Of Our Discontent February 15 to March 19 Washington, D.C. Voices for Creative Nonviolence is organizing this campaign to help strengthen grassroots opposition and nonviolent resistance to the continued war against the people of Iraq. A core group will journey to Washington, D.C. to organize a 33 day fast, vigils, lobbying and nonviolent civil disobedience during this period. Others will join the core group in D.C. for shorter periods of time. Still others will organize local actions in their home communities. VCNV invites you to join them in D.C. for part or all of the Winter of Our Discontent. If you are not able to travel to D.C., you are encouraged to organize actions in your local community.


Take it Back: the movement for democracy and howard dean ::: a documentary film by heidi draper

In January 2004, the eyes of the country were focused on Iowa as the Democratic presidential candidates gathered for the famous Iowa Caucuses. Surprisingly, the front runner was upstart Howard Dean.

Take it Back brings us into the eye of what was called "The Perfect Storm" when thousands of Dean volunteers traveled to Iowa to help their candidate win the crucial first primary. It offers a grassroots view of the forces that propelled Dean ahead of the Democratic Party heavyweights, as well as those that brought Dean¹s meteoric rise to an abrupt halt.

With great humor and poignancy, Take it Back follows several of the unforgettable characters who helped lift Dean into the national spotlight, and shows us from the ground up their hopes, their frustrations, and their determination to restore their vision of America.



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Februar 2006


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