US viewed most negative of western countries

An interesting new survey found Iran has the most negative role in the world followed by ... the U.S.! Find article below.

The US and EU are winning the minds of people as this BBC survey demonstrates. A military attack on Iran might be justified for many people following months of propaganda against Iran accused to develop the nuclear bomb. The world upside down?

If we take a look at the votes of the 65 countries member of the UN Conference on Disarmament on nuclear disarmament resolutions in the UN General Assembly in December 2005, we see Iran voted 12 times in favor of nuclear disarmament. In contrast, it is pathetic to see how the U.S. has voted (11 NO - 1 Abstention), along with France and UK who's voting record is just a little better. Also check NATO/EU member states. Fortunately most governments in global south are on our side, and some exceptions in Western countries such as Ireland, Sweden en New-Zealand. Check tables of votes on

Please spread this information, as almost nobody knows as this is not reported by the media.

Good news is that the survey with almost 40,000 people in 33 countries also found that the U.S. continues to face wide spread criticism with the public. Let's continue to spread the word around the world about the boycott as a non-violent model of action to resist U.S. imperialism.

Kind regards,

Pol D'Huyvetter
Boycott Bush International Secretariat

Friday, 3 February 2006, 02:31 GMT

Iran 'has negative role in world'

Iran is the country most widely viewed as having a negative influence in the world, with the US in second place, a new poll for the BBC suggests.

The survey for the BBC World Service asked how 39,435 people in 33 nations across the globe saw various countries. Views of China, Russia and France have declined in comparison to a similar survey at the end of 2004. Japan is most widely seen to have a positive influence. Europe has the most positive scores of all in the poll.

West negative

The survey by the international polling firm GlobeScan and the University of Maryland took place between October 2005 and January 2006.

According to the poll, no country had a majority with a positive view of Iran's role in the world, apart from the Iranians themselves. On average, just 18% say Iran has a positive influence, while 47% believe the state's role is negative. Europe and North America have the largest majorities expressing a negative view - with Germany, the US and Italy the most negative about Iran.

Iran is embroiled in a row with the US and European Union over Western fears it is attempting to build nuclear weapons. Tehran says its nuclear programme is aimed solely at energy production.

Ups and downs

The US has lost ground in some key allied countries, the survey suggests. In France, 65% had a negative view of the US, up from 54% in the 2004 poll. In Britain the numbers went from 50% to 57%. Negative views of the US are also up by 20 points in China, eight points in Australia and nine points in Brazil. Views of China have declined sharply over the last year, according to the poll.

Among the 20 countries polled both years, the number rating China positively has dropped from 13 to eight, while those rating it negatively have risen from three to seven. But overall, China continues to have more backers than detractors. Several European countries have developed more negative perceptions of Russia since 2004, the poll suggests. However, 31 of the 33 states' populations gave Japan a positive rating. None of the countries had a predominantly negative view of Europe. The average is 53% positive and 15% negative, excluding the European states asked. The margin of error in polling ranged from 2.5% to 4%.

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