Please write to Pembrokeshire CC and object in this dreadful case

Some of you may be aware of the dire situation that the villagers in Penally, Pembrokeshire are facing, and in Particular, the Harriet Davis Trust Respite Holiday Home for teminally ill and severely disabled children, where mm02 have put in yet another application for them to deal with. Pembs Cc Planning dept still appear to be more on the side of MM02 than the residents and the Trust.

There are already four masts sited nearby, which have been there for years,and are part of the landscape, in fact, they provide coverage for the whole area. They got a Public Inquiry as Pembs CC didnt make a decision on time for the last application and were slapped with an Appeal for "non determination" by mm02, who tried to get the appeal heard by written submissions, which Pembs CC agreed to on 22nd November. The first any of the residents heard of it was a letter approx 8th December giving them till Jan 3rd to submit written submissions in triplicate! (Usuall tactics) Luckily they were awarded a Local Public Inquiry which will be on May 9th! Mm02 have used a loophole in Welsh Planning Law to hit them with a second identical Application. They have it on good authority that Pembs CC are trying to push this through the system asap to avoid their Inquiry. Anne from Penally has asked for as many people as possible to write to Mr D Lawrence, Head of Planning, Pembrokeshire County Council , County Hall, Haverfordwest SA61 1TP to OBJECT to Planning no 05/1254/PA. They have Visual Amenity, Mast Prolifereration, History of Planning and Appeal rejections with reasons still valid today and most importantly..Harriet Davis Trust Holiday Home for severely disabled and life-limited children and their families within 50-75 metres of the proposed Tetra. With the PERCEIVED health fears these vulnerable souls will face and the disastrous knock on financial effect to the Trust itself!

I know that LPAs usually disregard objections from out of the area, but because of the nature of this case it could be argued that we all have an interest, because the Harriet Davis Trust is the sort of project that should be encouraged, not put out of business. Their website is , if anyone wants any further details.

Objections need to be sent in asap, as they only have just over a week until the deadline.

Many thanks to anyone who can wite in support of villagers and name and shame 02!



I believe his name is David so his email address should be .

Angie (ORAM)


I have received a letter from Pembrokeshire County Council in response to my objection letter, stating that they will take my comments into consideration - although I live in Kent, I objected on the grounds that because I have a disabled child I may want to use the Harriet Davis Trust Respite Holiday Home.

I hope this helps - please let me know how it turns out.

Thanks. Angie (ORAM)>


That's briliant Angie,

I also contacted Peter Limbrick of interconnections, the bulletin for Children with special needs, and I know that he has objected.
02 apparently stated in their application that the HD Trust was two miles away from the proposed site, when in fact it is 50-75 metres away, and of course, PEmbs cc do not know much about TETRA applications etc, and seem happy to go along with everything 02 tell them!



I don't know if this is of any use but to cut a long story short, I know that a leading member of the Acoustic Neuroma Association, Brian Lloyd, lives near Penally in Hodgeston. His email address is:

He has his own Acoustic Neuroma website "One Ear to the Ground" which is as follows:

I have spoken to Brian on a couple of occasions (when on holiday in Pembrikeshire, but do not know if he is sympathetic to our cause. Might be worth contacting him? (My objection letter to Pembrokeshire C.C will be sent today).


John Elliott



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