Is the Fed Juicing the Stock Market?
By Mike Whitney
Policymakers seem to believe that blanket government guarantees and stock market manipulation are enough to forestall another disaster. But critics think that a day of reckoning is fast approaching.
An Introspective Look at the Future of America
By Craig Harris
Late in 2008 and throughout 2009, events have happened in the US which would have been labeled unfathomable just a few short years ago, and yet already these monumental changes are expected to be filed into the memory hole and Americans are expected to believe nothing has changed.
Which Way to the Bastille?
By David Glenn Cox
Who do we throw our shoes at now? Does Wal-Mart have everyday low low prices on torches and pitchforks? Made in China of course, but the question is a serious one, what are we going to do, in this country, about a government that refuses to acknowledge our distress?
What next?
Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman
Today there are few inhibitions on using government — yes, force — to solve economic problems. This is not something that developed over the last year. It’s been true for a long while, regardless of which political party was in power. But any remaining inhibitions weaken during perceived crises, as Robert Higgs shows in his classic, Crisis and Leviathan. When White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said in the early days of the Obama administration that the economic crisis should not be ‘wasted,’ he was simply verbalizing what politicians and social engineers have long understood: When people are insecure, they are more willing to take orders...
What I learned this decade
The Partial Observer
by James Leroy Wilson
Apathy isn’t what ruined America. The people who were into Britney Spears gossip didn’t start wars or get us into the sub-prime mortgage mess. The people who coveted LaDanian Tomlinson for their fantasy football team didn’t write memos justifying torture and warrantless surveillance. It is, rather, the opinion makers and partisan followers of both sides, who believed the President can redeem a nation, who have supported the policies that have destroyed America’s freedom, power, good will, and prosperity in the space of a decade. THEY are, and always will be, the problem...
The degrading effects of terrorism fears
by Glenn Greenwald
This is what inevitably happens to a citizenry that is fed a steady diet of fear and terror for years. It regresses into pure childhood. The 5-year-old laying awake in bed, frightened by monsters in the closet, who then crawls into his parents’ bed to feel Protected and Safe, is the same as a citizenry planted in front of the television, petrified by endless imagery of scary Muslim monsters, who then collectively crawl to Government and demand that they take more power and control in order to keep them Protected and Safe. A citizenry drowning in fear and fixated on Safety to the exclusion of other competing values can only be degraded and depraved...
Free eBook: It’s The End of the World as we Know it
Survivalist Blog
by MD Creekmore
Yes it’s true! I’ve put together an E Book on how to survive the end of the world as we know it! And it’s available for sale today! Don’t miss this chance to grab your copy at the special price of zero dollars! That’s right! My E Book is absolutely FREE!
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
An American World of War: What to Watch for in 2010
Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse, "According to the Chinese calendar, 2010 is the Year of the Tiger. We don't name our years, but if we did, this one might prospectively be called the Year of the Assassin ... Although our country delivers war regularly to distant lands in the name of our 'safety,' we don't really consider ourselves at war (despite the endless talk of 'supporting our troops'), and the money that has simply poured into Pentagon coffers, and then into weaponry and conflicts is, with rare exceptions, never linked to economic distress in this country."
America's Unhappy New Year