Dienstag, 17. November 2009

Vaccine Pusher, Dr. Oz Owns 150,000 Shares In A Vaccine Technology Company



Next-up News Nr 1104

- Le constat accablant qui bafoue l'esprit de la Constitution Française :
"L'État en équilibre précaire dans le scandale sanitaire de la TM soutien les sociétés commerciales anonymes de téléphonie mobile contre les Maires de France, qui sont des élus du peuple !"

Presse-Océan : "Orange attaque la commune"
". . . Orange a un cabinet d'avocat qui ne fait que ça. Sur 100 dossiers plaidés, ils gagnent 90 affaires. Et là, je me pose une question : le gouvernement va-t-il laisser longtemps les maires aller au casse-pipe comme ça ? Où va-t-on avec France Télécom et Orange ? ".

L'Observateur de Douaisis :"Coutiches, le maire réagit à propos d'un projet d'antenne-relais déposé par SFR"
"On ne peut pas écarter le risque des dangers des ondes électro-magnétiques"
"Je n'ai pas signé et je ne signerai pas le permis de construire."


Have you noticed the latest scare tactics used to offload swine flu vaccines?

What the Inventor of the Flu Shot NOW Thinks of the Vaccine...


Huge rise in birth defects in Falluja



Parents vow to continue fight against mobile phone mast

at King Roman Catholic Primary School in Llanishen


PARENTS have vowed to keep on fighting after a mobile phone company declared it will press ahead and build a 41ft mast outside a primary school. ...



Anmerkungen zur Diskussion über den Regelsatz

Das Ende der Bescheidenheit?

„In den nächsten zwei Ausgaben dokumentiert der express eine Analyse von Harald Rein über die Begründungszusammenhänge zur Höhe und zur notwendigen Erhöhung von Sozialtransfers, wie sie nun auch vom Bundesverfassungsgericht geprüft werden. In der express-Redaktion wird die Kritik an den Reformvorschlägen von Sozialverbänden, Initiativen zur Grundsicherung und zum ALG II nicht durchgängig geteilt. Diskussionsbedürftig erscheint uns vor allem die Interpretation des Autors, die Motivlagen der Organisationen, die die bekannten Reformvorschläge vertreten, seien latent opportunistisch. Trifft dies nicht ein Problem, mit dem sich alle derzeit vertretenen Vorschläge zur Reform der Grundsicherung befassen müssen? Nichtsdestotrotz skizziert Harald Rein unseres Erachtens sehr anschaulich, vor welchem defensiven Hintergrund manche linken Forderungen zur Regelsatzerhöhung und Mindestlohn entstanden sind und dass eine Auseinandersetzung um die Maßstäbe der Bedarfsdeckung gerade erst begonnen hat…“ Artikel von Harald Rein, Teil I http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/hilfe/rein1.html

"ausgesteuert - ausgegrenzt ...angeblich asozial"

So lautet das im Oktober 2009 erschienene, von Anne Allex und Dietrich Kalkan bei AG Spak herausgegebene Buch (ISBN 978-3-930 830-56-5, 351 S.,
28 €). Siehe dazu:

„Der Berliner Arbeitskreis „Marginalisierte - gestern und heute!“ befasst sich mit der Geschichte von Unangepassten und Missliebigen, insbesondere der Aufklärung über die Verfolgung und Vernichtung so genannter Asozialer im Nationalsozialismus. Im Buch werden Kontinuitäten und Brüche dieser Entwicklung bis hin zu aktuellen Erscheinungen unter den Fragestellungen „Wer ist nützlich?“ und „Wer ist minderwertig?“ diskutiert. Kulminationspunkt der Beiträge ist die Auseinandesetzung mit dem Wesen des Stigmas „Asozial“, das im Prinzip auf diskriminierenden Zuschreibungen fußt…“ Siehe für die Kurzbeschreibung, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Vorwort sowie Bestellmöglichkeit die Verlagshomepage von AG Spak http://shop.strato.de/epages/15458842.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/15458842/Products/%22M%20222%22

Arbeitshaus Rummelsburg

Beitrag von Katrin Framke (S. 317-320) als exklusive Leseprobe im LabourNet Germany (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/geschichte/arbeitsscheu2.pdf

"Ich zahle eben immer weniger Steuern". Millionär Vollmer fordert eine Vermögensabgabe für Reiche. Peter Vollmer im Gespräch mit Jürgen Liminski

„Die Steuersätze für reiche Menschen sind in der Vergangenheit immer weiter gesunken, stellt Peter Vollmer, Mitglied der Initiative "Appell für eine Vermögenssteuer", fest. Zusammen mit weiteren Millionären möchte er nun eine Vermögensabgabe für Reiche einführen….“ Text der Sendung „Informationen am Morgen“ am 02.11.2009 im Deutschlandfunk http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/interview_dlf/1062134/ und das Interview als mp3 http://ondemand-mp3.dradio.de/file/dradio/2009/11/02/dlf_20091102_0811_ae856310.mp3

Aus: LabourNet, 17. November 2009


The Media As Enablers of Government Lies

Campaign For Liberty
by James Bovard


Why do politicians so easily get away with telling lies? In large part, because the news media are more interested in bonding with politicians than in exposing them. Americans are encouraged to believe that the media will serve as a check and a balance on the government. Instead, the press too often volunteer as unpaid pimps, helping politicians deceive the public. In 1936, New York Times White House correspondent Turner Catledge said that President Roosevelt’s ‘first instinct was always to lie.’ But the Washington press corps covered up Roosevelt’s dishonesty almost as thoroughly as they hid his use of a wheelchair in daily life...



More Americans facing food problems, report finds

ABC News


A new study finds the number of Americans lacking enough food to eat last year jumped to a higher level than at any point since the federal government began tracking the problem. The Agriculture Department’s annual ‘food security’ report finds 49 million people — nearly 15 percent of U.S. households — faced trouble getting enough food at some point during 2008. That’s a spike of four million more households than the previous year. About a third of those families — including one million children — had so little food that they were forced to cut back on meals...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Die von der EU verordnete Änderung des Verpackungsrechts wird breitflächig für versteckte Preiserhöhungen genutzt


Neoliberaler Auftrag noch nicht erfüll

Neues Geld für "Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft" - Ableger in Bayern gegründet.


H1N1 Flu Vaccine: May Cause Serious Muscle Disorder, Other Side Effects


Informant: sasha karlik


Next-up News Nr 1103

- Haut Débit Fibre Optique 100% de la population Drôme-Ardèche
- La lettre de Didier Guillaume: "... aucune antenne WiFi ou WiMax ne sera déployée."


Global Warming Threatens Lake Titicaca, Imperils Millions of Bolivians

Univision.com (Spanish Translation: Ryan Croken): "Global warming has accelerated the evaporation of Lake Titicaca, the water level of which has dropped to the lowest point in years, Carlos Andretti, of the Binational Autonomous Authority of Lake Titicaca (ATL), told The Associated Press last week. 'Water levels have fallen 88 cm (nearly 3 feet) this year, far exceeding normal lows,' Andrade said. 'This is the biggest loss in decades, and it is definitely attributable to global warming,' he added."



Great Barrier Reef 'Will Die' Unless Carbon Emissions Slashed


The Palin Effect: How Sarah Palin Destroyed the Republican Party

Max Blumenthal, TomDispatch.com: "Sarah Palin's heavily publicized book tour begins in earnest this Monday, but weeks before, her ghostwritten memoir, Going Rogue: An American Life, had already vaulted into the number one position at Amazon. Warming up for a tour that will take her across Middle America in a bus, Palin tested her lines in a November 7th speech before a crowd of 5,000 anti-abortion activists in Wisconsin. She promptly cited an urban legend as a 'disturbing trend,' claiming the Treasury Department had moved the phrase 'In God We Trust' from presidential dollar coins ... In a Republican Party hoping to rebound in 2010 on the strength of a newly energized and ideologically aroused conservative grassroots, Palin's influence is now unparalleled."



The new Palin campaign commences

by Max Blumenthal


In a Republican Party hoping to rebound in 2010 on the strength of a newly energized and ideologically aroused conservative grassroots, Palin’s influence is now unparalleled. Through her Facebook page, she was the one who pushed the rumor of ‘death panels’ into the national healthcare debate, prompting the White House to issue a series of defensive responses. Unfazed by its absurdity, she repeated the charge in her recent speech in Wisconsin. In a special congressional election in New York’s 23rd congressional district, Palin’s endorsement of Doug Hoffman, an unknown far-right third-party candidate, helped force a popular moderate Republican politician, Dede Scozzafava, from the race. In the end, Palin’s ideological purge in upstate New York led to an improbable Democratic victory, the first in that GOP-heavy district in more than 100 years...


Sarah Palin and the decline of conservatism

by Steve Chapman


[T]he priorities of Going Rogue are striking poses and attitudes, not making actual arguments about the proper role of government. The book is meant to create an image, or maybe a brand — folksy but shrewd, tough but feminine, noble but beset by weaklings and traitors, ever-smiling unless you awaken her inner ‘Mama Grizzly Bear’ by scrutinizing her loved ones. No one could be more pleased with her than she is with herself. Reading the book is like watching Palin preen in front of a mirror for hours on end, as she tirelessly compliments herself for courage, gumption, devotion to family, and maverick independence. Who needs policy? In her world — and the world of legions of conservatives who revere her — the persona is the policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Biggest State Party to Obama: Get Out of Afghanistan

The Decision

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "The decision looming largest over president Obama at present does not concern health care reform or the economy. He has a call to make soon regarding our present and future role in Afghanistan. What to do about an eight-year war that has accomplished little? This is the largest, and worst, Hobson's Choice Obama has faced, for there are no bloodless and peril-free decisions in this one, no matter how many generals and advisers and pundits pitch in with their opinions."



Biggest State Party to Obama: Get Out of Afghanistan

Norman Solomon, Truthout: "This week begins with a significant new straw in the political wind for President Obama to consider. The California Democratic Party has just sent him a formal and clear message: Stop making war in Afghanistan. Overwhelmingly approved on Sunday by the California Democratic Party's 300-member statewide executive board, the resolution is titled 'End the US Occupation and Air War in Afghanistan.'"


The Afghanistan Debate


A Case for Secession-Introduction



Obama: Don't Lecture China on Censorship


China Upbraids Obama: For Wild Central Planning, Inflation, and Low Investment


Silence Requests Crosses Constitutional Bounds

Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "An over-broad subpoena and a legally invalid gag order on an independent activist news site are pushing the bounds of First Amendment constitutional rights - and raising big questions about press freedom and personal privacy in the near-uncharted legal territory of new media. The recently publicized case of Indymedia.us, in which the US government subpoenaed the organization for the IP addresses of all visitors to the web site on a specific day as well as ordering the recipient not to disclose the government demand, and dropped it after it was challenged by Indymedia and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), highlights the lack of transparency and scope for abuse in what advocates say is under-regulated territory - privacy controls on Internet information."



The Forever War



Parents fear mobile towers' exposure is a health risk

By Vikki Campion

From: The Daily Telegraph

November 17, 2009 12:00AM

TELECOMMUNICATIONS giants are covertly installing mobile phone towers around kindergartens, schools and childcare centres.

Exploiting a loophole, created 12 years ago when the Federal Government was pushing to roll out mobile broadband, telcos have erected thousands of transmitters without having to get council permission as long as the tower is less than 10m high.


Informant: Martin Weatherall



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