Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009

Another So-Called Food Safety Bill That Must Be Stopped At All Costs

The Food Act, H.R. 2749, Must Be Stopped

Here we have yet another phony food safety bill, which does NOTHING but grant the FDA massive new police powers without actual policy oversight. And it would do NOTHING to solve the actual problem, the stinking cesspools which call themselves "modern" factory farms, the SOLE source of whatever filth there is in our food supply. We don't need burdensome new tracing regimes to drive small farmers out of business, we already know exactly where the problem is.

H.R. 2749 would give some FDA administrator (read self-serving corporate lobbyist) the power to dictate what farming practices must and must not be used nationwide (read enforced GMOs, growth hormones, and weird chemicals in our food). How can Congress make sane policy without identifying the specific problem and its source before empowering 10 year criminal sentences and $100,000 fines? It can't. But only if we stop them from doing it, by speaking out now.

Stop HR 2749 Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum996.php

This hideously ill-conceived bill (unless you are a chemical food conglomerate) is so terminally vague about what its PURPOSE is, it can only do massive harm and no good whatsoever. Aren't bills in Congress supposed to start with some kind of preamble, something like, "This is the problem we have identified, and this is what has to be done to fix it and WHY." No such forethought in HR 2749, just unlimited and unaccountable new police state powers, while President Obama continues to appoint the WORST possible nominees for just about every administrative position.

It's time to wake up folks. It's just one corporate power grab hand over fist out there. Not ONE major bill has Congress passed yet since the last election that did ANYTHING to confront the actual real problem. Credit card so-called reform was some kind of sick joke on the American people, rejecting the only provision that actually mattered, constraining usurous interest rates. Has anybody seen any BIG savings on their credit card bills yet? Did we have to ask?

And they TRYING to do the same thing with health care reform, to do nothing to disturb the existing corporate medical industry gravy train. It is ONLY because of the alerts we have done on this already that single payer is actually getting a hearing. What kind of lunacy is it when the plan supported by a majority of the American people is not even allowed in the room? It's the lunacy that happens when more of us do not speak out more often. And we'll have another alert on that later in the week.

Stop HR 2749 Action Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/action/pnum996.php

But for today, please speak out against HR 2749. Tell Congress to directly regulate factory farms and them ONLY. That's all that has to be done. And anything else they do that does NOT do that by definition will only make the problem worse, by punishing those who are NOT huge, filthy, factory farms.

And when you submit the action page you will have an opportunity from the return page to request a free gift with your donation of any amount to help help support our progressive activist work. Not only are the very popular "CONVICT DICK & W" caps available there, we are making available AGAIN, both the Impeachment Play dvds from the production in San Francisco last summer, and also the special Dennis Kucinich pocket constitutions, commemorative of his heroic presidential candidacy in 2008.

Or you can request any of those items directly from this page

Progressive Activist Gift Page: http://www.peaceteam.net/all_gifts.php

And yes, you can also respond to this action through the new Twitter gateway. Just send the following Twitter reply, and add any personal comment you like.

@cxs #p996

And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up the Twitter thing here is the link for that.

Twitter Activism Step-By-Step: http://tcxs.net/step_by_step.php

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



Die EU-Grundrechte-Charta und die Verfassungsdebatte

Zustimmungsgesetz zum Vertrag von Lissabon mit Grundgesetz vereinbar; Begleitgesetz verfassungswidrig, soweit Gesetzgebungsorganen keine hinreichenden Beteiligungsrechte eingeräumt wurden

Pressemitteilung des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes vom 30.06.2009 http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/pressemitteilungen/bvg09-072
und das Urteil vom 30. Juni 2009 – 2 BvE 2/08, 2 BvE 5/08, 2 BvR 1010/08, 2 BvR 1022/08, 2 BvR 1259/08 und 2 BvR 182/09 http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/entscheidungen/es20090630_2bve000208.html

„Aus der Krise nichts gelernt? - Liberalisierung von Finanzdienstleistungen in neuen EU-Handelsabkommen“

„Einen spannenden handelspolitischen Beitrag zur gegenwärtigen Krisendiskussion leisten das Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung und WEED mit dem neuen Arbeitspapier "Aus der Krise nichts gelernt?". Der Text legt einen grundlegenden Widerspruch offen: Einerseits sind sich fast alle Diskutanten einig, dass es einer Re-Regulierung der Finanzmärkte bedarf. Andererseits drängt die EU in neuen Handelsabkommen auch bei den Finanzdienstleistungen (also den Dienstleistungen der Banken, Versicherungen, Finanzbroker etc.) auf weitere Liberalisierungen…“ Aus der Pressemitteilung von WEED / Forum Umwelt & Entwicklung vom 24.6.2009. Das Arbeitspapier steht kostenlos zum Download bei WEED (pdf)


Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik

Ein sozialeres Europa

Kommentar von Volker Bahl vom 4.6.09 http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/eu/sopo/bahl3.html

"Die Politik muss das Europarecht in Schranken weisen"

Der Kölner Politikwissenschaftler Martin Höpner warnt vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof, der das deutsche Grundgesetz übergeht und ein neues Tarifrecht schafft. Artikel von Hermannus Pfeiffer in Freitag vom 06.06.2009 http://www.freitag.de/politik/0923-europa-euopaeischer-gerichtshof-soziale-rechte

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Juni 2009


Lissabonvertrag: Verfassungsgericht stoppt fortschreitende Entdemokratisierung


Karlsruhe setzt Lissabon-Vertrag "Leitplanken"

Eine Vereinbarkeit mit dem Grundgesetz ist nur über Änderungen der Begleitgesetze möglich.



Der Lissabon-Vertrag ist aus politischen Gründen abzulehnen

„Zum Urteil des Zweiten Senats des Bundesverfassungsgerichts erklärt der Sprecher des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag in Kassel: Das Urteil des BVerfG war zu erwarten. Zu Recht wird darin der Kerngehalt des Art. 23 GG als Norm herangezogen, wonach die Bundesrepublik Souveränitätsrechte auf einen übergeordnete "Staatenverbund" übertragen kann - ohne selbst auf staatliche Souveränität verzichten zu müssen. Welche Implikationen die vom BVerfG erlassenen Bedingungen für das Subsidiaritätsprinzip sowie die Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung des Bundes haben wird, bleibt dahin gestellt…“ Pressemitteilung des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag vom
30. Juni 2009 http://www.uni-kassel.de/fb5/frieden/themen/Europa/verf/bvg-urteil-baf.html

Nachtwächter über den Nachtwächterstaat

Kommentar von Wolfgang Lieb vom 1. Juli 2009 bei den Nachdenkseiten http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=4032

Aus dem Text: „…Mit einem „Zwar-Aber“-Urteil hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht den Vertrag von Lissabon passieren lassen, die Selbstentmachtung von Bundestag und Bundesrat durch das Begleitgesetz zur Zustimmung jedoch kassiert. Das Gericht entzog sich weitgehend einer inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Reformvertrag und stellte vor allem darauf ab, ob dieser die staatliche Souveränität tangiere. Das Gericht ließ den Lissabon-Vertrag passieren und schränkte nur die Reichweite dieses Vertrages etwa im Justizwesen und beim Militär ein. Nur für zukünftige Entscheidungen einer fortschreitenden europäischen Integration verlangte es „Einzelermächtigungen“ die dem „Demokratieprinzip“ (also vor allem der Zustimmung der Gesetzgebungsorgane) entsprechen. Der Sozialstaat sei durch die Vertragswerke der europäischen Union nicht tangiert. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht reduzierte seine Existenzberechtigung auf eine „Reservekomptenz“ über die „unverfügbare Verfassungsidentität“, also letztlich auf den Kernbestand der Staatlichkeit. Dem Gericht bleibt künftig die Rolle des Nachtwächters über den Nachtwächterstaat. (…) So erfreulich die Festschreibung des Parlamentsvorbehalts für den Einsatz der Bundeswehr, so kritisierenswert ist die Aussage, dass der Vertrag von Lissabon das Sozialstaatsprinzip (Art. 20 GG) nicht berühre. Der Reformvertrag wie schon die Vorgängerverträge übertragen der Europäischen Union umfangreiche Kompetenzen in allen wirtschaftspolitischen Fragen. Die Verträge sind - anders als das Grundgesetz - nicht wirtschaftspolitische neutral sondern nahezu durchgehend wirtschaftsliberal und vor allem angeblich wettbewerbsfördernd. Im Bereich der sozialen Sicherung gibt es auf europäischer Ebene jedenfalls keine dem Sozialstaatsprinzip des Grundgesetzes vergleichbaren Kompetenzen…“

Eine schallende Ohrfeige aus Karlsruhe. Mit dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgericht wird die Demokratie gestärkt

„In anderen Ländern entscheidet das Volk, in Deutschland entscheidet Karlsruhe. Mit seinem Urteil zu den Klagen gegen den Lissabon-Vertrag hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht einmal mehr seine überragende Bedeutung für die demokratische Ordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter Beweis gestellt. Sind die Verträge von Lissabon, die ursprünglich eine EU-Verfassung werden sollten, mit dem Grundgesetz zu vereinbaren? Ja, aber ... und das "aber" aus Karlsruhe ist gewichtig, gewichtiger, als Beobachter erwartet hatten. Der Bundestag muss nun sein "Begleitgesetz" zum Vertragswerk von Grund auf neu formulieren - eine schallende Ohrfeige aus Karlsruhe…“ Artikel von Jens Berger in telepolis vom 01.07.2009 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/30/30634/1.html

»Parlamentarische Fessel für EU-Battle-Groups«. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat mit einem Trick den Lissabon-Vertrag ratifizierbar gemacht.

Interview von Claudia Wangerin mit Tobias Pflüger, erschienen in junge Welt vom 01.07.2009, dokumentiert bei Tobias Pflüger http://tobiaspflueger.twoday.net/stories/5796145/

Aus: LabourNet, 3. Juli 2009


Beginning of the end for Bernanke

Cato @ Liberty
by Mark A. Calabria


Fed Chairman Bernanke’s term as Chair ends in January 2010. So far President Obama has offered Bernanke praise for his performance, but little else. After last week’s House Oversight Committee hearing focusing on Bernanke’s role in Bank of America’s purchase of Merrill Lynch, it is now readily apparent that the Chairman has few supporters on Capitol Hill. While his nomination will not be subject to the approval of the House of Representatives, or any of its Committees, the Senate Banking Committee’s reaction to Treasury Secretary Geithner’s plan to extend the Fed’s power serves as a useful proxy in gauging that Committee’s view of the Fed’s recent performance...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Secession and desertion

The Libertarian Enterprise
by Russell Longcore


I’ve read some great articles lately about secession. William Buppert, Gary Barnett and Tim Case have posted thoughtful articles at LewRockwell.com and DumpDC.com. They speak of the military and law enforcement obedience of Federal orders to detain, imprison and even fight secessionists...


Intro to secession

Let A Thousand Nations Bloom
by Patri Friedman


Welcome to Secession Week here at Let A Thousand Nations Bloom! To celebrate Independence Day, each day this week we’ll be bringing you secession related posts and links from around the web. To learn more about the event and how to participate, read our intro. For Monday, we’re going to focus on how secession is going mainstream, and an introduction to secession...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Find Uour Local Secessionist Group


Is the Fed Juicing the Stock Market?

By Mike Whitney

Why has the stock market been on a 3-month tear when the economy is undergoing the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression? The S&P 500 has shot up 40% from its low on March 9 and the Dow Jones Industrials have followed close behind. Is this a typical bear market rally or is the invisible hand of the Fed goosing the markets?



The ability of the corporate state to pacify the country is gone

The Truth Alone Will Not Set You Free

By Chris Hedges

The ability of the corporate state to pacify the country by extending credit and providing cheap manufactured goods to the masses is gone. The pernicious idea that democracy lies in the choice between competing brands and the freedom to accumulate vast sums of personal wealth at the expense of others has collapsed.



Obama's Real Message to Latin America?

The Coup in Honduras

By Nikolas Kozloff

If it were ever proven that Obama sanctioned the overthrow of a democratically elected government this could completely undermine the U.S. President's carefully crafted image.


A Few Thoughts on the Coup in Honduras

By Jeremy Scahill

The US ties to the Honduran military and political establishment run far too deep for all of this to have gone down without at least tacit support or the turning of a blind eye by some US political or military official(s).


Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.

At least two leaders of the coup launched in Honduras on June 28 were apparently trained at a controversial Department of Defense school based at Fort Benning, Georgia infamous for producing graduates linked to torture, death squads and other human rights abuses.


The Honduran Coup: Another US Destabilization Operation

By Barry Grey and Rafael Azul

While publicly opposing the military coup that ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya on Sunday, the Obama administration on Monday indicated that it will not cut off aid to the Central American country or demand Zelaya's reinstatement.


Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa on Global Capitalism

By Democracy Now!

Why He Won't Renew the US Base in Manta, Chevron in the Amazon, Obama's War in Afghanistan, and More.


Democracy Derailed in Honduras

By Greg Grandin

The US media have also falsely yet unanimously presented Zelaya's moves as a power grab, an effort to end term limits to allow him to run for re-election. But the referendum Zelaya was pushing--which prompted the coup--asked citizens only if there should be a vote on "whether to hold a Constituent National Assembly that will approve a new political Constitution." In other words, Hondurans weren't being asked to vote on term limits or even on revising the Constitution.


The Significance Of Washington's Coup Attempt In Honduras

By Shamus Cooke

Nearly all of the U.S. media's writing about the Honduran coup is littered with negative references to Hugo Chavez, the "socialist project," and other buzzwords meant to influence the reader toward acceptance of the coup.


Honduran Coup Tries to Halt Advance of Latin America's Left

By Roger Burbach

A reform-minded president supported by labor unions and social organizations is now pitted against a mafia-like, drug-ridden, corrupt political elite that is accustomed to controlling the Supreme Court, as well as congress and the presidency. It is a story often repeated elsewhere in Latin America, with the United States almost always weighing in on the side of the established, entrenched interests.


The Other 9/11 Returns to Haunt Latin America

It was inevitable that the people at the top would fight to preserve their privileges

By Johann Hari

For the people of Latin America, this is a replay of their September 11. On that day in Chile in 1973, Salvador Allende - a peaceful democratic socialist who was steadily redistributing wealth to the poor majority - was bombed from office and forced to commit suicide. He was replaced by a self-described "fascist", General Augusto Pinochet, who went on to "disappear" tens of thousands of innocent people. The coup was plotted in Washington DC, by Henry Kissinger.


From Information Clearing House


School of the Americas Watch: Denounce the Human Rights Abuses in Honduras

Pro-Coup Government and Allies Pushing Agenda Forward at Citizens Rights Expense


Latin America Drags a Reluctant Washington Into Supporting Democracy in Honduras

Mark Weisbrot, The Guardian Unlimited UK: "The military coup that overthrew Honduras' elected President Manuel Zelaya brought unanimous international condemnation. But some countries' responses have been more reluctant than others, and Washington's ambivalence has begun to raise suspicions about what the US government is really trying to accomplish in this situation."



CIA Crucified Captive in Abu Ghraib Prison

By Sherwood Ross

"A forensic examiner found that he (the prisoner) had essentially been crucified; he died from asphyxiation after having been hung by his arms, in a hood, and suffering broken ribs," the magazine's Jane Mayer writes in the magazine's June 22nd issue. "Military pathologists classified the case a homicide."



Wächst die Wut in Deutschland?

Auch in Deutschland sollen sich die Sicherheitsbehörden auf soziale Unruhen aufgrund der Wirtschaftskrise vorbereiten und einen "Atlas der Wut" erstellt haben, behauptet zumindest ein Buchautor.


Massenvernichtungswaffe Swap

Derivate-Supergau ante portas?


Old Forests, REDD Rage and Earth Revolution


Earth and her humanity need old forests to exist. And all enabling their destruction, including potential carbon markets paying for 'sustainable forest management' in primary forests, are legitimate targets for an Earth Revolution.

June 30, 2009

By Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet
Earth Meanders come from Earth's Newsdesk, http://www.ecoearth.info/newsdesk/

For too long those feeding upon the trough of "sustainable" forestry have been perpetuating the myth that primary and old growth forests can and should be harvested using "Sustainable Forest Management" (SFM) techniques. Old Forests are key to ecosystem, biodiversity, human and the Earth System's survival. Along with other intact natural terrestrial, aquatic and marine habitats; old forests are the internal organs of the Planet and regulate the Earth System to maintain conditions conducive to life. Primary forests logged for the first time are permanently ecologically damaged in terms of composition, structure, function and dynamics.

I am stunned, dumfounded and enraged at the wholesale selling out of the climate and forest, led by big environmental NGOs (BINGOs). The latest positive idea for an ecologically sustainable Earth -- Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Diminishment (REDD) -- to pay for ancient forest protection with carbon monies, is at this very moment being watered down to mean business as usual first time logging of primary forests that forever destroys ecosystems and habitats. Like "sustainable development" and "certified forestry", the REDD concept of paying for protection of old forests' carbon stores, biodiversity and ecosystem is being taken over by industry.

Current thinking is that REDD will not primarily pay for avoided deforestation -- that is keeping and benefiting locally from standing old forests -- but instead pushes long-failed and mythical "sustainable forest management" in the world's remaining dwindling primary forests. Latest REDD proposals as part of the UN climate policy process focus upon paying for everything but keeping old forests standing. I am absolutely appalled at the environmental movement for rolling over on climate offsets in general, and their tolerance or promotion of "sustainable forest management" for the world's remaining primary forests, rather than strict protection.

I am enraged and indignant. Well known NGO's obstinate support for Forest Stewardship Council's certification of first time primary forest logging as "well-managed", while implying sustainability, has set the stage for industrial logging to be falsely marketed as a climate change solution. On the back of NGO greenwashing, first time industrial logging of primary forests is now claimed to be beneficial to climate, never mind that most timber products are in the landfill decomposing within years, and that current and future forest carbon stores are reduced for millennia.

Nothing fills me with such rage as the selling out of ancient life giving forests by greens and BINGOs. Under REDD+ UN climate proposals, sustainable forest management, clearing of primary forests to be replaced by plantations, and selective logging of never before industrially harvested forests, could all be granted carbon credits. To solve climate change, your tax monies are to be used to pay to log the last primary and old growth forests which hold and remove unbelievably vast amounts of carbon. This is like being against slavery and committing to treating your slaves better at the same time.

Old forests make Earth habitable. The fact that such an ecological ignorant and ludicrous notion as logging old forests with carbon monies for alleged climate benefits is being entertained illustrates clearly the failure of Western democratic consumption system. Along with other political signals, such as ridiculously low carbon emission reduction targets being set by rich industrial economies, emerging economies refusal to reduce emissions, as well as a clear lack of understanding how these targets will be met within the dominant economic growth paradigm, all indications are that current prevailing economic and government systems are inadequate and are unable to respond to looming ecological collapse and end of being.

Old forests are our home. We and many species have evolved there or nearby, and are utterly dependent upon their carbon storage, biodiversity, soil, water, wildlife, rain and other ecosystem processes they provide. Earth is faced with an unprecedented emergency as its surface is scoured of life and the ecologically cumulative biosphere collapses. Nothing impacts climate, water or oceans more than denuding natural forests. To advocate cutting down the last bits of old forests that allow us to live, to be paid for by money to address climate change, is an outrageous crime against humanity that cannot go unchallenged.

I am absolutely appalled at the environmental movement for rolling over on demanding sufficient climate policy. The forest movement has been piddling about with certified forests, once off protests, demonstration projects and market campaigns for decades. Specifically, their promotion of industrial scaled "certified" or "sustainable" forest management of old forests, rather than strict protection and local community eco-forestry, illustrates the death of ecological science based free thinking adequate to solve the Earth crisis on hand. And meanwhile Earth continues to be scraped of its forest skin.

The degree of corporate collaboration (including by BINGOS) to find ways to profit financially from ecological Armageddon is sickening. It is this desire for endless profit that has brought us to the edge of global ecocide. Any organization, individual, company, government, BINGO or other espousing industrial first time logging of remaining primary and old growth forests is a criminal and liable. They do not understand the imperatives of ecological science, and that our way of life is destroying the ecosystems required for our and all life. And as such they are legitimate targets for protests of many sorts.

I have come to believe the only way to bring about global ecological sustainability will be an Earth Revolution to overthrow the whole stinking and unsustainable system of growth in economy, population and inequitable consumption. We are failing to maintain Earth's ecological infrastructure, and it is now time to seriously raise our game and only pursue what is necessary to ensure humanity and Gaia's shared survival.

Human survival depends upon paying local peoples and governments to protect and restore old forests, while helping local peoples and governments benefit from them remaining standing. If REDD is not gotten right at Copenhagen (and ambitious short term emissions reductions targets set), than the only manner to achieve global ecological sustainability will be to overthrow the industrial growth machine. Any such Stewardship Revolution would be well advised to focus upon those that continue antiquated processes of burning and cutting Earth to death. Those scouring the Earth of biological life must no longer go unpunished. Whatever it takes, old forest logging and other industrial destruction must end now.

Failure at Copenhagen and immediately after to protect old forests, put in place immediate emissions reductions, and urgently address over-population and inequitable consumption will mean our only chance of ecological survival is revolutionary action. If international efforts to address climate change instead intend to clear the last remnants of an intact global ecosystem, they will need to be resisted using all means necessary. We may or may not choose to wage war upon those we know are destroying being, but failure at Copenhagen will make violent revolution THE only way to save a habitable Earth populated by complex life including humans. For life and Earth, it is time to revolt.

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Ron Paul's Audit Bill Is Gathering Steam



Cap and trade will lead to capital flight

Campaign For Liberty
by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


In my last column, I joked that with public spending out of control and the piling on of the international bailout bill, economic collapse seems to be the goal of Congress. It is getting harder to joke about such a thing however, as the non-partisan General Accounting Office (GAO) has estimated that the administration’s health care plan would actually cost over a trillion dollars. This reality check may have given us a temporary reprieve on this particular disastrous policy, however an equally disastrous energy policy reared its ugly head on Capitol Hill last week...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Audit the Federal Reserve


Veterans Call For Release of Detainee Abuse Photos

Veterans for Peace


MTR: Destroyer of Mountains, Streams, Wildlife, and Communities



Torture Accountability Action Day


Accountability for Torture: More About Courage than Consensus


Thousands of Pakistanis Hold Anti-US Rally



Fireworks over Baghdad as US Troops Leave


Iraqi Whose Lies Made the Case for War Looks on from Afar


Next-up News Nr 1014

- Sverige: "Är mobiltelefonin fördummande?"

The Chicago Model of Militarizing Schools

Brian Roa, Truthout: "For the past four years, I have observed the military occupation of the high school where I teach science. Currently, Chicago's Senn High School houses Rickover Naval Academy (RNA). I use the term 'occupation' because part of our building was taken away despite student, parent, teacher and community opposition to RNA's opening."



Next-up News Nr 1015

- France: historic victory of the Green Party in the European parliamentary elections in June 2009



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