Freitag, 21. November 2008

Huntington mobile phone mast uproar

4:40pm Friday 21st November 2008

By Mike Laycock »

ANGRY residents have attacked plans to build a 23-metre tall mobile phone mast in a field near York.

Vodaphone Ltd has applied to City of York Council to install the lattice-type telecommunications mast, along with three antennas and two transmission dishes, at Hall Farm in Church Lane, Huntington.

But one local resident, Tom Claxton, claimed today the mast would spoil one of the most attractive views in the York area.

Another villager, Michael Sherlock, who lives in Paddock Close, less than 200 metres from the proposed mast site, has written to the council to claim: “It will totally dominate the surrounding countryside and will be clearly seen by house owners from the Old Village.

“No attempt is being made to disguise the shape and it will be an eyesore. I most strongly object.”



Huntington phone mast site defended

1:30pm Monday 24th November 2008

By Mike Laycock »

MOBILE phone giant Vodaphone has strongly defended its controversial plans for a 23-metre telecommunications mast in a village near York.

It said today it had examined 16 alternative locations for the mast before selecting the proposed site at Hall Farm in Church Lane, Huntington.

It insisted the mast would be neither visually intrusive nor a hazard to the health of local residents.

The Press reported on Friday that angry villagers had blasted Vodaphone’s planning application to City of York Council to put up the lattice-type telecommunications mast, along with three antennas and two transmission dishes.

Local residents claimed the mast would be an eyesore and a blot on the landscape which would spoil one of the most attractive views in York and dominate the surrounding countryside.


Next-up News Nr 743

You're Scaring Me, Obama: Let the Bush Years Die

Death Bloom of Plankton A Warning on Warming

National Intelligence Council Report: Sun Setting on The American Century

Goldrausch im Regenwald Costa Ricas

Urwaldfluss im geplanten Goldminengebiet Urwaldfluss im geplanten Goldminengebiet

Das schimmernde Edelmetall Gold ist seit jeher Symbol für Reichtum und Wohlstand. 78 Prozent des Goldes gehen in die Schmuckproduktion und zu Weihnachten ist Goldschmuck eines der beliebtesten Geschenke. Doch die Auswirkungen des Goldabbaus auf die Umwelt sind gravierend. In Costa Rica soll der Regenwald dafür gerodet und der Grenzfluss zum benachbarten Nicaragua mit hochgiftiger Zyanidlauge und Schwermetallen vergiftet werden. Mitten im Minengebiet lebt eine sehr bedrohte Papageienart. Für den Bechstein-Ara könnte die geplante Goldmine das endgültige Aussterben bedeuten. (Start: 20.11.2008)

Are April showers bringing a higher incidence of autism?

Bailout or Bust: How to Save the Big Three From Themselves

Titus Levi, Truthdig: "The American automobile industry occupies a near-mythic status in the nation's cultural and economic imagination. President-elect Barack Obama echoes the sentiments of many when he says that Detroit is 'the backbone of American manufacturing.' If it is - Detroit's economic importance is great but now occupies a lesser role than it did before it entered a slow-but-steady decline in the 1970s - then it suffers from acute and advanced damage that will require major surgery."


Calling the Kettle Black

Sun Sets on US Power: Report Predicts End of Dominance

Julian Borger, The Guardian UK: "The United States' leading intelligence organisation has warned that the world is entering an increasingly unstable and unpredictable period in which the advance of western-style democracy is no longer assured, and some states are in danger of being 'taken over and run by criminal networks.' The global trends review, produced by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) every four years, represents sobering reading in Barack Obama's intray as he prepares to take office in January. The country he inherits, the report warns, will no longer be able to 'call the shots' alone, as its power over an increasingly multipolar world begins to wane."

I want the wealth to be shared and spread

The American Worker

Rick Kepler, Truthout: "I am an American worker, and you are damn right I want the wealth to be shared and spread. I am talking about the wealth my hard work helped to create, but was taken from me by George Bush's base, the very rich, or as I know them, my corporate bosses. For the past eight years I have watched W.'s and McCain's (Country Club First) base grab the largest share of our country's wealth. Where did they take it from? They took it from my family's pocketbook, and my co-workers' families' pocketbooks. They stole the wealth that I was trying to build for me and my family when they stripped my pension plan from me and told me to invest in a 401k."

Report Says CIA Withheld Information From White House

Pamela Hess, The Associated Press: "The senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee Thursday called for a criminal investigation into whether the CIA lied to Congress and withheld information from the Justice Department during its inquiry into the 2001 shoot-down of an American missionary plane by the Peruvian air force with help from a CIA spotter plane. The CIA's Office of General Counsel advised agency managers to avoid producing written reports about the incident 'to avoid both criminal charges against Agency officers and civil liability,' according to unclassified excerpts of an August CIA inspector general report released Thursday by Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra."

Markets Dive in Last Hour, Carving New Lows

Jack Healy, The New York Times: "In a day dominated by fear and uncertainty, financial markets plunged in late trading, carving new lows, in a melee of selling that cut across every sector of the market. Energy companies took the heaviest blows as the price of crude oil fell below $50 a barrel, and financial stocks sank sharply on fears that billions in government aid have done little to cure the financial and credit crises. 'The market can only take so many punches,' said Quincy Krosby, chief investment strategist at The Hartford. 'This market needs a break. It needs clarity. The question is, when and how much?”

Finanzkrise und Lobbyismus

Die Finanzkrise beherrscht die Medien – aber über die Finanzlobby wird erstaunlich wenig diskutiert. Dabei wäre es wichtig, sich mit der Rolle und dem Einfluss der Finanzlobby zu beschäftigen. Denn die Finanzbranche hat lange darauf hingearbeitet, stärkere staatliche Regulierungen zu verhindern bzw. bestehende Beschränkungen zu beseitigen. Wir haben einige Aspekte zum Einfluss der Finanzlobby in den letzten Jahren zusammengetragen.

Mitarbeit von Lobbyisten in Ministerien beenden

Weiterer Fehler im Externen-Bericht der Bundesregierung

Nach mehreren Anfragen beim Auswärtigem Amt (die sich insgesamt über Wochen zogen) ist nun klar: die im Bericht der Bundesregierung über externe Mitarbeiter genannte und nicht zuzuordnende “Deutsche Stiftung für Auswärtige Politik” ist in Wirklichkeit die “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik”. Das hatten wir vermutet - trotzdem stellt sich die Frage, warum es so solchen Fehlern kommt. Anscheinend werden die Angaben im Bericht nicht sauber geprüft. Bereits kurz nach Erscheinen des Berichts musste das Innenministerium auf unser Nachhaken hin einräumen, dass ein externer Mitarbeiter des VDI Technologziezentrums im Bildungsministerium nicht aufgeführt wurde (siehe Bericht vom 13. Oktober). Eine externe Prüfungsinstanz wäre offensichtlich sinnvoll. Noch besser: die Mitarbeit von Lobbyisten in Ministerien ganz beenden.

Weitere Hintergrundinformationen:

SPD-Abgeordneter wird EADS-Lobbyist

Der SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Ditmar Staffelt legt sein Bundestagsmandat nieder und wird zum 1. Januar 2009 der neue Vorstandsbeauftragte für Politik und Regierungsangelegenheiten des Luftfahrt- und Rüstungskonzerns EADS in Deutschland. Für EADS bringt er gute Kontakte und einschlägige Erfahrungen aus der Politik mit: Staffelt war bis 2005 Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium und Koordinator der Bundesregierung für Luft- und Raumfahrt. Im Bundestag ist er zur Zeit Mitglied im Ausschuss für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten und stellvertretendes Mitglied im Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie.

US-Finanzaufsicht: Warnung vor Derivaten knallhart geblockt

Phone Mast by Pownall Green School is NOT now going ahead

Published: 21st November 2008 05:51

At the recent meeting between Stockport Councillors and representatives of the mobile telephone network operators under the umbrella of the Mobile Operators Association and in response to enquiry by Cllr Helen Foster- Grime as to the status of the proposed T-Mobile base station at the telephone exchange on Bramhall Road South.

T-Mobile have responded by email " Whilst the rights to progress do, of course, remain in place, I can confirm to you that T-Mobile no longer has any foreseeable intention to build this installation at the Bramhall Lane ATE, Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport, SK7 2EB. As outlined at the meeting, T-Mobile's Network Development emphasis and activity is currently mainly focused on progressing the consolidation of the existing 3G networks of T-Mobile and the company H3G."


Margaret's fear of wi-fi 'brain fog'

Margaret White fears electro-magnetic emissions

By Rachel Dearden

Published Date: 20 November 2008

A one-woman campaign is halting plans to introduce free wireless Internet access in a Lancashire town.

Margaret White says South Ribble Council has not considered the health risks before steaming ahead with setting up a wi-fi network across Leyland.


Ending torture, prosecuting the torturers

by Benjamin Davis


Recently released reports confirm that the United States still has very important unfinished business with regard to torture. Civilians at the highest levels of government as well as military generals have committed crimes. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, State Department Legal Adviser John Bellinger, and documents from 2003 and 2004 provide further evidence that the White House endorsed the use of torture. The Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Department of State, Intelligence, and other leadership have all been complicit. Congressional leadership has been far too passive and encouraged these acts. These are bipartisan crimes. They are crimes against the United States and the world community. As usual, we read in the press that no one will prosecute these crimes. They will if we insist...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Paulson’s $700 billion plan to save the world is dead or dying

Time for a bank holiday

The Nation
by William Greider


Henry Paulson’s $700 billion plan to save the world is dead or dying, but the bailout was not killed by his arrogance or his grossly misleading claims about what the public’s money would buy. The plan collapsed because it didn’t work. The Treasury secretary has launched a PR offensive to revive his falling influence. Too late. The Democrats should be equally embarrassed. In September their leaders in Congress rushed to embrace the Paulson solution, no hard questions asked. They now claim they were duped...

The trouble with bailouts

by Joe Scarlett


In the old days bank robbers went to jail. Today, the bankers and the robbers are one and the same, and they are being rewarded for incompetence with huge bags of extra money, courtesy of us taxpayers. We have centuries of history that prove that markets don’t go up forever. Bankers, more than almost any other group, should know this and if they do not, they should not be bankers. When bankers give mortgages to those who obviously can’t repay, there is a serious shortage of basic common sense (or maybe just plain stupidity) as well as a lack of financial responsibility to stockholders and customers. When you look at today’s banking and real estate crisis, it is clear to even the least sophisticated among us that common sense has been lacking and basic ethics are out the window...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp$700

Neuer Börsensturz und die Angst vor der Deflation

Die Lebenshaltungskosten in den USA sind im Oktober um 1% gefallen, so stark wie seit 1947 nicht mehr.

Wann kommt die Große Depression?

Die US-Ökonomen Roubini und Farrell prognostizieren eine schwere Wirtschaftskrise und das Platzen der US-Staatsverschuldungsblase.

US-Iraq security pact may be in violation, Congress is told

Passage of the US-Iraq security pact under the terms both countries' leaders have advocated could violate the constitutions of both countries, specialists told a congressional subcommittee yesterday. - They instead pressed for an extension of the United Nations mandate authorizing US troop involvement in Iraq, which expires Dec. 31.

Iraqis hold protest against US pact

Thousands of followers of Muqtada al-Sadr, a prominent Shia leader, have protested in central Baghdad against a security pact with the United States.

Mahdi Army warns of new insurgency in Iraq if US troops stay until 2011

At one point the effigy of the outgoing US President, dressed in a black suit and carrying a suitcase labelled "security agreement", was hoisted up a parapet where the Saddam statue once stood in Firdous Square.

Iraq war illegal, bring on the trial

A senior British law lord, former Lord Chief Justice Lord Bingham, stated yesterday in a speech at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London that the decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003 was "a serious violation of international law".

From Information Clearing House

US 'dark side' raised in Pakistani scientist case

The 'dark side' of US counter-terrorism took center stage Wednesday in the case of a mentally ill Pakistani woman accused of attacking US officers in Afghanistan.

From Information Clearing House

Moderation in the Pursuit of Justice Is No Virtue

By Joseph L. Galloway

With two months still to go before his inauguration as the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama and his transition team are already getting off on the wrong foot, signaling that they have no intention of investigating anyone in the Bush administration for possible war crimes.

Secrets Of The CIA


These are the stories of former agents who dared to break away from the CIA.

How Bush Tried to Bring Down Evo Morales

Orchestrating a Civic Coup in Bolivia


Observers of U.S.-Latin American policy tend to view the crisis in U.S.-Bolivian relations as due to a policy of neglect and ineptness toward Latin America because of U.S. involvement in the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. In fact, the Bolivia coup attempt was a conscious policy rooted in U.S. hostility toward Morales, his political party the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) and the social movements that are aligned with him.

Children Dying in Haiti, Victims of Food Crisis

Long live Haiti!

Famine in Haiti Made In The U.S.A

By G. Dunkel

In Baie d'Orange, a community of 20,000 associated with the municipality of Belle-Anse in southeast Haiti, 16 children and two adults died from hunger in the last week of October. Pierre Antoine Diléné, a doctor working in Belle-Anse, confirmed the deaths and emphasized that many were also suffering from dysentery, fevers and skin diseases.


Children Dying in Haiti, Victims of Food Crisis

Jonathan M. Katz, The Associated Press: "The 5-year-old teetered on broomstick legs - he weighed less than 20 pounds, even after days of drinking enriched milk. Nearby, a 4-year-old girl hung from a strap attached to a scale, her wide eyes lifeless, her emaciated arms dangling weakly. In pockets of Haiti accessible only by donkey or foot, children are dying of malnutrition - their already meager food supply cut by a series of devastating storms that destroyed crops, wiped out livestock and sent food prices spiraling."

This Is Our Brave New World?

Confront the Delusions

By Jim Kirwan

In an age of images and entertainment, in an age of instant emotional gratification, we do not seek or want honesty. We ask to be indulged and entertained by clichés, stereotypes and mythic narratives that tell us we can be whomever we want to be, that we live in the greatest country on Earth, that we are endowed with superior moral and physical qualities and that our glorious future is preordained.

Obama and the Great Depression

By Mickey Z.

No, I don't mean that Great Depression. I'm talking about the inevitable moment-maybe next week, maybe next year-when the Kool Aid wears off and the Obamatrons wake up to realize their hero offers nothing even approximating hope or change.

This Is Not A Normal Recession

Moving on to Plan B

By Mike Whitney

The global economy is being sucked into a black hole and most Americans have no idea why. The whole problem can be narrowed down to two words; "structured finance".

Was bedeutet die Anschlagserie gegen soziale Aktivisten? - Crimes against Justice: Who Stands to Gain?

Die verschiedenen Versuche der letzten Tage, den Fordgewerkschafter Etmanov zu überfallen hatten wir auch im LabourNet bereits berichtet - er ist aber nicht das einzige Ziel: Eine ganze Reihe sozialer Aktivisten wurden innerhalb kürzester Frist überfallen, bedroht und verfolgt: Ein heißer November gegen soziale Bewegungen insgesamt. Gleich sechs Opfer der letzten Tage werden in dem Artikel "Crimes against Justice: Who Stands to Gain?" von Alexander Bikbov aufgezählt, den Chtodelat am 20. November 2008 in englischer Übersetzung publizierte. Er argumentiert darin, daß es sich nicht um eine zufällige Häufung handelt - und auch nicht um die übliche Einschüchterungstaktik der Behörden. Die Frage "Wem nützt es?" muß gestellt werden..:

Aus: LabourNet, 21. November 2008

How the Government Wrecked the Economy

Business Cycles, Not Our Fault

A Ron Paul Q&A

Council calls for change in planning process


21 November 2008 07:00

The chief planner at the Norfolk council at the centre of a row over a controversial mast plan has written to the government calling for a change in the planning process.

The Evening News last week called on O2 to scrap plans to build a mast in Reepham Road, Hellesdon, after it won planning consent by default due to a blunder by Broadland District Council.

Permission was granted for the mast after a letter sent to O2 by the council did not arrive quickly enough. Broadland has since changed its own procedures to ensure it could not happen again.

But Phil Kirby, the council's strategic director and chief planner, has now written to the Department of Communities and Local Government - the government office responsible - to change the law to prevent it happening at other local authorities.


Will Bush’s midnight rules be reversible?

Next-up News Nr 742

Rachel's News #986

The Need for Universal Registration

Sarah Massey, Project Vote: "America's system of voter registration, in which the responsibility is placed almost solely on individuals, took center stage in this election cycle. In the wake of historic interest in voting, and after months of controversy surrounding nonprofit registration drives, America's leaders, journalists, and voting rights experts are calling for a new registration system that reduces the need for third-party registration drives and shifts responsibility from the individual to government."

The Pentagon's Argument of Last Resort on Iraq

Tom Engelhardt, "It's the ultimate argument, the final bastion against withdrawal, and over these last years, the Bush administration has made sure it would have plenty of heft. Ironically, its strength lies in the fact that it has nothing to do with the vicissitudes of Iraqi politics, the relative power of Shiites or Sunnis, the influence of Iran, or even the riptides of war. It really doesn't matter what Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki or oppositional cleric Muqtada al-Sadr think about it. In fact, it's an argument that has nothing to do with Iraq and everything to do with us, with the American way of war (and life), which makes it almost unassailable."

Judge Orders Five Detainees Freed From Guantanamo

William Glaberson, The New York Times: "In the first hearing on the government's justification for holding detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, a federal judge ruled Thursday that five Algerian men were held unlawfully for nearly seven years and ordered their release."


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