Freitag, 22. August 2008

Ohio Voting Machines Contained Programming Error That Dropped Votes

Mary Pat Flaherty, The Washington Post: "A voting system used in 34 states contains a critical programming error that can cause votes to be dropped while being electronically transferred from memory cards to a central tallying point, the manufacturer acknowledges. The problem was identified after complaints from Ohio elections officials following the March primary there, but the logic error that is the root of the problem has been part of the software for 10 years, said Chris Riggall, a spokesman for Premier Election Solutions, formerly known as Diebold."

Nach Röstel und Schlauch nun auch Ex-Energieexpertin der Grünen Hustedt mit Posten bei Atomkonzern

Die ehemalige Vorstandssprecherin der Grünen, Gunda Röstel, wechselte im September 2000, gleich nach dem so genannten "Atomkonsens" der rot-grünen Bundesregierung mit der Atomindustrie, in die Energiewirtschaft. Sie erhielt einen Managerposten bei der damaligen E.On-Tochter Gelsenwasser. Der Atomkraftwerksbetreiber E.On war zufrieden mit dem so genannten Atomausstieg vom Sommer 2000, weil mit dem Bau von Standort-Zwischenlagern die befürchtete "Verstopfung" der Atomkraftwerke mit Atommüll vom Tisch war und ein langjähriger, störungsfreier Weiterbetrieb der Atomkraftwerke zugesichert worden war. Der einstige grüne Spitzenpolitiker Rezzo Schlauch, zuletzt Staatssekretär im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium, wurde am 1. Oktober 2005 in den Beirat des Atomkraftwerksbetreibers EnBW berufen. Nun erhielt die frühere Grünen-Energieexpertin Michaele Hustedt einen Posten bei einer Tochtergesellschaft des Kohle- und Atomkraftwerksbetreibers RWE. Hustedt war maßgeblich am "Atomkonsens" mit de r Atomindustrie beteiligt. Atomkraftgegner kritisieren derartige Wechsel aus der Politik in die Privatwirtschaft vielfach als "nachgelagerte Bestechnung". Sie unterstellen, es handele sich um die Belohnung für vorherige politische Entscheidungen im Sinne des betreffenden Unternehmens oder der Branche. Hustedt, die von 1994 bis 2005 dem Bundestag angehörte, verteidigt sich nun gegen Kritik. Sie sei lediglich in den Beirat der Ökostrom-Tochter des Atomkonzerns, RWE Innogy, berufen worden. Auch Röstel erhielt ihren Managerposten nicht direkt bei der Atomtochter von E.On, sondern nur bei der Gelsenwasser AG, die sich mit Trinkwasser, Abwasser, Erdgas und Dienstleistungen beschäftigt.

Bald 50.000 "Hartz IV"-Klagen in der Hauptstadt

Berlin stockt wegen "Hartz-IV"-Klagen Zahl der Sozialrichter auf

Wegen der anhaltend hohen Zahl an Klagen von "Hartz IV"-Empfängern will Berlins Justizsenatorin Gisela von der Aue (SPD) das Berliner Sozialgericht verstärken. "Wir werden 40 zusätzliche Richterstellen möglichst schon ab nächstem Jahr zu den bisher 85 Sozialrichtern beantragen", sagte die Justizsenatorin dem "Tagesspiegel". Dazu solle dieselbe Anzahl an Rechtspflegern kommen. "Wir können uns da keinen Flaschenhals erlauben, in dem die Klagen hängenbleiben", unterstrich von der Aue. An Deutschlands größtem Sozialgericht wird voraussichtlich in der kommenden Woche die 50.000. Klage im Zusammenhang mit den von der rot-grünen Bundesregierung beschlossenen "Hartz IV"-Regelungen.

Residents give phone masts a poor reception

Residents give phone mast a poor reception

Wiltshire Times - UK

By Charley Morgan

A GROUP of residents are protesting over plans to install a mobile phone mast just metres from their homes. Vodafone has submitted an ...

Town could be 'flooded' with phone masts

Bexhill Observer - UK

ANOTHER mobile phone mast could be put up in Seaford, sparking fears the town will be 'flooded' with them. Vodafone wants to erect a 10m telegraph pole at ...

Anger at move to erect 17.5m mobile phone mast

Lancashire Evening Post - Preston, England, UK

A massive telephone mast which would tower over trees and lamp posts could be set to become the sixth to go up in Preston. Mobile phone giant O2 wants to ...


----- Original Message -----
From: Angela Ashurst
To: Geoff Williams
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: Message For Geoff - Latest Mast News

Brilliant news Geoff!

Ang and John

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Williams
Sent: Friday 22 August 2008 12:48 PM
Subject: Fw: Message For Geoff - Latest Mast News

All Recipients

This is a major breakthrough and a great success after a long fight with the School Governor's and the Lancashire County Council.We are now more optimistic that a similar decision can be taken in regard to the Slaidburn Crescent mast installation. We would like our local Councillors to renew their efforts in the fight to rid us of this mast which is having an adverse effect on our well being. Perhaps we can expect at least a review and confirmation from Sefton Council that they propose to take appropriate action.We look to Cllr Tattersall to take leadership on this important issue.

Geoff Williams

----- Original Message -----
From: John OHanlon
To: Geoff Williams
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 11:09 AM
Subject: Message For Geoff

Hi Geoff, success at last!

Tarleton High School have cancelled their contract with Orange and the masts have been removed.

Well Done!

Just need to get the Slaidburn mast down now.....


John O'Hanlon

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Betreibt die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) Datenschnüffelei bei Hartz IV Empfängern?

Wer einmal seinen eigenen Namen in die Google Suchmaschine eingegeben hat, ist sicher schon auf der Personensuchmaschine "Yasni" gelandet. Diese listet dann alle Ergebnisse des eingegebenen Namen auf. Bei Namen wie "Thomas Müller" wird man mit Sicherheit auf eine Vielzahl von Einträgen stoßen, die nichts mit der eigenen Person zu tun haben. Bei eher seltenen Namen kann man jedoch schnell fündig werden. So listet "Yasni" dann alle öffentlich zugänglichen Online Aktivitäten auf, bei denen man seinen Namen hinterlassen hat.

Lesen Sie weiter:ür+Arbeitänger

NATO, Georgia and Russia

Rebirth of Reason
by Tibor R. Machan


The pacifist impulse is not a strong one within the current Russian leadership which is mostly made up of but barely reformed ex-Soviets. Unless Russian leaders become less bent on physically ruling the region and firmly, credibly commit to co-existence with their vulnerable neighbors, the NATO option simply cannot be discounted. Some kind of security measure will have to be available to these countries and arguably any will irk the Russians. And Mr. Friedman, who is an educated individual concerning geo-political matters, ought to know this and provide his commentary on the recent Russian v. Georgian conflict in that light. In short, what advice does he have for leaders of countries like the Republic of Georgia given the evident aggressiveness of Russia?

US role in Georgia crisis cannot be ignored

by Stephen Zunes


The international condemnation of Russian aggression against Georgia — and the concomitant assaults by Abkhazians and South Ossetians against ethnic Georgians within their territories — is in large part appropriate. But the self-righteous posturing coming out of Washington should be tempered by a sober recognition of the ways in which the United States has contributed to the crisis. It has been nearly impossible to even broach this subject of the U.S. role. Much of the mainstream media coverage and statements by American political leaders of both major parties has in many respects resembled the anti-Russian hysterics of the Cold War. It is striking how quickly forgotten is the fact that the U.S.-backed Georgian military started the war when it brutally assaulted the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali in an attempt to regain direct control of the autonomous region...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Georgia Was Tricked, But By Russia Or US?

By Ian Bell

As an economically embattled US flails after former glories, it fashions Nato into a blunt instrument. Whatever the organisation's purpose during the Cold War, it currently stands revealed as an expeditionary force on behalf of Washington's interests. That is not a useful development for Nato, Europe, America or the world.

NATO using aid as 'cover' for Black Sea build-up: Russia

"Under the cover of needing to deliver humanitarian goods, NATO countries continue to boost their naval grouping," Anatoly Nogovitsyn, deputy chief of general staff, told a news conference in Moscow.

Senator back from Georgia wants tough action against Russia

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Friday that his visit to Georgia, Ukraine and Poland, at Sen. John McCain's behest, persuaded him that the United States and its allies must take tough steps to prevent further Russian military aggression against its smaller neighbors.

The proof that Russia is digging in deep in the heart of Georgia

Luke Harding watches Russian soldiers constructing trenches near the port of Poti, suggesting they are going nowhere fast.

Double Standards on Russia-Kosovo

Russia, Georgia, and the Kosovo Connection

By J. Victor Marshall

"By selectively turning principles into propagandist slogans for scoring points, the United States no longer occupies the political high ground. Washington's lectures sound like hectoring, not sincere admonitions that could sway international public opinion and restrain Russian actions."

Russia warns U.S. naval build-up may lead to war and accuses America of shipping arms to Georgia

Tensions between Russia and the West were ratcheted even higher today after Moscow warned that the American naval build-up in the Black Sea could be seen as a 'declaration of war'.

Georgia War Shows 'Weak' Russia, U.S. Official Says

"Russia is going to have to come to terms with the reality it can either integrate with the world or it can be a self-isolated bully. But it can't be both. And that's a choice Russia has to have," Fried said.

From Information Clearing House


Cheney trip to Georgia planned before crisis

Informant: Loring

Is an imperial presidency destroying what America stands for?

Bill Moyers sits down with history and international relations expert and former US Army Colonel Andrew J. Bacevich who identifies three major problems facing our democracy.

From Information Clearing House

Bush: "It would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines"

The Romantic and the Realist

By Kelly Anspaugh

Recently, while discussing the state of the war in Afghanistan with military personnel, President Bush remarked, "I must say, I'm a little envious. If I were slightly younger . . . I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed. . . . It must be exciting for you ... in some ways romantic, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks."

McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft

'I Don't Disagree'

By Think Progress

At a town hall meeting, an audience member praised Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his vow to "follow bin Laden to the gates of hell." After a long question about veterans' care, the questioner said she believed we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain seemed to readily agree.

Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain: Fellow POW

By Phillip Butler

I can verify that John has an infamous reputation for being a hot head. He has a quick and explosive temper that many have experienced first hand. Folks, quite honestly that is not the finger I want next to that red button.

At JFK Airport, Denying Basic Rights Is Just Another Day at the Office

By Emily Feder

I was recently stopped by Homeland Security as I was returning from a trip to Syria. What I saw in the hours that followed shocked and disturbed me.

FBI May Start Spying On Americans "Without Any Basis For Suspicion"

New Guidelines Would Give F.B.I. Broader Powers


A Justice Department plan would loosen restrictions on the Federal Bureau of Investigation to allow agents to open a national security or criminal investigation against someone without any clear basis for suspicion, Democratic lawmakers briefed on the details said Wednesday.


A New Rush to Spy

The New York Times: "There is apparently no limit to the Bush administration's desire to invade Americans' privacy in the name of national security. According to members of Congress, Attorney General Michael Mukasey is preparing to give the F.B.I. broad new authority to investigate Americans - without any clear basis for suspicion that they are committing a crime. Opening the door to sweeping investigations of this kind would be an invitation to the government to spy on people based on their race, religion or political activities. Before Mr. Mukasey goes any further, Congress should insist that the guidelines be fully vetted, and it should make certain that they do not pose a further threat to Americans' civil liberties."

Georgian Crisis Is a Trap for U.S. Leadership

By Fyodor Lukyanov

This may sound strange, since most people consider U.S. President George W. Bush's foreign policy to be extremely ideological. After all, the global advancement of democracy has been his principal credo for nearly eight years. In practice, however, exporting democracy is less an ideology than it is realpolitik at its core -- an instrument for attaining geopolitical dominance around the globe.

Bush to Putin, "Get out now!". Putin to Bush, "Nyet!"

By Mike Whitney

Bush isn't going to send American troops in South Ossetia. No way. This is a man who won't peep his head out of the White House without 8,000 armed guards shadowing his every move and a small squadron of Apache Helicopters flying overhead. A guy like that isn't about to take on the Russian army. Forget about it. Bush will do all his fighting from the safety of the Executive Media Center where he can duck behind the Presidential podium if a car backfires on Pennsylvania Ave. That's his kind of fighting.

Russia's Success in Caucasus is Bad News for Washington


Moscow has demonstrated to Washington that it remains master of its destiny; that it remains unafraid of the hyper-power of the United States, which is allied to Georgia. The Russians did not hesitate to point out that the U.S. administration of President George W. Bush has no moral lessons whatsoever to give to Russia.

Putin Can't Afford to Back Down

By Mike Whitney

The last thing Putin wants is a nuclear standoff with the United States. But he will not shirk from his responsibilities either. If the Missile Defense system is deployed, Putin will be forced to raise the stakes and send warplanes over the construction site. That is the logical first-step that any responsible leader would take before removing the site altogether.

Clash in the Caucasus: Rolling Back The "Unipolar" World

By Mike Whitney

The battle-lines have been drawn, the fleet has been deployed, and the armies are being moved into place.

The Puppet Masters Behind Georgia President Saakashvili

By F. William Engdahl

Mihkail Saakashvili was deliberately placed in power in one of the most sophisticated US regime change operations, using ostensibly private NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) to create an atmosphere of popular protest against the existing regime of former Soviet Foreign Minister Edouard Shevardnadze, who was no longer useful to Washington when he began to make a deal with Moscow over energy pipelines and privatizations.

The Saakashvili Experiment

By Ramzy Baroud

The fact is that Russia will fight to break away from the pro- US ring of former Soviet states that promise to undermine its influence in a Eurasia, and the US will do its utmost to maintain a level of tension, if not hostilities in the region, for without it neither a missile shield nor the 270 billion barrels of oil in the Caspian basin can be brought within Washington's reach.

The Pipeline Guardians: NATO, SCO

By Kostis Geropoulos

Washington has long hoped that the energy-rich Caspian region would help reduce Iran's role in the global oil market, diversify supplies away from Russia, and provide an alternative to Saudi Arabian oil. "

Danger grows of NATO-Russian clash in Black Sea

By Julie Hyland and Chris Marsden

Reports confirm that at least six NATO vessels are in the Black Sea, meaning that Russian warnings that warships from the western alliance now outnumber their own fleet anchored off the western coast of Georgia are not as far off the mark as is claimed.

Dancing With Chaos

Will a Russo-American Nuclear War Happen (Soon)?


So, is a new nuclear war possible? Let's muse on this. After all, the time necessary for rationality to work its good is only available before the shoot-out, or after the killing is done and the survivors are ready to move on to the burials.

Court Rules: British Security Services Colluded in Unlawful Detention of Terror Suspect

James Sturcke, The Guardian UK: "British security services colluded in the unlawful detention and facilitated the interrogation of a UK resident detained in Pakistan six years ago, the high court ruled today. Two judges ordered the foreign secretary to hand over to Binyam Mohamed's legal team secret information that could support his case that he was tortured in Pakistan and Morocco before being sent to Guantanamo Bay."

White House Missing as Many as 225 Days of E-Mail

Pete Yost, The Associated Press: "The White House is missing as many as 225 days of e-mail dating back to 2003 and there is little if any likelihood a recovery effort will be completed by the time the Bush administration leaves office, according to an internal White House draft document obtained by The Associated Press."

What’s Up With Them Russians?

The War Bubble: American War Economy


'America's Outrageous War Economy!'

Pentagon can't find $2.3 trillion, wasting trillions on 'national defense'

By Paul B. Farrell

Yes, America's economy is a war economy. Not a "manufacturing" economy. Not an "agricultural" economy. Nor a "service" economy. Not even a "consumer" economy.

Who is Randy Scheunemann?

Ron Paul: A Most Unusual Politician

Disarm: The Lesson of the Georgia Fiasco

Discussion about U.S. Voting Machine Flaws


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