Montag, 8. Oktober 2007

3G antennas in Israel are illegal

Bayerisches LKA belauscht angeblich Internet-Telefonate

Wenige Tage vor der Verhandlung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zu den Online-Durchsuchungen sorgt das angebliche Abhören von Internet-Telefonaten für Wirbel. Nach einem Bericht des "Spiegel" soll das bayerische Landeskriminalamt (LKA) seit dem Sommer in mehreren Fällen auf Computern von Verdächtigen Spähprogramme installiert haben, um Gespräche abzufangen. FDP-Generalsekretär Dirk Niebel sagte, Bayerns Innenminister Günther Beckstein (CSU) habe sich damit für sein neues Amt als bayerischer Ministerpräsident disqualifiziert.

Genmanipulierte Mäuse: Kritik an Medizin-Nobelpreis

Der Bundesverband Menschen für Tierrechte kritisiert die Vergabe des diesjährigen Nobelpreises für Medizin an drei Wissenschaftler, die ein Verfahren zur gezielten Genmanipulation von Mäusen entwickelt haben. Damit werde eine auf die Erbanlagen fixierte Medizin ausgezeichnet, die den Blick für den Menschen als ganzheitliches Wesen verliere. Die Tierschützer monieren, dass seit Jahren die Versuche mit genmanipulierten Mäusen ansteigen. Von 2000 bis 2005 habe ihre Zahl um über das Doppelte zugenommen. Ob dies kranken Menschen helfe, sei aber "äußerst fragwürdig".

Activists Stop GOP Election System Changes in CA

Carla Marinucci reports for The San Francisco Chronicle: "They called themselves 'The Lincoln Brigade.' Even as Democrats feared having to spend as much as $40 million for a bruising, bloody fight expected to drag on for months, this makeshift group of California Democratic operatives needed just weeks to pummel a Republican-funded push for a ballot measure that threatened to change the outcome of the 2008 presidential election."

The American Dream in Reverse

The editors of The New York Times write, "For the first time since the Carter administration, homeownership in the United States is set to decline over a president's tenure."

Blackwater Shootings "Murder," Iraq Says

James Glanz and Alissa J. Rubin report for The New York Times, "The Iraqi prime minister's office said Sunday that the government's investigation had determined that Blackwater USA private security guards who shot Iraqi civilians three weeks ago in a Baghdad square sprayed gunfire in nearly every direction, committed 'deliberate murder' and should be punished accordingly."

Iraqis Say Basra Quieter After British Troop Pullout

Aref Mohammed reports for Reuters UK, "Residents of Iraq's southern city of Basra have begun strolling riverfront streets again after four years of fear, their city much quieter since British troops withdrew from the grand Saddam Hussein-era Basra Palace."

Halliburton: The People vs. the Profiteers

David Rose reports for Vanity Fair: "Americans working in Iraq for Halliburton spin-off KBR have been outraged by the massive fraud they saw there. Dozens are suing the giant military contractor, on the taxpayers' behalf. Whose side is the Justice Department on?"

Arming Big Brother - In Europa entsteht ein sicherheitsindustrieller Komplex

Ben Hayes von der Bürgerrechtsorganisation Statewatch über das Zusammenwachsen von Polizei, Militär und Geheimdiensten, EU-Netzwerke von Datenbanken und der neuen Kooperation der westlichen Geheimdienste mit brutalen Regimes.


Ben Hayes' very important study for Statewatch "Arming Big Brother" (2006), 48 pages, was not listed.

Here's an URL for it.


USA/Iran: Neue Anschuldigungen und alte Drohungen

Dollar Could Collapse To Absolute Zero

Top Iraqis Pull Back From Key US Goal

Joshua Partlow, of The Washington Post, reports: "for much of this year, the US military strategy in Iraq has sought to reduce violence so that politicians could bring about national reconciliation, but several top Iraqi leaders say they have lost faith in that broad goal. Iraqi leaders argue that sectarian animosity is entrenched in the structure of their government. Instead of reconciliation, they now stress alternative and perhaps more attainable goals: streamlining the government bureaucracy, placing experienced technocrats in positions of authority and improving the dismal record of providing basic services."

War on Terror Is Fuelling al-Qaeda

Reuters reports: "six years after the September 11 attacks in the United States, the 'war on terror' is failing and instead fuelling an increase in support for extremist Islamist movements, a British think-tank said on Monday. A report by the Oxford Research Group (ORG) said a 'fundamental re-think is required' if the global terrorist network is to be rendered ineffective."

Pentagon Facilitating Christian Evangelism

Truthout's Jason Leopold, reports: "The Defense Department (DOD) allegedly provided two fundamentalist Christian organizations exclusive access to several military bases around the country. This access became official sanction for these groups to proselytize amid the ranks, despite the fact that such activities were in violation of federal law. The evangelical Christian groups have posted detailed instruction guides on their web site that advises its members about tactics to use to win over soldiers, or 'pre-Christians,' to evangelical Christianity when visiting military installations around the country."

Radioactive leak at nuclear plant worse than first feared

Schluss mit menschenunwürdiger Pflege

In deutschen Pflegeheimen wird die Würde der Menschen verletzt: Jede dritte bedürftige Person bekommt nicht einmal genug zu essen und zu trinken. Die Bundesregierung kann diese Katastrophe jetzt entschärfen: Fieberhaft arbeitet sie an einer Pflege-Reform.

Doch die Pläne der Politik sind enttäuschend - die Qualitätssünder unter den Pflegeanbietern machen ihren Einfluss geltend. Verleihen Sie nun jenen eine Stimme, die keine schlagkräftige Lobby besitzen: Fordern Sie die Verantwortlichen in der Großen Koalition auf, endlich für die Würde der Alten und Schwachen einzutreten!

Unterschreiben Sie den Appell an Gesundheitsministerin Schmidt und weitere Spitzenpolitiker/innen der Großen Koalition unter:

Online-Durchsuchung: 15.000 demonstrieren gegen Überwachungsstaat

Online-Durchsuchung: SPD ist standhaft

Anfang letzter Woche gingen die Koalitionsspitzen in der strittigen Frage der Online-Durchsuchung wieder ohne Einigung auseinander. Der öffentliche Druck scheint zu hoch zu sein, als dass sich die SPD ein Einknicken leisten könnte. Sie will das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zur Online-Durchsuchung abwarten. Anfang November möchte die Koalition erneut beraten. Die SPD darf auch dann nicht wackeln: Wir müssen weiter Druck machen!

Über 8.400 Menschen haben eine E-Card an die Koalitionsspitzen geschickt - doch wir wollen noch mehr werden! Helfen Sie uns?

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Online-Durchsuchung: 15.000 demonstrieren gegen Überwachungsstaat

Der Widerstand gegen die Online-Durchsuchung wächst: Vor zwei Wochen demonstrierten 15.000 Menschen in Berlin gegen die Überwachungspläne von Innenminister Schäuble - die größte Demonstration seit 20 Jahren für den Erhalt von Bürgerrechten. Viele Berliner Campact-Aktive verteilten auf der Demonstration Postkarten, die auf unsere E-Card-Aktion an Schäuble, Zypries und die Chefs der Koalitionsfraktionen hinwiesen.

Hier finden Sie Bilder von der Demonstration:Überwachungäuble

Are Americans Being Zapped?

Where are the Lawyers of America?

by Ralph Nader


The rogue regime of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney — so widely condemned for its unconstitutional, criminal Iraq war, its spying on Americans illegally, its repeated illegal torture practices, its arrests and imprisonment of thousands in this country without charges and its pathological secrecy and corporate corruption — still has not felt the heat of the 800,000 practicing lawyers and their many bar organizations. Lawyer jokes aside, the first defense outside of government against the rejection of due process, probable cause and habeas corpus should come from the officers of the courts — the attorneys of America. With few exceptions, they have flunked, asleep at the switch or loaded with excuses...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are presidents entitled to kill foreigners?

Future of Freedom Foundation
by James Bovard


What is the common term for ordering soldiers to kill vast numbers of innocent people? A war crime. But not when it is done on the command of the U.S. president. Killing innocent foreigners seems to be a perk of the modern presidency — akin to the band’s playing ‘Hail to the Chief’ when he enters the room...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A new “new majority” for GOP?

Human Events
by Pat Buchanan


So, are Republicans doomed to defeat in 2008? By no means. For the performance of the Congress and Democratic field of presidential hopefuls should be troubling to any Democrat with visions of winning back the White House. Congress has failed to end U.S. involvement in Iraq, or to contain the surge, or impose its formula for fighting the war, leaving the party base in sputtering, exasperated, impotent rage. Why has Congress failed? Because it is terrified of the possible consequences of imposing its policy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Ron Paul breakthrough

by Justin Raimondo

Ron Paul is breaking through. His call to return to the vision of the Founders, and the principles embodied in the Constitution, is piercing the wall of silence that surrounds the conduct of our disgraceful foreign policy. Andrea Mitchell proclaims him the new Howard Dean, network television takes note of his fundraising prowess and the resonance of his message, and then we have this very favorable piece on CNN, not to mention this, this, and this — all of which points to the appearance — or, rather, reappearance — of a resurgent political movement on the horizon: an anti-interventionist wing of the GOP. Commentators, including those who most definitely look on Paul’s success with a very jaundiced eye, are baffled. Why is this happening? How could a mere blip on the electoral screen, a man nobody thought was worth even a footnote in the story of this presidential campaign, suddenly catapult into prominence?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The presidential primary scam

by Michael Scherer


It’s far worse than you think — worse than hanging chads, faulty Diebold machines, and billionaires who bankroll last-minute attack ads. The American system for nominating a presidential candidate has about as much in common with actual democracy as Donald Duck has with a lake mallard. It’s not just that this year’s primaries have been further front-loaded, or that the early primary states aren’t representative of the nation at large. There is only passing fairness. There is only the semblance of order. There is nothing like equal representation under the law...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Repudiate the Bush Doctrine

by Michael S. Rozeff


Five years ago, President Bush enunciated the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. Atrocious as it is, it only extends earlier U.S. thinking and foreign interventions. … Neither does the Bush Doctrine stop with this Republican administration. Congress has heartily endorsed it and funded it. The Democratic leadership supports it. Hillary Clinton, the current front-runner in the Democratic Party by a wide margin, supports it. Obama timidly brought her support up in public. But he really touched only tangentially at the Bush Doctrine. He did not go for its heart or her jugular. He couldn’t because he himself earlier had left open the option of missile strikes against Iran. He too supports it. Furthermore, he could not clearly and strongly hang Hillary out to dry on her pronounced support of U.S. war-making because he is the front-runner to be her vice-presidential nominee...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq embassy costs soar amid delays



The massive U.S. embassy under construction in Baghdad could cost $144 million more than projected and will open months behind schedule because of poor planning, shoddy workmanship, internal disputes and last-minute changes sought by State Department officials, according to U.S. officials and a department document provided to Congress...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats Will Introduce Bill to Overhaul Bush's Spy Powers

Ellen Nakashima reports in Sunday's edition of The Washington Post that "House Democrats plan to introduce a bill this week that would let a secret court issue one-year 'umbrella' warrants to allow the government to intercept emails and phone calls of foreign targets, and would not require that surveillance of each person be approved individually."

Taxi zur Hölle

Arte am 8. Oktober 2007 um 20.45 Uhr

Der Dokumentarfilm des mehrfach ausgezeichneten Filmemachers Alex Gibney erzählt von der Verhaftung eines afghanischen Taxifahrers, der nach wenigen Tagen in US-Gewahrsam gewaltsam ums Leben kommt. Er dokumentiert die von der amerikanischen Regierung forcierte Einführung der Folter als Verhörmethode in US-Einrichtungen und fordert eindringlich die Einhaltung der Menschenrechte und der Genfer Konvention zur Behandlung von Kriegsgefangenen. Siehe dazu die Informationen bei Arte,broadcastingNum=758137,day=3,week=41,year=2007.html

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Stütze aus der gelben Tonne

„Tief greift er in die Tonne. Der Deckel lehnt an seinem Kopf. Er hebt sein rechtes Bein, verlängert so den linken Arm. Seine suchenden Finger schieben Plastikpackungen zur Seite. Es raschelt, klappert und ziept aus dem Inneren der gelben Tonne. Tüten reißen auf. Dann wird es still im Behälter. Und es taucht aus der Dunkelheit sein blonder Schopf hervor. In der Hand sein Fund: Eine leere Wasser-Flasche. Oder 25 Cent…“ Artikel von A. Wenglorz in der Frankfurter Rundschau vom 06.10.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Leiharbeit: »Rauskommen war schwieriger«

„Für die einen ist der Gang zum Sklavenhändler die einzige Chance, überhaupt irgendwo unterzukommen, weil sie eine Festanstellung nicht zu erwarten haben. Andere nutzen sie als Möglichkeit, nur zeitweilig zu arbeiten und trotzdem Hartz IV zu umgehen. Viele haben die Hoffnung, übernommen zu werden, und für manche funktioniert das auch. Wir haben mit ein paar Arbeitern Gespräche geführt, Auszüge daraus findet ihr im zweiten Teil. Drei Interviews sind kein Querschnitt durch die Leiharbeit, zumal es die typische Leiharbeiterin nicht gibt. Die Interviews geben stark subjektive Einschätzungen wieder und können nur einen Einblick vermitteln, wie sich die ArbeiterInnen in diesen Verhältnissen bewegen und wie sie diese prägen…“ Artikel in der Wildcat Nr. 79 vom Herbst 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Existenzsichernde Arbeit und öffentlich geförderte Beschäftigung statt Workfare

Der Antrag wurde mit Änderungen angenommen: „… ver.di fordert die Umwandlung der Arbeitsgelegenheiten in der Mehraufwandsvariante (so genannten 1-Euro-Jobs) in existenzsichernde, sozialversicherte, arbeitsrechtlich geschützte, tariflich vergütete Beschäftigungsverhältnisse. Die Mittel, die für die "1-Euro-Jobs" aufgewendet werden, sollen zur Finanzierung von öffentlich geförderten Beschäftigungsverhältnissen am sogen. 3. Arbeitsmarkt verwendet werden. Dabei soll die Eingliederung in den regulären Arbeitsmarkt (so genannten 1. Arbeitsmarkt) lediglich ein mögliches, aber kein grundsätzlich erforderliches Ziel sein….“ Als erledigt erklärt wurden dadurch die Anträge B 012, B 013, B 014, B 015, B 016, B 017, B 018, B 019, B 020, B 021, B 022, B 023, B 024, B 025, B 026, B 027, B 033 (Ziffer 2). Siehe alle Beschlüsse zu Beschäftigungs- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Den Druck weitergeben: Arbeiten fürs JobCenter

„Traditionell arbeiten viele Linke in der Sozialpädagogik. In letzter Zeit
wurden die Arbeitsbedingungen in diesem Bereich dermaßen verschlechtert,
dass die Beschäftigten ihren Entscheidungsspielraum stark eingeschränkt
sehen oder selbst einschränken. Viele machen heute Sachen, die für sie
früher unvorstellbar waren und sind daran beteiligt, den Zwang zur Arbeit
durchzusetzen. Wie verhalten sich die Leute, wenn die Illusion, sie
könnten Gutes tun, immer schwieriger aufrecht zu erhalten ist? Und was
bringt ihre KollegInnen vom Jobcenter dazu, Hartz IV übereifrig
umzusetzen?...“ . Artikel in der Wildcat Nr. 79 vom Herbst 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007

Mortgage Bloodshed Only Beginning

It is a shocking picture, which we believe has serious implications for our economy.

From Information Clearing House

"I am creating artificial life", declares US gene pioneer

Craig Venter, the controversial DNA researcher involved in the race to decipher the human genetic code, has built a synthetic chromosome out of laboratory chemicals and is poised to announce the creation of the first new artificial life form on Earth.

From Information Clearing House

The fallout from an attack on Iran would be devastating

The drumbeat of war in Washington is growing - and so must public pressure against British involvement in such folly.,,2184267,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The scandal of Blackwater

The only punishment doled out to US security men involved in deadly shootings is a jet home.,,2184933,00.html

From Information Clearing House

We Shoot They Run, If They Run, They Are Insurgents

This appears to be the new engagement strategy for the US Military in Iraq. And who said the surge isn't working? We're killing everyone in sight...

From Information Clearing House

Gulf funds drift away from dollar

Asset diversification by the Gulf sovereign wealth funds and the possibility that the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will change the pricing of oil from the dollar to another currency could mean more trouble for the dollar.

From Information Clearing House

"Operation Swarm": War without End against Iran

This enlightening article explains the manner in which War against Iran has been promoted in the West as well as the operative elements that will bring it about.

From Information Clearing House

Britain to back U.S. air strikes on Iran

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has agreed to support U.S. air strikes against Iran if the Islamic country orchestrates large-scale attacks by militants against British or American forces in Iraq, a British newspaper said on Sunday.

From Information Clearing House


UK Green Lights Iran Strike

S. Africa's silent war in Iraq

Apartheid-era hired guns drawn by money

From Information Clearing House

Attack on Iran: Morality Lost in the Garden of Deceits

By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

Cry "Havoc," and let slip the dogs of war (Julius Caesar Act III, Scene I). The call for war against Iran was issued by no other than Mr. Bernard Kouchner the foreign minister of France, a country with the motto of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. France the home of Voltaire and Rousseau is now calling for war against a country that has never threatened France or its neighbours.

UK 2017: Under Surveillance

By Neil Mackay

IT is a chilling, dystopian account of what Britain will look like 10 years from now: a world in which Fortress Britain uses fleets of tiny spy-planes to watch its citizens, of Minority Report-style pre-emptive justice, of an underclass trapped in sink-estate ghettos under constant state surveillance, of worker drones forced to take on the lifestyle and values of the mega-corporation they work for, and of the super-rich hiding out in gated communities constantly monitored by cameras and private security guards.

Inside France's Secret War

"I didn't believe America would ever do those things"

By Andrew Sullivan

I remember that my first response to the reports of abuse and torture at Guantanamo Bay was to accuse the accusers of exaggeration or deliberate deception. I didn't believe America would ever do those things. I'd also supported George W Bush in 2000, believed it necessary to give the president the benefit of the doubt in wartime, and knew Donald Rumsfeld as a friend.

The Columbus Myth

Danger Lurking in Flu Shots

by Greg Ciola

Did you know that the flu shot could contain anything from aluminum, formaldehyde, dangerous microorganisms, thimerosal (mercury), ethylene glycol, and other toxic adjuvants? In addition to these substances, the flu vaccine is prepared from the fluids of chicken embryos inoculated with the specific type (s) of influenza virus that supposedly protects against the strains federal health officials believe are most likely to be prevalent during the flu season........


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