Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2007

WiFi under the water

We all know that EMF are the worst thing in the Earth. Insects, in between bees, birds, butterflies, all collapse. People with EHS (f... appellation introduced by the WHO to create a category of people as they have a sickness problem...) are increasing all around the world. Within the 60'000 pages I've been reading the last 5 years, I collected the facts about the run aground of the whales. Only one time, I red that after an autopsy, there were some troubles with the liver of those aquatic mammiferous. But it seems also in some cases that they get lost too, because human technology, like underwater radar, sonar to detect submarines and very low frequencies used to detect the temperatures of the oceans became a pollution for them. Now, introducing WiFi under the water, as you can see at: will give an other catastrophic consequence in the marine's environnement, including other species. I repeat: we are in a real bad shape. I repeat: Mayday, mayday, mayday... Remember what I'm saying: it lefts less than 10 years to live for the humanity. God bless you All.

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA

Phone mast signals give me headaches

By Diana Pilkington

Mast of pain: Councillor David Dean says phone masts like the one behind give him terrible headaches WI14361

Modern technology is making life hell for one south London councillor, who suffers from a rare allergy to phone masts.

David Dean, a councillor for Merton's Trinity ward, gets crippling headaches, double vision and waves of nausea whenever he is within 50 metres of a phone mast or Wi-Fi router.

He suffers from electromagnetic sensitivity and puts his condition down to his unusually thin skull, which he says allows the electromagnetic waves to enter his body with ease.


The Coming Biofuels Disaster

Joe Brewer, research fellow at The Rockridge Institute reports on the dangers in the Bush administrations push to increase use of biofuels.

The CIA's Dirty Tricks from Then to Now

Rue89's Pierre Haski points out that the CIA's execution of dirty tricks is hardly ancient history ...

Fired Prosecutor Says Gonzales Pushed Death Penalty

Washington Post reporter Amy Goldstein writes, "Paul K. Charlton, one of nine US attorneys fired last year, told members of Congress yesterday that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales has been overzealous in ordering federal prosecutors to seek the death penalty, including in an Arizona murder case in which no body had been recovered."

What Paul Charlton Said in Our Interview

Jason Leopold of Truthout reports, "Paul Charlton, one of eight US attorneys fired last year under questionable circumstances, said an internal Justice Department probe to determine whether the dismissals were politically motivated may conclude that a special prosecutor needs to be appointed to further investigate the attorney firings."

Senator Leahy Seeks Probe of a Bush Judge

"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy on Wednesday sought a federal investigation into whether a White House lawyer turned appeals court judge testified truthfully to Congress about the Bush administration's detention policies for enemy combatants," according to a Reuters report by Thomas Ferraro.

SPD und Union planen Steuerfreiheit für "Heuschrecken"

Die vielfach als "Heuschrecken" kritisierten Private-Equity-Gesellschaften sollen nach den Plänen der Bundesregierung keine Steuern zahlen müssen. Eine solche Regelung werde abweichend von bisherigen Plänen im Referentenentwurf des Gesetzes zur Förderung von Private-Equity-Gesellschaften aufgenommen, berichtet die "Financial Times Deutschland" unter Berufung auf Kreise des Finanzministeriums. Demnach würden "Wagniskapitalgeber" steuerrechtlich mit Investmentfonds gleichgestellt, die ebenfalls von der Steuerpflicht befreit sind. Eine Reihe von Politikern und einstige Spitzenmanager sind inzwischen in das Netzwerk der Private-Equity-Gesellschaften eingebunden.

The Worst Tragedy of the Bush Presidency

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

On the domestic front, the Bush presidency leaves us with gargantuan growth of federal spending and meddling. Bush's obsession with spying on American citizens eclipses anything Nixon did or Clinton dreamed of doing. His Patriot Act is taken right out of the Nazi handbook, and his arrogance regarding constitutional accountability is unknown in America since at least the days of Abraham Lincoln.......

Gegen Gentechnik: Freie Bauern und Bürger AG

Wir sind noch nicht am Ziel, deshalb gilt weiterhin der Aufruf an alle: Informieren Sie sich selbst und unterstützen Sie das Anliegen vieler Landwirte in Ihrer Region durch Ihr Interesse und ihr Handeln, so dass die GMO-Fütterung auf NON GMO umgestellt wird. Ca. 80% der Bevölkerung lehnt Gentechnik auf ihren Tellern ab. Tun Sie das Ihrige, dass es auch in Zukunft so sein wird. Der Konsument bestimmt den Markt.

Eine Gentechnikfreie Anbau- und Fütterungszone ist eine deutliche Entscheidung in diese Richtung. Wir alle tragen die Verantwortung!

Abstimmung Gentechnik im ZDF

Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass wir uns mit allen Mitteln gegen die Genmanipulation wehren sollten. Jeder Bürger ist aufgefordert sich über dieses elementare Thema zu erkundigen. Wer sich zusätzlich informieren möchte, kann das unter folgendem Link tun und weiterverbreiten.

Durch Boykott von untern, haben es die Bauern geschafft, dass die Lagerhäuser den Genmais wieder aus den Silos entfernen mussten. Das ZDF macht momentan eine Abstimmung und fragt uns nach unserer Meinung. Wann ist das schon mal der Fall!

Bitte machen Sie mit - nur Anklicken, es dauert nicht länger als 1 Minute.,1872,5438150,00.html

(Rechts auf der Seite). Und leiten Sie den Link bitte weiter!

Bernd Uricher

Nachricht von Peter

Datenpannen bei der Bundeswehr und in Sachsen: Alles nicht so schlimm?

Von Daten- und Vertrauensverlusten


In Sachsen wurden angeblich weitere Geheimdienst-Akten vernichtet

Im sächsischen Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (LfV) wurden angeblich weitere Akten vernichtet. Wie am 27. Juni bekannt wurde, sollen dort bereits im Herbst 2006 Akten geschreddert worden sein. Nach Angaben der Parlamentarische Kontrollkommission (PKK), die für die Aufsicht des Geheimdienstes zuständig ist, wurden "in drei weiteren Fällen Zweitkopien von Unterlagen vernichtet". Die PKK erwarte, dass "dienst- und strafrechtliche Konsequenzen geprüft werden", hieß es in einer Mitteilung am späten Mittwochabend.

FDP und Linke glauben nicht an technische Panne bei Datenvernichtung

Das Mitglied des BND-Untersuchungsausschusses, Hellmut Königshaus (FDP), hält eine technische Panne bei der Vernichtung von Daten über Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr für unwahrscheinlich. Der Zeitpunkt der angeblichen Aktenvernichtung im Juli 2005, kurz vor der Abwahl der rot-grünen Bundesregierung, sei auffällig, sagte Königshaus am 27. Juni im "Deutschlandradio Kultur". Solche Vorfälle ereigneten sich "komischerweise immer dann, wenn die Daten, die dann angeblich verschwunden sind, eine besondere Bedeutung gewinnen." Die Linkspolitikerin Ulla Jelpke wirft der Regierung vor, extralegale Verschleppungen und Folterungen Unschuldiger vertuschen zu wollen. Zwischenzeitlich sollen Teile der Daten wieder aufgetaucht sein.

Surging Past The Gates Of Hell

by Tom Engelhardt,

As Bush claims progress in Iraq, income has plunged from $3,600 a year in 1980 to $400 now, and the dying continues.

US Image Abroad Still Sinking

"Consistent with its performance since at least 2002, the global image of the United States sank further over the past year, particularly among predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and Asia," reports Jim Lobe of Inter Press Service. "Its standing among its Western European allies, most of Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, as well as the Islamic world and most of Asia, including China, has continued to fall."

Even in Agreement, Scalia Puts Roberts to Lash

"It's not every day that one Supreme Court justice, even one as rhetorically unrestrained as Justice Antonin Scalia, characterizes another justice, let alone the chief justice of the United States, as a wimp and a hypocrite," writes Linda Greenhouse of The New York Times. "Yet Justice Scalia did something very close to that, not once but twice, in separate opinions on Monday. As a result, he has served to lift the curtain a bit on the differences within the powerful five-justice conservative bloc that has marched in lock step through much of the term, bent on reshaping the law and, in several important areas, well on the way toward doing so."


Bong Hits For Roberts

The Roberts court continues its unbroken streak of upholding and extending authority.

Gore Would Win New Hampshire

"A New Hampshire presidential poll by WHDH-TV and Suffolk University shows that local Democrats prefer Al Gore to any of the current contenders," writes The Union Leader. Hillary Clinton now has a strong lead over other Democratic candidates, but Gore would lead if he entered the race.

Wasteful Government Spending at All-Time High

"The US government has committed to spend a record-high $1.1 trillion with companies holding government contracts 'plagued by waste, fraud, abuse or mismanagement,' according to a new report by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee," reports ABC News.

Debate Over Habeas Corpus Looms in Congress

William Fisher reports for Truthout: "Sometime this summer, Congress will again address the question of whether 'war-on-terror' prisoners should have access to federal courts to question the basis for their detention. The debate promises to be as bitterly contentious as the current battles over immigration and Iraq, and raises the question of whether wafer-thin Democratic House and Senate majorities can muster enough votes to override a likely presidential veto."

No to GMOs, No to GM Science

ISIS Press Release 28/06/07

No to GMOs, No to GM Science

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho exposes the scandals of GM science that promotes GM crops in the face of damning evidence for health and the environment, and warns that further indulgence in GMOs will severely damage our chances of surviving global warming

Briefing to European Parliament, Scientists for a GM Free Europe, 12th June 2007

On first encountering GM science

I am a scientist who loves science, and would have happily remained an ivory tower academic had I not met some remarkable people in 1994, among them Martin Khor, director of the Third World Network, who persuaded me to look into genetic engineering biotechnology, which they saw as a special threat to poor farmers in the Third World. GM crops were looming large on the world horizon, promising to deliver miracle crops that would boost yield to feed the world, improve nutrition, and clean up and protect the environment. Monsanto’s Flavr Savr tomato, the first GM crop, had just been commercialised, though it turned out to be a complete flop.

All the signs were already there that the dream would turn into nightmare. Naively, I thought that if the public and the policy-makers were informed of the problems and dangers, everything would be fine and I could go back to my lab. But that was when I encountered GM science. I don’t just mean the science behind GM, which is bad enough, but also genetically modified science, science modified at source to mislead the public and policy-makers for the benefit of the biotech corporations.

Read the rest of this article here or examine other articles on biotechnology here

Kritik an Köhler wegen Sponsoring

Ecology is the radical science and the key to the Earth's and your survival

Earth Meanders -- A series of personal essays by Dr. Glen Barry

June 28, 2007

Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and their physical environment. Sounds deceptively simple and non-threatening to the status quo, but I contend that growing ecological knowledge and re-understanding of humanity's place within the web of life is one of the most radical and potentially transformative notions ever. Awareness of humanity's utter dependence upon ecosystems and the biosphere, found in the relatively new discipline of modern ecology, has coincided with a period of unprecedented ecological destruction. Ecology may provide the only truthful answers regarding how to save the Earth and ourselves.

Ecology is a radical science that calls into question the meaning of life and the manner with which we live. We largely know how the Earth works, enough to know that it provides humanity and other creatures with their only known habitat. It is understood that the Earth System, or Gaia, can be conceptualized accurately as a self-regulating organism; and that various sub-systems such as climate and forests are in perilous decline threatening global cycling of energy and nutrients upon which all life depends. It is known with startling detail that humanity is dismantling terrestrial ecosystems, pumping too much waste into the atmosphere, and seriously stressing aquatic and marine environments.

Despite an endless stream of ecological science that indicates the Earth's biosphere is being devoured for a few generations of gluttonous consumption, nary a few are able to shake off the cognitive dissonance of paying the mortgage while fully integrating and assimilating the implications of modern ecocide that fills the news each day. The man-ape with opposable thumbs has come full circle -- from indigenous peoples staring in awe at the stars around a campfire, utterly dependent upon local ecosystems for sustenance; to technologically advanced, yet ecologically challenged societies, grappling to come to terms with our oneness with all of being. Yet there exists a powerful new eco-movement that acknowledges all of the exciting yet frightening implications of these truthful observations and calls for dramatic personal change and social reform to avert global ecological collapse.

The emerging field of political ecology -- of which I am a practitioner -- seeks ecologically based policies and strategies to reconnect the human project with requirements for sustaining land, air, water and oceans. Ecological requirements for Planetary sustainability mean nothing is sacrosanct in the human sphere of existence -- not cars, or cities or the right to bear young -- as the global ecological system is failing under the weight of humanity. New light bulbs and hybrid cars are simply not enough. To survive we need to limit our numbers, consumption and ecological impacts; as we work to protect and restore Gaia.

Perhaps no one is more threatened by this new bright green paradigm than the career environmental bureaucrat seeking technological, managerial approaches to stem the tide of environmental loss. Political ecology concerns itself with ecological requirements for global ecological sustainability, and a radical, transformative political agenda for its achievement; not with inadequate, puny half-measures.

Ecology integrates the sum total of knowledge regarding creation and humanity. There can be no economy, culture or society without a fully functioning Earth. Humans are but one species that have evolved to live here. The ecology of the Earth System explains not only what the Earth and her creatures are and do, but where they are heading. As the discipline that best explains being, it is natural that we turn to ecology to address the myriad of environmental and social concerns facing the planet.

Humans are rapidly becoming an endangered species, one amongst many, in a post-modern era of human decay and ecological collapse. What a depauperate world we are creating. Will we tell our children of long-lost skiing and elephants as we collapse into tribal barbarism and eke out subsistence existences? Or will the future be one of enlightened cooperativeness, voluntary simplicity and global ecological sustainability (which I believe by necessity require just, equitable, and free societies).

There can be no more satisfying life than one filled with service to the Earth. I urge each of you to live every day with the Earth's needs in mind. And I challenge you to broaden your sphere of love to include other creatures, those humans that are less fortunate, and the Earth habitat we share. Shake yourself and your family, friends and neighbors from your deadly slumber and commit to progressive social and ecological change. Find you way home to Gaia.

Anger over phone mast plans

RESIDENTS in Yate are up in arms over proposals for a third mobile phone mast on a road being dubbed 'Phone Mast Alley'.

Phone company Three has applied to put up a 12.5 metre high mast on Rodford Way as part of a controversial 'site sharing scheme'.


Bestandsaufnahme der Nicht-Betreuung von Arbeitslosen

Experiments in Terror. Zwangs-Leistungs-Träger

Beitrag von Michael Schumacher vom Juni 2007 (pdf) zum dem Nicht-System der Zwangs-Leistungsträger (Argen und Optionskommunen). Es handelt sich hierbei um eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme der Nicht-Betreuung von Arbeitslosen, speziell im Rechtskreis SGB II und den Zwang der auf sie ausgeübt wird, damit sie gehorsam sind.

Petition zur "Arbeitnehmerüberlassung: Zeitliche Begrenzung der Leiharbeit"

Öffentliche Petition an den Bundestag der IG Metall Dresden - Abschlusstermin für die Mitzeichnung: Montag, 6. August 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 28. Juni 2007überlassung

Die Tricks der Unternehmen: Arbeiten auf Probe

„Viele Arbeitslose sind froh, wenn sie eine Trainingsmaßnahme von der Arge finanziert bekommen. Aber oft werden die Arbeitssuchenden von den Unternehmen nur ausgenutzt. Bauen und dabei noch Geld sparen. Und zwar über 100.000 Euro. Das geht in Deutschland - ganz legal. Wenn die Leute von der Arbeitsagentur geschickt werden…“ Manuskript des Beitrages von Anett Wundrak und Birgit Mittwoch in der Sendung exakt des MDR vom 26.06.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 28. Juni 2007

Taxpayers lose, Halliburton gains

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Impeach Cheney

Watch the video

Sign the petition


Impeach Cheney

by Bruce Fein


Under Dick Cheney, the office of the vice president has been transformed from a tiny acorn into an unprecedented giant oak. In grasping and exercising presidential powers, Cheney has dulled political accountability and concocted theories for evading the law and Constitution that would have embarrassed King George III. The most recent invention we know of is the vice president’s insistence that an executive order governing the handling of classified information in the executive branch does not reach his office because he also serves as president of the Senate. In other words, the vice president is a unique legislative-executive creature standing above and beyond the Constitution. The House judiciary committee should commence an impeachment inquiry. As Alexander Hamilton advised in the Federalist Papers, an impeachable offense is a political crime against the nation. Cheney’s multiple crimes against the Constitution clearly qualify...

Legislator Cheney

Liberty & Power
by Roderick T. Long


Dick Cheney’s claim that he is not part of the executive branch is silly, but his argument for that conclusion is worth addressing. Cheney claims that the Vice-Presidency is unique in embodying both executive and legislative functions (the latter being his Presidency of the Senate with the right to cast tie-breaking votes), thus belonging strictly to neither branch. What’s wrong with this argument is that there’s nothing unique about the Vice-Presidency in this respect. The President, for example, has the right to veto legislation; why doesn’t that count as his likewise exercising a legislative function? The President also appoints the members of the Supreme Court; does this mean he exercises judicial functions too?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US govt appeals enemy-combatant ruling

Fargo Forum


National security will be jeopardized if the Bush administration is not allowed to indefinitely hold suspected terrorists as enemy combatants inside the U.S., the Justice Department said Wednesday in appealing a court’s ruling against the tactic. The administration asked the full 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider a three-judge panel’s ruling that the government should charge Ali al-Marri, a legal U.S. resident and the only suspected enemy combatant on American soil, or release him from military custody...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Climate changes are pushing rain forests to the point of no return

Informant: Teresa Binstock

The Warming Globe and Us

Informant: Scott Munson

Worthy Goal of Flawed Bill: Aiding Unions

David Leonhardt writes: "Yesterday [the] Senate vote[d] on a union organizing bill. For years, union leaders have been pushing for a law that would make it easier for them to organize new members, and with the Democrats back in control of Congress, the House passed such a bill in March. The measure would have increased the penalties against companies that used illegal tactics to keep out unions."

Cheney and the Klamath: Leaving No Tracks

Washington Post reporters Jo Becker and Barton Gellman investigate the Klamath case, "one of many in which the vice president took on a decisive role to undercut long-standing environmental regulations for the benefit of business."

Foreclosing on America

"With US mortgages entering foreclosure at a record pace, what does it mean for ordinary Americans?" asks Bill Moyers Journal.

How to Stop Our Political and Economic Systems From Stealing Our Future

Terrence McNally interviews Paul Hawken, "who has spent over a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. Hawken's new book, 'Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming,' explores the diversity of the movement, its ideas, strategies and hidden history."

Next-up News n°259

Suisse Diagnose-Funk et Radio Vatican

Les mails des internautes

Ron Paul on the IRS , the federal reserve, the plunge protection team and other interesting topics

From Information Clearing House

Why the Rich Get Richer: Booms Were Made to Go Bust

During the height of the real estate bubble, I wrote a column saying that the crash was coming and suggested selling any piece of real estate that was overpriced, questionable, or non-performing. As expected, I received angry replies. Today, I'm predicting the next crash, what I believe will cause it, and why it'll be a severe blow to the global economy. The signs are already here.

From Information Clearing House

Justice for Victims of Agent Orange

AGENT ORANGE, THE CHEMICAL, has killed, is still killing, and causing great suffering to over three million people in Vietnam. PLEASE HELP THEM BY SIGNING THIS PETITION.

From Information Clearing House

Portrait Of A Gitmo Propagandist

In 2004 the chief prosecutor for the Office of Military Commissions wrote a how-to guide for manipulating the media complete with a six-point plan, "Effective Engagement in the Public Opinion Arena: A Leadership Imperative in the Information Age" which he published in Air & Space Power, an official journal of the Air Force.

From Information Clearing House

Did you know there are plans to replace the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal?

Did you know that the United States still has some 10,000 nuclear weapons-each one far more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki? And that several thousand are on alert able to be launched within a matter of minutes? If the Bush administration gets its way, the United States will replace its entire arsenal with new warheads over the next two decades.

From Information Clearing House

Soviet-Era Weapons Handy for Taliban

While United States officials accuse Iran of arming a resurgent Taliban, officials here say the weapons are actually part of vast caches left behind by the Soviet army that fought a nine-year war in Afghanistan before withdrawing in 1988.

From Information Clearing House

Tony Blair's appointment as Middle East envoy risks wiping out whatever is left of Britain's standing in the Arab world

Adding insult to injury

How can Blair possibly be given this job?

Here is a politician who has failed in everything he has ever tried to do in the Middle East.

From Information Clearing House

IAF preparing for Iran strike

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has been training on long-range flights, including refueling in mid-flight, in preparation for potential strikes against Iranian nuclear targets.

From Information Clearing House

US Republicans reignite Iraq war debate

President George W. Bush's Iraq war policy suffered a second blow in as many days on Tuesday when another senior senator from his Republican party publicly called for U.S. troop withdrawals.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq's displacement crisis: the search for solutions

One in six Iraqis is displaced. After a conflict which has now lasted as long as the First World War over two million Iraqis are in exile and a further two million are internally displaced. Most refugees are in Syria and Jordan - which hosts the largest number of refugees per capita of any country on earth.

From Information Clearing House

Village disputes story of deadly attack

They say that of 16 guards, 11 were killed and five others injured - two of them seriously - when US helicopters fired rockets at them and then strafed them with heavy machinegun fire.

From Information Clearing House

Political Attention Deficit Disorder: New Psychiatric Condition


By Joel S. Hirschhorn

Nearly 80 percent of adult American citizens are unable to pay sustained attention to issues and problems associated with their government. They are unable to accept their responsibility as citizens, including their obligation to vote, read in-depth articles and books on political issues.

Informed Witness vs. Ignoramus

By John Hickman

California 46th District Republican Dana Rohrabacher's questioning of witnesses descended into a near-rant during an April 17, 2007 joint subcommittee hearing of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Although the subject of the hearing was extraordinary rendition Rohrabacher's harangue illustrates the flawed thinking that has made the entire "war on terror" such a misguided enterprise.

Candidate Hillary Does Iraq

By James Rothenberg

Hillary categorizes the situation in Iraq as "extraordinarily difficult". Maybe, but there is a solution although she wouldn't like it. She would find it "impossibly" difficult.

Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul continue to show themselves among the few in Congress with any integrity and backbone

Threat to world peace: The possibility of a US attack on Iran

Excerpts of presentation, Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference

By Prof. Peter Dale Scott

"I have been speaking in public for 60 years, but this is perhaps the most important topic I have ever spoken about." "I want to talk about the threat to world peace, and the possibility of a US attack, possibly a nuclear attack, on Iran."

A Republican 'surge' against Bush

From Our bill of rights

Desertification Is the End of Being

Climate Ark a project of Ecological Internet, Inc. -- Climate Ark Climate Change Portal -- Climate Change Newsfeed

June 27, 2007 OVERVIEW & COMMENTARY by Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet

A new study by United Nations University suggests climate change is making desertification [more] "the greatest environmental challenge of our times". They report that some 50 million people may be displaced within the next 10 years as a result of desertification [search], and that ultimately some one-third of the Planet's population is threatened by expanding deserts. The process of desertification is the ultimate end result of all poor environmental stewardship, a synthesis of climate change and land clearing, that quite literally makes the Earth a burning hell. They are not making much new land, so just exactly where will the natural resources, food and water come from to care for an increasingly urban world. Hello?! Is anyone home? Is there anybody in there? How many more reports on looming environmental catastrophe can be ignored without major loss of life and a severe decline in the complexity and habitability of the Earth? Are we so into our ipods and Paris Hilton that we can not see the Earth is dying? Climate change, water scarcity, over-fished oceans and desertification; to say nothing of AIDs, terrorism, militarism and poverty; threaten our very being. Yours. Your childrens. It is essential that policy and strategy to fight global threats are integrative, and willing to propose and implement actions that are up to the task of reversing monumental adverse trends. Fifty million people, driven from their land, because we refuse to stop wantonly procreating and consuming. I am stunned, shocked, dismayed (and yes deeply hurt) to read dispassionate accounts of the ecological foundation of being dismantled tree by tree, SUV by SUV. We shall learn to live differently with the Earth or we shall not live at all. Please forgive the emotions as I mourn the looming end of being, Eden turned to dust, by ignorance and vanity.


To comment:


ITEM #1 Title: Likely Spread of Deserts to Fertile Land Requires Quick Response, U.N. Report Says Source: Copyright 2007, New York Times Date: June 28, 2007 Byline: Elisabeth Rosenthal

Enough fertile land could turn into desert within the next generation to create an “environmental crisis of global proportions,” large-scale migrations and political instability in parts of Africa and Central Asia unless current trends are quickly stemmed, a new United Nations report concludes.

“The costs of desertification are large,” said Zafar Adeel of the United Nations University, who is based in Canada and is an author of the report, to be released Thursday.

“Already at the moment there are tens of millions of people on the move,” Dr. Adeel said in an interview. “There’s internal displacement. There’s international migration. There are a number of causes. But by and large, in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia this movement is triggered by degradation of land.”

The report’s authors say individual nations and international groups must collaborate to solve what has so far been an underrecognized crisis in the making, caused mainly by climate change. Water resources are overexploited because the poor have no other options, and climate change has exacerbated the cycle. Governments and wealthier countries must aid these populations to develop more sustainable livelihoods or suffer the consequences, the report says.

“Today, those migrants who are escaping dry lands are mostly moving around far from the developed world,” Janos Bogardi of the United Nations University in Bonn, Germany, a technical adviser on the report, said in an interview. “Those who end up on boats to Europe are the tip of an iceberg.”

Far more people move within their homeland, or to adjacent countries. Case studies have shown that up to 20 percent of Malians move to Ivory Coast in search of agricultural work during years of drought, for example. But as temperatures rise and desertification increases, such safer places may be overwhelmed.

“The numbers we now find alarming may explode in an uncontrollable way,” Dr. Bogardi said. “Because if you look at land use now and dry land, there is the potential that we are nearing a tipping point.”

The United Nations report estimates that 50 million people are at risk of displacement in the next 10 years if desertification is not checked. The report is a result of a United Nations- sponsored conference last December of 150 experts from 40 countries.

Experts say climate shifts are one of several converging stresses creating the raised vulnerability in dry areas. Others include population growth, diversion of rivers for irrigation and a lack of ability to store water from flooding rains to use when dry times come.

The report’s authors suggest that dry lands can be partly restored with vegetation that can be used to absorb some of the developed world’s carbon dioxide emissions. Developed countries might invest in programs to prevent conversion of dry land to desert to compensate for automobile and factory emissions, through emissions trading schemes like those in Europe, for example.

“The surface area is so large that even a bit of improved vegetation is going to make a significant contribution,” Dr. Adeel said. “So you’re addressing climate change and also creating a livelihood for people who are poor, so it’s a win-win situation.”

A recent study by Christian Aid, a charity based in Britain, found that 155 million people are currently displaced by conflicts, natural disasters and development. By 2050, an additional billion people may be forced to leave their homes because of climate change, said John Davison, the author of that report.

“All of our concerns here in Europe about immigration bypass the huge crisis that is already occurring in the developing world, which is already bad,” he said. “If you add climate change to the mix, there’s a danger of it spinning out of control.”

ITEM #2 Title: UN issues desertification warning Source: Copyright 2007, BBC Date: June 28, 2007 Byline: Matt McGrath

Tens of millions of people could be driven from their homes by encroaching deserts, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, a report says.

The study by the United Nations University suggests climate change is making desertification "the greatest environmental challenge of our times".

If action is not taken, the report warns that some 50 million people could be displaced within the next 10 years.

The study was produced by more than 200 experts from 25 countries.

Scarce resources

This report does not pull any punches - desertification is an environmental crisis of global proportions, it says, and one third of the Earth's population are potential victims of its creeping effect.

It says that the over-exploitation of land and unsustainable irrigation practices are making matters worse. Climate change was also a major factor degrading the soil.

The UN report suggests that new farming practices, such as encouraging forests in dry land areas, were simple measures that could remove more carbon from the atmosphere and also prevent the spread of deserts.

Zafar Adeel, the lead author of the report, said: "It says to dry land dwellers we need to provide alternative livelihoods - not the traditional cropping based on irrigation, cattle farming, etcetera - but rather introduce more innovative livelihoods which don't put pressure on the natural resources.

"Things like ecotourism or using solar energy to create other activities."

Some countries like China have embarked on tree planting programmes to stem the advance of deserts - but according to the author, in some cases the trees being planted needed large amounts of water, putting even more pressure on scarce resources.

ITEM #3 Title: Burgeoning cities face catastrophe, says UN Urban dwellers to outstrip rural population next year; Big rise in poverty, slums and pollution feared Source: Copyright 2007, Guardian Date: June 28, 2007 Byline: John Vidal

Humanity will make the historic transition from a rural to an urban species some time in the next year, according to the latest UN population figures. The shift will be led by Africa and Asia, which are expected to add 1.6 billion people to their cities over the next 25 years.

The speed and scale of inevitable global urbanisation is so great most countries will not be remotely prepared for the impact it will have, Thoraya Obaid, executive director of the UN Population Fund, says. "In human history we have never seen urban growth like this. It is unprecedented."

Ms Obaid added: "In 2008, half of the world's population will be in urban areas. The shift from rural to urban changes a balance that has lasted for millennia. Within one generation, five billion people, or 60% of humanity, will live in cities. The urban population of Africa and Asia is set to double in this time." She said that each week the numbers living in cities grew by nearly a million.

"Most cities [in developing countries] already have pressing concerns, including crime, lack of clean water and sanitation, and sprawling slums. But these problems pale in comparison with those that could be raised by future growth. If we do not plan ahead it will be a catastrophe. The changes are too fast to allow planners simply to react. If governments wait, it will be too late to [gain] advantages for the coming growth."

According to the State of the World Population Report, which Ms Obaid launched yesterday in London, large-scale population growth will take place in the cities of Asia, Africa and Latin America. It suggests the largest transition to cities will occur in Asia, where the number of urbanites will almost double to 2.6 billion in 2030. Africa is expected to add 440 million to its cities in the same period, and Latin America and the Caribbean nearly 200 million. Rural populations are expected to decrease worldwide by 28 million people.

But urbanisation can be positive. "No country in the industrial age has ever achieved significant economic growth without urbanisation, said Ms Obaid. "Cities concentrate poverty but they present poor people's best hope of escaping it ... The potential benefits of urbanisation, which include easier access to health centres and education, far outweigh the disadvantages."

The report warns, however, that if unaddressed the growth of urbanisation will mean growth in slums and poverty, as well as a rise in attempted migration away from poor regions. "Today one billion people live in slums, 90% of whom are in developing countries. The battle to cut extreme poverty ... will be waged in the slums. To win it, politicians need to be proactive and start working with the urban poor. The only way to defeat urban poverty is head on," said Ms Obaid.

Climate is expected to increasingly shape and be shaped by cities. In a vicious circle, climate change will increase energy demand for air conditioning in cities, which will add to greenhouse gas emissions. It could also make some cities unlivable, adding to the "heat island" effect, which can lift temperatures in urban areas by 2-6C. "Heat, pollution, smog and ground-level ozone [from cities] affect surrounding areas, reducing agricultural yields, increasing health risks and spawning tornadoes and thunderstorms. The impacts of climate change on urban water supplies are expected to be dramatic," the report says. Cities like New Delhi, in the drier areas, will be particularly hard hit.

What is taking place today, says the UN, is a second great wave of global urbanisation. The first, in Europe, from 1750-1950, boosted the numbers living in cities to about 420 million, but the second is expected to increase urbanisation levels close to those found in Europe (72%) and the US (81%) today.

However, developing countries are at a great disadvantage when they start to urbanise. "Mortality has fallen rapidly in the last 50 years, achieving in one or two decades what developed countries accomplished in two centuries. The speed and scale of urbanisation today is far greater than in the past. In the first wave of urbanisation, overseas migrations [to the US or Australia] relieved the pressures on European cities. Many migrants settled in new agricultural lands. Restrictions on international migration today makes this almost impossible. They will also have to build faster than any rich country has ever done. It will require houses, power, water, sanitation and roads."

The report also spells the end for growth of existing mega- cities. "Only Dhaka in Bangladesh, and Lagos in Nigeria, of the world's 20 mega-cities, are expected to grow more than 3% a year in the next decade ... most growth will be in smaller cities, of under 500,000 people. The good news is these cities are more flexible [in expansion]; the bad is they are under-served in housing, water, and waste disposal."

Ms Obaid said: "It concerns everyone, not just developing countries. If we plan ahead we will create conditions for a stable world. If we do not, and do not find education, jobs, and houses for people in cities, then these populations will become destructive, to themselves and others."

Pressefreiheit in Gefahr,4070,5559135-5,00.html


Please sign the petition below and pass it along. We have to help the seals of South Africa.

Thanks, Earle

-------Original Message-------

Date: 6/27/2007 12:00:37 PM

Please SIGN and REPOST

With only 3 days left until the incredibly cruel and unjust practice of slaughtering the Cape Fur seal pups - an endangered species - for financial gain, masqueraded as a ''cull'' is to commence in Namibia, we urge you to please sign our petition, reminding the authorities that the world is watching and threatening to boycott Namibia as a tourist destination if the cull isn't stopped. Hopefully enough attention will be raised by our combined efforts

Each 100 signatures get sent out every day. Please help us remind these people that they cant just ignore the world away



Help PETA Stop a Barbaric Baby Seal Slaughter

Please sign and pass along to all with whom you are acquainted.

Thanks, Earle

Help PETA stop the barbaric seal slaughter! Urgent!

Please take action here:

Complacency greets revelation of CIA 'family jewels'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


The CIA's Family Jewels

Agency Violated Charter for 25 Years, Wiretapped Journalists and Dissidents.

New documents link Kissinger to two 1970s coups

Release of CIA's 'Family Jewels' provides insight into political juggernaut and Bush Administration adviser.

Fighting War Protesters

In the early 1970s, as Vietnam War-era protests swirled around the Washington area, local police borrowed riot equipment and received intelligence training from an unusual source: the CIA.

From Information Clearing House

Animal Experimentation Under Fire

Scientific and spiritual leaders speak out for humane alternatives.

From IDA eNews: 6-27-07

Protect Polar Bears from Hunters

Ask Congress to support the Polar Bear Protection Act

Serious Council Dispute Over Cell Phone Antennas in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada


My letter to the editor

The Brantford Expositor published a good editorial today - one that was duly critical of the mayor. I wrote a 'letter to the editor' and have sent it to the expositor. Here it is.


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Newspaper EMR article and Council Deputation

The Banality of Greed

"As the Iraq war that Vice President Dick Cheney created continues to shred American - and many more Iraqi - lives, further documentation has emerged proving that, even during failed wars, the merchants of death profit" writes Truthdig's Robert Scheer.

Waxman Probes Mishandled Data

Rachel Van Dongen, writing in Roll Call states: "Diving into yet another high-profile clash with the Bush administration, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Henry Waxman (D-California) threatened Tuesday to subpoena current and former White House officials over the alleged mishandling of classified data."

Cheney Backed Business Over Environment

Jo Becker and Barton Gellman of the Washington Post conclude their four-part series on Dick Cheney with a look at how Cheney worked to manipulate environmental concerns for the benefit of business.

Democrats to Target Funding for Cheney

"House Democrats, responding to Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion that his office is exempt from certain national security disclosure requirements, said Tuesday they will try to strip some of his funding," according to the Associated Press.

National Election Data Archive Recommends Changes to Senate Election Reform Proposal


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