Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007


This week Congress will be casting votes on the Employee Free Choice Act, possibly starting as early as Wednesday. We are asking all our participants to speak out in favor of reforming a system that has allowed brutal corporate intimidation tactics to suppress union participation by our citizens, to the detriment of our entire economy. This rampant abuse is fully documented by the links on this page.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/hr800.php

America's working people are struggling to make ends meet these days and our middle class is disappearing. The best opportunity working people have to get ahead economically is by uniting to bargain with their employers for better wages and benefits.

Recent research has shown that some 60 million U.S. workers would join a union if they could.

But the current system for forming unions and bargaining is broken. Every day, corporations deny workers the freedom to decide for themselves whether to form unions to bargain for a better life. They routinely intimidate, harass, coerce and even fire workers who try to form unions and bargain for economic well-being.

The Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800, S. 1041), supported by a bipartisan coalition in Congress, would level the playing field for workers and employers and help rebuild America's middle class. It would restore workers' freedom to choose a union by:

1. Establishing stronger penalties for violation of employee rights when workers seek to form a union and during first-contract negotiations. 2. Providing mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes. 3. Allowing employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation.

We should add, that Dennis Kucinich has been a very strong supporter of this legislation, coming as he does from a true blue union background. Please consider therefore making a contribution to encourage him to continue to speak out on this issue.

KUCINICH DONATIONS: http://www.usalone.com/donations_kucinich.php

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Vaccines: Why Fear Sells

by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO

However, belief is based on faith, not necessarily on fact. For example, we want to believe that vaccinating our children will keep them from getting sick with measles or chickenpox. However, there is a plethora of information documenting this is not necessarily so.......



Cheney: The Unseen Hand Pushing Behind the Scenes

The Washington Post publishes the third article in the four-part series by journalists Jo Becker and Barton Gellman on Cheney and his influence behind the scenes.



Bush Administration Blocked Probe of Suspected Leaks

Josh Meyer of the Los Angeles Times reports that a federal watchdog agency planned to inspect the president's executive offices in the White House in 2005 for evidence of suspected leaks of classified information but was rebuffed by Bush administration officials.



Call Congress Now: It's Time to Restore Our Rights



Of Peace, China and P-5

J. Sri Raman writes: "China can be expected to step up its pressures for a new peace treaty in the coming days.... China warned that Washington's resistance would lead to an escalated arms race in space.... A recent report from the US Army War College claims that the Chinese political and military leadership is 'gradually revising its nuclear posture and even preparing for the possibility of using nuclear weapons in a preemptive counter-attack.' ... No concrete evidence in support of the claim is cited. The purpose of the report would seem to be to justify the Bush administration's plans to produce a new generation of nuclear weapons in the face of all internal and international opposition."



Iraqi Children Face Lasting Scars of War

Sudarsan Raghavan of the Washington Post writes, "Iraq's conflict is exacting an immense and largely unnoticed psychological toll on children and youth that will have long-term consequences, said social workers, psychiatrists, teachers and aid workers in interviews across Baghdad and in neighboring Jordan."


FISA Court Judge Takes Issue With NSA Wiretaps

"US District Judge Royce C. Lamberth," writes Walter Pincus of the Washington Post, "takes direct aim at the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping program and its assertions that the procedures requiring court orders for wiretaps are too cumbersome to meet counter-terrorism needs."



Report Blasts US for Failures in Fighting Terrorism

"A just-released report by the Government Accountability Office slams the federal government for failing to coordinate the work of US law enforcement agencies overseas to fight terrorism," reports CNN.


Secrecy May Cost Cheney, Democrats Warn

"Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)," write Elana Schor and Mike Soraghan of The Hill, "warned Dick Cheney that his office would risk losing its budget unless the vice president agrees to follow a presidential directive ordering the protection of classified information."


How Dick Cheney Broke My Mind

William Rivers Pitt writes: "I was absolutely savaged by an unexpected emotional detonation on Thursday. Every rough emotion I am capable of experiencing - anger, fear, sorrow, rage, bitterness, despair, loathing, astonishment, woe, regret, horror, fury - erupted within me at the same time that day. I spent hours in the aftermath trying to type an accurate description of what had happened to me and why, but I failed. For the first time in a long, long while, I was completely unable to write. What could have been powerful enough to huff and puff and blow my house down? What manner of mind bomb could hurl me so far off kilter that I was incapable of explaining it on paper? It was, of course, Dick Cheney."



Bundeswehr: Experten zweifeln am Datenverlust



Opposition verlangt Aufklärung über verschwundene Berichte zu Auslandseinsätzen

Im Fall um verschwundene Berichte über Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr verlangen Politiker der Linksfraktion und der FDP eine lückenlose Aufklärung. Der Datenschutzbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Peter Schaar, äußerte ebenso wie Computerexperten massive Zweifel an der Version des Verteidigungsministeriums, wonach die Daten als Folge einer technischen Panne verloren gegangen sein sollen.



Bundeslöschtage bei der Bundeswehr?

Der Datenverlust bei der Bundeswehr könnte sich zu einer größeren Affäre ausweiten.

Notes from Nowhere: Wir sind überall, weltweit, unwiderstehlich, antikapitalistisch

Ein inspirierendes Handbuch des neuen weltweiten Protests, der ohne Führer und ohne Kleines Rotes Buch auskommt und dezentral für Deglobalisierung, Pluralismus und direkte Demokratie eintritt. Ein Pflasterstein gegen den Zynismus und ein beeindruckendes Dokument der Zivilcourage. Ein Muss für alle, die nicht an »Alternativlosigkeit« glauben und diesen Zweifel praktisch bestätigt sehen wollen. Subjektive Berichte, praktische Tipps und zusammenführende Analysen machen dieses Buch zu einer alternativen Weltreise. Auf über 500 Seiten Text, illustriert mit 150 Fotos, berichten Aktivisten aus aller Welt über die neue, kreative »Bewegung der Bewegungen«: Straßenkarnevalisten aus England, G-8-Protestierer aus Seattle und Genua, gegen genmanipuliertes Saatgut kämpfende Bauern aus Indien, die »Wasserkrieger« aus Bolivien, Landbesetzer aus Brasilien, afrikanische Sans-Papiers aus Frankreich, Gartenguerilleros aus New York ... Dieses Buch ist eine Protestchronik gegen die »neue Weltordnung«, gegen die Marktglobalisierung. Seine bestechenden Argumente sind Humor, Fantasie, Hartnäckigkeit und eine gute Portion Mut. Das wichtigste Buch zum G8-Gipfel in Deutschland und über den weltweiten Widerstand…“ Auszug aus der Presseinformation des Nautilus-Verlages. Siehe dazu:

Infos zum Buch: „Notes from Nowhere (Hg.): Wir sind überall - weltweit.unwiderstehlich.antikapitalistisch“ in der deutschen Erstausgabe, aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Sonja Hartwig, Dietlind Falk und Eva-Maria Bach, mit einem Vorwort von Naomi Klein, erschienen in der Edition Nautilus, 550 Seiten, mit über 150 S-W-Fotos, Preis: € 19,90 und der ISBN 978-3-89401-536-7

Die Verlagshomepage zum Buch mit weiteren Informationen http://www.edition-nautilus.de/buecher/notes/pol_wir_sind.html

Notes from Nowhere

Notes from Nowhere ist ein Redaktionskollektiv aus englischsprachigen Aktivisten und Autoren, Künstlern, Fotografen, Indymedia-Mitarbeitern. Sie sind lange Jahre in der Bewegung aktiv, reisen viel umher und haben ihre Ausgangsbasis in England. Siehe die Homepage des Herausgeber-Kollektivs

Englisch http://www.weareeverywhere.org/
Deutsch http://www.weareeverywhere.de/

Es muss Silber und Pink sein: Unterwegs mit Taktischer Frivolität

„London. Zwölf Frauen, zwei LKWs, zwei Männer, ein wirklich nützlicher Journalist. Mir fällt auf, dass etwas anders ist. Normalerweise kommen die Menschen mit nur einem kleinen Tourenrucksack. Diesmal nicht. Jeder hat alles Mögliche mitgebracht: Zeltstangen, Nähmaschinen, Zapfanlagen, Alufolie, Platzdeckchen, Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung, Klebeband, Leim, alles, wovon sie meinen, es könnte nützlich sein plus persönlichen Tand. Der gesamte Kram liegt durcheinander auf dem Boden meines LKWs. Scheiße. Das ganze Zeug ist schlecht gepackt gewesen. Wir fuhren nach Calais in einem Fahrzeug, das sich fünf Grad nach links neigte…“ Artikel von Kate Evans (S. 294-300) für Tschechien/Grossbritanien aus dem Kapitel 4 „Karneval – Das Geheimnis des Glücks liegt im Widerstand, exklusiv im LabourNet Germany. Wir danken dem Verlag und der Autorin. http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/aktionen/notesfromnowhere.html

Aus: LabourNet, 26. Juni 2007

Hartz IV: Aktion Mundraub - Staatsanwaltschaft fordert für 95 Cent 243 Euro Geldstrafe

„Am 28. September des letzten Jahres sind 6 aktive Mitglieder die IG Contra Sozialabbau aus Aschersleben in das örtlichen Edeka-Geschäft gezogen und haben dort öffentlich Speisen ohne Bezahlung verzehrt, um auf die prekäre Lage und die Einkommensarmut von Empfänger/innen des Arbeitslosengeld II aufmerksam zu machen. Den meisten Beteiligten dieser örtlichen Aktion der „Überflüssigen“ wurde angeboten, dass Verfahren einzustellen, wenn 15 Stunden in sozialen Projekten abgeleistet werden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft bestand bei Tommi Sander auf ein exemplarisches Strafverfahren wegen „geringfügigen Diebstahl“…“ Artikel von Rainer Wahls vom 25. Juni 2007 bei PR-SOZIAL, das Presseportal für Soziales und Politik http://www.elo-forum.net/hartz-iv/hartz-iv/-20070625677.html

Siehe dazu auch:

Das Strafverfahren gegen Tommi Sander findet statt am 26. Juni 9:15 Amtsgericht Aschersleben, Theodor-Römer-Weg 3

Prozess in Aschersleben. Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar, aber das Menschenrecht auf Nahrungssicherheit wird nur eingeschränkt gewährt!

Faltblatt des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste mit Solidaritätserklärung und weiteren Informationen (pdf) http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de/2007/sattessen-prozess/Flugblatt_Aschersleben.pdf

»Weil Hartz IV immer noch nicht weg ist«. Arbeitsloseninitiative wird nach Aktion in einem Supermarkt Diebstahl vorgeworfen.

Interview von Wolfgang Pomrehn in junge Welt vom 26.06.2007 mit Tommi Sander, einem der Sprecher der Interessengemeinschaft contra Sozialabbau Aschersleben http://www.jungewelt.de/2007/06-26/034.php

Homepage der "Interessengemeinschaft Contra Sozialabbau Aschersleben - Staßfurt" http://www.contra-sozialabbau-aschersleben.de/

„Die Überflüssigen in Aschersleben – „Satt essen“ im E-Center“ unter sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2006 http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/aktionen/2006/2006.html#aschersleben

Aus: LabourNet, 26. Juni 2007


Kapital tötet Raum und Zeit: Globalisierung, Transportinflation und Privatisierungen

„Nach Heinrich Heine beginnt mit den „Eisenbahnen ein neuer Abschnitt in der Weltgeschichte. ... Durch die Eisenbahnen wird der Raum getötet und es bleibt uns nur noch die Zeit übrig (...) Mir ist, als kämen die Berge und Wälder aller Länder auf Paris angerückt. Ich rieche schon den Duft der deutschen Linden; vor meiner Tür brandet die Nordsee.” Dieses Zitat wurde vielfach angeführt, allerdings immer wie hier wiedergegeben, dann ohne die Auslassungszeichen und damit unzulässig verkürzt. Im Original heißt es wie folgt: “Durch die Eisenbahnen wird der Raum getötet und es bleibt uns nur noch die Zeit übrig. Hätten wir nur Geld genug, um auch die letztere anständig zu töten!” Mit der Globalisierung ist es soweit. Es ist „ausreichend Geld”, es ist genügend gewalttätiges Kapital vorhanden, um Raum und Zeit „anständig zu töten”. Meine Thesen lauten: Es besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen dem “modernen Kapitalismus”, der auch als “Neoliberalismus” und “Globalisierung” bezeichnet wird, einer „Transportinflation”, den Privatisierungen (u.a. der Eisenbahnen) und schließlich der Zerstörung der Umwelt und der wachsenden Belastung des Weltklimas…“ Artikel von Winfried Wolf in einer für das LabourNet Germany überarbeiteten Fassung vom 25.6.07 http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/wipo/glob/wolf.html

Aus: LabourNet, 26. Juni 2007


Bundesdatenschützer warnt vor RFID-Missbrauch


Datenschützer fordern Benutzerhoheit über RFID-Daten

Datenschützer für Sicherheit bei RFID


The worst way to do anything

Strike the Root
by Glen Allport


What have we bought with all that money? Thousands of dead American soldiers, many thousands more injured, 655,000 (and counting) dead Iraqis, cancer-causing depleted uranium poisoning in Iraq (and DU particles are being spread around the planet on the winds), a ruined Iraqi infrastructure (which had already been wrecked in the first Gulf war and which a decade of sanctions kept in poor repair), millions of Iraqi refugees fleeing the mess we have made of their country, an increased threat of terrorism in America, widespread use of torture by our own government, a sharply lower opinion of America by people in other nations, and (on a separate invoice, for additional money) a police state here at home...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Real change requires real change

Frontiers of Freedom
by Chuck Muth


An oft-repeated lament by voters and non-voters alike is that no matter who we elect, regardless of party, nothing seems to change. Government continues to grow, becomes ever more intrusive in our daily lives and gets more and more expensive. Indeed, over the last few decades the only real changes in the attitude toward and the direction of government were the result of Ronald Reagan’s election as president in 1980 and Newt Gingrich’s takeover of Congress in 1994. Both, however, were short-lived...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Republican free-fall

Fox News
by Martin Frost


I don’t generally write about public opinion polls because there are so many of them during an election cycle. And, after all, they are merely a snapshot at a moment in time. However, there was one released recently which caught my eye. It was a poll of rural voters conducted by the Democratic firm Greenberg, Quinlan Rosner in consultation with the Republican media firm Greener and Hook for the Center for Rural Strategies. The results were dramatic and they weren’t good for the Republican Party entering the 2008 elections. Rural communities have been the bedrock of Republican victories nationwide in recent years. In 2004, President Bush carried rural America by a 19-point margin. Republicans won the congressional vote in rural areas in 2004 by a 10-point margin...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


GOP senator says Iraq plan not working

Delaware Daily Times


Sen. Richard Lugar, a senior Republican and a reliable vote for President Bush on the war, said Monday that Bush’s Iraq strategy was not working and that the U.S. should downsize the military’s role. The unusually blunt assessment deals a political blow to Bush, who has relied heavily on GOP support to stave off anti-war legislation...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Scholars urge Bush to ban use of torture



President Bush was presented with a letter Monday signed by 50 high school seniors in the Presidential Scholars program urging a halt to ‘violations of the human rights’ of terror suspects held by the United States. The White House said Bush had not expected the letter but took a moment to read it and talk with a young woman who handed it to him...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Presidential Scholars Tell the President 'No' on Torture


Diocese of Lichfield Responds to Mobile Phone Mast Protests



Voter deception bill passes House

USA Today


Those who knowingly convey false information with the intent to keep others from voting would face up to five years in prison under voter deception legislation that passed the House on Monday. The legislation, passed by voice vote, was spearheaded by Democrats who cited alleged incidents during the 2006 elections of minorities, immigrants and other legal voters being misled about election dates, guided to the wrong polling sites or told they were ineligible to vote...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Stop Dogs Being Used As Shark Bait


Informant: Samantha O.

Bluetooth bikini sews up iPod apparel market


(you can comment)

They've obviously not worried about breast cancer.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network




From Colleen O.

Counter the Lies and Help Save Southwest Wolves

Just 59 southwest wolves now remain, and some in Congress want to end federal efforts to save them.

An amendment expected to be offered by Representative Steve Pearce (NM) and would eliminate funding for southwest wolf recovery -- completely ending the program and dooming the wolves to extinction.

Help save these rare and beautiful animals. Fill out the form below to send an email to your U.S. Representative urging him or her to oppose efforts to end the southwest wolf recovery program.



The Fight for the World's Food

Already there are signs that the food economy is merging with the fuel economy. The ethanol boom has seen sugar prices track oil prices and now the same is set to happen with grain. In the developed world this could mean a change of lifestyle. Elsewhere it could cost lives.



"Perfect Drought" Conditions in California

Experts concur that conditions are ripe in southern California for the "perfect drought." Los Angeles has recorded just 3.21 inches of rain in the year ending June 30, making it the driest year on record since 1877. According to the National Drought Mitigation Center, southern California faces "extreme drought" this year, with no rain forecast before September. One climatologist referred to the temperatures in Los Angeles as "Death Valley numbers."


Choices for Black Labor

Bill Fletcher writes: "As we enter the 21st century, Black labor is in disarray. Within the ranks of organized labor, the various institutions that have often spoken on its behalf have ossified. Black caucuses in various unions have stepped back from challenging and pushing the union leaderships and instead have in all too many cases degenerated into social clubs or step-ladders for individuals to get positions in the union structure."



Business Prevails in Environmental Case

The Supreme Court sided with developers and the Bush administration Monday in a dispute with environmentalists over protecting endangered species.


If the Democrats wants the country back, they must learn to become mainstream again

Will the Progressive Majority Emerge?

"For as long as I can remember," says Rick Perlstein, "there's been a generally accepted story about the recent history of Democratic Party fortunes, a neat little morality tale that goes something like this: The New Deal majority fell apart when the party was taken over by forces outside the mainstream of American life. Getting blindsided by Reaganism was the party's just desserts. And if Democrats wanted the country back, they would just have to learn to become mainstream again."



Schumer: Gonzales Not Fit to Rule on Cheney's Role

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should step aside from the Justice Department's internal debates over whether Vice President Cheney is violating an executive order on protecting classified information, Senate Democratic Vice Chairman Charles Schumer (New York) said on Monday.



July 4: Honk To Impeach



U.N. Nuke Agency Invited To Iran

Iran has invited an International Atomic Energy Agency team to Tehran to work on clearing up suspicions about its nuclear program, an IAEA spokeswoman said Monday.


From Information Clearing House


IAEA sending nuclear team to Iran



Acting on a request from Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Monday it will send a team to Tehran to work jointly on a plan meant to clear up suspicions about the Islamic republic’s nuclear activities. The invitation, conveyed Sunday by a senior Iranian envoy and made public Monday by the agency, was portrayed by some diplomats as a positive step in IAEA attempts to learn more about past activities that could point toward a weapons program...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Moral Reflections on the American Civil War

Harry S. Stout, Professor of American Religious History at Yale University

Real video: http://realserver.princeton.edu:8080/ramgen/lectures/20070419stoutTAPE56K.rm

Windows media http://www.princeton.edu/WebMedia/lectures/20070419stoutTAPE56K.asx

From Information Clearing House

Goodbye to the city upon a hill and to its fabled economy

By Paul Craig Roberts

The U.S is being destroyed. Many U.S citizens are unaware, others are indifferent, and some intend it. The destruction is across the board: the political and constitutional system, the economy, social institutions including the family itself.



The Jose Padilla Case: Screenplay by Mel Brooks




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Juni 2007


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