Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2006

Is War With Iran Inevitable?

On Wednesday, October 11, Congressman Dennis Kucinich hosted a briefing on the march to war with Iran. Former chief nuclear weapons inspector David Kay testified that Iran currently does not pose an imminent threat to the United States or the region. Retired Air Force Colonel Sam Gardner, who was assigned to the War Planning College, presented his analysis of current preparations for war with Iran.

The Odor From Capitol Hill

The New York Times editors write: "Congressmen caught in wrongdoing at this time of year like to complain that they’re the victims of election-eve politics. If the looming elections inspire whistleblowers, we say bravo. The prospect of voting day fills the vacuum created by the absence of an actual set of enforceable ethics rules in Congress."

James Baker: Iraq a Helluva Mess

Former US secretary of state James Baker was visibly shocked when he last visited Iraq, and said the country was in a "helluva mess." Mr. Baker is leading a review of the situation in Iraq by a bipartisan US committee of experts, and is expected to recommend a change in strategy for rebuilding Iraq.

Report Spells Out Abuses by Former Congressman

Former congressman Randy Cunningham pressured and intimidated staff members of the House Intelligence Committee to help steer more than $70 million in classified federal business to favored military contractors.

Shame on Us All

Robert Parry writes, "From the noble American ideal of each human being possessing 'unalienable rights' as declared by the Founders 230 years ago amid the ringing of bells in Philadelphia, the United States effectively rescinded that concept on a dreary fall day in Washington."

Like the Mafia, Only Dumber

"The news media is all abuzz about Republican scandals, from Foley to Abramoff, but simply hearing about it from the television does not do the situation justice ..." writes William Rivers Pitt. "The Republican criminal enterprise that is currently unraveling in all directions, on the other hand, operated virtually free from restraint or scrutiny."

Anti-mobile phone mast campaigner and Belvedere resident Alan Eaton talks about battling

18 October 2006

UP until the beginning of this year I did not pay much attention to the campaign groups that are almost pandemic. However, the small community that I am part of became contaminated by a planning application issue I could not ignore.

This might sound a bit dramatic but currently the law allows a third party that does not even reside in your community to impose its will on you. In our case Orange intended to install another mobile mast outside Bedonwell School, and they had no requirement to justify application. On the other hand, Bedonwell School and our community had to justify why Orange could not install their mast. Government panning justice!

In our defence we formed Orange Squash, and became one of the pandemic of campaign groups. Within a short time we found several valid reasons why Orange could not obtain planning permission, two of which Orange must of known. However unless strong objection is raised during the planning period regarding these reasons Orange would obtain permission to install their mast, and of course if they are unsuccessful, Orange also have the opportunity of an appeal.

Our campaign against Orange was successful, but what was the cost? To our community there was the stress for nearly a year that an unwanted mobile mast would be a blotting the landscape, with it consequences. For the school there was the fear of the continue presence of an Orange mast with many parents considering removing their children from the school. And the hidden cost, as most campaign groups will tell you is the hours twenty of our community devoted to the campaign and we are indebted to them for that. Of the core six we recorded over 400 man-hours with a total expenditure over £800.

The cost is yet to rise as T-Mobile has now informed Orange Squash that it plans to install a mobile mast 10 meters from Oranges proposed site, which is even closer to the school.

Why another campaign? Because planning law requires it - and you could be the next to be infected.

For more information on Orange Squash, visit

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Defenders of Civil Liberties Attack George W. Bush

Corine Lesnes writes: "You would say a family reunion or a student promotion ceremony. They're 21 to 65 years old, with the features of ordinary Americans. Jeff and Nicole Rank came with their baby; Sawsan Tabbaa, with his son Hassan. What they have in common is all have pressed charges against the president, the army, or the United States government for abuse of powers."

Questions on Rep. Kolbe and Pages Referred to Ethics Panel

The House committee looking into allegations that former congressman Mark Foley had improper contact with male former pages has been asked by lawmakers overseeing the page program to look into allegations involving a second lawmaker. Members of the Page Board sought the review after news reports last week that the Justice Department had opened a preliminary inquiry into a camping trip that Rep. Jim Kolbe took with male former pages in 1996.

Bush's Former Elections Chair: E-Voting Ripe for Fraud

Soaries was appointed by George W. Bush as the first chair of the commission created by the federal Help America Vote Act in the wake of the 2000 presidential election debacle. In the interview, available for the first time, Soaries excoriates both Congress and the White House, referring to their dedication to reforming American election issues as "a charade" and "a travesty," and says the system now in place is "ripe for stealing elections and for fraud."

Bush Sets Defense as Space Priority

President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit US flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone "hostile to US interests."

The Killing Fields of Iraq

Robert Scheer begins: "Martin Luther King Jr., shortly before his assassination, grieved that his own nation was 'the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.' He was referring to the US quagmire in Vietnam, but were he alive today, his prophetic voice would no doubt similarly question the bloodbath in Iraq."

Feingold: "We will look back on this day as a stain on our nation's history"

Bush Signs Bill on Terror Prosecution

In response to Bush's signing of the Military Commissions Act on Tuesday, Senator Russ Feingold stated: "We will look back on this day as a stain on our nation's history. It allows the government to seize individuals on American soil and detain them indefinitely with no opportunity to challenge their detention in court, and the new law would permit an individual to be convicted on the basis of coerced testimony and even allow someone convicted under these rules to be put to death."

Reflecting on Rumsfeld

Stan Goff writes: "... the jig is up. So here is a simple reminder. This war is wanton cruelty in our name; there is no rationalization that can mitigate or excuse it; 'we' will not win it and somehow transmogrify a swine into a swan ... and it is not over."

Elections May Leave Bush an Early Lame Duck

On desks around the West Wing sit digital clocks counting down the days and hours left in the Bush presidency. As of 8 a.m. today, those clocks read 825 days, four hours. But if the elections go the way pollsters and pundits predict, they might as well read 20 days.

Olbermann: The Day Habeas Corpus Died

Informant: shane_digital

"Dammbruch beim Datenschutz": EU-Ministerrat stimmt Weitergabe von Flugpassagierdaten an USA zu


Der EU-Ministerrat hat am 16. Oktober einer Regelung zugestimmt, nach der die USA bis zu 34 persönliche Daten von jedem Passagier erhalten, der in ihre Richtung fliegt. Der Ministerrat autorisierte die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, eine entsprechend Vereinbarung mit den USA zu unterzeichnen. Die Datenübermittlung soll nach Darstellung des Ministerrats helfen, Terrorismus und schwerwiegende transnationale Kriminalität zu verhüten und zu bekämpfen. Zugleich werde der Datenschutz in Übereinstimmung mit den Europäischen Grundrechten gewährleistet. Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) in Luxemburg hatte zunächst am 30. Mai der Weitergabe von Fluggastdaten an US-Behörden einen Riegel vorgeschoben. Der Gerichtshof erklärte das alte Abkommen zwischen der EU und den USA zur transatlantischen Datenübermittlung für nichtig. Das Europaparlament hatte zuvor - mit Verweis auf das EU-Datenschutzrecht - insbesondere die Datenmenge und die Willkür bei der Informationsübermittlung kritisiert.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Kompetenzzentrum": Deutschland soll sich auf den Klimawandel einstellen


Laut Umweltbundesamt (UBA) ergeben die "Modellrechungen und Szenarien" der Klimaforscher, dass sich das Klima in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2100 "spürbar ändern" wird. Nach Auffassung der dem Bundesumweltministerium unterstellten Fachbehörde sollte sich Deutschland daher auf den bevorstehenden Klimawandel vorbereiten und anpassen. "Es ist höchste Zeit, dass wir uns intensiver mit den Folgen des Klimawandels in Deutschland befassen. Wir müssen uns heute anpassen, um morgen nicht von seinen wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen überrollt zu werden. Hierfür benötigen wir eine gemeinsame nationale Strategie. Alle wichtigen Akteure müssen hierfür mit ins Boot", sagte Bundesumweltminister Sigmar Gabriel. Am Donnerstag gab er zusammen mit UBA-Präsident Andreas Troge den Startschuss für ein "Kompetenzzentrum Klimafolgen und Anpassung (KomPass)", das beim Umweltbundesamt angesiedelt ist.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Marionette der Tabaklobby: Bärbel Höhn wirft der großen Koalition vor, sich beim Rauchverbot der Tabaklobby gebeugt zu haben

Vorschlag des Cigarettenverbandes: "Marionette der Tabaklobby" (18.10.06)

Die Grünen-Fraktionsvize Bärbel Höhn wirft der großen Koalition vor, sich beim Rauchverbot der Tabaklobby gebeugt zu haben. So hätten Union und SPD für ihr Eckpunktepapier den Vorschlag des Cigarettenverbandes Eins zu Eins übernommen, sagte Höhn der Chemnitzer "Freien Presse". Eine derartig "eindeutige und offene Vertretung" von Lobbyinteressen durch politische Parteien habe es in der Parlamentsgeschichte bislang noch nicht gegeben, behauptete die Grünen-Politikerin. "Die große Koalition hat sich damit zur Marionette der Tabakindustrie gemacht", so Höhn. Der Verbandsvorschlag mit einer Vielzahl von Ausnahmeregelungen dürfe nicht Gesetzeskraft erlangen. Andernfalls wäre das Rauchverbot ohne spürbare Wirkung. Schon der rot-grünen Bundesregierung wurde vor Jahren vorgeworfen, sie wende sich aus Rücksichtnahme auf die deutsche Zigarettenindustrie gegen die von der EU-Kommission geplanten Tabak-Werbeverbote.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Handy am Steuer: Unfallursache Nummer 1



69 Prozent telefonieren während der Autofahrt. Aber nur 43 Prozent benützen regelmäßig eine Freisprecheinrichtung.

Das Handy in der einen und das Lenkrad in der anderen Hand - das ist ein mittlerweile zu vertrauter Anblick im österreichischen Straßenverkehr. Eine aktuelle, österreichweite Befragung des Kuratoriums für Verkehrssicherheit (KfV) unter mehr als 600 Autofahrern hat ergeben, dass 91 Prozent der Kfz-Lenker ein Handy besitzen. 69 Prozent telefonieren damit auch während der Fahrt.

"Mehr als zwei Drittel telefonieren während der Fahrt, also wenn die Konzentration eigentlich auf andere Geschehnisse gerichtet sein sollte", kommentiert Dr. Othmar Thann, Direktor des KfV, das Ergebnis. Jeder fünfte Befragte bezeichnete sich selbst als Vieltelefonierer, wobei während der Fahrt zu drei Viertel private Gespräche geführt werden. "Für die umfassende Ablenkung vom Straßenverkehr lesen 22 Prozent der Autofahrer nebenbei auch SMS, jeder Elfte schreibt während der Fahrt selbst Kurznachrichten", führt Thann weiter aus.

Obwohl die Frauen als das gesprächsfreudigere Geschlecht bezeichnet werden, machen doch die Männer den Großteil der Telefonierer am Steuer aus (60%).

Knopf im Ohr

Unter den Freisprecheinrichtungen dominiert nach wie vor das Headset (69%), nicht einmal ein Drittel ist fix im Auto montiert. Zur regelmäßigen Verwendung einer Freisprecheinrichtung bekannten sich nur 43 Prozent der befragten Autofahrer. 18 Prozent gaben an, zumindest fallweise eine Freisprecheinrichtung zu verwenden, 12 Prozent verzichten gänzlich darauf und verlassen sich damit auf ihre akrobatischen Lenkkünste.

Handy als Gefahr für Fußgänger

In Wien wurden zusätzlich rund 750 Lenker während der Fahrt beobachtet. Jeder 19. Autofahrer hatte dabei das Handy direkt am Ohr. "Aus früheren Beobachtungen wissen wir, dass diese Form der motorischen Selbstüberschätzung vor allem für die ungeschützten Verkehrsteilnehmer dramatisch enden kann", betont Thann. "70 Prozent der Fahrer mit Handy am Ohr drosselten weder das Tempo, noch hielten sie an, wenn ein Fußgänger die Straße queren wollte." Gefährlich, aber strafmäßig noch immer ein Kavaliersdelikt

Kaum Kontrollen möglich

Eine im Juni durchgeführte KfV-Befragung zum Vormerksystem hat ergeben, dass österreichische Autofahrer das Telefonieren am Steuer in die Kategorie der Hauptunfallursachen einreihen, jeder zweite Autofahrer befürwortete die Aufnahme dieses Delikts in das Vormerksystem. Rund sechs Prozent der befragten Lenker gaben an, selbst schon mindestens ein Mal wegen Telefonierens am Steuer bestraft worden zu sein. Derzeit ist laut Kraftfahrgesetz "dem Lenker das Telefonieren ohne Benützung einer Freisprecheinrichtung verboten."

Die Kontrollmöglichkeiten der Exekutive sind aber stark eingeschränkt: Um die ohnehin milde Strafe von 25 Euro verhängen zu können, muss der Polizist das Fahrzeug anhalten - Handy-Lenker in Fahrt können also nicht angezeigt werden. "Das KfV fordert, Telefonieren am Steuer in den Katalog der Vormerkdelikte aufzunehmen und der Exekutive gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit einer effizienten Kontrolle zu geben", schließt Thann. (red)

Copyright -


Unfallursache: Handy

Grossdemonstrationen gegen die Stiefeltreterpolitik


Grossdemonstrationen gegen die "Stiefeltreterpolitik".

Bündnis von sozialen Bewegungen (Bündnis 3. Juni) ruft zur massiven Teilnahme an den Großdemonstrationen des DGB am Samstag auf

„Unter dem Motto: 'Das geht nur ganz anders! Schluss mit den Reformen gegen uns' werden Menschen aus der ganzen Bundesrepublik aufgerufen, sich an den Demonstrationen des DGB in Berlin, Dortmund, Frankfurt, München und Stuttgart zu beteiligen, um gegen die Politik der großen Koalition ihren Unmut auszudrücken. Das breite Bündnis aus bundesweiten Netzwerken der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialprotestinitiativen, ATTAC-Deutschland, Friedens- und Migratnenorganisationen, Studentenorganisationen gegen Studiengebühren sowie Teilen von Linkspartei und WASG werden sich mit einem eigenen bunten Block an den jeweiligen Demonstrationen beteiligen. In Berlin hingegen wird die Demonstration von verschiedenen Gruppen der sozialen Protestbewegungen eigenständig organisiert. Im Unterschied zum DGB-Bundesvorstand werde man jedoch nicht die Politik der großen Koalition kritisch begleiten, sondern deutlichen Protest und Widerstand ausdrücken…“ Pressemeldung des Bündnis 3. Juni ("Schluss mit den Reformen gegen uns!") vom 18.06.2006

Gegen Sozialabbau und Krieg. Auf die Straße für Solidarität und Klassenkampf

Das "Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine revolutionäre Perspektive" ruft auf, sich an den Blöcken und Aktivitäten linker GewerkschaftlerInnen und sozialer Bewegung anzuschließen. Aufruf vom 13. Oktober 2006

Treffpunkte der Gewerkschaftslinken an den Demostandorten:

Die Gewerkschaftslinke wird in 4 Städten (DO, F, S, und M) mit dem Transparent „10 € Mindestlohn. Gewerkschaftslinke“ vertreten sein.


am Busankunftsplatz im Süden – Ardeystraße (Parkplätze Westfalenhalle), also der Südtreff um 11.00 Uhr


Um 11.30 an der alten Oper (DGB-Treff: 12.00 Uhr)


11.00 Uhr Marienplatz


"Treffpunkt der "Aktion gegen Sozialkahlschlag/München" am 21.10.06 vor Beginn der Demo ab 11 Uhr am EineWeltHaus, Schwanthalerstr. 80, München. Siehe dazu:

Montagsdemo München - kein DGB-Begleitservice

„Zum Auftakt der Münchner DGB-Kundgebung am 21.10. mobilisieren die in der "Aktion gegen Sozialkahlschlag (AGGS)" zusammengeschlossenen Basisaktivisten, darunter die Montagsdemo München, die GEW-Hochschulgruppe und die Münchner Gewerkschaftslinke mit ihren eigenen Forderungen zum Aktionstag (…) "Nicht bellen – beissen!" Die Montagsdemo München will die von der DGB-Spitze als Alibi-Veranstaltung gedachte Demo zu einem wirklichen Protestereignis umfunktionieren. Also die Reformen nicht „kritisch begleiten“ sondern verhindern!...“ Bericht von bernd vom 19.10.2006 bei indymedia


Ver.di-Linke: „30 Stunden Wochenarbeit, 10 Euro Mindeststundenlohn, 500 Euro Arbeitslosengeld-Zwei im Monat!“ Treffpunkt 10.45 Uhr am Transparent der Charite-Beschäftigten.

Siehe dazu auch:

Das geht nur ganz anders. Aber nicht von allein!

„Die vom DGB und seinen Einzelgewerkschaften organisierten Kundgebungen und - nach heftiger Kritik - schließlich doch durchgesetzten Demonstrationen setzen sich nicht zum Ziel, die so genannten Reformen der großen Koalition zu verhindern. Das Motto des DGB „das geht besser“ macht deutlich, dass es der Gewerkschaftsspitze lediglich darum geht, die „Reformen“ zu verbessern…“ Nr. 12 vom Oktober 2006 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Oktober 2006

Under the Influence: Special Interest Money and Members of Congress

Informant: V A

America's need for political and cultural healing

The Obama Zeitgeist

Both God and country lose when faith is partisan

When Politics Seduces Faith

Anger voiced at Stanground phone mast plans

PLANS to put up a mobile phone mast just metres away from homes have been met with fierce opposition.

Service provider 02 wants to locate a 12.5-metre column with antennae, near Havelock Farm in Whittlesey Road, Stanground, Peterborough.
But people living in nearby Park Farm say they fear the mast could be a health hazard and will look ugly, and are angry about a lack of consultation on the matter.

Phil Gaunt (39), who lives in Houghton Avenue, has written to Peterborough City Council to complain about the proposed development.

He said: "The mast would be less than 50 yards from my back garden and I believe it would be an eyesore and a danger to the residents of Park Farm.

"Concerns have been raised about the long-term effects of constant bombardment by microwave radiation and the technology has not been proved to be safe."

Mr Gaunt claimed many people were unaware of the planned installation of a mobile phone mast and said the applicant should have made more of an effort to canvass local opinion.

Residents have contacted their local councillor Janet Wilkinson to voice their concerns and have written to the city council.

In July this year Mr Gaunt was threatened with court action for displaying a banner advertising a community website on the side of his home without planning permission. He is still trying to resolve that issue with planning officials.

"How can it be fine to erect a huge phone mast without permission, but not a small banner for a non-profit making community website?" he asked.

Government policy states that mobile phone masts under 15m do not require planning permission and local authorities are unable to object to them on health grounds.

Peterborough City Council is however seeking views on the plan and will pass on comments to the applicant.

Spokesman Mike Lennox said: "The O2 application was received on September 15 and initial letters to residents in nearby properties in Barham Close, Peckover Close and Havelock Drive were mailed on September 25 and a site notice was put up.

"Following a request from Councillor Janet Wilkinson, further letters were distributed to residents of properties up to 250 metres from the site and additional site notices were put up at the entrance to Framlingham Road and near the school.

"Normally, there is a 21-day opportunity for people to express comments but the decision in this case is not scheduled to be made until November 9."

Mr Lennox added: "Since this proposed mast is only 12.5 metres tall, it will have no more impact on the landscape than other "street furniture" such as lamp-posts and telephone posts."

Article by: Jonathan Sandall

18 October 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

The Republican-controlled Congress has lost any pretense to reform credentials

The long shadow of a sex scandal

Mother Jones
by Joshua Zeitz


In the wake of the Cunningham, Ney, and DeLay scandals, and in these early days of Foleygate, the Republican-controlled Congress has lost any pretense to reform credentials. If recent polls are to be believed, voters have soured on the GOP majority and are ready to entrust Democrats with leadership of one or both houses. But for Democrats -- and for anyone who cares about transparency and ethics in government -- there's danger in focusing only on the most egregious cases of congressional mischief. By zeroing in on Congress's worst rogues, we run the risk of missing the layers of more subtle corruption. A prime example of this less discernible culture of corruption is Rep. Jeb Bradley, a two-term Republican incumbent from New Hampshire who is virtually assured re-election next month...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iran is at the top of the enemies list, but it poses no strategic threat to the United States

Size matters

The American Conservative
by Gregory Cochran

Iran is now at the top of the enemies list, but of course it poses no strategic threat to the United States. Iran's GNP is 20 to 40 times smaller than that of the U.S., and the Iranians are hardly sophisticated technologists. If they tried hard, if they spent a huge fraction of their GNP on weapons, they might be able to spend 1/30th as much on arms as we do. But they're not trying hard. In truth, Iran hasn't embarked upon any military adventures in years: there is no pattern of aggression and conquest, no frantic military buildup. The war with Iraq a generation ago seems to have used up most of the Iranians' revolutionary zeal. We do not hear of their 'last territorial demands.' In fact, we're still waiting for the first... (for publication 10/23/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Strange new love for "The Blob"

Cato Institute
by Andrew J. Coulson


In the eighties, Republicans talked of abolishing the federal Department of Education. In the nineties, they blocked President Clinton's quest for national education standards. Former Reagan education secretary William Bennett even dubbed America's bloated school monopolies 'the Blob.' But with the election of George W. Bush and the passage of his No Child Left Behind law in 2002, the 'party of limited government' apparently decided to stop worrying and love the Blob. And its appetite for federal control over the classroom continues to grow. A chorus of Republicans -- including Bennett himself, in a recent Washington Post op/ed -- is now calling for a national system of education standards and testing...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are evangelicals over?

by Alan Wolfe


Historically, evangelicals believed that religion and politics should be separate: one was holy, the other Satan's domain. But they put those convictions aside in the hopes that the Republican Party would change America's moral climate. It has not, and they are not happy. It is precisely because conservative evangelicals pay more attention to issues involving sexuality than they do to economics or foreign policy that the Foley affair has become so important. It has become increasingly clear to many evangelicals that their alliance with the Republicans is not paying off: Abortion is still legal (if more restricted); gays can still marry in one state, and civil unions are spreading elsewhere; and opposition to stem cell research is a losing cause...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Stand up for freedom

by Ronald Bailey


The American Civil Liberties Union opened its annual membership conference in Washington, DC on Sunday evening. The conference brochure declares: 'We must not stand on the sidelines while our leaders in government extinguish the light of liberty. Today, we have an administration that has asserted an unchecked power to eavesdrop on ordinary people, to hold prisoners -- including American citizens -- without trial or access to a lawyer, to secretly kidnap and torture people have not been charges with any crime, and to repeatedly ignore its duty to enforce laws passed by Congress. It's time to stand up against government abuses of power!' At Sunday's sessions the 1,500 conferees listened to conversations on civil liberties and ended with a poetry slam and a hip-hop all-female dance troupe. The first conversation was between ACLU president Nadine Strossen and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Raging theocrats seeking to overturn our liberal democracy


National Review
by Rich Lowry


In the 1650s, Oliver Cromwell governed England with a cadre of major generals, establishing a kind of low-church Protestant theocracy. Catholic priests were chased from the country, and Anglican clergy were suppressed. Censorship and blue laws were tightened. What does Cromwell's rule have to do with contemporary American political life? If your answer is anything other than 'nothing,' you are probably in the grip of the 'theo-panic' that is sweeping precincts of the American commentariat. They warn that America is beset by raging theocrats seeking to overturn our liberal democracy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is the Bush Doctrine dead?

Human Events
by Pat Buchanan


Between Sept. 11, 2001, and his State of the Union Address in 2002, George W. Bush had America in the palm of his hand. But in that speech, Bush blew it. Singling out Iran, Iraq and North Korea as state sponsors of terror seeking weapons of mass destruction, Bush yoked them together in an 'axis of evil' and issued this ultimatum: 'I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand by, as peril draws closer and closer. The United States of America will not permit the world's most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons.' Neoconservatives celebrated this bellicosity as neo-Churchillian. Yet all it accomplished was to fracture the U.S. and foreign coalitions that had united behind Bush...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Little Gitmos everywhere

Strike the Root
by Retta Fontana


Today there are no kids playing kickball in the street. Kickball is as outdated now as the game of 'kick the can' that my parents' generation played. This is only natural; times change. But the passing of pick-up games, though unnoticed, is lamentable. They've been wiped out by a silent killer, progress, and no one at the CDC is looking for a cure. Neither parents nor children today know what kids are missing. Now everything is based upon the use of force for achieving social goals. This is what turns innovative, dynamic people who invented the light bulb, the assembly line, the airplane and the home computer into sheeple, who 'baaah' obediently when out-of-control tyrants in Washington take away their rights to privacy, freedom of speech, and to a trial by jury in a court of law with the stroke of a pen...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The road to depravity and dictatorship

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


With Bush's signing of this bill today, the worst kind of barbarism is made 'legitimate' and consecrated in our laws. We commit horrors, our government sanctifies the acts, and we speak of them openly -- and even with pride and righteousness. In terms of the moral principles that are implicated, there is not much lower to go. Now we simply wait to see to what extent the powers in this new law are implemented, and who the particular targets will be. And we wait to see just how lightless, how evil, and how endless our nightmare will be...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

On loving the country

by Anthony Gregory


I love America, and I don't intend to leave. The last several years, the government has done some disappointing, unacceptable and evil things. I am even disappointed in my many fellow Americans who apparently have no jealousy of their liberties and no reticence about killing foreigners. But I think even many of them are mostly misguided and don't necessarily hate America. I don't think they are acting in a loving way toward the country, but I don't insist they leave. However, if we do want to examine who most loves the country, let’s consider what it has gone through lately...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush Signs Tough Rules on Detainees

Los Angeles Times


President Bush signed new legislation Tuesday providing for the detention and prosecution of terrorism suspects, and the Justice Department moved immediately to request the dismissal of dozens of lawsuits filed by detainees challenging their incarceration. Bush signed the legislation in an elaborate East Room ceremony, calling it a 'vital tool' in the administration's war on terrorism. Almost immediately, Republican Party leaders charged that the measure's Democratic critics advocate freeing terrorists...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hantavirus Bioengineered?

Don't Let Them Manufacture Another War

From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space

Andy Stern: "We need to get America back on track"

Leader Has New View for Unions

Andy Stern, president of the 1.8 million-member Service Employees International Union, has some provocative ideas, like ending employer-based health care and increasing worker ownership. "We're at a moment when the character of America is at risk," Stern said, echoing Alan Greenspan's warning that the growing gap between rich and poor threatens democratic capitalism. "We need to get America back on track."

FDA Is Set to Approve Milk, Meat From Clones

Three years after the Food and Drug Administration first hinted that it might permit the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals, prompting public reactions that ranged from curiosity to disgust, the agency is poised to endorse marketing of the mass-produced animals for public consumption.

California Joins Northeast Global Warming Fight

California will link up with a carbon trading program begun by a group of Northeast states. Under the program, power plants in participating states will be granted a limited number of carbon credits, equal to the amount of carbon dioxide they are allowed to emit. Those that exceed their limits must purchase credits to cover the difference, while those that produce less carbon dioxide can sell the surplus credits.

Federal Energy Leases Could Erode Newly Reinstated "Roadless" Rule

Last month, conservationists celebrated the restoration of federal protections to about 50 million acres of "roadless" public lands. But now, activists in Colorado are warning that an upcoming federal auction for energy-development leases is letting thousands of roadless acres slip through the cracks.

Climate Researchers Urge: Curb Cheap Flights

Carbon dioxide emissions from air travel could account for two-thirds of the UK's emissions targets by 2050 unless the government takes action. Joss Garman, a spokesman for the anti-air travel group Plane Stupid, said, "What we're talking about here is 'our ability to live on earth,' as Al Gore put it, versus our ability to live in Tuscany on the weekends."

Congress Aides Ignored Bribery Signs

Congressional aides ignored numerous warning signs about disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham's cozy relationship with contractors who paid him millions in bribes, according to an official investigative report. Committee staff helped Cunningham avoid competitive bidding rules to steer at least $70 million to two different contractors.

Cindy Sheehan: Playing the Numbers Game

Cindy Sheehan asks: "How much of these criminals and their crimes can we stomach? I can't stomach any more, and I call anyone in America who is sick to death of the people we employ to represent us - but who represent their own interests and the war machine's interests - to join Gold Star Families for Peace in front of the White House for a sit-in to surround it and tell the people who mislead us that we want our country back and our troops out of Iraq."

Armee der Arbeitslosen: Sozialabbau als Rekrutierungshilfe der Bundeswehr

Militarisierung und die Bundeswehr

Armee der Arbeitslosen. Sozialabbau als Rekrutierungshilfe der Bundeswehr

Der Artikel beschreibt, wie sich der rasante Sozialabbau förmlich als Rekrutierungshilfe für die Bundeswehr erweist und beleuchtet auch die üble Rolle der Arbeitsagentur in diesem Zusammenhang. Artikel von Jonna Schürkes in AUSDRUCK - Das IMI-Magazin vom Oktober 2006 (pdf)

Three Block War

„Mit der Kriegsübung "Three Block War" bereitet sich die Bundeswehr auf die plötzliche Eskalation von gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen mit der einheimischen Bevölkerung besetzter Gebiete vor. Das von mehreren hundert Soldaten durchgeführte Manöver, das regelmäßig von der Berliner Führung beobachtet wird, ist mittlerweile integrales Element der Rekrutenausbildung auf dem Truppenübungsplatz Hammelburg (Bayern)…“ Artikel vom 09.10.2006 in und von "Informationen zur Deutschen Außenpolitik" (

Film: Gesteuerte Demokratie?

Der Film von Steven Hutchings ist im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit an der Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach am Main entstanden. Untersucht wird die Informations- und Medienarbeit der Bundeswehr. Ausgehend vom 'sicherheitspolitischen Paradigmenwechsel' am Ende des kalten Krieges werden Kontinuitäten und Wechsel in diesem Bereich betrachtet. Weitere Infos, Video-Download und Video-Software bei V2V - video syndication network

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Oktober 2006


Bochum: Das Jugendamt präsentiert eine Berufsbildungsmesse: Mit Bundeswehr, ARGE und Zeitarbeitsbranche

„Am Donnerstag und Freitag dieser Woche findet im RuhrCongress eine “Berufsbildungsmesse” statt. Als Ziel der Veranstaltung wird formuliert, “dass die SchülerInnen ab der 9. Jahrgangsstufe aller Schulformen aus der Region Mittleres Ruhrgebiet detaillierte Informationen über die zahlreichen Ausbildungswege, Berufsbilder und Branchen erhalten.” Auf einem der größten Stände wirbt die Bundeswehr für ihr Handwerk. Federführend bei der Organisation der Messe ist das Jugendamt der Stadt Bochum. Jugendamtsleiter Dolf Mehring von den Grünen war lange Zeit in der Friedensbewegung aktiv. Er weiß also, wie das Militär mit solchen Auftritten die Akzeptanz für weltweite Kriegseinsätze erhöhen will. Die Messe bietet aber noch weitere Highlights: Auch die ARGE und die Zeitarbeitsbranche sind mit Ständen vertreten. Ob es hier Infos für die vielen Jugendlichen gibt, die keinen Ausbildungsplatz ergattern können? Mtveranstalterin des Events ist die Industrie- und Handelskammer. Nicht vertreten sind die Gewerkschaften…“ Meldung bei Bo-Alternativ vom 24.08.2008

Aus: LabourNet, 26. August 2008

Wechselnde Schichtdienste bergen gesundheitliche Risiken, bis zum Herzinfarkt

Schichtarbeit: Körper aus dem Takt

Wechselnde Schichtdienste sind nicht nur besonders anstrengend, sondern
bergen auch gesundheitliche Risiken - bis zum Herzinfarkt.

Artikel von Hanno Charisius in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 14.10.2006,wm3/gesundheit/artikel/724/88636/

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Oktober 2006

Tierlieb? Lerne Metzger!

Dass ausreichende Bildungs- und Ausbildungsangebote für den »Standort Deutschland« von existenzieller Bedeutung seien, gehört zu den über alle Medien verbreiteten Standardfloskeln unserer politischen Kaste und der Wirtschaftslobby. Artikel von Volker Bräutigam in Ossietzky, dokumentiert im Linksnet

Aus dem Text: „…Damit niemand darauf verfällt, unser kapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem für das eklatante Versagen beim Arbeitsplatz- und beim Ausbildungsplatz-Angebot verantwortlich zu machen, betreiben die Massenmedien Schuldzuweisung an die Schwächsten unserer Gesellschaft: an die sogenannten »Lernbeeinträchtigten«. (…) In dieser aufgehetzten Atmosphäre fragt kaum jemand mehr danach, wie viele Lehrstellenbewerber eigentlich noch einen Ausbildungsplatz erhalten, der ihren ursprünglichen Berufswünschen wenigstens halbwegs entspricht. Und wie viele Bewerber andererseits sich gezwungen sahen, zu nehmen, was sie kriegen konnten. Unbekannt also bleibt die Zahl der jungen Menschen, die schon vor dem Start in ihr Arbeitsleben die Hoffnung auf Erfüllung in einem frei gewählten Beruf begraben mussten: Du liebst Tiere? Macht nichts, lerne Metzger!...“

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Oktober 2006

Pflicht zur Vorsorge: Krankheit als Schuld

„Zum Leid kommen bei Schwerkranken oft die Selbstvorwürfe wegen eines falsch gelebten Lebens. Doch die meisten Krankheiten sind Schicksalsschläge: So ist Krebs ungerecht - ein Tumor kann jeden treffen. Die Gesundheitsreform weist Patienten dennoch Schuld zu…“ Ein Kommentar von Werner Bartens in Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 18.10.06,tt3m3/gesundheit/artikel/8/88919/

SoVD und Volkssolidarität fordern Neuanfang bei Gesundheitsreform

„Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) und Volkssolidarität (VS) lehnen die von der Großen Koalition geplante Gesundheitsreform in weiten Teilen ab. Diese Reform hat eine gravierende soziale Schieflage. Die Große Koalition belastet erneut einseitig die Versicherten und Patienten der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung. Die Beiträge zur Krankenversicherung steigen und die Versicherten müssen nach der Einführung des Gesundheitsfonds mit einem Zusatzbeitrag rechnen. Damit werden alle künftigen Kostenrisiken auf die Patienten abgewälzt. Dies trifft Geringverdiener und chronisch Kranke besonders hart…“ Pressemeldung vom 17.10.2006

Siehe dazu:

Abschätzung der Auswirkungen der Gesundheitsreform der Großen Koalition und Empfehlungen im Interesse von Versicherten und Patienten der GKV

Expertise erstellt von Dr. Klaus Jacobs, Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK (WIdO), Bonn, für die Volkssolidarität Bundesverband und den Sozialverband Deutschland (SoVD) vom Oktober 2006 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Oktober 2006

Die Dienstbotengesellschaft

„Wer über Armut in Deutschland redet, darf nicht die Augen davor verschließen, dass sie häufig Migranten trifft. So bildet sich in der Bundesrepublik eine Dienstbotengesellschaft nach US-amerikanischem Muster heraus. Hierbei spielen Migrantinnen, die auf Grund ihrer persönlichen Notlage schlecht bezahlte Jobs in Privathaushalten annehmen müssen, eine Schlüsselrolle…“ Artikel von Christoph Butterwegge in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 18.10.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Oktober 2006

US ponders market manipulation

The long-run economic problems are nothing new. Although growth has been excellent, inflation has been running well above target and with the balance of payments deficit being so large, the dollar is in continual danger of tanking. Personal savings are nil and the US is, in effect, being financially supported by China.

From Information Clearing House

Lone Wolf Takes on the Pharma Pack: The Whistleblower

Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman , Rost compares corporate culture to running with a wolf pack. "Everyone helps out and is friendly as long as it benefits the group," he writes, "but each wolf cares only about himself and will do anything to survive."

Web could be terror training camp in U.S., politician says

Disaffected people living in the United States may develop radical ideologies and potentially violent skills over the Internet and that could
present the next major U.S. security threat, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Monday.

From Information Clearing House

Under Bush's law, guilty until confirmed guilty

Graham and other supporters of this dreadful legislation seem to have forgotten that American justice does not merely deliver swift punishment to the guilty. It also protects the innocent.

From Information Clearing House

Bush’s S.S. Grills 14 Year-Old

Two super-sized adult male U.S. Secret Service (“S.S.”) agents banged on the front door at 14 year-old Julia Wilson’s home last Thursday during school hours, but Julia wasn’t home. Predictably (except to the S.S. agents), the straight-A student was in her microbiology class at school.

Bush signs law authorizing "harsh" interrogation

Bush signed a law on Tuesday authorizing tough "interrogation" and prosecution of terrorism suspects and took an indirect, election-year swipe at Democrats who opposed the legislation.

From Information Clearing House

Nukes: Iran and North Korea are not the problem

Thanks to the nuclear aspirations of North Korea and Iran, there's no shortage of rhetoric along these lines: "We can't let rogue nations have nukes. They might use them." Absent from the discussion are two elementary questions.

30 more countries could have nukes soon

The head of the U.N. nuclear agency warned Monday that as many as 30 countries could soon have technology that would let them produce atomic weapons "in a very short time," joining the nine states known or suspected to have such arms.

From Information Clearing House

US Reviews War Plan on N. Korea

According to the report, the United States is considering a plan against North Korea to neutralize Pyongyang's nuclear capability with overwhelming use of the U.S. Air Force.

North Korea on war footing

The U.N. sanctions against North Korea for its nuclear test are a declaration of war, and the country will "deal merciless blows" if the nation's sovereignty is violated, the North's central government said Tuesday in its first response to the U.N. measures.

Pyongyang Vows Merciless Measures

North Korea yesterday rejected the U.N. Security Council resolution imposing nonmilitary sanctions on the communist state for its nuclear test and vowed to take appropriate countermeasures.

From Information Clearing House

Iraqi Judge Sentences U.S. Citizen To Death After U.S. Military “Demanded” the Man Be Executed

An Iraqi-born US citizen is in a battle to save his life as he tries to avoid execution in Baghdad. But he’s not up against insurgents groups – he’s up against the Iraqi and US governments.

From Information Clearing House

The Iraq Study Group

A bipartisan conspiracy against the American and Iraqi people

From Information Clearing House

A plan for Iraq: blame the Iraqi's

Dennis Ross

Staying the course is a prescription for avoiding reality. But simply setting a deadline and withdrawing might also constitute a form of denial -- denial of what will happen in the region after a precipitous pullout.

Iraq Goes Deeper Into Division

A partition would leave Iraq with a weak central government and largely independent states run by Kurds in the north, Shiites in the south and Sunnis in the center and west - giving impetus for still more violence and still further population upheaval.,,-6149377,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The latest victory in the war on terror: Stewart in Leg-irons

By Mike Whitney

So far, Bush’s only triumph in his muddled war on terror has been locking up the two Stewart Sisters, Lynne and Martha. (They’re not really sisters) Neither posed any threat to national security, but that’s beside the point. Their arrest sends a chilling message to “home-decoration mavens” and 67 year old cancer patients that they’d better “watch their step” or they’ll find themselves in prison-pinstripes.

The Ground Truth: The Human Cost Of War


Sometimes the greatest act of courage is to tell the truth

The propaganda of our times

Things are going well in the war they are fighting: the war for money and power

Rachel's News #876

Bush's wars provoke nuclear crisis

U.S. Committed to SPACE WAR

Informant: Kev Hall

Democratic Takeover of House of Representatives

Over 110,000 Americans Participate In 'Stand Up' Against Global Poverty

On Granting Immunity to President Bush Under the Military Tribunals Law

Bush Plays Politics with Iraqi Dead

Health Care Scandal has Real Victims

Iraq Follows Vietnam Model

An Irresistible Invitation

The Worst in Iraq is Yet to Come

Connecticut Clergy Group's Billboard Airs Torture Issue

Hunger Due to Injustice, Not Lack of Food

The courts are starting to accept that the war against Iraq is a crime

From ufpj-news

Eisiges Zeugnis von Gewalt

Much of Iraq still in ruin as U.S. builders leave

Informant: ranger116

US is planning to nuke Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Feingold Calls for Bush's Censure


5 min 59 sec - Oct 16, 2006

Description: March 12, 2006 In an exclusive interview on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold called on the Senate to publicly admonish President Bush for approving domestic wiretaps on American citizens without first seeking a legally required court order. He said Bush had, "openly and almost thumbing his nose at the American people," continued the NSA domestic wiretap program.

Radio Your Way

Russ Feingold :: United States Senator -
Official site, including contact details, issue positions, biography, news, speeches and statements, photos, and constituent resources.

Feingold to Introduce Resolution Censuring the President

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has announced that he will introduce a resolution in the U.S. Senate on Monday to censure the President of the ...


Feingold Says Congress Must Condemn the President’s Violation of the Public’s Trust Through Illegal Wiretapping Program

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has announced that he will introduce a resolution in the U.S. Senate on Monday to censure the President of the United States. Feingold’s resolution condemns the President’s actions in authorizing the illegal wiretapping program and then misleading the country about the existence and legality of the program. Feingold calls the resolution an appropriate and responsible step for Congress to take in response to the President’s undermining of the separation of powers and ignoring the rule of law.

“The President must be held accountable for authorizing a program that clearly violates the law and then misleading the country about its existence and its legality,” Feingold said. “The President’s actions, as well as his misleading statements to both Congress and the public about the program, demand a serious response. If Congress does not censure the President, we will be tacitly condoning his actions, and undermining both the separation of powers and the rule of law.”

The President’s illegal wiretapping program is in direct violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The FISA law makes it a crime to wiretap Americans in the United States without a warrant or a court order. The Bush Administration has obtained thousands of FISA warrants since September 11th and has almost never been rejected by the FISA court. FISA even allows wiretaps to be executed immediately in an emergency as long as the government obtains a warrant within 72 hours.

“This issue is not about whether the government should be wiretapping terrorists – of course it should, and it can under current law” Feingold said. “But this President and this Administration decided to break the law and they have yet to give a convincing explanation of why their actions were necessary, appropriate, or legal. Passing more laws will not change the fact that the President broke the ones already in place and for that, Congress must hold him accountable.”

View the Censure Resolution


Senator Feingold’s resolution of censure condemns the President for breaking the law by authorizing an illegal wiretapping program, and for misleading Congress and the American people about the existence and legality of that program.

The President Broke the Law by Wiretapping Outside of FISA

It Is Illegal to Wiretap Without the Requisite Warrant or Court Order: The law is clear that the criminal wiretap statute and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) “shall be the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance . . . and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted.”

FISA Has an Emergency Exception: The Administration has indicated that it ignored FISA because the application process takes too long. In fact, in an emergency where the Attorney General believes that surveillance must begin before a court order can be obtained, FISA permits him to immediately authorize the surveillance as long as the government goes to the court within 72 hours. Prior to 2001, the emergency wiretap period was only 24 hours. The Administration requested and received the increase to 72 hours in intelligence authorization legislation that passed in late 2001.

FISA Provides for Wartime Situations: FISA also permits the Attorney General to authorize warrantless electronic surveillance in the United States during the 15 days following a declaration of war, to allow time to consider any amendments to FISA necessitated by a wartime emergency.

The Administration Has Used FISA Thousands of Times Since 9/11: Administration officials have criticized FISA, but they have obtained thousands of warrants approved by the FISA court since 9/11, and have almost never had a warrant request rejected by that court.

The President Made Misleading Arguments Defending his Wiretapping Program

Military Force Resolution Did Not Authorize Wiretapping: The President has argued that Congress gave him authority to wiretap Americans on U.S. soil without a warrant when it passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force after September 11, 2001. There is no language in the resolution and no evidence to suggest that it was intended to give the President authority to order these warrantless wiretaps. Warrantless domestic surveillance is not an “incident of war” akin to detaining an enemy soldier on the battlefield as the Administration has argued.

In fact, Congress passed the Patriot Act just six weeks after September 11 to expand the government’s powers to conduct surveillance of suspected terrorists and spies. Yet the Administration did not ask for, nor did the Patriot Act include, any change to FISA’s requirement of judicial approval for wiretaps of Americans in the United States.

Prohibition on Wiretapping Limits Executive Power: The President’s assertion of inherent executive power is also wrong. The President has extensive authority when it comes to national security and foreign affairs, but given the clear prohibition in FISA, that authority does not include the power to wiretap American citizens on American soil without a warrant.

Executive Branch Review of Wiretapping Is Not Enough: The President has argued that periodic executive branch review provides an adequate check on the program. But Congress when it passed FISA explicitly rejected the idea that the executive branch should be fully entrusted to conduct national security wiretaps on its own – a power that the executive had abused in the past. In addition, the Administration has said that NSA employees decide whose communications to tap. Executive branch employees are no substitute for FISA Court judges.

Congress Did Not Approve This Program: The extremely limited briefings of the President’s warrantless surveillance programs to a handful of Congressional leaders did not constitute Congressional oversight, much less approval. In fact, the failure of the President to keep the Congressional Intelligence Committees “fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities” was a violation of the National Security Act.

The President Made Misleading Public Statements about Administration Wiretapping

“Finally, we need to renew the critical provisions of the Patriot Act that protect our civil liberties. The Patriot Act was written with clear safeguards to ensure the law is applied fairly. The judicial branch has a strong oversight role. Law enforcement officers need a federal judge's permission to wiretap a foreign terrorist's phone, a federal judge's permission to track his calls, or a federal judge's permission to search his property. Officers must meet strict standards to use any of these tools. And these standards are fully consistent with the Constitution of the U.S.”
--President George Bush, June 9, 2005, in Columbus, Ohio

“A couple of things that are very important for you to understand about the Patriot Act. First of all, any action that takes place by law enforcement requires a court order. In other words, the government can't move on wiretaps or roving wiretaps without getting a court order. Now, we've used things like roving wiretaps on drug dealers before. Roving wiretaps mean you change your cell phone. And yet, we weren't able to use roving wiretaps on terrorists. And so what the Patriot Act said is let's give our law enforcement the tools necessary, without abridging the Constitution of the United States, the tools necessary to defend America.”
--President George Bush, July 14, 2004, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

“Secondly, there are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.”
--President George Bush, April 20, 2004, in Buffalo, New York



Rep. Walter Jones

Tue Oct 17, 2006 04:20


The Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing this afternoon to examine the manipulation of pre-war Iraq intelligence. Rep. Walter Jones ... all » (R-NC), who previously disavowed his vote for the war, attended the hearing and asked the panelists why a small number of individuals in the administration had more influence than the professionals. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said he only needed three words.. «

Former Admin. Official Needs Only Three Words To Explain Man


Computer games stunt teen brains,6903,539166,00.html

Zu empfehlen auch: M. Spitzer: "Vorsicht Bildschirm", Klett Verlag

Recommandé à lire l'excellent livre de Manfred Spitzer. Malheureusement pas encore traduit.

Sibylle Gabriel

Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency

101 Reasons Why Our Leaders Should Admit that Invading Iraq Was a Mistake

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Wait For It: The Department of Homeland Family Goodness

From Intellectual Conservatism to Mindless Republicanism: on GOP and Man at Yale

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Presidency Is Not America Despite the Leader Principle of the Conservatives

Are We Really Heading Towards a One-World Government?

South Park and Biblical Prophecy and why the warmongers get it all wrong

Duke and Deceit: Brodhead’s Folly

Massacre in Iraq: on why the 650,000 figure is accurate

No, You Can’t Have My Daughter

Freedom's Nightmare is Public Ignorance

by Nancy Levant

But I am also becoming more and more fearful for the American people as each and every day passes. Of course, I realize that we the people are no longer rugged, intelligent, or loyal Americans. These traits have been deadened by decades of public school indoctrination and decades of screen “visions.”.....

Lawrence Wright: "The Looming Tower"

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Woman Sues Over Ticket for Anti-Bush Bumper Sticker

Civil war intensifying in Iraq, US-backed coup possible

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Torture of Jose Padilla, US citizen

Informant: Arthur Waskow

From ufpj-news


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