Samstag, 14. Oktober 2006

Blair Devastated as Army Chief Savages His Approach to Iraq

The authority of Tony Blair was left battered last night as he attempted to play down a rift with the head of the British Army over his unprecedented warning that the presence of foreign troops was "exacerbating" the security situation in Iraq.

Aide Says White House Mocked Evangelicals

A former senior presidential aide has accused the Bush administration of using evangelical Christians to win votes but then privately ridiculing them once in office. The allegations by David Kuo, the former deputy director of the White House office of faith-based initiatives, come at a devastating time, when the administration is counting on born-again Christians to vote in sufficient numbers to save the Republicans' hold on Congress in the November elections.

Cheney Still at Forefront of CIA Leak Case

Behind closed doors at the US District Court for the District of Columbia this week, US District Judge Reggie Walton is considering what classified information I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff and national security adviser, will be able to use to defend himself against charges of obstruction of justice, false statements, and perjury. To bring Libby to trial, the special prosecutor in the case, US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, has to avoid the risk of graymail - the defense strategy of forcing the prosecution to drop the case because of classified information the defense would reveal at trial.

Bush Administration Appeals Wiretapping Decision

The Bush administration on Friday appealed a federal judge's ruling this summer that a controversial post-September 11, 2001, domestic spying program was illegal. The Justice Department, in documents filed with a federal court in Cincinnati, argued that President George W. Bush had acted within the law in authorizing the surveillance of domestic wiretaps of international telephone calls.

Iraqis "Fleeing Rising Violence"

Thousands of Iraqis are fleeing the country every day, in what the UN's refugee agency describes as a steady, silent exodus.

The One World Order: The Religious Right

NEBENEINKÜNFTE: Nur 109 Abgeordnete offenbaren sich,1518,442627,00.html


Politiker-Nebeneinkünfte: Medienrummel um unsere Aktion vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht

Vor zwei Wochen hatten wir Sie um Unterstützung für einen Offenen Brief an das Bundesverfassungsgericht gebeten, das über die Klagen von 9 Abgeordneten gegen die von uns mit erstrittene Veröffentlichungspflicht der Nebeneinkünfte von Abgeordneten berät. Innerhalb von 5 Tagen unterzeichneten 3091 Campact-Aktive den Brief.

Am letzten Mittwoch, dem Tag der Verhandlung, waren wir dann mit einem 5 Meter großen, aufgeblasenen Lobbyisten vor Ort und präsentierten den Offenen Brief. Wir hatten eine fantastische Medienresonanz - vielleicht haben Sie uns ja auch im Fernsehen gesehen: Tagesschau, ZDF-Morgenmagazin, heute-journal, RTL-news, Reuters und n-tv berichteten; Bilder der Aktion waren in vielen Tageszeitungen. Die vielen Spenden von Campact-Aktiven für die Aktion haben diesen Erfolg möglich gemacht. Herzlichen Dank! Mit einem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts wird in zwei bis drei Monaten gerechnet – es bleibt spannend.

Bilder und Berichte von der Aktion:

The New York Times: Science Ignored, Again

"The Bush administration loves to talk about the virtues of 'sound science,' by which it usually means science that buttresses its own political agenda. But when some truly independent science comes along to threaten that agenda, the administration often ignores or minimizes it. The latest example involves the Environmental Protection Agency's decision to reject the recommendations of experts inside and outside the government who had urged a significant tightening of federal standards regulating the amount of soot in the air," writes the New York Times.

NEW Petition & SEVERE

Ferngelenkte Kampfeinsätze, elektronische Hirne und Überwachungssysteme

Krieg als Computerspiel

Teil 3

Science-Fiction, Kriegskino und Krieg der Zukunft.

Britischer Armeechef will den Rückzug aus dem Irak

Der ehrliche General

061013 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

061011 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

061010 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

061006 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

061004 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

US Hits Obstacle in Getting a Vote on North Korea

The United States pressed for a Saturday vote on a Security Council resolution that would impose sanctions on North Korea for its reported nuclear test, but questions from China and Russia on Friday evening cast the timing, and possibly the content, of the document into doubt.

Madagascar Coral Reefs Damaged

A new survey of coral reefs along Madagascar's southwestern coast found massive damage from coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures, researchers said Thursday.

Democrats Challenge Pesticide Testing on Pregnant Women, Infants

Three Democrats in Congress have added their names to a lawsuit seeking to end any pesticide testing on children by the Environmental Protection Agency.

FBI Probes Trip GOP Rep. Kolbe Made With Pages

Federal prosecutors in Arizona have opened a preliminary investigation into a camping trip Congressman Jim Kolbe, R-Arizona, took 10 years ago that included two teenage Congressional pages, a Justice Department spokesman told NBC News.

The Wretched Years

"What will history have to say about these times? History, it has often been said, is written by the victors, but who really wins anything after all this," asks William Rivers Pitt.

The Reykjavik File: on the 1986 Reagan-Gorbachev Summit

The Reykjavik File - Previously Secret Documents from U.S. and Soviet Archives on the 1986 Reagan-Gorbachev Summit.

Preventing Nuclear War in Korea

Molly Ivins: Dear Leaders

Is North Korea next?

Iraq and North Korea: A Tale of Two Stories

A Good Week for the Axis of Evil

Bush Aides Called Evangelicals 'Nuts'

US Seen Retreating from Democracy Push

Canada Fights UN Moratorium on Open-Ocean Bottom Trawling

Ingredients in Gov'ts "Free" Vaccinations

In case you optimists insist that the government has SOME saving grace, especially with all the recent flagrant violations of the Constitution and YOUR Bill of Rights, not even your vaccinations are a safe bet.

Remember that when you're told by the all-seeing eye of Big Brother that you're REQUIRED--again the ELIMINATION of YOUR "free will--to vaccinate your kiddies.

Isn't statism great!

Frank J. Gonzalez
Nov. 7 candidate for Florida's U.S. House Dist. 21 vs. incumbent Bush Republican Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Post Office Box 832586
Miami, FL 33283-2586
cell: 786-287-7491
Email address:
Official campaign site:
Facebook campaign site:
MySpace campaign site:
Email list of campaign updates & issues commentary:

"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."

"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

--founder of the Democratic Party, 3rd President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Frist's Charity Under Scrutiny

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's AIDS charity paid nearly a half-million dollars in consulting fees to members of his political inner circle, according to tax returns providing the first financial accounting of the presidential hopeful's nonprofit.

From Information Clearing House

Rep. Bob Ney Pleads Guilty Over Abramoff Bribes

Rep. Ney pleads guilty

Rep. Bob Ney pleaded guilty Friday in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation, the first lawmaker to confess to crimes in an election-year scandal that has stained the Republican-controlled Congress and the Bush administration.

From Information Clearing House


Ney Pleads Guilty Over Abramoff Bribes

Representative Bob Ney of Ohio pleaded guilty to corruption charges today in connection with the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal. He said he was ready to take his punishment for selling his integrity and his office.

GOP Congressman Pleads Guilty but Will Not Resign

Representative Bob Ney, the first member of Congress to confess to crimes in dealings with the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, pleaded guilty to corruption charges Friday but said he would not immediately resign.

US law experts question timing of Qaeda treason charge

The first treason charge against an American since the World War II era has puzzled some law experts who suspect that political motives were behind the move less than a month before congressional elections.

From Information Clearing House

Congressman Shays: Abu Ghraib Wasn't torture

Shays defends comments on Abu Ghraib

"This is outrageous for a sitting congressman," said Joshua Rubenstein, Northeast regional director for Amnesty International. "The photographs did not only depict humiliating and degrading treatment of prisoners. They showed prisoners who were killed."

From Information Clearing House

The Bush administration's torture of U.S. citizen Jose Padilla

The Bush administration insisted it had the right to abduct and detain U.S. citizens indefinitely and deny them access to any courts or even to any lawyers, to either contest the validity of their detention or the legality of their treatment. That is still the Bush administration's position, and the Congress less than two weeks ago purported to give the President the legal authority to do virtually all of that.

From Information Clearing House

Map Of US and UK Government International Actions Since 1945

Intervention and Exploitation

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Intervention in Venezuela and in Latin America

Keep your eyes on Ecuador, [Rafael] Correa was recently asked what he would do with the big Manta US airbase in Ecuador and his answer was, well he’d allow it to stay if the United States agreed to have an Ecuadorian airbase in Miami.

Beware Empires in Decline

Just as an empire on the rise, like the United States on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, is often inclined to take rash and ill-considered actions, so an empire on the decline, like the British and French empires after World War II, will engage in senseless, self-destructive acts. And I fear the same can happen to the United States today, as we, too, slip into decline.

From Information Clearing House

Price of a broken deal

In a deal brokered by China on September 19 2005, Kim Jong-il's regime pledged to give up its atomic weapons, abandon existing nuclear programmes and rejoin the UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that it had repudiated in 2003. Then the US treasury department stuck its oar in.,,1922182,00.html

PM ready to send navy to cut off N Korea

AUSTRALIAN warships are likely to join any internationally sanctioned blockade of North Korea, says the Prime Minister, John Howard.

From Information Clearing House

Former Weapons Inspector, Experts Warn Against Military Action Toward Iran

"Iran does not today, and in my judgment will not for some time, pose a nuclear threat to the United States or the state of the [Middle East] region," Kay said.

From Information Clearing House

British Army Chief Says Troops Should Be Pulled Out Of Iraq

Tony Blair has received a public warning from the country's most senior military commander that the British presence in Iraq is threatening disaster there and in the UK.

UK Government stunned by Army chief's Iraq blast

General Sir Richard Dannatt said troops should come home within two years - flatly contradicting the Prime Minister's policy that the military will stay "as long as it takes". In unprecedented comments he warned that the Army could 'break' if British soldiers are kept too long in Iraq.

U.S. Casualties Surge Amid Worsening Iraq Occupation

At least 44 U.S. troops have been killed so far in October. At the current pace, the month would be the deadliest for U.S. forces since January 2005.

From Information Clearing House

Documents Reveal Scope of U.S. Database on Antiwar Protests


Internal military documents released Thursday provided new details about the Defense Department’s collection of information on demonstrations nationwide last year by students, Quakers and others opposed to the Iraq war.

Lied Into War

An Interview With Daniel Ellsberg

Video & Transcript

The most famous whistleblower of the Vietnam era, former State and Defence Department official, Daniel Ellsberg, is speaking out, calling on Bush Administration officials to do what he did with the Pentagon papers more than 30 years ago and leak secret documents and war plans to the public. Ellsberg claims President Johnson lied to take America to war in Vietnam. He accuses President Bush of lying to take America to war with Iraq and he believes secret groundwork is being laid for a war with Iran.

Click to view


Don't Go!

The Ballad Of Ho Chang

Video animation a classic anti-war story.

Click to view. Real Video

What You Need to Know About The Proposed Model State Emergency Health Powers Act in Your State

Informant: Debi Clark

Rendering the Constitution

Informant: Kev Hall

Climate change inaction will cost trillions

Informant: NHNE

Stop Bush's "October Surprise" Attack on Iran

How Many Servicemen are really 'MIA or AWOL' and how many are buried in secret graves?

Sgt. Ricky Clousing gets 3 months for Iraq war resistance

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

A Blue District Gone Red, Coming Back

By David Swanson

If you live in a solidly red (Republican) or blue (Democratic) district, then the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia might strike you as a moderate area being contested by two moderate candidates. The historically Democratic district, which continues to vote for Democratic state governors, switched when its current congressman, Virgil Goode, left the Democratic Party in 2000 to join the party he usually voted with anyway. But Goode does not always vote like a Republican. This huge area of farmland has been hard hit by corporate trade policies, and Goode has voted against CAFTA and every other "free trade" proposal put before him. Meanwhile, Goode's Democratic challenger this November, Al Weed, is running on his record as a soldier and a farmer, promising to crack down on immigrants, and citing Jesus as the inspiration for some of his positions.

But first looks can be deceiving. From a nearer angle, the contest between Goode and Weed, in which Goode's lead is dwindling rapidly, is one between a radical right winger and a progressive with a vision for enlightened change. The top issue on the minds of voters this year is the war in Iraq. And, of course, we're dumping such a financial fortune down that drain that every other issue is affected by this one. Virgil Goode's website pretends that the war (along with President Bush, Vice President Cheney, global warming, and a health care crisis, among other things) does not exist, except in this comment from Goode on energy:

"Being free of a need for foreign fossil fuel will enable us to be less involved in the shifting sands of the Middle East."

Of course, so would refusing to vote for wars in the Middle East. Goode voted for the war, has voted for every additional round of funding for the war, and has opposed every proposal to end the war, investigate the case made for the war, or assist veterans of the war. In contrast, Weed makes ending the war his top issue. And what underlies this major policy difference between Goode and Weed appears to be Goode's xenophobia and Weed's lack thereof.

Goode is a major proponent of militarizing the U.S. border with Mexico, denying citizenship to immigrants or their children, and demonizing immigrants as the root of American problems. Goode wants to drastically reduce foreign aid, make English the official language of the United States, ban flag burning, refuse to place U.S. troops under U.N. command, promote the Pledge of Allegiance, and defund the IMF and World Bank. His comment about foreign fossil fuel, like his opposition to the IMF and World Bank, is motivated by hostility to non-Americans, not by concern for the environment or for the nations victimized by global loan sharking. Goode reserves some hostility for Americans, gay Americans, who he thinks should not be allowed to marry, form civil unions, or adopt children. Demonizing immigrants and gay people: these are Goode's big issues, together with warning that Weed favors "national health care." Weed, of course, favors national health coverage of the costs of private health care, the same system that works so much better than ours in dozens of nations around the world.

Goode avoids any substantive discussion of most issues voters care about. He's refused to appear at debates with Weed. And his website covers all of his policy positions in fewer than 1,500 words total. On health care this is all he says:

"I support increased funding for research aimed at combating and curing illnesses such as diabetes, lupus, cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and heart disease. I hope that we can continue funding for health initiatives like community health centers in rural areas. I support refundable tax credits to encourage assistance for the uninsured to get health care assistance coverage."

On peace and war this is all he says:
"We need a strong national defense. I support policies to encourage the recruitment and the retention of personnel in the Armed Forces. Strength is a necessity for deterring foreign aggression and combating terrorism."

But what can he say? He's been in office for years and has almost always voted wrong. He backed the bankruptcy bill and the PATRIOT Act. He opposed internet neutrality. He's voted against every step to protect our environment, or the right to organize a union, or support for public schools, or steps to reform campaign financing. Virgil Goode is a loyal corporatist militarist Republican except when those positions conflict with his xenophobia or his religious bigotry. Knowing that much, you can safely predict how he will vote on almost any bill. His opposition to "free trade" even derives from his xenophobia: he's opposed to giving Americans' jobs to foreigners. Goode opposes restoring value to the minimum wage on the grounds that a decent minimum wage would attract more immigrants. Meanwhile, Al Weed supports restoring value to the minimum wage, arguing that doing that will reduce immigration.

Weed's website lays out his positions in some detail on a long list of issues, and I've spoken with him about some of them. He has a vision for peace, prosperity, sustainability, and sprawl prevention, a central component of which is promotion of the biofuel industry. Weed wants to let farmers continue farming profitably by encouraging the production of crops for biofuel. He also proposes "a generation of federally funded research universities in areas hurt by free trade. We have benefited greatly from land grant universities such as Virginia Tech and Virginia State, and we can do this again. We can start in Danville with a world class, four-year research University." Needless to say, this would cost very little compared to Goode's Iraq War or even the militarization of the Mexican border.

It's always tricky to take on sprawl in areas that have not yet suffered gravely from it and therefore still view it as desirable. But Weed does so very well. Here's an excerpt from a recent campaign press release:

"Last week Congress voted to weaken the power of local governments against reckless land developers. The bill, co-sponsored by Virgil Goode, allows developers to take claims directly to federal courts and ignore concerns from local communities.

"'This flawed bill is just one more example of how Mr. Goode does not consider the citizens of his district. He dutifully does what the Republican leadership and his contributors say without considering the consequences here in central and Southside Virginia,' said Al Weed.

"Goode has received over $90,000 in campaign contributions from real estate and construction PACs. Goode and the Republicans ignored the United States Supreme Court assertion that local and state governments are better equipped to handle matters regarding zoning disputes."

Weed doesn't shy away from the issue of taxes. He uses it, as with many issues, to pit ordinary Americans, not against gay people and immigrants, but against the people who are actually abusing us: corporate owners and the super wealthy. Weed proposes these tax changes:

* Making permanent the expanded Child Tax Credit, the elimination of the Marriage Penalty, and new tax bracket that allows people to save $350 dollars on their first level of income.

* Barring giant corporations from pretending to relocate overseas to avoid the taxes they are supposed to pay here in America .

* Ending corporate welfare and closing corporate tax loopholes that leave even more of the country’s tax burden on working families.

* Making speculators pay the same rate on unearned income as people pay on earned income they get by going to work and getting a paycheck.

* Simplifying the tax code so that a family doesn’t need to hire a professional to help them file their taxes.

* Enforcing the tax law so that big tax cheats pay what they are supposed to pay.

* Repealing recently passed, unneeded tax breaks for those who earn more than $200,000 a year.

Weed offers even better proposals in the area of electoral reform, including instant runoff voting, elimination of the electoral college, a duty to vote with a "none of the above" option, and public financing. He says nothing, however, about verifiable voting, the lack of which may actually decide his fate.

Assuming an honest election, Weed has a good chance – but we all need to step up to help him. He's backed by the United Steelworkers, the National Farmers Union, and the Sierra Club. Progressive Democrats of America and Democracy for America are both pitching in. But it's not enough. The outcome of this campaign depends on which issues are talked about, and we should not let that be determined by Goode's advertisements. Al Weed needs money and volunteers. Congress needs a Democratic majority, and one composed of Democrats who, like Weed, are worthy of the name.

From ufpj-news

Duke and the Death of Academe

Fencing Us In, Not Keeping 'Them' Out: on the proposed border wall

Spreading Democracy Abroad: "Democracy" meaning, of course, US rule

Operation Founding Fathers

Thanks, George: Bush is killing what's left of freedom in America

Bush Has Achieved America's Demise

Stop Abuse of Farmed Animals during Transport

Billions of animals endure deprivation of food and water, exposure to extreme temperatures, overcrowding, injury, and exhaustion while being transported to slaughter.

Stop the abuse.


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