Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2006

Water for millions at risk as glaciers melt away,,1892414,00.html

Informant: binstock

Military Commissions Act Shames the Constitution and Weakens America

Stephen Rohde writes: "The Military Commission Act is breathtaking in its denial of fundamental rights under the Constitution and international law. The law re-establishes virtually intact President Bush's military tribunals, which were rejected by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional."

Records Suggest Abramoff-Pombo Lobbying Contacts

California Representative Richard Pombo has insisted he was never lobbied by Jack Abramoff. Records show the disgraced lobbyist billed a client for at least two contacts with Pombo a decade ago.

US Military "Turns Blind Eye to Killings"

Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail write that the US military is deliberately turning a blind eye to sectarian killings committed by government security forces in Iraq.

Solving the Korean Stalemate, One Step at a Time

Jimmy Carter writes, "What must be avoided is to leave a beleaguered nuclear nation convinced that it is permanently excluded from the international community, its existence threatened, its people suffering horrible deprivation and its hard-liners in total control of military and political policy."

Monatliche Rente von 2,19 Euro: "Union betreibt Rentenklau an den Arbeitslosen"


Mit Empörung reagierte der rentenpolitische Sprecher der Linksfraktion, Volker Schneider, auf Forderungen aus der CDU/CSU-Fraktion, die Rentenansprüche für Hartz IV-Bezieher ganz zu streichen und Rentenansprüche für Menschen, die aus dem Arbeitslosengeld (ALG) I in das ALG II abrutschen, zu kürzen. "Das Papier der Union ist nichts anderes als Rentenklau durch die Hintertüre", meint Schneider. Trotz jahrelanger Beitragszahlungen sollten für Personen, die aus dem ALG I kämen und nach einem Jahr auf ALG II angewiesen seien, die Rentenleistungen gekürzt werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Atomausstieg selber machen!

Hier kannt man schnell wechseln:

Einen Weihnachtsgruß „Grüner Baum – grüner Strom“ zum Weiterverbreiten:

Song „Weihnachten ohne Atom“

Der Tod des freien Wortes

Der Mord an der regimekritischen Journalistin Anna Politkowskaja wird bald kein Thema der offiziellen Politik mehr sein.


Ermordete Journalistin: Siemens-Chef Kleinfeld empfängt Putin - Bayerns Grüne nicht (11.10.06)

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin traf sich am Mittwoch bei seinem Besuch in München mit dem bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Edmund Stoiber (CSU) sowie mit Spitzenvertretern der Wirtschaft wie Audi-Vorstandschef Martin Winterkorn und Siemens-Chef Klaus Kleinfeld. An dem Gespräch nahmen auch Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) und sein russischer Amtskollege German Gref teil. Der Besuch Putins wird überschattet von dem Mord an der regierungskritischen Journalistin Anna Politkowskaja. Die Spitze der bayerischen Grünen-Fraktion hatte daher ihre Teilnahme am Staatsempfang für Putin abgesagt. Stattdessen nahmen die Fraktionsvorsitzenden Margarete Bause und Sepp Dürr "aus Protest gegen die besorgniserregende Situation der Menschenrechte in Russland" an einer Mahnwache für die ermordete Journalistin teil.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Mord an Anna Politkowskaja: schwerer Schlag für die Pressefreiheit

Petition für unabhängige Untersuchung

Am 7. Oktober wurde die Journalistin Anna Politkowskaja, das "Gewissen Russlands", in Moskau ermordet. Reporter ohne Grenzen sammelt bis zum 30. Oktober Unterschriften für eine unabhängige Untersuchung des Mordes. Siehe dazu die Sonderseite von Reporter ohne Grenzen

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Oktober 2006

Krieg kostete 650.000 Menschen im Irak das Leben

Eine neue Studie kommt aufgrund ihrer Berechnungen zu weitaus höheren Opferzahlen, als bislang angenommen wurde.


650.000 Tote im Irakkrieg

Missy Comley Beattie: Prayers for Peace

Missy Comley Beattie writes: "Surely, it is time for all members of the clergy to call for peace. Surely, it is time for each of us to demand it."

Lawsuit to Force Bush Administration to Recognize Constitution

Gene C. Gerard writes: "The First Amendment to the US Constitution stipulates that 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.' By funding the Northwest Marriage Institute, and other faith-based organizations, the Bush administration is violating the law."

The Ground Truth: "Cinematic Call to Arms"

"The Ground Truth: After the Killing Ends" takes an unflinching look at the training and dehumanization of US soldiers, and how they struggle to come to terms with it when they come back home. This film overrides familiar images of heroic soldiers in battle and their overjoyed returning faces as they reunite with their families with one effortless stroke. Instead, we see a scenario that includes illness, amputation and injury, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), of which Iraq has become a fertile breeding ground. While America's poor treatment of veterans is not news to most, "The Ground Truth" makes it so personal and real, it is impossible to dismiss its characters simply as war statistics.

Vast Costs Loom in Iraq War Disability Claims

Nearly one in five soldiers leaving the military after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan has been at least partly disabled as a result of service. If the current proportions hold up over time, 400,000 returning service members may eventually apply for disability benefits when they retire.

The Paranoids Are Right

"Sometimes, paranoids are right. And sometimes even when paranoids are wrong, it's worth considering what they're worried about. I speak here of all who are worried sick that those new, fancy high-tech voting systems can be hacked, fiddled with and otherwise made to record votes that aren't cast, or fail to record votes that are," writes E.J. Dionne Jr.

House Panel Says BP May Have Withheld Alaska Info

BP faced new questions about its conduct on Tuesday after a Congressional panel demanded to know why the oil major had not disclosed a five-year-old order to inspect the pipelines at its Prudhoe Bay oilfield in Alaska that leaked this year causing major shutdowns.

FBI Probing Whether Specter Aide Helped Spouse Win Defense Contract

The FBI is investigating whether a member of Senator Arlen Specter's staff broke the law by helping her husband, a lobbyist, secure almost $50 million in Pentagon spending for his clients.

Troops to Stay in Iraq Until 2010

The US Army has plans to keep the current level of soldiers in Iraq through 2010, the top Army officer said Wednesday, a later date than any Bush administration or Pentagon officials have mentioned thus far.

Trotz enormer Marketing-Aufwendungen für UMTS haben weltweit immer noch nur wenige Handynutzer Interesse am Mobilfunk der dritten Generation

Americans have lost more under Bush's policies than they have gained through tax cuts

Conservative Pickpockets

Council's decision to refuse mast welcomed

City Councillor Colette Connolly has welcomed the City Council's decision to refuse planning permission to Meteor Mobile Communications Ltd for the continuance of use of radio antennas, point-to-point radio link dishes and associated equipment at St Enda's Road.

In its judgement the council found that "the proposed development would seriously injure the amenities of the area and property in the vicinity." The site in question was on top of an apartment block, adjacent to a Montessori school and close to a creche.

Cllr Connolly is PRO of the Shantalla Residents Association. She said that she was pleased that the resident's concerns had been addressed. "Mobile phone companies must respect the residential aspect of neighbourhoods and also residents' health concerns in relation to emissions from such masts. I will urge the planning department to ensure that all the equipment will be removed immediately."

She said she was glad that the council had taken notice of Department of the Environment guidelines, although they had violated them when the original application got the green light.

Row over phone mast plan for church tower

11 October 2006

PROTESTERS are preparing to fight plans to site a mobile phone mast on Bideford Parish Church.

The Rector, the Reverend Mike Edson, confirmed that, following an approach by the company Q4, the parochial church council had expressed interested "in principle," on the understanding that they could withdraw at any time.

But following a meeting called by the church for its neighbours, some residents have expressed concern and are inviting others to join them.

Mrs Elizabeth Roberts, who is a church member, said: "There are many uncertainties over the risks to human health from these masts, but much statistical evidence that they are harmful to people and particularly to children.

"While there is any doubt at all over safety I feel that these masts should not be put up in centres of human habitation."

Tim Langdon, who lives in Church Walk, said his main concern was that a mast on the church tower would be in line and on the same level as houses up the hill in Buttgarden Street, just 50-60 metres away.

"It strikes me that this scheme was designed for rural churches where the towers are higher than the surrounding houses, not on the same level as people's windows."

A protest group was now being formed, he said, and they would make representations to the planning meeting of the council.

Mr Edson said Q4 had a duty to consult on the plans with householders within a 50 metre radius, but they had contacted 179 people living within 100 metres. Three responses were received in opposition.

When it was realised that some people in the immediate area of Tower Street and Church Walk did not get the consultation letters, which went out in May/June, a church meeting was called on September 27 for these neighbours to attend.

"There is a planning process to be pursued," he said. "If there is any proven evidence that there is the slightest risk to health, we would not proceed.

Omega this is not true. See under:

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Do-It-Yourself Impeachment

Has Washington found its Iranian Chalabi?

Mother Jones
by Laura Rozen


This past summer, an op-ed appeared in the Washington Post under the byline of Richard Perle, the influential former Pentagon adviser who was a chief booster of Ahmed Chalabi in the run-up to the war in Iraq. As he had prior to the invasion of Iraq, Perle urged the Bush administration to shun appeasement and take an uncompromising stand toward Tehran; as with Iraq, he argued that a hard line was critical to help the population overthrow a brutal regime. And once again, Perle had an exile leader he wanted America to know about: Amir Abbas Fakhravar, 'an Iranian dissident student leader who escaped first from Tehran's notorious Evin prison, then, after months in hiding, from Iran'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Does Bush think war with Iran is preordained?

by Chris Hedges


The aircraft carrier Eisenhower, accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Anzio, guided-missile destroyer USS Ramage, guided-missile destroyer USS Mason and the fast-attack submarine USS Newport News, is, as I write, making its way to the Straits of Hormuz off Iran. The ships will be in place to strike Iran by the end of the month. It may be a bluff. It may be a feint. It may be a simple show of American power. But I doubt it. War with Iran -- a war that would unleash an apocalyptic scenario in the Middle East -- is probable by the end of the Bush administration. It could begin in as little as three weeks. This administration, claiming to be anointed by a Christian God to reshape the world, and especially the Middle East, defined three states at the start of its reign as 'the Axis of Evil.' They were Iraq, now occupied; North Korea, which, because it has nuclear weapons, is untouchable; and Iran...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The perils of fly-on-the-wall journalism

Christian Science Monitor
by Dante Chinni


In a country that's often less than enamored of politics, there is a reason why the release of a Bob Woodward book is such an event. Mr. Woodward gets interviews and knows how to weave the inner workings of politics into page-turning narrative. It's exciting to feel as though you're a fly on the wall when, on July 10, 2001, then-CIA Director George Tenet tells then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice that there is a 'compelling case' to be made that Al Qaeda is preparing for 'the big one.' And as a reader of State of Denial, Woodward's latest book on the Bush administration, there's frustration when you learn Mr. Tenet felt that he was 'not getting through to Rice' and she was giving him 'the brush off.' But then you wonder: Why didn't I hear this before now? It's 2006...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Tactical retreat

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


It lacks the sex appeal of the Mark Foley scandal, but the most important political news of October is probably the U.S. Army's decision to finally try and implement a proper counterinsurgency doctrine in its training and planning. The move is, in a sense, long overdue. The American military's ingrained preference for equipment-heavy conventional war fighting has long been a problem, and since 9/11 it's become positively crippling. On the other hand, the way the issue is being framed -- as a response to the lessons of Iraq -- makes me worry. The idea that we should look at the fiasco over there, roll up our sleeves, and write up some new manuals about how to avoid these mistakes in the future is part-and-parcel of the 'can do' American spirit that, in many ways, makes our country an appealing place. At the same time, that very spirit has very much been part of our problem in Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain bends principles

Boulder Daily Camera
by Nat Hentoff


Having achieved much attention for insisting that the president obey the Supreme Court and provide detainees with the protections of the Geneva Conventions, the three rebel Republican senators -- John McCain, John Warner and Lindsey Graham -- nonetheless have voted in the 65-to-34 majority for the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Also approved by the House, this bill has George W. Bush's approval. But why do these would-be dissenters support it? Although these warriors for principle say they have now achieved their goal -- 'America can be proud,' adds Graham -- this unprecedented and far-reaching statute makes it impossible for our detainees anywhere in the world to protest in our courts that their conditions of confinement violate the humane standards of the Geneva Conventions...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Foley proves more Democrats needed in Congress

Hawaii Reporter
by Mazie Hirono


The current controversy surrounding the predatory behavior of Representative Mark Foley should raise questions in the mind of every voter about the ability of the Republican party to lead our nation effectively. Recent events demonstrate far more than the willingness of one man to abuse his position in order to prey upon those he pretended to protect. Revelations following his resignation have also shown us that Republican leaders in the U.S. House are all too willing to place their individual power, and the power of their party, above the well-being of young men and women whose welfare rested in the hands of our Congress...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who's behind "The List?"

National Review
by Byron York


'It' is what has become known as The List, a document naming allegedly gay Republican congressional staffers that has been e-mailed to a number of conservative groups in the last few days. According to a report by David Corn, a writer for the left-wing magazine the Nation, anti-Republican 'gay politicos' sent the list to several social-conservative organizations ... in hopes of setting off 'a civil war within the GOP, to turn the anti-gay social cons against the GOP's Velvet Mafia.' As it turned out, at least two organizations apparently deleted the e-mail, either as part of routine file upkeep or because they weren't interested in its contents. Others didn't open the attachment .... And some opened it up and didn't see much that was new. 'We work on the Hill,' says one conservative activist. 'There weren't a lot of surprises on the list.' So far, the much hoped-for civil war doesn't seem to be happening. But the campaign to spread The List is accomplishing something. It is offering clues about who is behind it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

North Korea's nukes: Why now?

by Justin Raimondo


The rulers of the Hermit Kingdom have been planning this for some 50-plus years, and the question is: why now? There is, of course, the Iraq factor: one North Korean general said to a visiting American academic, 'We see what you're getting ready to do with Iraq, and you are not going to do it to us.' The possession of a nuke is an insurance policy against regime change. Yet the question is: why now? The answer is rising disaffection within North Korea, and a widening split with their Chinese allies...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Losing the will to fight

The American Conservative
by Pat Buchanan


In the aftermath of 9/11, when President Bush ordered the U.S. military to remove the Taliban, who had given sanctuary to al-Qaeda and Osama, America was with him. When he identified Saddam as an integral part of an Axis of Evil hell-bent on America's destruction, the nation supported him. Now America is not so sure. Preventive war as the antidote to terror seems, now that Anbar province has become the world's newest base camp of terror, to have failed us. Democracy as the surest guarantee of U.S. security, now that Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Moqtada al-Sadr are rolling up election victories, seems a less persuasive proposition...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Democrats and the war on civil liberties

by Joshua Frank


On the same day, the Senate also overwhelmingly approved the dismantling of habeas corpus for 'enemy combatants.' Twelve Democrats sided with the Republicans to allow the US government to detain people arbitrarily and indefinitely. We shouldn't be all that surprised the Democrats didn't filibuster the awful bill, which also expanded the definition of 'enemy combatant' to include anybody who 'has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States.' Whatever that's supposed to mean. No, the Democrats have long been on the frontlines of the federal government's assault on our civil liberties...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It usually starts with John Ashcroft

by Jeff A. Taylor


What alternate reality are we in where the 9/11 panel's perfunctory, at best, stenography of the 9/11 principals is some sort of partisan witch hunt? Welcome to the world of John Ashcroft, who is now emerging as the epicenter of the pre-9/11 'no warning' cover story. As Attorney General in 2001, Ashcroft was at the intersection of law enforcement and counter-terrorism. Contrary to the Ashcroft-constructed myth that a Clinton administration-built wall existed between law enforcement and intelligence agencies, info did pass back and forth between the two sides. Only believers in that myth would be surprised to learn that on or around July 17, 2001 Ashcroft was briefed by the CIA on terror threats. In keeping with the myth, Ashcroft denies ever getting such info...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

George W. Bush will go into the books as the first American president to lose two wars at the same time

The Loser

William Rivers Pitt writes: "George W. Bush is making some history of his own these days. When all is said and done, he will go into the books as the first American president to lose two wars at the same time."

Are Seniors, Disabled in Medicare Donut Hole Getting Raw Deal?

109th Congress' Track Record on the Budget Making Deficits Worse

Dems Shouldn't be Sitting on Their Lead

North Korea: Tomorrow May Never Come

Bush Administration Has Done Much to Provoke Hostility at UN

When Evil Doing Comes Like Falling Rain


When Evil Doing Comes Like Falling Rain

UN reports estimate that one out of every four Iraqi children suffers from acute malnourishment. The colloquial word for this condition is "wasting."

From Information Clearing House

A Democratic Perspective of War Requires a Clear Look at its Worst

NGOs, Italy Seek Worldwide Death Penalty Ban

Lawyer Says US Inquiry into Guantanamo Abuse a Cover-up

Labor Goes Door to Door to Rally Suburban Voters

After being outhustled by Republicans in voter turnout drives in recent years, the AFL-CIO plans to spend $40 million nationwide on voter education and turnout, emphasizing swing states. In addition, just as conservatives used referendums on same-sex marriage to mobilize voters in 2004, labor has helped put measures to raise the state minimum wage on the ballot in Ohio and three other states, an effort that union officials hope will draw low-income voters.

Congress to Blame for FDA Ills

With the echoes of the Institute of Medicine's unrestrained critique of the FDA last month still resounding, two more broadsides advocating major reform were fired today at the beleaguered agency. Curt D. Furberg, M.D., Ph.D. and lead author of one of the papers said he and his co-authors "put the blame on Congress for much of the current mess."

Top Democrat Calls for Talks With North Korea

The Bush administration should abandon its long-standing refusal to engage in direct talks with North Korea according to former US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, who is currently the governor of New Mexico. "I would engage directly in face-to-face talks," Richardson said on NBC's "Today" show. "That's when you deliver your toughest message."

Rep. Kucinich: Bush is Preparing For War Against Iran

Informant: Martin Greenhut


Kucinich: The Administration Is Preparing For War Again…This Time Against Iran;article=105758;show_archive=1

U.S. air power in east Asia has grown

Informant: Kev Hall

Fundamentalist Christians are mounting an effort to end the use of all contraceptives

Plan B and Plan B

Kelpie Wilson says: "Fundamentalist Christians are mounting an effort to end the use of all contraceptives.... Interestingly, this retrograde movement comes at a moment when US population tops 300 million and ecologists warn that we are headed for disaster as Earth's life support systems crack under the weight of our numbers."

USA: Vorbereitungen zum Angriff auf den Iran

9/11 Mysteries


A movie that might actually reach our complacent mainstream. No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the "mysteries."

U.S. rules allow the sale of products others ban

Chemical-laden goods outlawed in Europe and Japan are permitted in the American market.

From Information Clearing House

We can avert global thirst but it means cutting carbon emissions by 60%

The freshwater boom is over.

Our rivers are starting to run dry: We can avert global thirst - but it means cutting carbon emissions by 60%. Sounds ridiculous? Consider the alternative.,,1891588,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Oil, Smoke & Mirrors

An independent 50 minute documentary on peak oil, 9/11 and the war on terror.

N Korea warns of attack

North Korea last night threatened a nuclear missile attack if trade and financial sanctions are not dropped, but also offered to return to negotiations about disbanding its atomic weapons program.

Pentagon Assesses Responses, Including a Possible Blockade

Any unilateral effort by the United States to cordon off North Korea by sea and air could founder along the country’s lengthy land border with China.

North Korea 'could fire' nuclear warhead

Threatening to put nuclear warheads on missiles and conduct further nuclear tests, a North Korean official says his country will only return to disarmament talks if the US makes concessions.

White House Rejects North Korea Talks

The Bush administration rejected anew Tuesday direct talks with North Korea and said it would not be intimidated by a reported threat from Pyongyang that it could fire a nuclear-tipped missile unless the U.S. acts to resolve the standoff.

Russia, China urge calm on North Korea

China and Russia have said that they strongly opposed threatening North Korea with a military strike in response to Pyongyang’s announcement on Monday that it had conducted its first test of a nuclear bomb.

North Korea's nuclear policy is not irrational at all

We are heading towards another pre-emptive war and Japanese nuclear weapons unless pressure for disarmament revives.,,1891454,00.html

US grants N Korea nuclear funds

In releasing the funding, President George W Bush waived the Framework's requirement that North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not hidden away any weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq's Dark Day of Reckoning

The Iraqi government has failed. It is also time to face the terrible reality that America's mission in Iraq has substantially failed.

Iraq: Divide and Rule, 'Ethnic Cleansing Works'

Polls by the State Department and independent researchers show that Iraqis favor an immediate U.S. pullout, meanwhile, an "independent commission", according to the Sunday Times, "may recommend carving up Iraq into three highly autonomous regions".

Who Killed Michael Moore?

Elections in the USA: Justice And The Perversion of Justice

By James Petras

In a month in which the US Congress voted to legalize torture, discard the US Constitution by abolishing habeas corpus and increase the military budget to prolong the daily slaughter of hundreds of Iraqis and Afghanis, the big controversy among the mass media and elected officials is the sexual overtures of a Republican Congressman to adolescent boys employed by Congress.

A splendid achievement

By Terry Jones

George Bush should be congratulated - he has surely earned the right to join the ranks of despots.

Don Rumsfeld Bats Both Ways

Lost Wars and a Lost Economy

War Crimes Report Shows US Violations of International Law

Demands Prosecution of US Military and Civilian Leaders

The violence of the Iraq War, the chaos that has come to Iraq, can be traced directly to the illegality of the invasion and occupation of that country and the illegality of the tactics and weapons being used to maintain the occupation. U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability documents these violations and calls on us all to demand investigation and prosecution of violations of international law by military and civilian leaders.


Ann Wright and international networks join War Crimes Report

Abgeordnete klagen gegen transparente Politiker-Gehälter,1518,441894,00.html

Das Gesetz des Profits: zur Logik des Personalabbaus im Finanzdienstleistungssektor

Das Gesetz des Profits - Zur Logik des Personalabbaus im Finanzdienstleistungssektor

„Seit Wochen geht sie durch die Presse, die allgemeine Aufregung darüber, dass Konzerne wie die Allianz, die Dresdner Bank oder andere deutsche Banken und Versicherungen massenhaft Personal entlassen wollen. Und dies, da wird die Aufregung zur Empörung, obwohl diese Konzerne in allen Sparten haushohe, ja Rekordgewinne machen…“ Artikel von Bully, zuerst erschienen in der Direkten Aktion vom September/Oktober 2006.

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Oktober 2006

Armutsforscher sauer auf Beck: "Politik zerstört Aufstiegswillen"

„Armutsforscher haben Kurt Beck vorgeworfen, Benachteiligte zu verhöhnen. Der SPD-Vorsitzende hatte gesagt, eine größer werdende Unterschicht finde sich lethargisch mit ihrer Situation ab. Experten entgegnen, die Politik der Bundesregierung lasse ihr kaum Chancen…“ Artikel von Anita Strecker in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 11.10.2006

Hartz IV verkehrt: Behörden machen arbeitslos

„Die Arbeitsgemeinschaften der Arbeitsagenturen und Kommunen, kurz ARGE, kümmern sich um die Hartz IV-Empfänger im Lande - das ist bekannt. Doch kaum jemand weiß, dass die Behörden auch Berufstätige unter ihre Fittiche nehmen - oftmals gegen deren Willen…“ Text der Frontal21-Sendung vom 10.10.2006 von Hans Koberstein,1872,3985710,00.html

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Oktober 2006

Durch einen Umbau von Hartz IV zu einem so genannten Workfare-Konzept lassen sich mehr als 800 000 Langzeitarbeitslose in Beschäftigung bringen

Falsche Alternativen zur ersatzlosen Streichung von 1-Euro-Jobs

Beschäftigungseffekte einer Reform: Hartz IV kann 800 000 Jobs bringen

„Durch einen Umbau von Hartz IV zu einem so genannten Workfare-Konzept lassen sich mehr als 800 000 Langzeitarbeitslose in Beschäftigung bringen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt das Bonner Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) in einer noch unveröffentlichten Analyse, die dem Handelsblatt vorliegt…“ Artikel von Dorit Hess und Dietrich Creutzburg in Handelsblatt vom 9. Oktober 2006, 20

Öffentlich geförderte Beschäftigung muss mehr als 1-Euro-Jobs sein – „Ehrlicher zweiter Arbeitsmarkt“ ist notwendig

Positionspapier von Geschäftsführender DGB-Bundesvorstand (A. Buntenbach) vom September 2006 (pdf)

„Hier kommt jeder mal dran“

Von Ein-Euro-Jobs, Statistiken und Lobbyisten. Artikel von Ingo Jäckels vom 26.09.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Oktober 2006

Zuverdienste und Fehlanreize? Wenn ALG II nicht zum Leben reicht

DGB für neue Zuverdienstregeln

„Der Vorsitzende des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB), Michael Sommer, hat sich dafür ausgesprochen, die Zuverdienstmöglichkeiten für Hartz-IV-Empfänger drastisch zu reduzieren. "Ich halte es für richtig, die Zuverdienste weitgehend zu kappen", sagte Sommer der FTD. "Das bisherige System hat zu Fehlanreizen geführt." Sommer stimmt damit einem Vorhaben der Koalition zu. CDU/CSU und SPD wollen die bisherige Freigrenze, wonach die ersten 100 Euro Zuverdienst nicht auf das Arbeitslosengeld II angerechnet werden, deutlich senken. Damit soll ein Anreiz entstehen, mehr zu verdienen…“ Artikel von Maike Rademaker in der FTD vom 09.10.2006

Mehr Einsatz wird belohnt. Koalition einigt sich auf neue Regeln für ALG-II-Empfänger

„Union und SPD wollen Langzeitarbeitslosen die Zuverdienstmöglichkeiten durch kleine Nebenjobs streichen. Darüber hat die Koalition Einigung erzielt. Bei höheren Arbeitseinkommen sollen die Betroffenen mehr von ihren Leistungen behalten dürfen…“ Artikel von Markus Sievers in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 11.10.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Oktober 2006

Aberkennung bürgerlicher und demokratischer Rechte von 7 Millionen Menschen

Empfehlungspapier" der CDU/CSU vom 5.10.06


SGB II – „Optimierung“ die Xte

Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgruppe der CDU/CSU Bundestagsfraktion und der unionsgeführten Länder für die Arbeitsgruppe Arbeitsmarkt der Bundesregierung

Das vieldiskutierte und bisher geheime CDU/CSU-Empfehlungspapier vom
5.10.06 zu den von den Unionsparteien gewünschten Verschärfungen des SGB II bei Tacheles (pdf)

Lesehinweis von Harald Thomé: „Ich empfehle allen Lesern vor dem Lesen nichts zu essen und danach sich darüber Gedanken zu machen, wie wir dem Projekt der Durchsetzung eines Niedriglohnsektors und Aberkennung bürgerlicher und demokratischer Rechte von 7 Millionen Menschen etwas entgegensetzen können.“

Siehe dazu als Zusammenfassung:

Union verlangt schärfere Sanktionen gegen Arbeitsunwillige

„Die Union dringt bei der geplanten Arbeitsmarktreform auf eine Verschärfung der Sanktionen für arbeitsunwillige Hartz-IV-Empfänger. Ihnen sollen die Sozialleistungen gekürzt werden, wenn sie ein Jobangebot ablehnen. In einem internen Papier von CDU/CSU, das der FTD vorliegt, heißt es dazu: "Ein Teil der Hilfebezieher erhält Leistungen zu Unrecht. Das muss sich ändern." Eine "Verschärfung der Kontrollen" und eine "Ausweitung der Sanktionen" seien dazu nötig. "Das werden wir versuchen, in der Koalition umzusetzen", sagte CDU-Generalsekretär Ronald Pofalla am Samstag. Bislang verhielten sich viele Arbeitslose "zügellos"…“ Artikel von Birgit Jennen in Financial Times Deutschland vom 7.10.2006

und unser Zitat zum Thema:

„Kürzungsoptimale Nürnberg/München: Der Hartz-IV-Generalkürzungssekretär der CSU, Markus Söder, hat heute einen weiteren Vorschlag zur Kürzung der noch-nicht-Gekürzten eingebracht. Künftig soll ALG II-Empfängern nicht erst die Leistung gekürzt werden, wenn sie ein Vermittlungsangebot abgelehnt haben, sondern schon, bevor sie eines erhalten haben. Langfristig denkt Herr Söder übrigens daran, die Leistungen zu streichen, ehe ALG II-Empfänger auf die Welt kommen.“

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Oktober 2006

Jeb Bush should tell Americans the truth about Mark Foley, Charlie Crist

Informant: ranger116

G.W. Bush: "The Constitution is just a piece of paper"

Video of George Bush Saying

Informant: ranger116

Florida Democratic Party Seeks Foley Records From Crist

Informant: ranger116

Hastert says dismissals may follow Foley probe

Informant: ranger116

Commandant-in-Chief: on what the president has in store for us

The Differences Between Missionaries and Foreign Policy War Planners

Getting the Little Things Wrong

Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship

What Ever Happened To Peace On Earth

The Achievement Gap: Another Gift From the State?

The Dear Leader vs. the War President


Dear Leader Brings It On

"Over the past six years, our 'my way or the highway' president blew up a crucial nonproliferation agreement," writes Robert Scheer on US diplomacy with North Korea, "and then took every opportunity to personally insult the country’s reportedly unstable dictator because it played well politically at home."


The Bush Legacy, or the Modern American Standard?

Christian Tots for Bush

The Criminality of the State and democracy makes no difference

The Time to Assert Checks & Balances is NOW

by Edwin Vieira

America's federal system is a government of checks and balances. If Congress and the Executive Branch are temporarily in the clutches of the Forces of Darkness, there remain the Supreme Court, the States, We the People as the Electorate, and We the People.....

655,000 Iraqis (2.5 percent of Iraqi’s population) have died due to war

New scientific study shows

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


655,000 Iraqis Dead Since US Invasion

Epidemiologists estimate that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred. This is more than 20 times the estimate of 30,000 civilian deaths that President Bush gave in a speech in December.


Hopkins Research Estimates 654,000 Deaths Tied to Iraq War


Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

By David Brown

A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.

2.5 percent of Iraqi’s population have died as a consequence of the U.S. invasion, war and occupation.

By Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health

Estimated 654,965 additional deaths in Iraq between March 2003 and July 2006.

Mortality after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: a cross-sectional cluster sample survey

By Gilbert Burnham, Riyadh Lafta, Shannon Doocy, Les Roberts

The number of people dying in Iraq has continued to escalate. The proportion of deaths ascribed to coalition forces has diminished in 2006, although the actual numbers have increased every year. Gunfire remains the most common cause of death, although deaths from car bombing have increased.

Read The Full Report [pdf]


Excess Death in Iraq

Dahr Jamail writes, "655,000 Iraqis killed as a result of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq ... For over a year now, many Iraqis have been referring to what is happening in their country as genocide. With over 500 Iraqis being killed every single day as a direct result of the occupation, it is difficult to argue with them."


Randi Rhodes Interviews Dr. Les Roberts; co-author of the Johns Hopkins Iraq Mortality Study


The Iraqi death toll has reached 655,000! Johns Hopkins University has just released the only truly scientific accounting on the matter since their 2004 report on the post-invasion death toll.

Click here to listen


Democracy Now! Interview:

Co-Author of Medical Study Estimating 650,000 Iraqi Deaths Defends Research:

Les Roberts joins us now from Syracuse, New York -- He is one of the main researchers of the study. He was with Johns Hopkins when he co-authored the study but has just taken a post at Columbia University.

Why is the American press silent on the report of 655,000 Iraqi deaths?

By any objective standard, the report merits front-page coverage in every major newspaper in the country and extensive discussion and reporting on television news broadcasts. Yet the response of the US press has been to virtually ignore the report and limit its coverage to news accounts on inside pages.

From Information Clearing House,000


Call your members of Congress at their local district offices!

In her new Lie/Die TV spot, you can hear congressional candidate Jeeni Criscenzo speaking out about the scary parallel between the lies they told us about Iraq, and the new ones about Iran. The drum beats are getting louder that the Bush administration in fact intends to launch an unprovoked carpet bomb attack on the sovereign nation of Iran, for the sole purpose of trying to influence the upcoming election in his favor. The entire Eisenhower strike force, including nuclear powered aircraft carrier is even now headed for the Persian Gulf.

You remember what they told us about Iraq, that they had to launch the attack because the assets were already place? Don't tell yourself they aren't that insane. They ARE that criminally insane. And don't think they won't stage a Gulf of Tonkin type phony attack to justify it all. They've done it before.


As splendidly as the endless occupation of Iraq and the blitzkrieg on Lebanon have turned out, such a new war of aggression as a first response would be condemned by every civilized nation of the world, leading most likely to a fundamentalist coup in Pakistan, putting full fledged nuclear warheads in the hands of terrorists immediately. This is to not mention skyrocketing oil prices and lighting a powder keg of counter attacks against American troops and interests not just in the Middle East but all around the world.

Is there no foreign policy decision that the Bush administration is not desperately determined to mess up big time? As a result of Bush's saber rattling, North Korea took the U.N. seals (which were already in place) off of their nuclear facilities four years ago and have now detonated their first underground nuclear test, comparable to the first tests of India and Pakistan. Will they now bait and switch us to Iran, which experts tell us is at least 5 years away from testing such device?

Where are our members of Congress on this? They need to be giving campaign speeches speaking out to stop this insanity. This special action page below allows you to send all your members of Congress an email message in real time which they WILL get, and with one click you can lookup the LOCAL phone and fax numbers while they are campaigning in their districts. Please do both and speak out in every other way you can while there is still time.


The best way for us to stop yet another disastrous war of aggression is for us to remind our fellow citizens about all the lies upon lies which stampeded our country into an attack and occupation of Iraq. The video playing on the next link below is one of the new Lie/Die TV spots, with courageous candidates on the Peace Team from all over the country producing their own versions right now, this one done by Jeeni Criscenzo (CA-49).

These Lie/Die TV spots are calling the Bush administration out on their deliberate deceptions. If we can get enough of these TV spots on the air we can build a concensus of public opinion so that they know they will NOT get away with it again. Please consider making a donation to the Peace Team candidates who are courageous enough to take a strong stand for the truth, so that people know there are real alternatives worth coming out in massive numbers to vote for.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

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