Samstag, 30. September 2006

Klimawandel: Studie warnt vor ungebremstem Boom der Industriestaaten


Der rasante ökonomische Aufholprozess der E7-Staaten ("Emerging Economies") beschleunige die globale Klimaerwärmung nach Berechnungen der Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Ohne eine wirksame Strategie zur Begrenzung der Emissionen drohe bis 2050 eine Verdoppelung der Kohlenstoffkonzentration in der Erdatmosphäre, deren ökologische und ökonomischen Folgen kaum absehbar seien. Dies geht aus der aktuellen PwC-Studie "The World in 2050: implications of global growth for carbon emissions and climate change policy" hervor.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


A message from NANCY

Original Message

Please sign and foreward these thank you New Animal Petitions:

Petition to Start an Animal Offender Registry!

Maximum Penalty for Mistreatment of Animals, Causing Death

Change the Animal Euthanization Laws in Georgia

SEF *Stop Euthanizing Healthy Cats & Dogs Foundation

Against Dog and Cat Killing in Serbia

Mayor Daley, Reconsider your Stance on the Foie Gras Ban!

To Express Our Great Sadness Over the Orgy of Animal Cruelty in "Jackass Number Two"

Against Culling of Flying Foxes in Mauritius

Stop Six Flags Great America's Live Cockroach Eating Promotion

Urgent New Environment Petitions:

Smarter Energy Solutions, Not Dirty & Dangerous Drilling

Help America Declare Energy Independence

Tell Wal-Mart to Keep their Environmental Promise


Lilith Graves
Animal Advocate
Puppy Passions Rescue and Transport

Host of a Great Doggie Adorers Group A Very Friendly, Active, Up to Date Group for Adorers of All Dog Breeds, Shapes, and Sizes. :)

Donate Recycled Ink Cartridges to Help Animals

Revolt of the Generals

A revolt is brewing among our retired Army and Marine generals. This rebellion comes not because their beloved forces are bearing the brunt of ground combat in Iraq but because the retirees see the US adventure in Mesopotamia as another Vietnam-like, strategically failed war, and they blame the errant, arrogant civilian leadership at the Pentagon.

Will Americans FIGHT or COWER Against This Outrageous U.S.Gov't Power Grab?

Keine Rundfunkgebühren auf unsere Computer!

Für den Krieg der Zukunft die passende Ausrüstung: fliegende Roboter kommen


Die Probleme mit der derzeit verwendeten Mobilfunktechnik nehmen auch in den Schulen immer deutlicher zu. Da ist einerseits die gesundheitliche Problematik entsprechender kommunikationstechnischer Systeme (Sendeanlagen, Handys, DECT-Telefone, drahtlose Bürokommunikation, Wlan ...) und andererseits haben wir mehr und mehr mit psychologischen, gruppendynamischen und gesellschaftlichen Fehlentwicklungen zu tun, deren Ursachen durch die Inhalte und die Nutzungsmethoden der Mobilfunktechnik – oft auch noch kombiniert mit anderen modernen Kommunikationsmitteln - verursacht werden.

Die Schulen kommen um eine objektive und sachliche Behandlung der Mobilfunkthematik in den Bereichen Umweltbildung, Gesundheitserziehung und Medienerziehung somit nicht mehr herum. Ein deutliches Zeichen dafür ist das zu diesem Schuljahr für das Land Bayern vom Landtag beschlossene Handynutzungsverbot an allen Schulen.

Um die pädagogische Arbeit für die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zu erleichtern, und um der schulischen Lobbyarbeit der Mobilfunkindustrie unabhängiges Informationsmaterial und praktische Handreichungen entgegenhalten zu können, bietet die Umweltinitiative Pfaffenwinkel e. V. auf ihrer Homepage jetzt ganz aktuell eine neue Rubrik mit dem Titel Schule und Mobilfunk an.

Dort finden sich Fachartikel zur Thematik und Unterrichtseinheiten bis hin zu Darstellung eines schulischen Mobilfunkprojekts.


Hans Schütz
Hauptschullehrer und Umweltfachberater
Pressesprecher der UIP


Mobilfunk und Schule

No More Ancient Forest Logging, Anywhere, Anytime

Informant: Richard Harvey

Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer at Vanderbilt U.

A message from Pilvi

I tought that I get this to all my friends so that we could help these animals, I took this link from one of the groups I'm in. Please sign! Hugs -pilvi-

URGENT! Sign! Demand Investigation and Termination Of Animal Tester/Torturer at Vanderbilt U.


I have only 6 days until I must print out this petition and physically take it to Chancellor Gee's office at mid-day on October 6th, directly before the demo.

It would be great if we could reach 1000 signatures!

Thanks SO much!


Summary and full petition here:

EMF Video

From emf Canada

Has anyone looked at the website called it has tons of topics and easy to use.

The video is in Shockwave format, so that takes away the troubles between macs and pc (windows player and quicktime) and works on any computer with internet in addition to that, it get alot of traffic!

So take a tour and see what im talking about keep EMF in mind after you see what it is all about think of what we can do with this tool!!!

Use their search engine for any topic for instance type in "RFID" "GPS" "brain tumor" and see!

Informant: Eileen O'Connor


EMF Videos by various sources via


A MOBILE phone giant which was refused planning permission for a mast has lodged an appeal, just as another company is eyeing a spot in the area.
Residents and objectors living near Willingdon Golf Course have been told Vodafone has submitted an appeal to the June refusal of both a pole mast and a tree mast.

The company had hoped one of the two third-generation phone masts would be approved by Eastbourne Borough Council but both were refused.
The appeal refers to the tree mast.

Neighbours, some suffering from cancer and many fearing unproven health risks of living near a mast, had written hundreds of letters of objection to the proposals for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty earlier this year.

Some now plan to write to the planning inspectorate in Bristol and a petition is being signed, campaigner Naomi Markwick said.

A council spokesman said of the appeal, "It will be dealt with by written representations and the council has until October 24 to submit a statement to the Planning Inspectorate."

It is understood the Tally Ho pub, Church Street, is considering having a phone mast situated on its roof.

Eastbourne Borough Council said it had not received an application for a phone mast on the Tally Ho but an approach had been made by one of the mobile phone operators without any details.

A spokesman said, "They were advised to submit details but to date no application and no details have been put forward."

30 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Attorneys For Guantanamo Detainees Could Be Detained As Enemy Combatants Under New Legislation

On September 26, 2006, attorneys for the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) determined that what appears to be the final version of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 could allow the government to detain the attorneys themselves as 'enemy combatants.'

From Information Clearing House

Legal residents' rights curbed in detainee bill

A last-minute change to a bill currently before Congress on the rights of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay could have sweeping implications inside the United States: It would strip green-card holders and other legal residents of the right to challenge their detention in court if they are accused of being ``enemy combatants."

House passes warrantless domestic spying measure

Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, charged: "Hidden in the fine print are provisions which grant the administration authority to maintain permanent records on innocent U.S. citizens, granting the administration new authority to demand personal records without court review, and terminating any and all legal challenges to unlawful wiretapping."

Middle-Class Families in Worse Shape Than Ever

The typical double-income family is worse off financially than ever, a study released Thursday said, warning that few Americans have saved enough to brace for financial setbacks.

This Is What Waterboarding Looks Like

The Washington Post simply referred to waterboarding a few days ago as an interrogation measure that "simulates drowning." But what does waterboarding look like?

From Information Clearing House


Amnesty International 1989 TV commercial: Waterboarding

FOX News Correspondent Gets Waterboarded


Informant: Debi Clark


Is Waterboarding torture?

For H R 6166 bill allowing indefinite detention without charges or counsel voted 34 Democrats

How the voted

Roll call for H R 6166 bill allowing indefinite detention without charges or counsel: 34 Democrats voted for this bill.

From Information Clearing House

There is something terribly wrong with this country


How did this happen? Who is to blame?

Lobbyist scandal spreads to Rove

Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff had hundreds more contacts with senior White House officials than previously acknowledged, a congressional report reveals.,20867,20500113-2703,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Republican Congressman Resigns Over Emails to Intern

Saying he was "deeply sorry," Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) resigned from Congress today, hours after ABC News questioned him about sexually explicit Internet messages with current and former Congressional pages under the age of 18. Foley was running for re-election to a seventh term. He has represented his district, which includes West Palm Beach, since 1995.

Coal Will Be Top Enemy in Fighting Global Warming

Cheap coal will be the main enemy in a fight against global warming in the 21st century because high oil prices are likely to encourage a shift to coal before wind or solar power, a top economist said on Thursday.

Rachel's News #874

Secret US Deal 'Broke EU Privacy Law'

Gonzales cautions judges on interfering

Gonzales has sent Justice Department lawyers into federal courts from coast to coast defending Bush's detention of terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, his plans to try some of them before military tribunals and his use of the National Security Agency to wiretap Americans without court warrants when they communicate with suspected terrorists abroad.

Hundreds of Terror Suspects Have ‘Disappeared,' Rights Group Says

Hundreds of suspects connected with the war on terror in Pakistan have "disappeared," and some detainees have been captured by bounty hunters and sold to America, according to Amnesty International.

From Information Clearing House

Majority of Baptists Support Bush

The head of public policy for the Southern Baptist Convention says an overwhelming majority of Baptists still support President Bush and his handling of the Iraq war.

There's a huge difference between disliking the president and disliking his policies

Pressure from below could make a major difference even on the most cautious politicians in both parties

Nuclear Energy: Still a Bad Idea

Bipartisan Congressional Report Links White House and Abramoff

Terror Suspects Tortured, Claims Amnesty Report

Woodward Book Reports Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq

The Declaration of Peace


Thousands of people across the United States DECLARED PEACE in the more than 375 Declaration of Peace events that took place the week of September 21-28! We raised our voices and took action to call for a concrete and rapid plan to end the US occupation of Iraq and to support a comprehensive peace process.

Vigils, peace concerts, marches, rallies, teach-ins, readings of the names of the Iraqi and US war dead, interfaith services, call-in days to Congress, and acts of nonviolent resistance took place nationwide. In the past week, 265 people in 22 cities were arrested as they engaged in nonviolent civil disobedience at Congressional offices, military bases, military recruitment centers and at the White House. Visit the Declaration of Peace website for the amazing stories, photos, video and media coverage of the Week of Action. If you have a story or photos of an event, please submit them to the Declaration of Peace website.

We celebrate the actions you have taken to DECLARE PEACE! And we look forward to taking the next steps with you in the coming days, weeks, and months to bring the troops home and make this comprehensive plan for peace in Iraq a reality.

Steps We Have Taken to Declare Peace

We came together from every corner of this nation, joined by a deep commitment to end the U.S. occupation in Iraq.

Nonviolent civil disobedience inside the Hart Building

We called on our government leaders to commit to legislating a rapid, comprehensive and just plan for peace in Iraq.

When Congress failed to legislate this plan, we the people DECLARED PEACE.

With commitment and creativity, we took nonviolent action for peace throughout the United States and in other parts of the world. Visit the website for highlights of this first phase of the Declaration of Peace campaign.

Next Steps to Declare Peace

The occupation of Iraq and funding for this war, however, continue. Our Next Steps are clear. We must elevate nonviolent grassroots pressure on current and future elected leaders in Congressional districts and states across the country to make the upcoming fall elections a referendum on the US occupation of Iraq. We must also resist "preventive" war against Iran. And we must plan for the next phase of nationally coordinated nonviolent actions. In addition, we must:

DECLARE PEACE by calling on Congress to pass legislation to bring the troops home, prevent permanent US military bases in Iraq and end the funding of the war.

DECLARE PEACE by supporting US soldiers who refuse to fight in Iraq.

DECLARE PEACE by joining efforts that challenge the military's recruitment of our nation's youth.

DECLARE PEACE by educating ourselves and others about the realities of the invasion and occupation in Iraq and by supporting an Iraqi-led peace process.

DECLARE PEACE by joining other initiatives to end the war.

Thank you for joining this growing effort to DECLARE PEACE. Let us celebrate what we have begun as we prepare to take the next steps to end the US occupation of Iraq!

In peace,
The Declaration of Peace National Strategy Committee

See all the press coverage from the week! Check out our photo gallery and video footage!

Why The Declaration of Peace?

Donate Now
For More Information:
2501 Harrison St., Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 773-777-7858
Our postal address is
2501 Harrison St.
Oakland, California 94612
United States

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Why Not To Assault Iran

Amnesty International: USA Congress Rubber Stamps Torture and Other Abuses

World’s Largest Rice Company Halts All Imports from USA

US Factory Farms: So Bad They're A Tourist Attraction

Ex-Prez Carter: Bush has brought U.S. "international disgrace"

Former President Carter is urging northern Nevadans to elect his son, Jack, to the Senate to help combat a Bush administration he says has brought "international disgrace" to the country.

From Information Clearing House

Our governments are beginning to admit to the chaos they and, of course, the Iraqis are facing

A meeting of realities

It is a mark of how disastrous the Iraq war was that only now, three years on, our governments are beginning to admit to the chaos they and, of course, the Iraqis are facing.

U.S. Commander Says Insurgency In Iraq Unlikely To Be Defeated Until U.S. Forces Leave

The insurgency in Iraq's volatile western Anbar province can be beaten but probably not until after U.S. troops leave the country, the commander of forces in the provincial capital said Friday.

Iraq situation dire, says Straw

The current situation in Iraq is "dire" according to former foreign secretary Jack Straw.,,-6113248,00.html

From Information Clearing House

U.S. army `coming to end of its rope'

Not only are troop levels not being reduced, but almost 8,000 soldiers have just had their 12-month tours of duty extended.

From Information Clearing House

The war is bankrupting the nation while grooming the next generation’s terrorists

The Breaking Point

More than a half trillion dollars in 3 years.

By Mike Whitney

The war is bankrupting the nation while grooming the next generation’s terrorists. This is the very definition of failure.

A Personal Declaration of Independence

By William A. Cook

As a citizen of these United States for 70 years, I refuse to be ruled by a tyrant who imposes despotic, autocratic control on the citizens of these United States through a series of clandestine actions that usurp the rights of the people.

A Total Rollback Of Everything This Country Has Stood For

Sen. Patrick Leahy Blasts Congressional Approval of Detainee Bill

The Senate has agreed to give President Bush extraordinary power to detain and try prisoners in the so-called war on terror. The legislation strips detainees of the right to challenge their own detention and gives the President the power to detain them indefinitely.

Click to listen. Audio and transcript

England vs. the 'Special Relationship': the Tories step back, much to the neocons' hysteria,,1882616,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Dissent Is Treason: on the legal climate Bush wants

The Fatherland Protection Racket: on Homeland Security Scams


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