Mittwoch, 27. September 2006

Combative Bush Releases Parts of Terror Study

Portions of a National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism that the White House released under pressure on Tuesday said that Muslim jihadists were “increasing in both number and geographic dispersion” and that current trends could lead to increasing attacks around the globe.

Controversial group wins U.S. propaganda contract in Iraq

A public relations company known for its role in a controversial U.S. military program that paid Iraqi newspapers for stories favourable to coalition forces has been awarded another multi-million dollar media contract with American forces in Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq's blast call for long-term US bases

The Scholars said that in making the comments during a visit to the US Talabani had done "nothing more than express an American demand to keep Washington from having to do it".

From Information Clearing House

'Not enough cash for war'

George Bush received a serious rebuke about his wartime leadership this week when his army chief said he did not have enough money to fight the war in Iraq.,,1882208,00.html

From Information Clearing House

What Do Falling Oil Prices Tell Us about War with Iran, the Elections, and Peak-Oil Theory

The Bush and Blair administrations can not admit to the correlation of terrorism with their policies

"Thank you for not putting a bomb in your luggage."

By William Blum

The Bush and Blair administrations can not admit to the correlation of terrorism with their policies, but those opposed to their wars should never allow them to avoid the issue.

Our government no longer adheres to the principles of our founding papers

For God's Sake

By Philip J. Rappa

It’s been said the world has changed since 911. That’s true for our government is indiscernible. It’s unrecognizable. It no longer adheres to the principles of our founding papers. It no longer accepts The Bill of Rights as the law of the land. No longer does it recognize treaties, proclamations or conventions.

Revolution just Ain't what it used to be

By Mickey Z.

Thomas Jefferson can pronounce: "Every generation needs a new revolution." But that doesn't mean I can. Honest Abe once declared: "Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and force a new one that suits them better." Hey, I'd love a government that suits me-and most humans-better, but making plans to "shake off the existing government and force a new one" would just about guarantee you a place on that secret no-fly list.

Most Iraqis Favor Immediate U.S. Pullout

Polls Show

By Amit R. Paley

A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led occupation forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independent researchers.

Dozens Arrested in Several Demonstrations for Peace Held Near Capitol

The quiet, sunny atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building was transformed into a chaotic scene yesterday when dozens of war protesters filed into the lobby. A circle of protesters saying prayers and reading the names of the Iraq war dead, civilian and military, were arrested. Thirty-five additional peace demonstrators were arrested yesterday around the US Capitol in related protests. Hundreds of anti-war actions have taken place across the country this week as faith-based and other groups push for a timetable for the United States to leave Iraq.

The Diminished Dividends of War

The US intelligence community agrees that the invasion and occupation of Iraq have made the United States less safe from terrorist threats. Meanwhile, President George W Bush appears to be facing a growing revolt among top military commanders who say their ground forces are stretched close to breaking point.

Rights Groups Decry US Senate Bill on Detainees

White House-backed legislation on the treatment of terrorism suspects may protect them from torture but gives the United States immunity from legal challenges, human rights groups say.The US Senate bill laying out procedures for interrogating and trying suspected terrorists that is making its way through Congress this week would effectively protect President George W. Bush and future presidents from judicial oversight.

Medicare: Why Are Conservatives Scared of Competition?

Dean Baker writes, "In their public pronouncements, conservatives like to claim that they are free-market individualists. They want to leave everything to the markets and let businesses and individuals fend for themselves. The tough-guy rhetoric makes for a nice story, but the reality is very different. The conservatives need to be constantly coddled against the rigors of an unfettered marketplace. It turns out that life can be tough for rich people in a competitive market. That's why they need the helping hand of the government at every turn."

An American failure of immense proportions

Chickens Are Home to Roost in Iraq

Andrew Bacevich writes: "As if by stealth, almost without our noticing, the Iraq war's long-awaited turning point has arrived. After the innumerable events touted as decisive that turned out to be anything but that - the capture of Saddam Hussein, the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the various milestones related to the creation of a new Iraqi political order - the end game now becomes clear. And the outcome points ineluctably towards an American failure of immense proportions."

The Fine Art of Declassification

The New York Times's editors write: "It's hard to think of a president and an administration more devoted to secrecy than President Bush and his team. Except, that is, when it suits Mr. Bush politically to give the public a glimpse of the secrets. And so, yesterday, he ordered the declassification of a fraction of a report by United States intelligence agencies on the global terrorist threat." They continue: "But the three declassified pages from what is certainly a voluminous report told us what any American with a newspaper, television or Internet connection should already know. The invasion of Iraq was a cataclysmic disaster."

Bush Seeks Retroactive Immunity for Violating War Crimes Act

Elizabeth Holtzman writes: "Thirty-two years ago, President Gerald Ford created a political firestorm by pardoning former president Richard Nixon of all crimes he may have committed in Watergate - and lost his election as a result. Now, President Bush, to avoid a similar public outcry, is quietly trying to pardon himself.

Fed. Emergency Paper Ballot Legislation: Send Pre-written Letter

The elections are almost upon us and a looming electronic voting catastrophy awaits. Besides any danger of hacking (and thereby trying to steal an election), there is the well documented problem of the machines just not working, resulting in chaos!

Emergency legislation introduced by Barbara Boxer and Chris Dodd in Senatefor Feds to pay for paper ballots as back ups so that if something goes wrong or A CITIZEN DEMANDS IT, a paper ballot can be used instead of electronic voting.

We have 3 days to pass this emergency legislation in both chambers before 2006 elections !

Please send this prewritten letter ASAP!

This is the pre-written email action link:

This is Congress phone line (just ask operator for your Senators and Congressperson)

This is link to contact rep.'s phone/fax/email directly

This is link for more info (scroll down for article)

Informant: Cheryl Guttman

Our Pathetic Congress

The "Moderate Republican" Scam

"The moderates will vote for the extremist," writes Harold Meyerson. "'Moderate,' after all, is only an adjective; 'Republican' is a noun. Chafee, Snowe, the whole lot of them, are moderate enablers of an extremist party. That leaves those voters in Rhode Island, Maine, Ohio, and other states where these self-proclaimed Republican moderates are running only one choice if they seek a Congress to check and balance the president, if they want a more moderate nation: Vote for the Democrat."

Senators Propose Funds for Paper Ballots to Back Up Electronic Ones

Three Senate Democrats proposed emergency legislation today to reimburse states for printing paper ballots that can be ready at polling places in case of problems with electronic voting machines on November 7th.

House OKs $70 Billion for Iraq, Afghanistan

Despite intense partisan divisions over the course of the Iraq war, the House on Tuesday easily approved $70 billion more for military operations there and in Afghanistan. Lawmakers also adopted a record $448 billion budget for the Pentagon. The $70 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan is a down payment on war costs the White House has estimated will hit $110 billion for the budget year beginning October 1st.

White House Blocked Report Linking Hurricanes to Global Warming

The Bush administration has blocked the release of a report that suggests global warming is contributing to the frequency and strength of hurricanes.

Bush War III

Dave Lindorff writes: "Unless the American people and their ostensible representatives in Congress act quickly to make it clear that the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force does not apply to an attack on Iran, and that it did not make the president a dictator with the power to make war at will, I'm betting that we'll be at war with Iran before Election Day."

Bush: "Read It Yourself" Portion of Intel Report Released

"The Bush administration's failed policies in Iraq are fueling global terrorism and making America less safe," said Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader. "These results are the unfortunate consequences of the administration's decision to cherry-pick pre-war intelligence, ignore our senior military leaders, and completely fail to plan for the post-Saddam occupation."

"Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat auch nichts zu befürchten"

Eine Analyse der Formel, mit der im "Kampf gegen den Terror" immer wieder der Ausbau der Überwachung gerechtfertigt wird.

Jeder kann zum "feindlichen Kämpfer" erklärt werden

Die US-Regierung scheint sich im Kongress durchsetzen und die von ihr eingeführte Kategorie der Outlaws mitsamt Verschleppungen und unbegrenzter Inhaftierung nicht nur nachträglich legitimieren, sondern auch noch erweitern zu können.

Support Peace Candidates in 2006!

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Last Chance To Tell House & Senate To Save Habeus Corpus

Tell Congress: This is a nation of laws!

Informant: Cheryl Guttman

Every Fish Counts: Help End Red Snapper Overfishing


Act Now to End Overfishing of Gulf Red Snapper

Overfishing is a serious threat to the long-term health of the Gulf of Mexico. It is bad for fish, fishermen and the coastal economies that depend on sustainable fishing. You likely know that we have been working to end chronic overfishing of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico, which has resulted in a reduction of the spawning population to just 3% of its historic level. Right now we are at a critical juncture that can lead to key conservation measures being put in place within the next few months. Please join us in urging the National Marine Fisheries Service to implement their proposed temporary rule to end overfishing and finally start rebuilding the depleted red snapper.

Last August, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council failed to take action to end the chronic overfishing of red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico in time for the 2007 fishing season. This failure prompted the U.S. Department of Commerce¢s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to step in and take action to put key conservation measures in place early this year. These conservation measures are contained within a proposed temporary rule that NMFS is currently taking public comment on. We thank the thousands of you who helped convince the Commerce Department to stand up to interest groups fighting to continue the overfishing of red snapper. Your efforts led to this positive action by NMFS. We need your help NOW to make sure the Commerce Department and NMFS implement the temporary rule as proposed or make it even stronger. The conservation measures included in the proposed interim rule would: Lower the red snapper catch level from 9.1 million pounds to 6.5 million pounds, to help address overfishing. Reduce the number of fish recreational fishermen can keep per day from 4 fish to 2 fish. Reduce the commercial minimum size limit from 15 to 13 inches total length to reduce bycatch. Establish a target to reduce, by 50%, the terribly destructive bycatch of red snapper by shrimpers. For more information, please visit our website -


David Dickson
Director, Gulf of Mexico Outreach and Advocacy
The Ocean Conservancy

Informant: Charlie's Angel

Some reasons not to drink Coke

Counting every vote this November

The American people deserve an elections system that is beyond reproach -- a system where every vote counts and every vote is counted. That's why I've introduced new legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), to address this problem -- and I hope you'll urge your Members of Congress to support it.

My "Confidence in Voting Act" is simple. It urges local jurisdictions to make paper ballots available at every polling place, so any voter who wants one can use one, and so there is a back-up in case electronic voting machines fail. What's more, my legislation defrays the cost by reimbursing local jurisdictions up to $.75 for each of these contingency paper ballots produced.

This is a win-win for local governments and for individual voters. The "Confidence in Voting Act" will make it easier for states to do the right thing in this November's election -- and it will make the American people more confident about the outcome. Please forward an email to your Members of Congress now -- urge them to support my "Confidence in Voting Act" before Congress adjourns this week!

Habeas Needs Your Help

Please start panicking now. Your freedom is under assault, too. It's time for a filibuster.

The Bush administration sides with hair-splitting and wink-nod authorizations of torture

The United States Of Torture

The White House wants to keep the horror of Iraq abstract in voters' minds and the media makes it easy

The GOP's Distance Strategy

Rather than an unprincipled political middle ground, progressives should define a new moral center

Rescuing Morality

Chemical Reaction

Demand stronger legislation on dangerous chemicals:

From Greenpeace Activist News

US Nukes out of Europe

Tell the US to remove their weapons of mass destruction from Europe:

Ban Illegal Timber

Send your message asking Finland to ban imports of illegal timber:

Wireless and faultless? Are phone masts and mobile phones a health concern?

Lieutenant Ehren Watada Charged Again for Refusing to Deploy to Iraq

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Gas Is Down: Go Back to Sleep

Kelpie Wilson looks at the politics of gas prices, how prices can be manipulated, and whether the recent drop in prices can help the GOP in November.

The March to War: Iran Preparing for US Air Attacks

Iran: Vorbereitung auf amerikanischen Bombenkrieg

Telephone mast to go up despite objections

by Howard Williamson

A MOBILE phone mast is being erected in west Leeds despite massive objection.

The decision has dismayed Coun Amanda Carter (Con, Calverley and Farsley) who wants planning laws to be reviewed.

Leeds West plans panel gave T-Mobile permission to site a mast, disguised as a flagpole, on St John's Parish Church in Farsley.

Some 275 residents, two schools and ward councillors all objected.

"It is frustrating that we were unable to stop this mast from being placed in a densely-populated area," said Coun Carter.


"The councillors are not allowed to take health issues into account and we could not stop the mast on the grounds that the church is a listed building in a conservation area.

"I want to see the Government look again at planning laws for mobile phone companies. It's outrageous that a substantial amount of public opinion can be overlooked like this. In this case there are plenty of other mast sites away from schools and residents where this could have been erected – such as the ring road."

27 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

The Lt. Watada Case: a Day of Reckoning for US Courts

by Paul Rockwell


For Vietnam War veterans, the pending court-martial of Lt. Ehren Watada is deja vu 'all over again.' Watada may be the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to Iraq, but he is hardly the first American soldier to face trumped-up charges for denouncing U.S. aggression abroad...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beware the NIE

Tom Paine
by Robert Dreyfuss


A rollicking controversy has developed over the leaked U.S. National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism, apparently the first comprehensive U.S. intelligence product on terrorism since the 1990s. So far, nearly all of the coverage -- and the superheated political debate around it -- has revolved around the NIE's reported conclusion that the war in Iraq has inflamed anti-American passions in the Middle East and the Muslim world. Paraphrasing the NIE, and stating its conclusions in its own words, The New York Times, which broke the story on Sept. 24, reported that the war and the occupation of Iraq has 'helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism' and adds that 'the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.' The headline in the Times proclaimed: 'Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat.' That conclusion, that the war in Iraq is creating terrorists, was treated as manna from heaven by Democrats, and not surprisingly...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Torture continues to be practiced around the world by rogue regimes

Rogue state

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


'The United States is committed to the world-wide elimination of torture,' George W. Bush explained in a June 2003 speech, 'and we are leading this fight by example.' Oh, the irony! Intriguingly, at the time he seemed to have a good grasp of the relevant issues. 'Freedom from torture,' he said, 'is an inalienable human right.' True. 'The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, ratified by the United States and more than 130 other countries since 1984, forbids governments from deliberately inflicting severe physical or mental pain or suffering on those within their custody or control.' Also true. And lastly, a straightforward recognition of who the torturers of the world are, and why they do it: 'Yet torture continues to be practiced around the world by rogue regimes whose cruel methods match their determination to crush the human spirit'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bizarro conservatism

by Justin Raimondo


The Republican Party, previously devoted to the principles of less government, decentralized authority, and economic liberty, immediately transformed itself into the champion of more government, including a significant increase in federal spending and, more ominously, the establishment of a rudimentary police state. Thus was born Bizarro Conservatism, an ideology that, in every conceivable aspect, inverts the core principles of pre-9/11 conservatism...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The corruption of the law

Kn@ppster Myspace
by Thomas L. Knapp

Let's be clear on this: When a political candidate promises a more vigorous prosecution of the War on Drugs, he or she is promising to do everything in his or her power to jail your children. He is promising that real crimes won't be investigated on his watch so long as there's a chance to pull down a crack ring. She is swearing that the corruption of law enforcement will not be impeded in any way, shape or form if her vote counts for anything. He is vowing to drain the treasury, discard the Constitution, ruin the lives of untold millions, sponsor violent crime, increase addiction, ignore legitimate priorities, and conduct a disrespectful burlesque on the sacrifices of those who have given their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to secure and defend our rights for over two centuries." (published 10/01/98; posted 09/26/06)

Iraq is "cause celebre" for extremists

Tacoma News Tribune


The war in Iraq has become a 'cause celebre' for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S. that probably will get worse before it gets better, federal intelligence analysts conclude in a report at odds with President Bush's portrayal of a world growing safer. In the bleak report, declassified and released Tuesday on Bush's orders, the nation's most veteran analysts conclude that despite serious damage to the leadership of al-Qaida, the threat from Islamic extremists has spread both in numbers and in geographic reach. Bush and his top advisers have said the formerly classified assessment of global terrorism supported their arguments that the world is safer because of the war...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What's Behind the Bush?

by Joe Kress

The central banking system we “enjoy” today, is one where the Congress provides the Treasurer of the United States the authorization to issue interest bearing bonds (without hard asset backing which ended with the elimination of the gold standard) so that the central bank can issue federal reserve notes (without hard asset backing) to finance the spending habits of the Congress and the White House. The bonds are competitively sold at discount in the financial markets and the proceeds credited to the U.S. Treasury to pay for government purchases.....

Mind Warfare: The NEA Jihad

by Greg Evensen

The NEA hates and fears the home schooling movement precisely because home schooling offers true academic freedom. That is, freedom that says you can at least debate whether the human race came from the mud or was created.....


by Erica Carle

Government of the people, by the people, and answerable to the people will be exchanged for a New World Order over the people, by the people managers, and for the people exploiters. We, the people, will be hushed up, obedient.....

City council rules against artane mast

DUBLIN City Council has refused a planning application for a mobile phone mast at Harmonstown Road, Artane.

As reported in Northside People last month, local residents lodged objections to the construction of the mast.

The granting of the application would have brought the number of mobile phone masts in the immediate area to four.

Dublin city councillors heard the residents’ objections to the mast at a special meeting of the North Central Area Committee.

Cllr Sean Kenny (Lab) called the meeting when it became clear that Vodafone were seeking planning permission to erect the mast on the site.

Derek Quinn lives on Brookwood Road, close to where the mast was being proposed for.

He was informed by registered post last week of the decision not to allow the mast go ahead.

“I am delighted at the city council’s decision,” said Mr Quinn.

“I was informed that the mast was not being given planning permission for reasons of visual impact.

“I agree with this. They’re ugly looking things and there’s definitely enough of them in the area already.”

Another resident, Noreen Downes, also objected to the proposal.

Ms Downes had to undergo nine serious facial operations when she was diagnosed with cancer three years ago.

She had expressed fears over health issues she felt the mast would have potentially posed.

Cllr Sean Kenny also welcomed Dublin City Council’s decision.

“The cluster of masts would have been too close to residential housing at Harmonstown Road, Brookwood Rise and Ennafort Road,” he said.

“Local residents expressed outrage at the possible health risks associated with the intensification of mobile phone masts in the area.”

Cllr Kenny is now calling on Vodafone to respect the wishes of local residents and not to pursue an appeal to An Bord Pleanala for additional mobile phone masts in the area.

Panel Urges Basic Coverage on Health Care

A federal advisory panel said Monday that Congress should take immediate steps to guarantee that all Americans have access to affordable health care by 2012. As a first step, the 14-member panel, appointed by the comptroller general of the United States, said, "A national public or private program must be established to ensure protection against very high out-of-pocket medical costs for everyone."

Global Warming Nears "Dangerous" Level

Global temperatures are dangerously close to the highest ever estimated to have occurred in the past million years, scientists reported Monday. In a study that analyzed temperatures around the globe, researchers found that Earth has been warming rapidly, nearly 0.36 degrees Fahrenheit (0.2 degrees Celsius) in the last 30 years.

Letter From Intelligence and Military Professionals on Use of Torture

Former US government and military officials who served in the CIA, Army, Air Force, Department of State and FBI sent a letter today to the Judiciary Committee to the attention of Senators Arlen Specter and Patrick Leahy. The letter conveyed a consensus view that torture is an ineffective and immoral practice.

Secret Rumsfield Meeting to Implement North American Union

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Web of Deceit: How Internet Freedom Got the Federal Ax, And Why Corporate News Censored the Story

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news




The much touted "Compromise Bill" on the Geneva Conventions has been finished and the Republicans caved again! While the Bill would supposedly enact "protections", in fact it has multiple sections that give the President the complete authority to do as he pleases, when he pleases.

For example, the President, without any authority that could oppose him, has the sole authority to decide when the Geneva Convention applies and when it doesn't. Very convenient isn't it? Also, no defendant or plaintiff in a US Court is allowed to cite The Geneva Convention. NONE! So does the Geneva Convention apply in the USA in any effective method? No it would not.

Worse yet the "protections" in the provision on "grievous abusive acts" forbid, essentially only killing, maiming and killing organs in the body. Everything else is fair game. Yet this would be USA's statement to the world! One constitutional scholar said it was, in effect, "...moving from the early medieval torture to late medieval torture". No Constitutional Scholar has supported the Bill as proposed.

The Democratic Senate Leadership, Leader Harry Reid, while making it clear our #1 issue is the is the Administrations screwing up of the War on Terror and Iraq, said he is waiting for more explicit definitions of the acts of "interrogations" allowed under the Bill. In the New York Times, one story said the Democrats are disposed to support the Bill so they could not be branded as being obstructive of the War on Terror in the coming Elections. This attitude must not stand and the Bill must be rejected.

Our letters can support not only a rejection of the Bill in the Senate, if necessary, to stop this Bill that would condemn us in the World eye's. These letters will go to Senate Democrats and to Harry Reid's own office. We can make the difference. The Democrats say they are ready to go on offense. If not on this bill then for what?!

One US Ambassador in a "rendition" country said that techniques there included the boiling of a hand or arm. According to this anonymous US Ambassador, two people had been boiled to death. Under this bill, it appears the boiling may be allowed....but not the death. Bush must be stopped!

Only we, the citizens of the United States, can urge all our Senators, Republican and Democrat, to reject these barbaric notions of "interrogations" and the expansion of Executive Power.

It is a national disgrace that this is even a topic of serious discussion. Our National Morals, the reason for the founding of The United States of America, forbid us from these acts and our Constitution forbids the Executive Branch from becoming the only Branch of Government that has unbridled power. Write your letters with passion....with your heart. Your letters are the best defense we have today.


This alert is brought to you through the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, running for the U.S. House in the 1st Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of Louisiana. Many of you have already submitted his action page calling for the troops in Iraq to start coming home now, a policy that is more surely correct with every passing state of emergency in Baghdad.

Stacey has been running call to action radio spots in this district , calling for an end of the obstinate occupation of Iraq, a military escapade which has brought nothing but death and destruction to both their country and our own. And he is running TV spots in his district right now, asking his constituents if they have "had enough?". Won't you contribute to support this effort?


Nobody can predict how a particular race will turn out. But we know that the spots we ran on impeachment had tremendous secondary impact, as TWO other groups were inspired to run their own call to action ads on this issue as a result of the investment we made in this action. If you are able to do so, please make whatever donation you can to continue the stand we are taking on issue after issue.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Senators Propose Funds for Paper Ballots to Back Up Electronic Ones

By Ian Urbina
New York Times
September 26, 2006

WASHINGTON - Two Senate Democrats proposed emergency legislation today to reimburse states for printing paper ballots that can be ready at polling places in case of problems with electronic voting machines on Nov. 7.

The proposal is a response to grass-roots pressure and growing concern by local and state officials about touch-screen machines. An estimated 40 percent of voters will use those machines in the election.

³If someone asks for a paper ballot they ought to be able to have it,² said Senator Barbara Boxer of California, a co-sponsor of the measure with Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut.

Republican leadership aides were skeptical about the prospects for the measure. It would have to advance without opposition from any senator and then make it through the House in the short time available before Election Day.

Dozens of states are using optical-scan and touch-screen machines to comply with federal laws intended to phase out lever and punch-card machines after the hanging-chads confusion of the 2000 presidential election. Widespread problems were reported with the new technology and among poll workers using the machines this year in primaries in Arkansas, Illinois, Maryland, Ohio and elsewhere.

Local and state officials have expressed concern that the new systems might not be ready to handle increased turnouts. Election experts fear that the lack of a paper trail with most touch-screen machines will leave no way to verify votes in case of fraud or computer failure.

Last week, Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. of Maryland, a Republican, joined the skeptics, saying he lacked confidence in his state¹s new $106 million electronic system and suggesting that state officials offer all voters paper ballots as an alternative.

The proposed federal bill would provide 75 cents for each backup paper ballot that local officials print. If ballots are printed for half the 27 million voters expected to use touch-screen machines, Ms. Boxer said, her bill would cost Washington no more than $10.1 million.

Barbara Burt, vice president and director of election reform programs at Common Cause, a good-governance advocacy group, said that the bill would have been stronger if it had required precincts to provide paper ballots in federal elections, but that it was a step in the right direction.

³Lack of funding has been the main excuse that local election officials have used to avoid implementing paper precautions,² Ms. Burt said. ³This takes that excuse away from them entirely.²

Ms. Boxer said ordering paper ballots in all elections would have been impractical.

³I think Big Brother dictating something to local jurisdictions is a big mistake, because they will balk at it,² she said. ³What we¹re saying here is that you run your own elections, and we are going to help you run it properly. If local officials don¹t take advantage of the option to take precautions, then they¹re the ones on the line.²

Brad Friedman, a liberal blogger and longtime critic of electronic voting, said that incentives to print paper ballots would help, but that without a federal mandate some voters would still have no choice but to use touch-screens.

On Thursday, the Committee on House Administration, which has a role in overseeing election procedures, will hold a hearing on whether to require that all voting equipment produce a paper record that lets voters verify how they voted.

Informant: NHNE

A Slow and Very Painful Death: Witness to an Execution

Informant: Alice Kim

TOLL FREE efforts to stop the Warrantless Spying and the Torture

Informant: Scott Munson


FURIOUS residents are fighting back against plans to put up a 20-metre mobile phone mast next to a children's nursery. Phone company O2 have applied to hoist a mast on the grounds of the Coppingham Arms pub, on the Balcombe Road, Horley, next door to the Cat's Club nursery school. Reigate and Banstead Borough Council is expected to be flooded with objections from angry locals.

Full story in the Horley Observer

27 September 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Halliburton Gave $4 Million to Politicians and Received 600 Percent Gain on Contracts Since 2000

Don’t Give Businesses a Free Pass on Paperwork Reporting Requirements

Center for Public Integrity Sues FCC for Broadband Records

Science Hindered, Hurt by Bush Administration

Pundits Who Contest Climate Change Should Tell Us Who is Paying Them

Stop Calling People, or Nations, the Devil

New News Is Bad News

US Drops to 6th in World Competitiveness Ranking

Bush Facing Growing Revolt among Top Military Commanders

Canada's media elites covers up U.S. take-over of Canadian military

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Elitism is Dialectical Terrorism

by Niki Raapana

Dialectical idealism and materialism are the ideologies that support the Bush and Blair idea for "exporting" freedom to backward Muslim nations. It's the formula for calling on the U.N. to "mediate." The goal of dialectical terrorism is world government. This is why we will continue to see a growing media call to have the "peaceful" U.N. troops resolve conflicts.....

Fort Hollywood: does the Pentagon run the movie industry?

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Bush's backpedaling on the war

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Bush's Director of Torture

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Socialist Man in the Big Easy

Hands Off China: on arrogant and ignorant senators

When Can We Criticize the War Effort?

On the conservative icon of torture


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rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


September 2006


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