Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2006

Campaign report on GM trees and action alert for Saami people

Call for moratorium on GM trees

People´s Forest Forum
23th on May 2006 in Finland

People´s Forest Forum is an initiative for open global forum for discussing and reporting of forest issues in different countries. Our first campaign was against the risks of genetically modified trees. The petition campaign was a success. By backing the signatories of individuals and ngo:s we visited in three UN meetings and distributed our materials in two side events. Look and print the posters here:

In last CBD meeting in Brazil lot of countries took critical position on this issue and also the reports by FAO is quite critical for introducing transgenic trees. Look more:

We feel that our campaign has had at least some effect for this success. Thanks all of you involved! Be free to continue adding your reports, news and other information on the workshop on GM trees:

Finland and global forestry

Now we want to invite people to discuss about Finland´s role in global forestry. Finland as a state has lot of influence in global forest policy and globalized Finnish forest industry is powerfull actor as well all around the world. We believe that there is a good reason to focus on these activies also from critical perspective.

Last yoik in Saami forests?

We open this discussion with the hot and actual issue of Saami forests in Finland. Union of Ecoforestry has taken part in producing a critical videoreportage about the indigenious Saami peoples campaign for their livelihood and land rights agains Finnish state owned companies. This documentary movie is presented in UN Indigenious peoples forum in New York in 23th May 2006. You can join in discussion in the forum: You can load the present version of the movie on the adress:

For more information on Sámi forests:


Campaign report on GM trees and action alert for Saami people

Thanks for your contribution for the campaign Global Ban on GM trees. The final campaign report with video clips is available on the address

We hope the campaigning continous to stop invasion with transgenic trees. Thanks for your contributions.

The second issue in this letter is the hot and actual situation in Northern Finland in forests of indigenous Saami people home area.

As a Finnish campaigner I have to ask your help to stop the Finnish state and forest companies destructive colonialism in Saami forests. Here below is our campaign letter on the issue.

Hannu Hyvönen documentarist and campaigner Union of Ecoforestry in Finland


As a critical documentarist investigating Finnish forestry I am interested all kind of information of these multinational "Finnish" companies; Upm-Kymmene, Metsäliitto, Stora Enso, Metsäbotnia, Timberjack, Jaakko Pöyry, etc and their operations in different countries. Also through different institutions as Forest Research, Fao, UN forum on forests etc the Finnish forestry sectors influence is even more heavy than in papermaking bisnes.

Finnish forestry sector is powerfull actor which define lot of the future of forest cover on the Earth. It is time to make an analysis what is behind this success story in Finland and abroad.

Press release and campaign letter 1.6..2007/ Union of Ecoforestry in Finland

The destruction of Saami homeland forests in Finnish Lappland started again - this is a call for action to friends of the Saami !

The long lasting forestry conflict in Finnish Lappland is again in a very urgent state. The Finnish state owned company, Forest and Park Service, has started large scale logging operations in the home area of indigenious Saami people on the 14th of May, 2007.

These loggings can't be accepted for the following reasons:

-there is no solution yet for the landownership conflict between Saami people and the Finnish state. -the Finnish state has not proven to be the actual owner of the forests it is logging right now. -the clear-cutting style of logging ancient forests in the extreme north of Europe cannot be accepted from an ecological and micro-climatical point of view. -the loggings destroy the very basis of the culturally important Saami free browsing reindeerherding tradition -the loggings waste the ancient forests and its wood and leave less possibilities for future truly sustainable continuous cover forestry without destructive clear cutting.

By these arguments among others Union of Ecoforestry urged Finnish parliament to stop the logging immediately and gave for parliament groups the documentary movie Last yoik in Saami forests ( ) The director of the movie, Hannu Hyvönen, expressed his feelings about the on-going loggings recently: "It is quite easy for us to update this sad turn-up in the documentary movie, but we cannot update these forests which are now again cutted down."

Finnish state own tv-company seems not to be able to broadcast the documentary which accuses Finnish state human rights violations,

Union of Ecoforestry supports campaigning for Saami forests and invites all friends of Saami now for actions. -In this situation we strongly encourage Finns as well as foreigners to arrange movie actions, public presentations, to get widely known and understood what is really happening in Lappland, in Saami forests, the last natural forests of Europe. Union of Ecoforestry supports dvd distribution for public presentations.

The documentary movie can also be loaded here:

If you want to order the dvd and/or join in friends of Saami -posting list please send a message to info

More information:


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Whether they like it or not, members of Congress, including Hastert, are under investigation

ABC Sticks by Hastert Probe Story

Despite a flat denial from the Department of Justice, federal law enforcement sources said Wednesday night that ABC News accurately reported that Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is "in the mix" in the FBI investigation of corruption in Congress. "Whether they like it or not, members of Congress, including Hastert, are under investigation," one federal official said.

Hardliner Brzezinski: Schallende Ohrfeigen für Bush

Rügener Schwäne starben nicht durch H5N1

Whenever the U.S. government spies on its citizens in the name of security, rights are trampled

Big Brother's History

By John Prados,

The Alt Fuels Distraction

By David Roberts,

The current energy debate is skewed toward solutions that favor big business.

U-Turn by White House As It Blocks Direct Talks With Iran

The White House yesterday ruled out previously authorized direct talks between Tehran and the US ambassador in Baghdad, which were to have focused on the situation in Iraq. The move marks a hardening of the Bush administration's position, despite pressure from the international community to enter into direct dialogue with Iran.

Playing the Impeachment Card

This newest Republican tactic - warning people about the potential for impeachment - begs one simple question: if they have nothing to hide, what are they afraid of? The answer, clearly, is John Conyers," writes William Rivers Pitt.

America's New China War Plan

Informant: Kev Hall

Council rejects plans for 'monster' mobile phone mast

May 25 2006

A MOBILE phone company was told it had the wrong number when councillors backed neighbours and threw out plans for a 46-foot high mast on their doorstep.

The 681 campaigners living in the Tring Road area of Tilehurst had signed a petition protesting that Hutchinson 3G UK's 17th mast in a radius of little over half a mile would have been an eyesore too far.

And at West Berkshire Council's eastern area planning committee they got the support of Bucklebury council-lor Graham Pask who said: "I asked myself would I want to live near one of these masts and the answer is definitely 'no'.

"The problem is that this is a monster. Even if it is a fake telegraph pole I have never seen a telegraph pole 14 metres high, never in my life."

Eric Drew-Clifton and Lewis Evans of Tring Road spoke on behalf of their neighbours and highlighted their concerns at the size and appearance of the mast and cabinets and the potential harm to residents.

Mr Drew-Clifton said: "My wife and I have lived at Tring Road for 45 years and we wish to enjoy our property in pleasant surroundings, unspoilt by an unsightly industrial installation only 20 yards from our front door.

"The installation will also be seen from the windows and garden of many houses in Tring, Fairford and Overdown roads."

After the meeting, Westwood ward district councillor Laszlo Zverko, said: "The residents are very pleased. We are just sick and tired of it all, it is ridiculous.

"All the protesting paid off and the number of objections represented a third of the population of my ward.

"To echo what Cllr Pask said, it would have been a monster and a real eyesore."

Owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Iran badge story: more neo-con propaganda

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Armey to House judiciary: oppose net neutrality mandates

by Dick Armey


On behalf of 800,000 grassroots activists across the country, I urge you to reject H.R. 5417. Not only are new regulations of the Internet unnecessary in alleviating antitrust concerns, they would, in fact, exacerbate them. Concerns of potential antitrust violations, which have spurred the latest legislation, are exaggerated at best. These fears overlook three important facts: (1) the FCC already has sufficient authority under existing law to regulate and correct anticompetitive practices; (2) the robust broadband market ensures that providers will not abuse their (limited) market power; and (3) efforts to enforce net neutrality mandates may have the perverse political and economic consequence of consolidating the broadband market even further...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Victory?" Forget it

by Sidney Blumenthal


Bush has been proclaiming Iraq at a turning point for years. 'Turning point' is a frequent and recurring talking point, often taken up by the full chorus of the president ('We've reached another great turning point,' Nov. 6, 2003; 'A turning point will come in less than two weeks,' June 18, 2004), vice president ('I think about when we look back and get some historical perspective on this period, I'll believe that the period we were in through 2005 was, in fact, a turning point,' Feb. 7, 2006), secretary of state and secretary of defense, and ringing down the echo chamber. This latest 'turning point' reveals an Iraqi state without a social contract, a government without a center, a prime minister without power and an American president without a strategy... [subscription or ad view required]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

For telecoms, a storm of lawsuits awaits

Christian Science Monitor


The forecast for major US phone companies this spring: continued heat, with a 100 percent chance of gathering lawsuits. From New York to Kentucky to Texas, lawyers specializing in class-action litigation are lining up to sue phone firms alleged to have handed over customer records to the National Security Agency without a court order. On Monday, for instance, the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois filed suit against AT&T, charging that its actions in the NSA program violated customer privacy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush backs VA chief after data breach

Coeur d'Alene


VA Secretary Jim Nicholson got an endorsement Wednesday from President Bush -- and a summons to Capitol Hill -- after the theft of veterans' personal information that has become one of the nation's largest security breaches. Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill are asking that Nicholson explain how his department handled the theft of sensitive personal data on 26.5 million veterans. They have called the Veterans Affairs secretary to appear in two emergency hearings Thursday in the House and Senate...

VA's delay in reporting data theft questioned

Arizona Republic


Veterans Affairs officials waited two weeks to call in the FBI to investigate the theft of sensitive personal data, delaying a warning to 26.5 million veterans now at risk in one of the nation's largest security breaches. Lawmakers from both parties demanded answers. Burglars struck the Maryland home of the VA data analyst in early May, taking government-owned laptop and disks containing the names, Social Security numbers and birth dates of veterans discharged since 1975. But the FBI wasn't notified until late last week, two law enforcement officials said Tuesday, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, said his panel would hold an emergency hearing Thursday because '26 million people deserve answers.' VA Secretary Jim Nicholson is expected to testify...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

House leaders demand FBI return documents

Bloomington Pantagraph


In rare, election-year harmony, House Republican and Democratic leaders jointly demanded on Wednesday that the FBI return documents taken in a Capitol Hill raid that has quickly grown into a constitutional turf fight beyond party politics. 'The Justice Department must immediately return the papers it unconstitutionally seized,' House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a statement. Within hours, according to several Republican officials, White House aides were involved in talks with Hastert's staff concerning the possible transfer of the documents, possibly to the House ethics committee...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cheney may be called in CIA leak case

Winston-Salem Journal


Vice President Dick Cheney could be called to testify in the perjury case against his former chief of staff, a special prosecutor said in a court filing Wednesday. Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald suggested Cheney would be a logical government witness because he could authenticate notes he jotted on a July 6, 2003, New York Times opinion piece by a former U.S. ambassador critical of the Iraq war...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

No masking of mast disgust

By Mark Killiner

Parents and pupils gather outside St Mary's School on Tuesday for an impromptu demonstration in advance of the big one, planned for June 4

A STORM is brewing over plans for a mobile phone mast on a church opposite a primary school.

The plans, which involve building a T-Mobile base station in the spire of SS Peter and Paul Church on the Green, Chingford, have met huge opposition from neighbours and staff and pupils of St Mary's Catholic Primary School, only 50 metres away.

A special court is to meet in the church next month to examine the issue.

The community is angry that the church is pressing ahead with the plans despite mounting anecdotal evidence of serious health risks associated with exposure to phone mast radiation. continued...

A precautionary approach to installing masts near sensitive sites such as schools has been advised by the Government's Stewart Report.

Over 600 people have already signed a petition opposing the scheme.

Myra Yeo, spokeswoman for the Justify Unnecessary Dangers Against Schoolchildren (JUDAS) campaign and a company director whose business is based on the Green, said: "The church is putting money before the welfare of children.

"It is a year on since the issue first came to light and the parish seems to have waited for a drop in people's attention, but that has not happened.

"I think that they are underestimating the weight of local opposition and they will be surprised at the reaction.

"More than 600 people have told them they do not want the mast. That is a clear message from the community they serve. What more does it take?"

The campaigners say they are anticipating a big turnout for a demonstration outside the church on Sunday, June 4, at 9.30am.

MP Iain Duncan Smith is also opposing the plan.

He said: "The health risks have not been proved and while the jury is out we should be very careful about where these masts are placed, especially when the mast will be in close proximity to three schools and a residential area."

The matter is up for consideration before a special church court, known as a consistory court.

A spokesman for the Diocese of Chelmsford, which covers the Chingford area, said: "The judge, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Chelmsford, is expected to hold a hearing and then a trial on whether the church will have a mobile phone mast in its spire. Both the hearing and the trial will be held in public."

The hearing takes place in SS Peter and Paul Church hall on Tuesday, June 13, at 10.30am.

11:42am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group


A DENABY councillor has slammed the trustees of the town's welfare club after it was revealed a controversial mobile phone mast WILL be built on the grounds despite a huge protest by residents.

Coun John Mills said he was 'deeply disappointed' by the decision by trustees of Cadeby and Denaby Miners Welfare to go ahead with the Hutchinson 3G mast even though an alternative site could have been agreed.

Coun Mills said: "What the welfare is doing is totally ignoring the wishes of the community that they are supposed to serve, for a rental income of £30 per week.

"The local councillors are, to say the least, deeply disappointed. I wonder if the 350 members of the welfare are content with what the trustees are doing in their name?"

Dozens of people signed a petition against the plans because of their fears for the health of local schoolchildren being subjected to prolonged exposure from the mast.

Mother-of-two Kirsty Meggitt of Tickhill Square, was among campaigners opposing the mast who believe it poses a potential danger to children playing in the area.

She said: "The trustees ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing this mast to be put up.

"They don't seem to be concerned about the possible health risks to their grandchildren or the people they were brought up with all their lives.

"If they were 100 per cent confident these masts don't cause damage to the public, they would face us. We have had public meetings but they never turn up. We tried to contact the club but they just hung up on us."

Coun Mills said he had met Eriksson (agents for Hutchinson) along with community representatives to discuss possible alternative sites not close to schools and houses.

He added: "I agreed to pursue one of the three possibilities, and in fact have got this to a position where I believe that it can be delivered.

"Eriksson appear to have made no progress with the other possibilities, which are both existing mast sites. It appeared from the meeting that Hutchinson would move to an alternative site if the welfare would release them from their contract.

"I have now had confirmation that the trustees have made a final decision that they will proceed with the lease to Hutchinson 3G, and also had confirmation by e-mail from Eriksson that they intend to proceed with erecting a mast at this location regardless of the adverse public opinion.

"The Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation (CISWO), the freeholders of the site, seem to be reluctant to get involved in this, although I understand that they are demanding half of the rental income."

Hutchinson 3G has always maintained that exposure levels from living near mobile phone base stations are extremely low, and the overall evidence indicates that they are unlikely to pose a risk to human health.

Omega this is not true. See under:

The company said an installation was required to provide 3G coverage to Denaby Main in line with its licence to provide 80 per cent coverage by 2007.

The South Yorkshire Times tried to contact the welfare club and CISWO this week but they had not responded by the time we went to press.

25 May 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Speak up for Alaska's Beleaguered Beluga

Alaska’s Cook Inlet beluga whales are in serious trouble. Facing pressures ranging from pollution to increased ship traffic, their numbers have dropped by half in the last decade. Now, this isolated population of white whales may disappear forever.

But there is hope. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is now considering listing the Cook Inlet belugas as endangered under the Endangered Species Act -- perhaps the best chance yet for these special creatures.

Help protect the Cook Inlet belugas before it’s too late! Urge NMFS to list the Cook Inlet belugas as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The deadline for submitting your comments is next Tuesday, May 30.

The beluga whale relies on its sophisticated sonar, using clicks and squeaks to hunt, navigate and communicate. Their unique and varied sounds have earned these extremely social animals the nickname “sea canaries”.

Cook Inlet belugas rear their young and feed just offshore from one of the most populated -- and fastest growing -- regions in Alaska. It's an area that's getting more and more inhospitable to the whales.

Sewage and polluted run-off pour directly into the beluga’s home. Planned development projects threaten to fill in over 135 acres of beluga whale habitat. The toxic waste and spills from region’s oil industry can poison and kill these creatures and their young. Seismic blasting to search for oil can disrupt their sonar and disorient the belugas, causing them to drown.

An endangered listing would require protection not only for the critters themselves, but for the fragile habitat essential for their survival.

Beluga whales need your help. Please send your comments to NMFS before next Tuesday’s deadline.

Just last month, international experts classified this group of whales as “critically endangered” -- the most urgent category for imperiled wildlife. NMFS’s own scientists have charted the dramatic decline of these whales -- and their best estimate is that fewer than 280 remain. Without the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the Cook Inlet beluga whales could become extinct within our lifetime.

Now is the time to act. Please help these animals get the protection they deserve. Write to NMFS today and urge them to protect Cook Inlet belugas by listing them as an endangered species-- before they are gone forever.

With your help, we can ensure that these magnificent white whales live on for generations to come.

Thank you for all you do to protect imperiled creatures everywhere.


Jim Curland
Marine Program Associate
Defenders of Wildlife

Oppose Kempthorne for Interior Secretary

Young and Uninsured

According to recently published survey findings, more than half of young adults under age 30 were uninsured for at least one month between 2002 and 2003. Stable health insurance has become the exception, not the rule, for young adults.

US Capitol Infested With Mystery Bills: Who You Gonna Call? today announced the launch of the Mystery Busters initiative and urged the US House of Representatives to reject four bills scheduled for floor action this week, saying there was inadequate time to read the four "mystery bills."

Report on Ill Health cluster protest

Please read e-mail just in from Yasmin Skelt.

Dear Eileen and Microwave News People,

My Spanish is too rusty to translate this news item but you could have people in Spain and Spanish speakers on your lists. Another report of ill health in people living in a block of flats with antennas on top. Symptoms report cancer and also heart problems. This programme was broadcast on Tuesday 23rd on the Global Spanish Satellite Network. The Authorities have ordered the removal of the antennae which were erected on top of a block of flats without planning permission. The campaigners slogans in English are "Antennas No, Life Yes".

Best Yasmin Skelt,

-----Original Message-----
From: yip
Sent: 24 May 2006 16:49
Subject: Yasmin Skelt te recomienda un programa de RTVE

Yasmin Skelt te recomienda el siguiente programa:

Titular: Dicen que las antenas de telefonía móvil matan. ¿Tú qué opinas?

Omega hear is an automatic translation in English:

Informant: Eileen O'Connor

Arrogant threats against Mother Nature

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


The political architect of Alaska's "Bridges to Nowhere," and other drains on the U.S. Treasury, is vowing retaliation against colleagues who voted last week to end a multimilliondollar U.S. Forest Service subsidy of the timber industry.

Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, said he was taking down the names of the 237 members of the U.S. House of Representatives -- including 68 fellow Republicans -- who voted to prohibit Smokey Bear from using federal dollars to build new logging roads in the Tongass National Forest.

The threat echoes a similar warning from Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, when the Senate blocked his backdoor effort to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling.

Stevens already has undertaken a revenge effort against Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.

Such I'll-get-you diatribes reflect the fetid state of Washington, D.C., politics these days. They underscore the arrogance of men in power.

The fjords, glaciers and largely intact rain forests of the Tongass are an adventure destination for thousands of cruise-ship passengers embarking out of Seattle each summer.

The Tongass is where our sport and commercial fisherfolk seek out still-healthy salmon runs, and where our kayakers go to test their skill amid the icebergs of calving glaciers.

No wonder that a majority of our state's congressional delegation voted to end a logging road construction program that was losing 96 cents on the dollar.

The Forest Service spent $48 million on road building and timber sales last year in the Tongass, according to Reps. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, and Robert Andrews, D-N.J., co-sponsors of the anti-subsidy legislation. Timber receipts totaled $400,000.

advertising Hence, Chabot told House colleagues, America's taxpayers have been providing a subsidy of $150,000 for every logging job supported in the national forest.

Young, the powerful chairman of the House Transportation Committee, responded with fury.

"Each one of you, think about this, in this room," he declared. "This should be a representative form of government, and what you're doing is dead wrong, and I shall not forget it.

"What's happening here is you're trying to put the last remaining -- the last remaining -- few Alaskans that are trying to make a very meager living -- 300 jobs -- and take it away from them, for the environmentalists."

Nope, Chabot and Andrews were striking a blow for the taxpayers ... and for the 4,000 Southeast Alaska tourism and recreation jobs that depend on preservation of natural beauty, silt-free salmon streams and healthy game populations.

Stevens started taking names in December, as colleagues led by Cantwell blocked his bid to attach Arctic Refuge oil drilling to a key defense bill.

"I am going to every one of your states, and I am going to tell them what you have done," he shouted. "And I am sure that the senator from Washington will enjoy my visits to Washington, because I am going to visit there often."

Young started venting his wrath soon after the Tongass vote.

He tried to kill language in a pending appropriations bill -- inserted by Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash. -- that greenhouse gas emissions need to be limited and that humans contribute to global warming.

Young denounced what he called "hysteria" over the issue.

"I am a little bit concerned when everything that is wrong is our fault, that the human factor creates all the damages to this globe," he declared. "That is pure nonsense. This is nonsense!"

Dicks, along with House members of both parties, tried to cite scientific evidence.

"I believe this is a serious problem," Dicks said. "When you have six former administrators of the Environmental Protection Agency saying this is a reality, when you've just heard Congressman (Wayne) Gilchrest (R-Md.) talk about the increases in parts per million of carbon dioxide, and when you have the visible evidence of our glaciers melting, ... the polar bears are drying because there is not enough ice.

"I mean, at some point, can the majority here not figure out we ought to have some study, we ought to look into this, that this is a real issue that affects everyone on the Earth?"

Young would hear none of it.

"If you look at any of the studies that are taking place now, the polar bear pack is very healthy and, in fact, increasing," he argued. "Keep that in mind. Read something that really has some merit to it. Do not just read the fear tactic."

The fate of the Tongass amendment is unclear. The House passed a similar measure in 2004. Stevens restored the logging subsidy in the Senate.

So far, Don Young has picked out only one target for retaliation: Mother Nature. He may yet go after $200 million in federal money earmarked for replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct.

Stevens came steaming through in April to protest how Washington lawmakers have abandoned the good old days of mutual back scratching on federal projects.

He also headlined, with Don Young, an Anchorage fundraiser at which Alaska's leading recipients of federal largess wrote checks to Mike McGavick, Cantwell's Republican challenger.

McGavick is making a big deal, in his Senate run, about the loss of civility and accountability in American politics.

So be it. It raises questions of authenticity, however, when he keeps company with symbols of rancor, waste and cronyism such as Stevens and Young.

P-I columnist Joel Connelly can be reached at 206-448-8160 or

©1996-2006 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Informant: Teresa Binstock

WHO Fact Sheet N°304: Base stations and wireless networks

Does the The WHO's fact sheet interest anyone? Then here it is. But if anyone is going to rely on it, to give importance to it or to take it seriously, then I wish him/her a lot a lot of health, and that God will help you, because Repacholi and the WHO SURE AREN'T THERE FOR YOU. "Mike has to raise his own budget and travel funds. We also know that he found a way to skirt the WHO rules that bar direct industry support —the mobile phone manufacturers have said that they provide him with $150,000 a year with additional money for meeting and travel expenses."

It's from
July 5, 2005
Time To Stop the WHO Charade

Omega see under:

Iris Atzmon

----- Original Message -----
From: Mona Nilsson
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:47 AM
Subject: Fw: NEW - WHO Fact Sheet N°304: Base stations and wireless networks

From: Ravenscroft, Lisa
Sent: den 25 maj 2006 09:33
Subject: NEW - WHO Fact Sheet N°304: Base stations and wireless networks Importance: High

The EMF Project is pleased to announced that its latest fact sheet "Base stations and wireless networks" in now available on our Fact Sheet page at and also via the WHO Media Centre web site at

If anybody is interested in undertaking a translation of this fact sheet, we will be more than happy to include it on our web site. Electronic copies (unprotected please) of translations can be emailed to


Lisa Ravenscroft
on behalf of Dr Mike Repacholi
Radiation and Environmental Health World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Tel: +41 (0)22 791 23 33
Fax: +41 (0)22 791 41 23 Email:


WHO dilemma?

Consider this statement from the WHO (taken from the Independent 7.5.06

The UN's World Health Organisation (WHO) calls the electronic smog "one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences" and stresses that it "takes seriously" concerns about the health effects. It adds that "everyone in the world" is exposed to it and that "levels will continue to increase as technology advances". To the latest report (Factsheet 304) on Electromagnetic fields.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

1414 Nesting Double-Crested Cormorants Illegal Shot in Canada

FLAC seminar series on Public Interest Law: how PILL can address the needs of NGOs

FLAC organising seminar series on Public Interest Law in Ireland

The Bar Council's Voluntary Assistance Scheme

Informant: Colette O'Connell

Campaign underway to have mobile phone antenna removed

Thursday, May 25, 2006

By: Joe Barrett

A CAMPAIGN is under-way in Portlaoise to have a mobile phone antenna removed from a local hotel.

The mast was erected on the rear of O’Loughlin’s Hotel on the town’s main street about three weeks ago. Since then resistance to it has grown.

PJ Kavanagh, proprietor of the Wren’s Nest public house which is next door to the hotel, said the antenna was just nine metres from his bedroom window.

“There are no facts that can prove emissions from telecommunication masts are safe,” he said.

He said he had contacted the 3 telecommunications company through his solicitor and had received a reply that they do not require planning permission to erect the antenna on an existing building.

However, Mr Kavanagh alleged the erection of the antenna contravened the county development plan, which states such antenna cannot be erected within 400 meters of built up areas or schools.

Mr Kavanagh pointed out there are three schools in close proximity to the antenna. He said as well as erecting the antenna, other development works have been carried out on the site without the approval of the planning authority.

“For me there’s nothing in the world to say it’s safe. I have to live beside it 24/7 and it’s totally unacceptable.”

Mr Kavanagh said a number of shop owners along Main Street have drawn up a petition and businesses, residents, customers and the shops’ staff have signed the petitions. In his public house alone he said he has, to date, gathered about 140 signatures opposing the antenna.

A council spokesperson said after receiving a complaint two weeks ago about works being carried out at the site they investigated the matter. At that time he said, cables and boxes were being laid. The council issued a letter to Mr O’Loughlin, the hotel’s proprietor, asking him to inform them what was planned.

Since then the spokesperson said an antenna and other, “unau-thorised,” developments had taken place. He said the council was now of the opinion planning permission was required for the works and had requested Mr O’Loughlin to regularise matters. “In other words either he takes it down or he looks for planning permission for it,” said the spokesperson.

The council’s spokesperson said they were not aware of the identity of the mobile company that had erected the antenna.

Proprietor of the hotel, Declan O’Loughlin, said he was not aware of concerns of anyone and has received no complaints about the antenna.

He advised this paper to contact the mobile phone company 3 to seek further information on the matter.

A spokesperson from 3 advised us to contact the contractors TCI for comment.

Acquisition agent with TCI Stewart Callander said his company had been in contact with the council and had submitted the necessary documents. He said he was satisfied all planning regulations had been met by his company.

Mr Callander said his company had received no complaints from local residents or businesses in the area.

© Laois Nationalist, 2006.

Web inventor warns of 'dark' net

He warned that if the US decided to go ahead with a two-tier internet, the network would enter "a dark period".

From Information Clearing House

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations.

From Information Clearing House

Speaker Hastert Protests to Bush Over Raid

The FBI's raid on a congressman's office is rippling through Capitol Hill, with majority Republicans in the House complaining to President Bush and predicting a constitutional showdown in the Supreme Court.,,-5842166,00.html

From Information Clearing House

How Much Longer Can the Dollar Reign Supreme?

Gulf nations, in particular the UAE and Qatar, are said to be suffering inflationary pressures due to the weakened dollar and there is discussion as to whether the dirham and the riyal should be released from their longtime hinge to the greenback. Some economists are making the case for Gulf currencies to be linked to a basket of foreign currencies instead.

Amnesty slams world powers on rights abuses

The tide has turned against countries that abuse human rights in the name of anti-terrorism policies, says the head of Amnesty International, Irene Khan.

From Information Clearing House

Iran deploys its war machine

From several interviews with Iranian officials, researchers and foreign diplomats, it is clear that the Iranian army considers itself ready to repel a US land offensive and increasingly sees itself as the main regional power.

Iran Test Launches Shihab-3

Iran has conducted a test launch this evening of the Shihab-3 ("Comet") intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), with a range capable of striking Israel, all US forces in the region and Iran's Arab rivals.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. refuses direct talks with Iran

Iran asks for direct talks with U.S. on its nuclear program

Iran has followed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent letter to President Bush with explicit requests for direct talks about its nuclear program, according to U.S. officials, Iranian analysts and foreign diplomats.

Tehran has repeatedly announced readiness to hold talks with US unconditionally

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi on Wednesday referring to the recent claims made by the US President George W Bush about Iran's nuclear activities stressed that Tehran has repeatedly announced its readiness to hold talks without any precondition.

U.S. refuses direct talks with Iran

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack confirmed that Iran has been showing interest in holding talks with the United States through intermediaries, but he said the United States has not replied.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. is urged to stop paying Iraqi reporters

A Defense Department investigation of Pentagon-financed propaganda efforts in Iraq warns that paying Iraqi journalists to produce positive stories could damage American credibility and calls for an end to military payments to a group of Iraqi journalists in Baghdad.

From Information Clearing House

Amnesty urges U.S. on Iraq contractor

The United States is riding roughshod over human rights by outsourcing key anti-terror work in Iraq to private contractors, who operate beyond Iraqi law and outside the military chain of command, Amnesty International said Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

Key Questions on Nuclear Power Must be Addressed

First Female Conscientious Objector Sentenced for Refusing Deployment to Afghanistan

To Muslim Chaplain James Yee: I Am So Sorry

Of Loss and Hope

David Attenborough: Climate Change is the Major Problem Facing the World

Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Turns up the Heat

Environmentalists Urge Global Ban on Fishing Trawlers

Police Target Anti-War Protester and Make off with Banners

Bush Democracy Doctrine, 2003(?)-2006, R.I.P

Cheney may be called to testify

Informant: ranger116

Why Can't the US Apply Its New North Korea Policy to Iran?

World markets have begun to wobble

NSA is spying in bad faith

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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