Montag, 8. Mai 2006

Widerstand gegen Willkür mit erfundenen Krankheiten wächst

Leuterschach will sich vor Mobilfunk schützen

09.05.2006, Allgäuer Zeitung

Initiative hofft, dass Betreiber keinen Senderstandort finden

Leuterschach (id). - „Wenn kein Bürger dieses Ortes einen Vertrag unterschreibt, dann werden Sie auch keinen Sender im Ort erhalten. Denn keiner kann gezwungen werden“, hob Hans Schütz aus Peiting vor interessierten Bürgern aus Leuterschach hervor. Auf Einladung einer Dorfinitiative waren sie ins Gasthaus Vogler gekommen. Dort informierten sie sich über die Risiken einer Mobilfunk-Sendeanlage.

Die Initiative sei entstanden, nachdem einem Bürger aufgefallen war, wie jemand im Dorf den günstigsten Platz für eine Mobilfunk-Sendeanlage suchte, erinnerte Axel Maaß zu Beginn. Danach hätten sich innerhalb von zwei Tagen etwa 40 bis 50 Leuterschacher in Fechsen getroffen, um die Problematik zu diskutieren. Martin Rapp habe sich daraufhin über die Mobilfunkinitiative Ostallgäu um einen Referenten bemüht. Dieser sollte die Leuterschacher Bürgerinnen und Bürger über die Risiken einer Mobilfunkanlage im Ort informieren. Hans Schütz aus Peiting sei neben seinem Beruf als Hauptschullehrer seit über 10 Jahren im Netzwerk der Mobilfunkinitiativen als Referent tätig. Vor den rund 60 Anwesenden, darunter auch viele Jugendliche, wies er nun darauf hin, dass das, was derzeit mit dem Mobilfunk geschehe, mit großen Risiken verbunden sei. Er betonte ausdrücklich, dass weder er noch seine Kollegen gegen moderne Informations- und Kommunikationsmittel seien, sondern lediglich gegen die derzeit dabei verwendete Technik. Die Leuterschacher Bürger seien in der günstigen Situation, dass sie noch keinen Masten im Ort hätten. Doch sei bereits ein Betreiber auf Standortsuche. Aber es bleibe in der Regel nicht bei einer Anlage, vielmehr folgten weitere nach. In Leuterschach hätten die Bürger noch gute Chancen, einen solchen Masten zu vermeiden.

Auch Schnurlose strahlen

Schütz gab zu bedenken, dass oft auch jemand über eine 500 Meter entfernt errichtete Sendeanlage schimpfe, dabei habe er mit seinem schnurlosen Telefon bereits rund um die Uhr eine Sendeanlage im Haus. Auch seien die Menschen, insbesondere die Jugend, mit ihrem Handy-Wahn selbst daran schuld, dass so viele Sendemasten benötigt würden. Wenn jeder seinen Handygebrauch auf Notfälle und Situationen, in denen ein Festnetz-Telefon nicht in der Nähe ist, beschränken würde, wären keine weiteren Sendemasten notwendig, betonte Schütz. Er zeigte auf, dass jeder Mensch anders auf die von den Sendemasten ausgehenden Belastungen reagiere. Doch gab er zu bedenken, dass die Menschen in der modernen Welt bereits jeder Menge Umweltbelastungen ausgesetzt seien. Er führte unter anderem Amalgam und andere Schwermetalle, Pestizide, Insektizide und Fungizide ebenso an wie denaturierte Nahrung, Radioaktivität und elektromagnetische Felder. Auch der gesündeste menschliche Körper könne irgendwann diese Belastungen nicht mehr abfangen, meinte er. Außerdem würden sich einzelne Schadstoffe beim Zusammentreffen mit bestimmten anderen Schadstoffen verstärken oder abschwächen. Deshalb führten die unterschiedlichen Einzelbelastungen zu einer überproportionalen Gesamtbelastung. Je länger ein schädlicher Reiz den Organismus belaste und je nachdem welche verschiedene Reize zusammentreffen, desto niedriger werde die Dosis die einen Schaden verursache. Der Referent ging auch auf die einzelnen, inzwischen von der Wissenschaft fundiert nachgewiesenen Risiken des Mobilfunks ein: So werde unter anderem das Schlaf-Wach-System und das Nervensystem gestört, das Immunsystem geschädigt und die Zellkommunikation beeinträchtigt. Dabei führte er auch aus, dass nicht alle Beeinträchtigungen mobilfunkbedingt seien. Doch diejenigen Beeinträchtigungen, die nachgewiesen werden könnten, würden immer mehr auf den Mobilfunk zurückgeführt. Eine rege Diskussion schloss sich dem Vortrag an.

A New Landfill in New Orleans Sets Off a Battle

The new landfill, known as Chef Menteur after the highway that borders it, sits across a canal from Bayou Sauvage, the largest urban wildlife refuge in the country, with 23,000 acres of marshland, canals and lagoons that are home to herons, egrets, alligators and, in the fall, tens of thousands of migratory ducks.

Firms Harvesting Energy From Public Land May Owe US

As soaring prices prompt huge increases in gas and oil drilling on public land, an ad hoc posse of state governments, Indian tribes and individual "bounty hunters" is charging that big energy companies are shortchanging taxpayers by billions of dollars.

America's "Near Poor" Are Increasingly at Economic Risk

Americans on the lower rungs of the economic ladder have always been exposed to sudden ruin. But in recent years, with the soaring costs of housing and medical care and a decline in low-end wages and benefits, tens of millions are living on even shakier ground than before, according to studies of what some scholars call the "near poor."

Russia Says UN Plan for Iran Is "First Step to War"

Russia will seek the removal tonight of the core of a UK-sponsored draft United Nations resolution on Iran because it fears that it could pave the way to unilateral military action to curb the Iranian nuclear program.

Bush Picks Hayden to Lead the CIA

President Bush has chosen Gen. Michael V. Hayden to lead the Central Intelligence Agency.... But in a possible preview of the difficulties that would await General Hayden on Capitol Hill, several Republicans, including some with close ties to the White House, said on Sunday that President Bush should find someone else to run the embattled agency.

Spies Among Us

Civil liberties watchdogs like attorney Richard Gutman want to know how efforts to stop al Qaeda have ended up targeting animal rights advocates, labor leaders, and anti-war protesters. "You've got all this money and all this equipment - you're going to find someone to use it on," he warns. "If there aren't any external checks, there's going to be an inevitable drift toward abuses."

Tierschutzbund protestiert gegen Keulungsaktion wegen Schweinepest

"Seuchenbekämpfungsmaßnahmen von vorgestern"


Der Deutsche Tierschutzbund hat die angekündigte Keulung von rund 52.000 Schweinen im nordrhein-westfälischen Landkreis Borken kritisiert. Nachdem vergangene Woche in einem Zuchtbetrieb erneut das Schweinepestvirus nachgewiesen wurde, erwarten die Behörden jetzt eine Anordnung der EU-Kommission zur Massenkeulung. "Massenkeulungen sind Seuchenbekämpfungsmaßnahmen von vorgestern", meint Tierschutzbund-Präsident Wolfgang Apel. Die Nicht-Impf-Politik der EU sei "längst überholt". Gerade im Falle der Schweinepest stehen Markerimpfstoffe zur Verfügung, mit denen die Schweine im Umkreis um einen Seuchenherd wirkungsvoll vor dieser Tierkrankheit geschützt werden könnten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Katholische Jugend wirft Bundesregierung eine Politik für Gutsituierte vor

Ausbildungsplatzabgabe gefordert


Der Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BDKJ) forderte am Wochenende die Bundesregierung auf, sich stärker gegen Kinderarmut und mehr für benachteiligte Jugendliche zu engagieren. Zwar begrüßt es der BDKJ, dass der Sockelbetrag beim Elterngeld nicht auf das Arbeitslosengeld II angerechnet werden soll. Dennoch bedeute das Elterngeld nach jetzigem Planungsstand eine Verschlechterung für Familien mit niedrigem Einkommen. Dies gelte vor allem für solche Familien, die nach bestehender Gesetzeslage 24 Monate Bundeserziehungsgeld bezögen. "Es darf nicht dazu kommen, dass Familien mit niedrigen Einkommen schlechter gestellt werden und zugleich das Elterngeld der Bessersituierten mitfinanzieren", meint die BDKJ-Vorsitzende Andrea Hoffmeier. "Will man Kinderarmut verhindern, müssen diese Nachteile aufgehoben werden."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Stop detaining immigrant kids

A message from Cassandra

The UK government detains more than 2,000 children, including babies, in immigration detention centres every year. Ask the Home Security Dept. to stop this insanity.


Please Share...Anna

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff Elrod
Date: May 8, 2006 5:40:00 AM HST

Hi, I came across this important alert and thought you might be interested:

TELECOMMUNICATIONS GIANTS MOVE TO CONTROL HOW YOU SURF THE WEB A nationwide network of nonprofit organizations, including the Organic Consumers Association, are mobilizing to stop Congress from passing a law that would enable telecommunications giants to control the flow of traffic on the internet. Companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast are pressuring Congress to pass the "telecom reform bill" that would allow them to restrict or slow down your access to certain websites on the internet. As an example, last year, Canada's version of AT&T -- Telus -- blocked their internet customers from visiting a web site sympathetic to workers with whom Telus was negotiating.

This controversial bill would create a similar situation in the U.S. whereby telephone and cable companies would have increased power to control how well (or poorly) specific websites, including nonprofit organizations, would function on your computer. The current construction of the internet allows everyone to compete on a level playing field. This is the reason that the internet is a force for economic innovation, civic participation and free speech. If the public doesn't speak up now, Congress will hand over control of the internet to these telecommunications monopolies. Please take action:

Take action now at

Mehr als 1800 BürgerInnen wollen den Wildwuchs von Mobilfunkantennen in Kreuzlingen stoppen

Nachricht von Wolfgang Blüher

Why MPs shouldn't vote for this NORAD deal

May 8, 2006

Special to Globe and Mail Update

Today, members of Parliament will vote on a new NORAD agreement. The government is laudably putting the agreement to a vote, but it's "take it or leave it" - MPs aren't allowed to make amendments.

Without improvements, MPs should just leave it. Here's why.

This new NORAD agreement makes two significant changes: Maritime warning for North America is added to NORAD's missions, and the agreement is no longer renewed every five years (but can be amended at any time upon agreement of both governments).

Any change to NORAD should not be taken lightly, especially if it may be difficult to fix later. NORAD has an impact on Canadian sovereignty as well as on continental military arrangements, and it implicates Canada in missile defence and possibly space weapons.

Established in 1958 during the Cold War, the bi-national North American Aerospace Defence Command has a U.S. commander and a Canadian deputy commander. NORAD uses radars and satellites to warn of threats to North America in the form of aircraft or missiles.

For suspicious aircraft, NORAD exercises control over the airspace and can dispatch dedicated Canadian and U.S. military jets to intercept them and potentially shoot them down.

If NORAD thinks someone has launched an intercontinental ballistic missile at the continent, it warns U.S. commanders who can decide to launch a nuclear counterattack - or maybe, some day, launch missile interceptors or use space weapons to try to destroy the incoming enemy missile.

But now the governments want NORAD to warn of possible threats from ships along coastlines, in the Arctic or on internal waters such as the Great Lakes. National commands, such our new Canada Command, retain control of sovereign waters and can then decide to intercept and board the suspicious ships.

It may sound reasonable enough to add maritime warning to NORAD, but what are the implications? Parliamentarians have plenty to be concerned about. Most important, adding maritime responsibilities does nothing to resolve, and could only complicate, sovereignty and territorial disputes between Canada and the United States, especially in the Arctic, where the U.S. considers the thawing Northwest Passage to be international waters, not Canadian.

When the NDP's Dawn Black asked during last weeks debate whether the agreement included the sharing of maritime surveillance in the Northwest Passage, Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor, alarmingly, didn't know the answer. "If there were vessels going through the Northwest Passage, I am not certain we would report that to the United States. That is up for question," he admitted. Clearly, our sovereignty must be assured before any deal is approved.

Second, this NORAD deal ignores another major security and sovereignty concern for Canada: nuclear submarines. Why should NORAD's maritime role stop at the water's surface? Why not continue underwater?

During the election, Stephen Harper pledged to stop foreign submarines from venturing into Canadian waters without Ottawa's permission. That included U.S. submarines, and he promised to set up a new Arctic national sensor system to track them. This surveillance could be delivered to NORAD if the Americans agreed to disclose their submarine movements.

Third, providing missile warning information to U.S. commands responsible for missile defence, agreed to in the August, 2004, NORAD amendment, leaves a back door open for further Canadian involvement in missile defence, and even space weapons.

For instance, the government could try to argue that the establishment in Canada of a missile defence X-band radar, used for targeting, is consistent with the NORAD agreement. In fact, the Americans have already scouted a location in Goose Bay, Labrador, for a radar site, despite the Canadian government's policy of not participating in ballistic missile defence.

The agreement should explicitly prohibit the use of NORAD for the aiming of missile defence, anti-satellite or space-based weapons, as a condition of Canadian participation in NORAD.

The current NORAD agreement expires on Friday May 12, but the government should not use this looming deadline to try to strong-arm Members of Parliament.

Instead, Stephen Harper should adopt a more reasonable approach and seek Parliament's approval to extend the current NORAD agreement by another two years, so that outstanding concerns can be examined and addressed. If not, Members of Parliament cannot be faulted for rejecting such a flawed deal.

Steven Staples is the director of security programs for the Polaris Institute and author of the forthcoming book, Missile Defence: Round One.

Steven Staples Director of Security Programs
* New address * Polaris Institute
180 Metcalfe Street, Suite 500 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1P5 CANADA t. 613 237-1717 x107 c. 613 290-2695 f. 613 237-3359 e.

From Global Network

Animals are under vicious attack in China

A message from Eleanor

Original Message:

I've received this from Jenny. Pls ACT! Your help always counts!



Dear friends,

Animals are currently under vicious attack in China, where there are NO animal welfare regulations whatsoever.

Your voice is desperately needed! Please consider taking the two very easy actions detailed here:

Please feel free to forward to your friends, too!

Many, many thanks!

Legislative Malpractice

by Joanne Doroshow,

This week Bill Frist wants to "fix" America's health care system by taking away patients' rights.

Destroying Iraq To Save It

by Robert Dreyfuss,

Thanksgiving is six months away, but some are already proposing we carve up Iraq like a turkey.

Crashing WatergateGate

by Russ Baker,

Hookers, booze and poker make a good story. But the real problem is how business is done every day in Washington.

My Meeting With Rumsfeld

by Ray McGovern,

One of the Iraq war's key architects is called out on questions few reporters have dared ask.

Bush Setting up Attack on Iran

Marjorie Cohn writes: "Now that the mission - whatever it was - has not been accomplished in Iraq, Bush is setting up a potentially bigger disaster in Iran. Last month, Seymour Hersh revealed that the US military is making preparations for an attack on Iran. Recent events confirm Hersh's report."

No bar code: a revolution against industrial agriculture is just down the road

Mother Jones
by Michael Pollan

May-June 2006 edition

An evangelical Virginia farmer says a revolution against industrial agriculture is just down the road. 'We don’t need a law against McDonald’s or a law against slaughterhouse abuse -- we ask for too much salvation by legislation. All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse.' ... Joel, who describes himself as a 'Christian-libertarian-environmentalist-lunatic farmer,' speaks of his farming as his 'ministry,' and certainly his 1,000 or so regular customers hear plenty of preaching. Each spring he sends out a long, feisty, single-spaced letter that could convince even a fast-food junkie that buying a pastured broiler from Polyface Farm qualifies as an act of social, environmental, nutritional, and political redemption...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The FBI and investigative reporters

Christian Science Monitor
by Daniel Schorr


I haven't had any problems with the FBI lately that I know of, and I was hoping it would stay that way. In 1971, President Nixon had J. Edgar Hoover launch an investigation of me that ended up as an item in the Bill of Impeachment under 'Presidential Abuse of Power.' We in the press hoped that the FBI would learn from that experience and refrain from doing political chores. But now it seems that the FBI is back investigating what it has no business investigating. It has told the family of Jack Anderson, the justly celebrated investigative columnist who died last December, that it wants access to Anderson's 60 years worth of files. Why? The FBI says it wants to remove any secret papers...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is it enough to say, "Show us the law?"

Las Vegas Review-Journal
by Vin Suprynowicz


Last time, we were previewing former Hollywood producer and former Nevada gubernatorial candidate Aaron Russo's new documentary, 'America, Freedom to Fascism.' The film argues it's enough to set us free, for citizens and jurors simply to ask of those enforcing the personal income tax, 'Show us the law.' I fear it's not. High-ranking Treasury officials and congressmen won't show the law to -- won't engage in a public, methodical, videotaped examination of the tax code and related court decisions with -- well-educated members of the tax education movement. They've promised to do so on many occasions, but they always back out, instead relying on surrogates to ridicule the questioners (though never under oath and cross-examination), often rebutting an assertion never made (that being that the Supreme Court has outlawed the income tax)...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How to soak the rich (the George Bush way)

by Stephen Moore


With the House and Senate preparing to vote on extending George W. Bush's investment tax cuts, it's no surprise the cries against 'tax giveaways to the rich' grow increasingly shrill. Just yesterday Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid charged that the Bush tax plan 'offers next to nothing to average Americans while giving away the store to multi-millionaires' and then fumed that it will 'do much more for ExxonMobil board members than it will do for ExxonMobil customers.' Oh really. New IRS data released last month tell a very different story: In the aftermath of the Bush investment tax cuts, the federal income tax burden has substantially shifted onto the backs of the wealthy.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Reining in recruiters

San Francisco Chronicle


It was in the spring of 2004 when Darinel Reyes, then a senior at Watsonville High School, got a phone call at his home from a military recruiter. He politely told them he wasn't interested in joining the service, but in the following weeks and months, he kept getting calls and even a letter in the mail from the Army urging him to reconsider. He felt so pressured that he asked his mother if they could move back to their hometown of Morelia in the Mexican state of Michoacan so he wouldn't have to enlist in the U.S. military, said Reyes, now 20. 'I felt like they were going to force me to join,' he said. What also surprised Reyes was that the recruiter had his home address and phone number. Reyes and his mother didn't realize that his school was releasing contact information for all juniors and seniors to military recruiters under a requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act in order to receive federal funding...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bekenntnis gegen Neoliberalismus und Krieg

WTO, Seattle & ff. - Gipfel und Globalisierungsproteste > 4. Europäisches Sozialforum in Athen

Declaration of the Assembly of the Movements of the 4th European Social Forum

Die englische Abschlusserklärung

Kernverabredungen: Anti-Kriegs-Aktionswoche 23.-30. September 06; europäisch-afrikanischer Aktionstag für freie Migration, gegen Prekarisierung etc. am 7. Oktober 06

Siehe dazu auch eine erste deutsche Übersetzung

Zusammenkunft der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer aus Deutschland während des ESF in Athen

Kurzbericht vom Treffen am 05.05.2006 von Willi van Ooyen

Kernverabredungen: Das Frühjahr 2007 soll europaweit im Zeichen der Vorbereitung von Massenprotesten gegen den im Juni 2007 in Heiligendamm stattfinden G8 Gipfel stehen; für Oktober 2007 ist in Cottbus das zweite Sozialforum in Deutschland geplant.

Skizze für ein neues Europa. Bekenntnis gegen Neoliberalismus und Krieg – gestern endete das 4. Europäische Sozialforum / Vielfalt der Teilnehmer machte Stärke des Athener Treffens aus

„Hunderte Veranstaltungen, Tausende Teilnehmer, der Austausch von Ideen und Erfahrungen sowie ein beeindruckender Massenprotest gegen Kriegspolitik und Sozialabbau – das war das 4. Europäische Sozialforum in Athen…“ Artikel von Anke Stefan, Athen, in ND vom 08.05.06

Aus: LabourNet, 8. Mai 2006

Soziale Spaltung in Deutschland: neue und alte Armut (trotz Arbeit)

Fusel oder Premier cru

„Die Trennung zwischen Reich und Arm in der deutschen Gesellschaft verschärft sich. Doch die dauerarbeitslose Schicht der "Überflüssigen" ist orientierungslos und ohne Selbstbewusstsein. Eine Revolte, so sie denn kommt, wird von den Deklassierten der Wissensgesellschaft angeführt werden…“ Artikel von Franz Walter in Spiegel online vom 7. Mai 2006,1518,414888,00.html

Aus dem Text: „…Etliche hunderttausend Bundesbürger drängen Tag für Tag in die Suppenküchen der Wohlfahrtsverbände. Über ein Zehntel der Deutschen lebt in ständiger Armut. Die oberen zwei Prozent der bundesrepublikanischen Haushalte verfügen über 30 Prozent des Gesamtvermögens; die unteren 50 Prozent müssen sich mit knapp fünf Prozent begnügen. Und die ökonomischen Eliten haben sich mehr und mehr von ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung verabschiedet. (…) Die neuen Unterschichten der Überflüssigen haben allerdings nichts davon: Keine kollektive Zusammengehörigkeit, kein Selbstbewusstsein, keine Idee von sich selbst, keine Potentiale für Organisation, für politische Projekte und für disziplinierte, langfristige Aktionen. Sie mögen in Zeiten weiterer sozialer Verschlechterung zum Treibsand und Resonanzboden für strohfeuerartig aufflammende Affekte gegen "die Reichen da oben" taugen, aber sie werden schwerlich zu einem zielbewussten politischen Träger organisierten Protests….“

Aus: LabourNet, 8. Mai 2006


Social Watch Report Deutschland 2006. Kein Geld für die Armen? Ursachen - Analysen – Alternativen

In den letzten fünfzehn Jahren hat sich in nahezu in jedem vierten Land der Erde die soziale Situation in Teilbereichen wie Bildung oder Gesundheit verschlechtert. Dies belegt der sechste Social Watch Deutschland Report, den deutsche Nichtregierungsorganisationen am 16. Oktober 2006 in Bonn der Öffentlichkeit vorstellten.

Aus dem Inhalt:

Soziale Entwicklung weltweit. Mit Beiträgen von Yimaz Akyüz, Celine Tan, Simon Stocker, Alex Wilks, John Foster, Nancy Alexander, Jens Martens, Irene Knoke, Uwe Hoering, Uwe Kerkow und Social Watch
2) Tabellen zur weltweiten Umsetzung internationaler Entwicklungsziele
3) Globale Entwicklungspartnerschaft - Der deutsche Beitrag zur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Mit Beiträgen von Richard Brand, Sonja Weinreich, Klaus Schilder, Klaus Seitz und Social Watch
4) Soziale Entwicklung in Deutschland. Mit Beiträgen von Monika Burmester, Birgit Erbe, Rainer Hub und der Arbeitsgruppe Solidarische Einfachsteuer zur Unternehmenssteuerreform

Schutzgebühr: 5 Euro zzgl. Versandkosten (2 Euro innerhalb Deutschland). Der Report kann bestellt werden bei: WEED, Torstraße 154,
10115 Berlin, E-mail: weed oder online unter: http//

Social Watch Report Deutschland 2006 zum download (pdf; 1275 kb)

Aus: LabourNet, 8. November 2006

SGB II Optimierungsgesetz: Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende

SGB II – Optimierungsgesetz

Das "Optimierungsgesetz" heißt jetzt, seit dem Kabinettsbeschluss, "Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende" - am Inhalt ändert es nichts.... Siehe dazu:

Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende

Formulierungshilfe für einen Gesetzentwurf der Koalitionsfraktionen. Kabinettsache, Datenblatt-Nr.: 16/11039 vom 27.04.2006, vom Kabinett beschlossen am 03.05.2006 (pdf)

Vorgesehende Änderungen im Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende

Zusammenfassende Übersicht des BMAS über den vom Kabinett am 03.05.2006 verabschiedeten Gesetzentwurf (pdf)

Der Gesetzesentwurf wird bereits am nächsten Donnerstag (11.5.) in erster Lesung im Bundestag beraten. Am 17.5. kommt es in den Ausschuss und soll am 2.6. in 2./3. Lesung im Bundestag behandelt werden!!!

"Solidarität kann niemals als Einbahnstraße organisiert funktionieren". Clever: Verschärfung bei Arbeitslosengeld II richtig

„Die Verschärfung der Kontrollen beim Arbeitslosengeld II sind nach Ansicht des Verwaltungsratsvorsitzenden der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Peter Clever, richtig, reichten jedoch noch nicht aus. So müssten außerdem die Zuschläge gestrichen werden, die den Übergang von Arbeitslosengeld I zu Arbeitslosengeld II abfederten. Diese Zahlungen gingen über das angestrebte System einer Grundsicherung hinaus und machten deshalb die Aufnahme von Arbeit unattraktiv….“ Interview im Deutschlandfunk vom

Fehlanreize bei Hartz IV abbauen – Kosten reduzieren – Leistungsrecht überprüfen und an der früheren Sozialhilfe orientieren. Kommunale Spitzenverbände zum Fortentwicklungsgesetz der Bundesregierung

„Die kommunalen Spitzenverbände unterstützen die Bundesregierung und die Koalitionsfraktionen bei der Korrektur von Fehlentwicklungen durch das Hartz-IV-Gesetz. Das heute im Bundeskabinett behandelte Fortentwicklungsgesetz zum Sozialgesetzbuch II (SGB II) enthalte viele richtige Maßnahmen, die im Gesetzgebungsverfahren weiter ergänzt werden müssten, erklärten der Deutsche Städtetag, der Deutsche Landkreistag und der Deutsche Städte- und Gemeindebund heute in einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz in Berlin…“ Presseerklärung vom 3. Mai 2006

Aus: LabourNet, 8. Mai 2006


Haushälter nehmen Hartz IV ins Visier

„Die Haushaltspolitiker von Union und SPD wollen die Leistungen für Langzeitarbeitslose kürzen. Im Gespräch sei die Abschaffung des befristeten Zuschlags, den Erwerbslose zwei Jahre lang erhalten, wenn sie vom regulären Arbeitslosengeld ins Arbeitslosengeld II (Alg II) wechseln..“ Artikel von Birgit Marschall in FTD vom 11.05.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 11. Mai 2006


Hausmitteilung: Der Blockwart

„Achtung! An alle Mieter! Zum Vollzug des Hartz IV-Optimierungsgesetzes gibt die Hausverwaltung bekannt, daß mit sofortiger Wirkung wieder der deutsche Blockwart eingesetzt wird. Er hat künftig folgende Befugnisse und Aufgaben:…“ Extra-Ausgabe des Deutschen Einhei(t)z-Textdienst zum Thema Hartz IV: Optimierung von Werner Lutz (pdf)

Die unendliche Lüge. Organisierte Not statt Grundsicherung

Stellungnahme des Vorstandes Erwerbslosenausschuss ver.di Bezirk Berlin vom 18.5.06 (pdf)

Optimiertes Super-Elend. Änderungen bei Hartz IV

„Wenn die Bundesregierung ankündigt, Hartz IV durch eine Gesetzesnovelle »optimieren« zu wollen, dann wird das von den Arbeitslosen zu Recht als Drohung aufgefasst. Denn »Optimieren« bedeutet nichts anderes als Sparen. Kürzungen der Leistungen und verschärfte Kontrollen sollen jährlich 1,2 Milliarden Euro einbringen. Gleichzeitig bleibt die Arbeitsförderung auf der Strecke; allein in Nordrhein-Westfalen wurden im vorigen Jahr 750 Millionen Euro für Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen und Lohnkostenzuschüsse nicht genutzt. Mit dem Fördern sind die zuständigen Behörden anscheinend überfordert…“ Artikel von Thomas Binger in Jungle World vom 17. Mai 2006

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Mai 2006


Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende

Beschlussempfehlung und Bericht des Ausschusses für Arbeit und Soziales vom 31.5.06. Elektronische Vorab-Fassung des Fortführungsgesetzes beim Bundestag (pdf, knapp 1 MB)

Alg II-Optimierung: Gesetz gegen Gerichtsentscheidungen

Artikel von Herbert Masslau vom 8. Juni 2006 auf seiner Homepage

Schrecken ohne Ende. Hartz IV: Die "Fortentwicklung" des sozialen Terrors durch schwarz-rote Zwangsarbeitspolitik

Artikel von Robert Kurz in Freitag vom 9.6.06

Zitat zum Thema:

„Hartz-Test Im Rahmen des Hartz-Optimierungs-Gesetzes sollen künftig Arbeitslose ein „Sofortangebot“ erhalten, damit ihre Arbeitsbereitschaft getestet wird. Der Überlebenstest für die Betroffenen findet dagegen schon seit längerem statt: durch die monatliche Überweisung des Arbeitslosengeldes.“ Aus: Deutscher Einheit(z)-Textdienst von Werner Lutz 6/2006

ALG II und Kinder/Jugendliche

Schwarzbuch Hartz IV und Alleinerziehende

Studie von Erika Biehn, Marion von zur Gathen und Peggi Liebisch (pdf. 80 Seiten) beim Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter, Bundesverband e.V.

Hartz IV und Flüchtlinge

Soziale Grundsicherung nur noch für Deutsche?

„Zusätzlich zu den bereits beschlossenen Verschärfungen beim Arbeitslosengeld-II planen derzeit offenbar einige CDU-geführte Bundesländer und Teile der Großen Koalition, im Rahmen eines weiteren "SGB-II-Optimierungsgesetzes" den Bezug von "öffentlichen Hilfeleistungen", namentlich Arbeitslosengeld-II ("Hartz-IV"), auf BesitzerInnen der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit, oder allenfalls noch EU-BürgerInnen, zu begrenzen. Ein entsprechendes Papier wurde in den vergangenen Tagen in die laufenden Verhandlungen der Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe eingebracht und erörtert…“ Artikel von Flüchtlingsinitiative Moabit vom 05.06.2006 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 14. Juni 2006



Der Bundesrat fordert eine Verschärfung von Hartz IV

Empfehlungen der Ausschüsse. Drucksache 404/1/06 (pdf),templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/404-1-06.pdf

Beschluss des Bundesrates. Drucksache 404/06 (Beschluss) vom 7.7.06 (pdf),templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/404-06(B).pdf

Empfehlungen zum Hartz IV-Fortentwicklungsgesetz im Bundesrat: „Die Politik stiehlt sich aus ihrer Verantwortung“

Pressemitteilung von BAG-SHI vom 6.7.06

Aus dem Text: „…„1-€-Jobs, Sofortangebote, Sanktionen und Leistungsausschluss sind kein Mittel gegen die zunehmende soziale Not“, so Andreas Geiger, Vorsitzender der BAG-SHI. „Die Forderungen der Ausschüsse des Bundesrates, soziale Leistungen nur noch vorübergehend zu gewähren (Punkt 9) oder den Vorrang lebenslanger Unterhaltsverpflichtungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern auszuweiten (Punkt 10), sind für uns nicht akzeptabel.“…“

Aus: LabourNet, 10. Juli 2006


Die wichtigsten Änderungen für Arbeitslosengeld II - Empfänger zum 1. August 2006 – Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende tritt in Kraft

Pressemitteilung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit vom 27. Juli 2006

Gesetz zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende – Stand vom 20.07.2006 bei BMAS (pdf),property=pdf,bereich=bmas,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf

Wesentliche Inhalte des Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende (Inkrafttreten: 1. August 2006, Stand vom 31.7.06) bei BMAS (pdf),property=pdf,bereich=bmas,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf

Referentenentwurf zur Änderung des SGB XII

Der Referentenentwurf, Stand vom 10.7.06, liegt Tacheles vor (pdf)

Änderungen für Arbeitslosengeld II-Betroffene zum 01.08.2006. „Notfalls gerichtliche Überprüfung veranlassen“

„Die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. (BAG-SHI) weist darauf hin, dass die am Dienstag, dem 1. August, in Kraft tretenden neuen Regelungen des „Gesetzes zur Fortentwicklung der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende“ (Fortentwicklungsgesetz) in Teilen nicht der bisherigen Rechtssprechung von Bundesverfassungsgericht und Sozialgerichten entsprechen und mit dem Zivilrecht nicht vereinbar sind…“ Pressemitteilung von Bag-Shi vom

Aus: LabourNet, 1. August 2006

Bush at His Most Dangerous, Scorching the Earth

Ron Fullwood writes that the most dangerous period of Bush's reign has begun. "The carefully layered walls of Bush's bubble are closing in as the outer layers of purchased politicos are beginning to peel away, revealing the core ideologues of the cabal."

Kremlin on Cheney: "Completely Incomprehensible"

Russia's government, alienated by US Vice President Dick Cheney's tough accusations that the Kremlin uses oil and gas as tools of intimidation or blackmail, has described the Vice President as "completely incomprehensible."

UK Attorney General Calls for Guantanamo to Close

The Attorney General of The United Kingdom, Lord Goldsmith, is set to trigger a diplomatic row between Britain and the United States by calling for Guantanamo Bay to close.


A message from Thomas

Original Message:


Australians Obtaining Organs From Executed Prisoners

Prison inmates in China. Australian doctors have said Australians have gone to China to receive organ transplants from executed prisoners.

From Information Clearing House

Surveillance society: the DNA files

Police files hold the DNA of more than 50,000 children who have committed no offence. And that's only the tip of the iceberg - Britain now has the largest DNA database in the world.

From Information Clearing House

Military PR flies friendly skies: Pentagon pays United to show in-flight video

United Airlines has begun showing an in-flight video about military glamor jobs that was produced and funded by the Department of Defense--a fact passengers do not learn from watching it.

From Information Clearing House

Sex, Lies, and Government Contracts

A corruption scandal involving Republicans in Congress, CIA officials, prostitutes on Capitol Hill, and defense contracts has begun to spread.

"Nine Fingers," Poker-Playing CIA Man, I.D.'d

Newsweek magazine is the first to identify Nine Fingers as Brant Bassett, whom they also say is "a former Goss aide."

From Information Clearing House

A World Addicted to Hunger

According to Oxfam International, a confederation of anti-poverty organisations, more than 850 million people suffer from chronic hunger. Is Ethiopia condemned to suffer hunger regularly? Are others?

Is Darfur horror spreading to Chad? - Congo's tragedy: the war the world forgot

BBC Video Report: Tim Whewell reports from Chad where there is evidence the Janjaweed are extending their programme of terror.

Congo's tragedy: the war the world forgot

In a country the size of Western Europe, a war rages that has lasted eight years and cost four million lives. Rival militias inflict appalling suffering on the civilian population, and what passes for political leadership is powerless to stop it.

From Information Clearing House

Did Bush Force British Minister Out?

Two London papers have speculated this weekend that complaints by President George W. Bush forced a British minister from his post because of his opposition to the use of nuclear force against Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Iran: Euro To Replace Dollar As Oil Currency

In July Iran will ditch the dollar in favour of the euro as the currency in which it will accept payments for its oil and natural gas exports, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Friday.

The countdown to a massive aerial bombing of Iran has begun

Spot the rogue

The countdown to a massive aerial bombing of Iran, possibly using bunker busting nuclear weapons, has begun. In strict adherence to a script written jointly by the British and US foreign offices and exposed by The Times of London some two months ago.,00120001.htm

From Information Clearing House

New Chief Will Find C.I.A. Is Hobbled on Iran

As the Central Intelligence Agency undergoes its latest round of turmoil, legislators and former intelligence officials say that serious gaps in the United States' knowledge of Iran are among the most critical problems facing a new director of the spy agency.

From Information Clearing House

Raising the stakes on Iran

The draft resolution on Iran's nuclear activities that the United States, Britain and France presented to the United Nations Security Council this week is designed to fail.

Russia: UN's Iran draft needs 'major changes'

The UN Security Council's draft resolution on Iran nuclear issue, legally requiring Tehran to stop sensitive nuclear fuel work, needs to be fundamentally changed, Russian news agencies quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Kislyak as saying on Saturday.

From Information Clearing House

Iran will change policies if IAEA asks

President : Iran would change its policies if asked to do so by the UN nuclear monitor the IAEA, hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in Baku, according to the translation of his comments, AFP reported.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: US could attack Iran next month

Tehran’s vow to hand nuclear technology to its allies gives Bush a powerful reason to act.

From Information Clearing House

How the Press Rolled Over for Bush

Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush

Cowardly and clueless, the U.S. media abandoned its post as Bush led the country into a disastrous war. A look inside one of the great journalistic collapses of our time.

"Part of me died when I saw this cruel killing"

EVEN by the stupefying standards of Iraq’s unspeakable violence, the murder of Atwar Bahjat, one of the country’s top television journalists, was an act of exceptional cruelty.

Iraq's Shiites Now Chafe at American Presence

A visitor need not go far or search hard to hear and see the anti-American venom that bubbles through this ancient shrine city, which once welcomed U.S. forces as liberators.

The Real Oil Story: The Oil in Iraq

By Walter Simpson

Oil is pretty slippery stuff. The press is playing up $3 a gallon gasoline, record oil company profits, and the $400 million retirement package for Exxon’s former CEO. But these stories are trivial compared to the oil story they have ignored all along.

Raid On Nuclear Fuel Market

By Rudo de Ruijter

In the background of the political joust about Iran, a few countries are reshaping the world. They are taking possession of the global nuclear fuel market. New IAEA regulations should keep newcomers away. The US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China and Japan will become world’s nuclear filling stations.

“It is your duty under the Constitution to reserve for Congress the decision on whether to go to war with Iran”

On April 26, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and 32 co-sponsors introduced a resolution (H. Con. Res. 391) in the House of Representatives declaring that the House, with the Senate concurring, “strongly and unequivocally believes that seeking congressional authority prior to taking military action against Iran is not discretionary, but is a legal and constitutional requirement.” DeFazio and 61 members of the House also wrote to President Bush expressing the same view.

For more, see, at

The letter you can send to your senators and representative on the United for Peace and Justice website ( ) addresses this, saying:

“It is your duty under the Constitution to reserve for Congress the decision on whether to go to war with Iran.”

John Burroughs, Executive Director
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
675 Third Avenue, Suite 315
New York, NY 10017-5704 USA
tel 212 818 1861; fax 212 818 1857


From ufpj-news

Huntingdon Life Sciences Animal Cruelty

WAR Launches Operation: Sinking Ship

****Cross Post Widely****


With the recent drop of Huntingdon Life Sciences (stock symbol: LSRI) off of the Pink Sheets and onto the 'Grey Market' and the loss of their last significant institutional investor, Columbia Management/Bank of America, the only thing keeping HLS afloat is their key customers and suppliers. While a watchful eye on Wall Street will show whether anyone else gets the bright idea of investing in LSRI or making a market for them, attention should now be focused on the small group of companies that are providing HLS with enough ballast to keep their heads above water.

On Monday, May 8, 2006, Operation: Sinking Ship will be launched. Operation: Sinking Ship is a campaign whose mission is to educate the key customers and suppliers of HLS about the cruelty and killing that they make possible with their contracts and customer orders. The main companies, in the United States, that continue to do business with HLS are: Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMS). Key suppliers to HLS are: Phenomenex and PDP Couriers. However, Operation: Sinking Ship will not be limited to those companies.

Many of these companies have operations or sales offices and/or production facilities scattered across the North American continent. Wherever you live, there is likely a company that could be educated about the cruelty revealed in 5 undercover investigations at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Activists everywhere can find opportunities to campaign locally to educate companies about how their contracts and their money fund the killing of 500 animals a day at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Right now, over 70,000 animals are imprisoned in the cold steel cages and concrete pens at the death camps of Huntingdon Life Sciences. There, they wait for the white gloved hand that inevitably comes to pull them from their cages, to insert the stomach or nose tubes that funnel caustic and noxious chemicals into their bodies. They wait to be poisoned, burned, cut open and brutally victimized for the scientific fraud of animal testing. Alone, they suffer as they wait to die.

Watch for e-mail action alerts. If you are not on the WAR listserv, you can subscribe by sending an e-mail to:

Or visit the WAR website, where you can subscribe at the bottom of the homepage:

Be part of history. Help stop the torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:


****Cross Post Widely****



This is the beginning of a series of e-mails that will provide contact points at various customers and suppliers of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). HLS is a sinking ship and our mission is to educate those who have a business relationship with HLS about their financial instability and moral bankruptcy. HLS is a company that kills 500 animals a day, every single day of the year. They are a company exposed by 5 undercover investigations showing egregious cruelty, shoddy business practices and employees guilty of animal abuse and negligence on the job. HLS employees have even been exposed taking drugs on the job. Certainly, this is information that HLS customers and suppliers need to know about.

Please keep all of your letters, e-mails and phone calls polite and informative. Experience has led us to understand that once a company knows what is really going on at the death camps of Huntingdon Life Sciences, they will be anxious to distance themselves from this notorious animal killing facility. Keep in mind that some companies screen e-mails based on key words in the subject line.

The first focal point of attention is Pfizer. Pfizer is a company that should be sensitive to the issue of product testing. In April of 2005 the US Food and Drug Administration requested that Pfizer recall their arthritis medication Bextra. Bextra is no longer available in the USA. Bextra joins a list of products that have had to be recalled after causing human injuries and tragic deaths. All of these products, including Bextra, were tested on animals. Some were tested at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

The information that follows can be found on the WAR website and will be updated with each new action alert. For Pfizer information visit:

Following please find a contact list for Pfizer's Executive Committee:

Henry (“Hank”) A. McKinnell, Jr., Ph.D. Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Karen Katen Vice Chairman, Pfizer Inc and President, Pfizer Human Health

Jeffrey B. Kindler Vice Chairman, Pfizer Inc

David L. Shedlarz Vice Chairman, Pfizer Inc

All of the above can be contacted at the following address and telephone number:

235 E. 42nd St. New York, NY 10017

Be part of history. Help stop the torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****


Recently, the relationship between Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) and one of their major customers GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been prominently featured in the headlines of international media. Here is a video clip from SKYE News reporting on a letter that was posted to GSK shareholders by an unknown group. In this video segment, Win Animal Rights and Operation: Sinking Ship are featured.,,31200-animal_p12303,00.html

GSK's response was to label animal rights activists as extremists and terrorists (so what else is new?) and to issue the following statement:

"GSK will continue to work with HLS as long as they continue to meet their current high standards of animal welfare in line with Home Office requirements."

Apparently GSK is choosing to ignore the 5 undercover investigations, the past censure of both British and American regulatory agencies and common sense, which tells us that HLS has changed nothing over the years in the way they abuse and kill 500 animals a day. Consider educating their key decision makers with polite and informative letters, faxes, e-mails and phone calls. When they hear about the brutality and abuse that has been proven to take place at HLS, they will no doubt make the right business decision by cutting their ties to HLS.

GSK Primary US Office:

Mr. Jean-Pierre Garnier Chief Executive Officer GlaxoSmithKline
1 Franklin Plaza Philadelphia, PA 19101 Phone: 215-751-5000 Fax: 215-751-3233 Toll Free: 888-825-5249

GSK Corporate Executive Team:

Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier - Chief Executive Officer

Rupert Bondy - Senior Vice President & General Counsel

Ford Calhoun – Chief Information Officer

John Clarke - President, Consumer Healthcare

Marc Dunoyer - President, Pharmaceuticals Japan

Russell Greig - President, Pharmaceuticals International

Julian Heslop - Chief Financial Officer

Bob Ingram - Vice Chairman, Pharmaceuticals

Dan Phelan - Senior Vice President, Human Resources

David Pulman - President, Global Manufacturing & Supply

Moncef Slaoui - Chairman-Elect, Research & Development

David Stout - President, Pharmaceutical Operations

Chris Viehbacher - President, US Pharmaceuticals

Andrew Witty - President, Pharmaceuticals Europe

Dr Tadataka Yamada - Executive Director, Chairman, Research & Development

Jennie Younger – Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

E-mail Block containing all addresses listed above:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Be part of history. Help stop the torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****


"Why aren't they in prison?"

When you visit the website of Bristol-Myers Squibb or BMS, it is hard to get past the legal issues as the are the very first thing highlighted on their homepage is: "Agreement With The U.S. Attorney's Office in New Jersey Deferred Prosecution Agreement (pdf)". You can find a copy of this agreement at:

On May 2, 2006, according to industry journal "Medpage Today", Bristol-Myers Squibb ".....will no longer manufacture or sell Tequin (gatafloxacin), an antibiotic that has been linked to both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in diabetics and elderly patients. The company is not, however, pulling Tequin from pharmacy shelves."

It is ironic that an activist can spraypaint graffitti on a pharmaceutical executive's garage door and be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison and labeled a "terrorist". At the same time, that very same executive might be guilty of swindling investors or customers out of massive amounts of money or continuing to sell harmful drugs to unsuspecting consumers and they face "deferred prosecution".

Add to that, their complicity in the killing of 500 animals every day by their continued customer relationship with Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). HLS may be doing the actual killing of those 500 animals a day, but companies like BMS are signing the contracts and cutting the checks that allow the killing to continue. Please contact Bristol-Myers Squibb's executive management team and ask them to cut their ties to HLS today.

Peter R. Dolan Chief Executive Officer Bristol-Myers Squibb
345 Park Avenue New York, NY 10154

Global Sales: $19.2 Billion

Executive Committee

Peter R. Dolan, Chief Executive Officer

Lamberto Andreotti, Executive Vice President & President Worldwide Pharmaceuticals

Stephen E. Bear, Senior Vice President - Human Resources

Andrew G. Bodnar, Senior Vice President - Strategy and Medical and External Affairs

Andrew R. J. Bonfield, Chief Financial Officer

John E. Celentano, President - Health Care Group

Carlo deNotaristifani, President - Technical Operations

Wendy L. Dixon, President - Global Marketing

Anthony C. Hooper, President - U.S. Pharmaceuticals

Tamar D. Howson, Senior Vice President - Corporate and Business Development

John L. McGoldrick, Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Susan O'Day, Chief Information Officer

Elliott Sigal, Chief Scientific Officer

Jonathan K. Sprole, Chief Compliance Officer

Richard K. Willard, Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Richard L. Wolgemuth, Senior Vice President - Global Regulatory Sciences

David L. Zabor, Vice President, Strategic Business Initiatives

Robert T. Zito, Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer

All e-mails in this action alert:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Be part of history. Help stop the torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:


****Cross Post Widely****

New Report on Huntingdon Life Sciences Animal Cruelty

Although Win Animal Rights is not affiliated with or associated with SHAC, we know good information when we see it. That is why we are forwarding this information far and wide and urge you to do the same.

From the SHAC website:

"Since 1997 we have constantly heard from Huntingdon's customers, suppliers and the Government that the beagle beating scenes shot inside HLS by Channel 4 were isolated incidents. Brian Cass the MD of HLS has said many times in the media that things have changed at HLS and what was filmed in 1997 no longer happens. We can now for the first time prove this to be a lie. We can prove that nothing haschanged inside Huntingdon Life Sciences.

This is now the sixth yes the sixth time Huntingdon have been exposed from 1989 now right up to date to 2006. How many more times do we have to prove that Huntingdon Life Sciences are cruel to animals, break the law and regularlyfalsify test data before the British Government acts?"

To view the report in its entirely or to download 2005 video footage taken inside HLS, please visit:

To download the entire report in pdf format:

To find out how you can help the campaign:

Special Message from WAR: It is our goal to distribute this report widely to HLS customers, suppliers and investors. No doubt this will be a costly undertaking. We are in process of setting up a PayPal account that can be accessed via our website.

If you would like to find out how you can help, please contact us at:

Win Animal Rights
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449 New York, NY 10165

Or call: 1-646-267-9934

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at:
Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

Informant: Ima Vegan

Is American Foreign Policy an Infinite Crisis?

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Bush Power: on how he got it and how he holds it

Iran and the Bomb and the baloney we are being fed

To Rule Is To Destroy




Basra 'is slipping out of control' and Iraq 'is collapsing'

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Mobilfunk: Erschreckende Erkenntnisse

Koexistenz ist unmöglich: Kanadischer Farmer warnt vor Gentechnik-Landwirtschaft

Eindrücke von Journalisten bei der Pressekonferenz am 4. in Wien:

Nachricht von Richard Leopold Tomasch


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