Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2006

W-LAN an städtischen Schulen

----- Original Message -----
From: Greil Martina
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:46 PM
Subject: W-LAN an städtischen Schulen - Presseinformation Mag. Bernhard Carl

Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006

W-Lan an städtischen Schulen:

Unglaublich: BM Schaden und Leiter des Schulamtes machen Werbung für Apple-Konzern!

Stadt Salzburg ignoriert Empfehlungen der Landessanitätsdirektion sowie die Bedenken der Eltern und Lehrer!


Martina Greil
Referentin - Bürgerliste Salzburg
Tel. 0662-8072-2025
Fax. 0662-875164

Wirbel um Werbung

Nachricht von
Mag. Bernhard CARL
Klinischer Psychologe, Gesundheitspsychologe
Gemeinderat der Stadt Salzburg - Bürgerliste
Uferstrasse 118
A-5026 Salzburg
privat: +43-662-622562
Büro: +43-662-8072-2025
Klinik: +43-662-4483-4318


Gesundheitsgefahren durch kabellose Laptops an Hessens Schulen

McGovern Almost Ejected For Confronting Rumsfeld WMD "Lies"

Rumsfeld exposed by a former CIA analyst

Informant: ranger116


McGovern Almost Ejected For Confronting Rumsfeld WMD "Lies"

The Fox News Effect

"Does President Bush owe his controversial win in 2000 to Fox cable television news?" asks Richard Morin. "Yes, suggest data collected by two economists who found that the growth of the Fox cable news network in the late 1990s may have significantly boosted the Republican Party's share of the vote in the 2000 election and delivered Florida to Bush."

Ohio Struggles to Fix Voting Problems

Ohio's first election without punch card ballots was marred by a slew of problems with new voting machines, raising a crucial question: Can the state that decided the last presidential race get it together before November?

Ridicule and Contempt

"The most scathing public critique of the Bush presidency and the complicity of a craven press corps was delivered at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner on Saturday by a comedian," writes Sidney Blumenthal. "Bush was reported afterwards to be seething, while the press corps responded with stone-cold silence."

Rachel's News #853

Bush's Failure in the Middle East

"In the absence of a fundamental reorientation of American policy, the overall situation in the Middle East will continue to deteriorate," writes Thierry de Montbrial, who suggests how that reorientation might begin.

George Bush has failed to pay sufficient attention to his neighbors to the south

Populist Left in South America

There is a sense across Latin America that George Bush, distracted by terrorism and Iraq, has failed to pay sufficient attention to his neighbors to the south. Washington now finds itself largely powerless to halt the shift to the left in these countries. Indeed, if it tried, the backlash would surely only get worse.

Ex-CIA Analyst Condemns Bush 'Manipulation Campaign' on Iraq

Paul Pillar, a former CIA analyst specializing in counter-terrorism in the Middle East and Asia, said that the United States had particularly wanted to prove a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. "That was not the case; I suppose by some definitions that could be called a lie. There was an organized campaign of manipulation," Pillar says. "That would be the proper way to define it."

Rumsfeld, US Top Officials Sanctioned Torture

In a new report, Amnesty International charges that torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of detainees by US forces is widespread and, in many cases, sanctioned by top US government officials. The UN Committee Against Torture will begin hearings Friday, May 5, in Geneva.

Procter&Gamble: "Landraub für Tempo-Taschentücher"


Die Organisationen Robin Wood und Urgewald protestierten am Donnerstag gemeinsam mit Indianern der brasilianischen Stämme Tupinikim und Guarani vor dem Neusser Werk zur Produktion von "Tempo"-Taschentüchern. Procter&Gamble, dem Produzenten der Taschentücher werfen sie indirekt "Landraub" und Umweltzerstörung vor. Grund: Der brasilianische Zellstoff­kon­zern Aracruz habe den Indianern 11.000 Hektar Land im Bundes­staat Espirito Santo weggenommen, "um dort Eukalyptus-Monokulturen anzulegen". Die Eukalyptus-Pflanzen dienten der Zellstoffproduktion. Nach Re­cherchen von Robin Wood soll der Ara­cruz-Zellstoff in Form von Tempo-Taschentüchern so­wie als Charmin- und bess-Klopapier auch auf dem deutschen Markt "landen". Hersteller dieser Produkte sei der multinationale Konzern Procter&Gam­ble (P&G).

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Professor Jürgen Rochlitz: "Seit Jahren schon betreibt die BASF eine verfassungswidrige Geschäftspolitik"

Hauptversammlung: Aktionär Rochlitz wirft BASF eine "verfassungswidrige Geschäftspolitik" vor (04.05.06)

Der Chemiekonzern BASF feierte auf seiner Hauptversammlung am Donnerstag einen "erfolgreichen Start in das Jahr 2006". Die BASF habe im ersten Quartal 2006 ihren Erfolgskurs mit einer erneuten Spitzenleistung fortgesetzt. "Nachhaltigen Wert zu schaffen, ist unser erklärtes Ziel", sagte der BASF-Vorstandsvorsitzende Jürgen Hambrecht nach Konzernangaben bei der Präsentation der Zahlen für das erste Quartal. Der Umsatz des ersten Quartals 2006 habe mit 12,5 Milliarden Euro um 24 Prozent über dem Vorjahresquartal gelegen. "Wachstumstreiber" waren laut Hambrecht vor allem eine starke Mengensteigerung sowie "Preiserhöhungen im Chemiegeschäft und im Segment Öl und Gas". Bereinigt um Währungseinflüsse sei der Umsatzanstieg bei 20 Prozent gelegen. Harsche Kritik äußerte der Kleinaktionär und ehemalige Bundestagsabgeordnete Professor Jürgen Rochlitz an der Geschäftspolitik des Chemiegiganten. In mehreren "Gegenanträgen" zur Hauptversammlung warf er der BASF "ständigen Abbau der Beschäftigung" vor. Angesichts der hohen Gewinne verwies Rochlitz auf das Grundgesetz, wonach "Eigentum verpflichtet". Dieser Verpflichtung kämen Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat nicht nach. "Seit Jahren schon betreibt die BASF eine verfassungswidrige Geschäftspolitik", so Rochlitz. Das Management verwies in ihrer Stellungnahme zu den Anträgen auf die "Notwendigkeit, sich im globalen Wettbewerb erfolgreich durchzusetzen".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

EU-Chemikalienpolitik: Greenpeace wirft BASF Produktion von Weichmachern vor (04.05.06)

Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace wirft der BASF AG die Produktion von "gesundheitsschädlichen" Weichmachern, den so genannten Phthalaten vor. Der weltgrößte Chemiekonzern sei einer der führenden Hersteller dieser Chemikalien, die unter anderem in Regenkleidung, T-Shirts, Kosmetik, Kontaktlinsen, Duschvorhängen, Infusionsschläuchen und Farben eingesetzt würden. In den Körper gelangen Phthalate nach Darstellung von Greeenpeace "über die Atmung, die Nahrung und die Haut". Die Umweltschützer fordern die BASF auf, die Produktion dieser Stoffe zu stoppen. Zudem solle der Konzern "seinen Widerstand" gegen eine "verbraucherfreundliche Chemikalienpolitik in der EU" aufgeben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

It's a lie that sacrificing our nation's greatest wildlife sanctuary will solve our problems at the gas pump

The Bush White House and Congressional leaders are exploiting rising gas prices to ram through legislation that would destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

These front men for Big Oil are doing their damnedest to convince Americans that sacrificing our nation's greatest wildlife sanctuary will solve our problems at the gas pump.

It's a lie.

Here are the facts: the Bush Administration's own Energy Department says that drilling in the Arctic Refuge will save consumers only one penny per gallon at the pump -- and that's 20 years from now! The oil companies win, everyone else loses.

Even the most optimistic government assumptions admit that Arctic Refuge oil -- at peak production -- would amount to less than 1% of world oil production. Meanwhile, we use 25% of the global supply! Our nation simply doesn't have enough oil to affect the price of this world commodity.

We will NEVER drill our way to lower gas prices and energy independence. But we CAN secure our energy future by reducing our out-of-control appetite for oil. And there's already legislation pending in Congress that would do just that.

"The Fuel Choices for American Security Act" would cut our nation's dependence on oil by 2.5 million barrels a day within 10 years -- more than we currently import daily from the Persian Gulf.

We can do it by producing more hybrids and other fuel-efficient making renewable American biofuels widely available at our local gas relying on smarter and cleaner ways to power our economy.

But unless millions of Americans demand that better future right now, President Bush and Congress will continue leading the charge for Big Oil to plunder the Arctic Refuge.

Please go to right now and send a message to your Senators and Representative.

Tell them you will not surrender the Arctic Refuge to save one penny at the pump. Tell them to get to work on solving the real energy problem: our nation's dangerous and expensive addiction to oil.

Thank you for speaking out.


Robert Redford NRDC Action Fund

I would rather die than to have anyone tortured to save my life

Speaking the Unspeakable:

Is the Bush Administration Guilty of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?


Tuesday, May 9th at 12:30pm
Northwestern University
McCormick School at the Technological Institute
Lecture Room 2
2145 Sheridan Road

Tuesday, May 9th at 7pm
University of Chicago
Social Sciences, Room 122
1126 East 59th Street

**Craig Murray--former British ambassador to Uzbekistan who resigned over the use of intelligence from prisoners tortured as part of the War on Terror

**Ted Glick--Climate Crisis Coalition, on the destruction of our global environment

**C. Clark Kissinger--Commission Convener and University of Chicago graduate

"I would rather die than to have anyone tortured to save my life"
-- former U.K. Ambassador Craig Murray

"When the possibility of far-reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity exists, people of conscience have a solemn responsibility to inquire into the nature and scope of these acts and to determine if they do in fact rise to the level of war crimes and crimes against humanity."
--From the Charter of The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes
Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States.

Click here for a 14-minute video of highlights of the Bush Crimes Commission in quicktime:


Sponsors at the University of Chicago include: Stand Up! for Progress, Students for Human Rights, Young Democratic Socialists, Environmental Concerns Organization, Susan Gzesh, Director, Human Rights Program; Bruce Lincoln, Professor of the History of Religions in the Divinity School; Locke Bowman, Director, MacArthur Justice Center; the MacArthur Justice Center; World Can't Wait-Chicago; the Bush Crimes Commission

Informant: Bob Reuschlein

From ufpj-news

Noch mehr Geld für Atomforschung?

Die EU will das Budget auf 4,1 Milliarden Euro anheben, für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz sind nur 770 Millionen vorgesehen.

Machtwahn: über primitive Ideologie und politische Korruption in Deutschland

Verkommene Sitten

Globale Antiterror-Strategie: das Internet im Visier

Kofi Annan legt "Globale Antiterror-Strategie" vor, erklärt aber nicht, was Terrorismus ist und wie er die geforderten Überwachungs- und Zensurmaßnahmen mit den Menschenrechten vereinbaren und gegen Missbrauch schützen will.

Local election party wants to squash Orange

Blocking mobile masts with democracy

Iain Thomson,
04 May 2006

One of the parties in today's local elections has been set up specifically to stop Orange from installing a mobile phone mast near a local school.

The Orange Squash party is contesting one seat in the elections, in the ward of Lesness Abbey in the London borough of Bexley.

Communications company worker Gary Cripps is standing on a manifesto of stopping Orange setting up a mobile phone mast 20 metres from a local primary school.

Orange has had a mast on the roof of Bedonwell Junior School for nearly a decade but after protests from parents the school refused permission for it to stay. When the new location was decided close to the school Cripps decided to stand.

"We tried to negotiate with Orange but got nowhere. One of my neighbours first alerted people in the street to what was going on and then we began a campaign," he told The Guardian.

"I always thought there was no point in getting interested in local politics because you couldn't change anything anyway. I was meeting and engaging with my neighbours for the first time."

The battle for Bexley council could be one of the closest in years, with one vote currently deciding who runs the council.

Conservative and Labour have 63 candidates each for the council, along with 38 Liberal Democrats, 13 independents, eight UK Independence Party, five British National Party, three Thamesmead Community Party, one Orange Squash Party and one English Democrats 'Putting England First' candidates.

© 1995-2006 All rights reserved


Orange candidate in Bexley

From Karen Barratt

Congratulations to Orange Squash candidate Gary Cripps. He may not have won but got more votes than the LibDem. Amazing.

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From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


The future’s bright, the future’s orange

You Don't Go To War With Iran With The Army You Want

You go to war with Iran with the army you have. And, as a new report suggests, it's one still larded with obsolete ideas.

The Money Machine Remains

by Chellie Pingree,

In some ways, the current debate about ethics reform is missing the forest for the trees.


The Money Machine Remains

Chellie Pingree agrees with Alexandra Walker about ethics and lobbying reform: "Alexandra Walker said what needed to be said: that public financing for federal elections would 'revolutionize American politics' by 'turning off the gushing spigot of special interest

Katrina's Legacy

by Anya Kamenetz,

FEMA's still running the circus and low-income blacks are locked out of the new New Orleans.

Slouching Towards Tehran

by Elizabeth Spiro Clark,

Attacking Iran is not a "messy" or a "poor" option. It is not an option.

Controlled choice does not equal freedom in education

The Choice Channel
by R. Lee Wrights


Parents worldwide should reject this notion of 'controlled choice' that is being offered as a symbol of freedom in education. After all, if someone else controls your choices how free can you really be? As a friend of mine observed to me recently, when a gunman accosts you in an alley and says, 'Give me your money or your life,' isn't he offering you a controlled choice? Does controlled choice really represent some sort of freedom? It is not freedom in education when parents are forced to choose between equally bad public schools for their beloved little ones. It is not freedom that parents are forced to pay for failing public schools when they could receive better value from their money being spent on schools in the private sector. True freedom in education would be parents controlling the bureaucrats rather than the bureaucrats controlling parents' choices...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Oil isn't addictive, regulating it is

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by staff


The Competitive Enterprise Institute today called President Bush's request for higher fuel economy standards a political ploy that would be irrelevant in the short run and lethal in the long run. 'Given the current run-up in gas prices, consumers are moving far more effectively than the government to increase the fuel economy of new cars,' says Sam Kazman, CEI's general counsel...,05294.cfm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan: Pro-American = Anti-BushCo

Cindy Sheehan writes that she (and every single other individual on this planet working for peace and justice) is often accused of being "anti-American" for dissenting against her feral government that has gone wild with lawlessness and greed, even though dissent from our government is as American as apple pie. Some people believe that if one is critical of the Bush criminal regime, then one is anti-American. Cindy steadfastly believes that to be anti-BushCo means being pro-American, pro-life, and, most of all, pro-peace.

Oil feeding frenzy

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


The feeding frenzy in Washington over oil prices and profits may win pander-points for cynical politicians, but it takes the public's eye off the ball. The regular outcry over rising prices, which, you'll notice, requires a previous period of falling prices, highlights some fascinating puzzles. For example, there is a considerable gaggle of folks who think world oil production is reaching its peak and will soon decline. If that is correct, then where's the mystery in rising prices? Furthermore, if the 'peak oil' theory were correct, there would be no need for oil executives to conspire to gouge the public. In fact, the peak-oil theory is wrong...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Whose country is it anyhow?

Strike the Root
by Robert Kaercher


America is much more than a territory lying within geographical boundaries drawn on a map. America is an idea, a philosophy, which was best encapsulated in that famous phrase in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence -- we are all created equal, and we all equally retain the right to be free to pursue our own lives and our own happiness without various methods of force and coercion constructed by others strapping us down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's Presidential Palace

George W.'s palace

Times Online [UK]
by Daniel McGrory


The question puzzles and enrages a city: how is it that the Americans cannot keep the electricity running in Baghdad for more than a couple of hours a day, yet still manage to build themselves the biggest embassy on Earth? Irritation grows as residents deprived of air-conditioning and running water three years after the US-led invasion watch the massive US Embassy they call 'George W's palace' rising from the banks of the Tigris. In the pavement cafes, people moan that the structure is bigger than anything Saddam Hussein built...,,3-2162249,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush's Presidential Palace

Sure they plan to leave.,,3-2162249,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Where the right went rotten

by David Weigel


Interview with Matthew Continetti, author of The K Street Gang: "Reason: What exactly is 'K Street Conservatism?' MC: One of its tenets is the packaging of clientism in the rhetoric of conservatism. If you're a K Street conservative you'd take a client, define their goals, and repackage them in terms of Republican ideals. So for the Indian gaming, Abramoff said the tribes were really opposed to taxes. Every good conservative is supposed to be opposed to taxes. With the Marianas Islands, Abramoff represented the local government and the Saipan Garment Manufacturers Association by saying that these territories wished to be free of government tyranny. And every conservative is supposed to believe in self-reliance and enterprise. He championed this in conservative rhetoric when in fact he was shilling for this garment tycoon...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

George W. Milhous Bush?

National Review
by Jonah Goldberg


Nixon was the last of the New Deal-era liberal presidents. He sponsored and signed the legislation creating the Environmental Protection Agency, the Water Quality Improvement Act and the Endangered Species Act. He oversaw the establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Nixon created the Philadelphia Plan, the springboard for racial quotas; pushed for Title IX (the women's 'equality' law); and hired Leon Panetta (later Bill Clinton's chief of staff) as his director of the office of civil rights. Nixon pushed aggressively for national health insurance that would cover 100 percent of the nation's poor children. He increased federal spending on health and education programs by more than 50 percent and massively boosted spending on the National Endowment for Humanities. He tried to increase welfare with his Family Assistance Plan and Child Development Act. Economically, Nixon got along swell with the chamber of commerce crowd, but he was well to the left of almost any leading Democrat today, championing wage and price controls as a legitimate tool of state, and boasting 'Now I am a Keynesian in economics.' ... Bush is certainly to the right of Nixon on many issues. But at the philosophical level, he shares the Nixonians' supreme confidence in the power of the state...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's chamber of secrets

by Jack Shafer


Every time the Bush administration cracks down on openness, it creates new sources for journalists inside the bureaucracies. Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, says the strategy of decertifying the press works only if you can block the press from obtaining alternative sources of information. That's something the administration hasn't been able to do, says Blanton, citing the blockbuster stories about the Bush's secret prisons, secret torture programs, secret rendition operation, warrantless wiretaps, and so on. Blanton attributes such scoops to a 'revolt of the JAGs,' his shorthand for the recent round of whistle-blowing by career civil service and career military officers. It's not that these whistle-blowers oppose secrecy, he notes, giving the example of the FISA court, which issues secret warrants. In the 20-plus years of FISA warrants, not one has been leaked ... He contrasts the public FISA process with the secret machinations of the 'torture lawyers' -- Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, John Yoo, et al. -- whose primary goal is to enhance presidential power...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Daryl Hannah Speaks Out

Brain tumour girl's phone mast relief

Mother’s delight at mast decision

Delight over phone mast ruling

04 May 2006 12:39

Families are celebrating after planning inspectors ruled against a mast which would have been installed near homes.

More than 500 people signed a petition against the application by O2 for a 15m mast near the Moss Pharmacy in Colman Road.

The campaign, organised by University ward councillor Roy Blower, led planning officers to reject the proposal last June before it came to the planning committee.

The telecommunication giant appealed that decision stating that more masts were needed because more people were using phones.

But Government planning inspectors have now decided the decision made by planning officers should stand.

Mr Blower said he was delighted the inspectors ruled against the mast and thanked the Evening News for raising awareness of the campaign.

He said: “Another mast had been rejected by the city council on the other side of the road once and the company lost at appeal and the same thing has happened at this one. We've had four bites of the cherry at these two masts and it is down to the community.

“I'm absolutely delighted for the people of University ward that they haven't got to put up with this blot on the landscape.”

Jean McLennan, 59, who lives at Lubbock Close, off Colman Road, signed a petition against it and was pleased planning inspectors had agreed the mast should not go ahead.

“They've got to be put somewhere, but why on earth can't they be placed away from populations,” she said.

“At the back of my mind is this fear and worry that if these emissions from masts are dangerous to people we don't want it.”

Mary Parke, 57, who lives on The Avenues with her husband Brian, said also signed the petition and was delighted the mast would not be going ahead.

“I'm very pleased,” she said. “There's a lot of houses in the area and I'm sure they can find a more open space to place it.”

The Evening News has, through our Put Masts on Hold campaign, fought against the installation of mobile phone masts until it is proved they are safe.

A spokeswoman for O2 said: “We're very disappointed, it will mean an inferior service for the people of Norwich. We will have to look in other areas. As part of our license we have a duty to provide people with good mobile phone coverage.”

Are you battling mobile phone mast plans where you live?
Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or email

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Petitions: Top Causes

A message from Cassandra
(death penalty)
(age discrimination)

The Child Care Squeeze - Malnutrition Kills 10 Children Every Minute

Access to high-quality child care is essential for parents to work and for children to develop and thrive. But child care is too often unaffordable or simply unavailable, and the public investment needed to address these deficiencies has been grossly inadequate.

Malnutrition Kills 10 Children Every Minute, Says UN

Ten children die every minute as a result of malnutrition, more than a quarter of children in developing countries are underweight and suffer disease because of their poor diet, and in some areas almost half of all under-fives are malnourished, a new United Nations report says.

The Money Behind Kempthorne

Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Bush's pick for Secretary of the Interior, has raised nearly $5 million in campaign contributions in the past 15 years. Agriculture and natural resource industries were his most reliable supporters while he was a US senator. The mining and timber industries supported his governorship.

Senator Bill Nelson: Florida Drilling Would Harm Economy, Environment

Nelson writes, "Natural-gas drilling - like oil drilling - has the potential to cause serious damage to Florida's beaches and marine life.... Natural-gas rigs leak toxic liquids into the surrounding water, causing significant damage. Fires and explosions at gas sites can lead to major disasters."

Federal Study Finds Accord on Warming

A scientific study commissioned by the Bush administration concluded that the lower atmosphere was indeed growing warmer and that there was "clear evidence of human influences on the climate system." The finding eliminates an area of uncertainty that the Bush administration has used to justify its inaction.

What Happened to the Good Fight?

William Fisher writes, "The juxtaposition of oil, human rights, and the 'global war on terror' has exposed a giant fault line in the Bush administration's foreign policy, revealing inconsistency and hypocrisy."

UK/French draft resolution on Iran

Today a draft resolution on Iran put forward by France and Britain and discussed in Security Council consultations was informally circulated at the UN. We posted it at

I have a quick reaction to it on, at

See also my discussion of possible alternative Security Council approaches at

You can send a letter to Security Council members and to Congress at

John Burroughs,
Executive Director
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy
675 Third Ave., Suite 315
New York, NY 10017-5704
USA tel 212 818 1861; fax 212 818 1857


From ufpj-news

Widerstand gegen neoliberale Politik und Krieg

Gipfel und Globalisierungsproteste > 4. Europäisches Sozialforum in Athen

210 Seminare im Dreischichtsystem. Über 30 000 Teilnehmer werden ab heute in Athen zum 4. Europäischen Sozialforum erwartet / Widerstand gegen neoliberale Politik und Krieg steht im Mittelpunkt des ESF

„»Verändern wir Europa, verändern wir die Welt!« Unter diesem Motto tagt ab heute das 4. Europäische Sozialforum in Athen. Mehr als 30 000 Teilnehmer werden zu dem viertägigen Treffen in den ehemaligen olympischen Wettkampfstätten für Basketball und Fechtsport am Rande der griechischen Hauptstadt erwartet…“ Artikel von Anke Stefan, Athen, in ND vom 04.05.06

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Mai 2006

Aktionen gegen 1-Euro- Jobs

Job-Karawanen in Hamburg

Jobvermittler im Einkaufscenter

Die Hamburger Arbeitsagentur geht neue Wege: Mit einer Job-Karawane tingelt sie durch die Einkaufszentren der Stadt. Kritik an Showveranstaltung und Hamburger Arbeitsmarktpolitik.

Artikel von Marco Carini in der taz Nord vom 28.4.2006

Jobkarawane mit Bewachung. Propagandashow "Die Jobkarawane zieht weiter" fand trotz Verstoß gegen Persönlichkeitsrechte wieder statt.

Bericht von Tom vom 03.05.2006 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Mai 2006

Grundeinkommen für Erwerbslose und gesetzlicher Mindestlohn


Grundeinkommen der Gleichgestellten. Ein Vorschlag für soziale Veränderungen

„In der Deklaration von Barcelona definierten wir 1998 einstimmig unser Verständnis von Grundeinkommen. In einem weiteren, diesmal internationalen Treffen im Jahr 2002 in Malaga waren unsere Vorschläge eindeutig antikapitalistisch. In der zweiten internationalen Zusammenkunft im Jahr 2004 haben wir die „Zweite Erklärung von Barcelona“ verabschiedet. Darin erklärten wir, was wir unter dem starken Modell des Grundeinkommens verstehen. Und jetzt, 2006 in Hamburg legen wir einen detaillierteren Vorschlag zum Grundeinkommen vor, den wir „das Grundeinkommen der Gleichgestellten“ nennen…“ Die „Hamburger Erklärung“ der Workshops zum Grundeinkommen bei der internationalen Versammlung "Die Kosten rebellieren II" am 29. und 30.4.2006 (pdf)

Für diese Erklärung werden Unterstützungsunterschriften gesammelt – e-mail an

Zum Thema Grundeinkommen für Erwerbslose und gesetzlicher Mindestlohn

Vortrag von Rainer Roth beim Forum Gewerkschaften Kassel, DGB-Region Nordhessen, DIDF und Kasseler Erwerbsloseninitiative in Kassel am 21.April 2004

Sozialpolitik und soziale Kämpfe in der Schweiz

Für existenzsicherndes Grundeinkommen

„Weltweit wird Lohnarbeit immer knapper. Ein existenzsicherndes Grundeinkommen könnte auch in der Schweiz die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter wesentlich fördern. Der schweizerische Arbeitsmarkt versagt zusehends bei der Existenzsicherung. Caritas Schweiz meldete Ende 2005, dass eine Million Menschen in unserem Land von Armut betroffen ist. Tendenz zunehmend…“ Artikel aus „Hälfte – Unabhängiger Mediendienst zur Arbeit und zur Erwerbslosigkeit“ vom 01.05.2006 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Mai 2006


Ein soziales Seil. Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen

„Leuten einfach so Geld geben? Ohne Gegenleistung? Ohne Verpflichtung? Ohne Anreiz zur Beschäftigung? Wer wird dann überhaupt noch arbeiten wollen? Wird er oder sie nicht den ganzen Tag auf der faulen Haut herumliegen, es sich bequem machen und schmarotzen auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit? Und selbst, wenn man genügend Freiwillige findet, die Kosten sind astronomisch, wer soll das bezahlen? Ist das utopisch?...“ Artikel von Harald Schauff von der Straßenzeitung Querkopf, April 2006, in "Der Linke Berliner"

Grundversorgung. "Das manische Schauen auf Arbeit macht uns alle krank"

„Er war mal ein ganz normaler Kapitalist - immer auf der Jagd nach mehr. Dann las er Schiller und Goethe. Jetzt will Götz Werner, Chef der Drogeriekette dm, Revolutionäres: ein Grundeinkommen für alle - von der Wiege bis zur Bahre…“ Interview von Arno Luik in vom 14.5.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 16. Mai 2006

Bush Forcing Permanent Tax Cuts

The President summoned his minions to the Oval Office yesterday for some action on extending the 2003 tax breaks for the wealthy. Looks like he may succeed. He met, of course, only with Republican leaders.

From Information Clearing House

Spies Among Us

From Information Clearing House

Spies Among Us:

Despite a troubled history, police across the nation are keeping tabs on ordinary Americans.

The axis of gas

At a recent summit meeting at a Sao Paulo hotel, presidents Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil and Nestor Kirchner of Argentina further progressed to consolidate the giant gas pipeline following "strategic lines of cooperation, integration and South American unity", in the words.

From Information Clearing House

Evo Morales Joins Chavez As US Target

When the heat is turned up against US interests, this country won't go quietly into the night. The plans are well underway now for a fourth attempt to oust Hugo Chavez that may include assassinations and possibly an armed assault by US invading forces.

We don't Want Your War

I call on university students across America to begin holding antiwar rallies. The only way you can have a war on Iran is to draft the young people. It is you who are on the line. Demonstrate! Demonstrate against the very hint of war.

From Information Clearing House

War Corporatism: The New Fascism

A look at the dogs of War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush and the PNAC as stated in the September 2000 document Rebuilding America's Defenses.

US to form anti-Iran coalition if UN rejects sanctions

The United States is ready to form a coalition of countries to take sanctions against Iran if the UN Security Council does not agree measures, the US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton said.

From Information Clearing House

In the chaos of Iraq, one project is on target

THE question puzzles and enrages a city: how is it that the Americans cannot keep the electricity running in Baghdad for more than a couple of hours a day, yet still manage to build themselves the biggest embassy on Earth?,,3-2162249,00.html

From Information Clearing House

UK uses Freedom of Information laws to avoid releasing casualty figures

A series of FOI requests has revealed that the Ministry of Defence was wrong to say there was no way of knowing how many soldiers have been injured in Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Iraqi, 15, 'drowned after soldiers forced him into canal'

The soldiers watched as Ahmed Jabar Karheem, 15, who was unable to swim, began to struggle when he was ordered into the Shatt al-Basra canal in May 2003. After the boy disappeared below the surface, the soldiers drove away. His body was recovered two days later.,,1766302,00.html?gusrc=rss

From Information Clearing House

Reason for Their Death Is Known

Know what it is like when scores of your fellow citizens are being killed every single day while the world proceeds unheedingly on? Try it out: be an Iraqi for a day, into your fourth year of being occupied, humiliated, tortured and killed, doing all you can just to survive.

The Inevitable Collapse of the Greenback

By Mike Whitney

Bush has purposely generated another $3 trillion in debt ensuring that the dollar will fall mightily and working class people be left with a trifling of their life savings.

This high-octane rocket-rattling against Tehran is unlikely to succeed

By Tariq Ali

Ringed by nuclear states, Iran's atomic programme is scarcely unreasonable. So why has Washington manufactured this crisis?

Hersh: he is about all we have left to frighten the most powerful man in the world

Beating about the Bush? Not with Hersh

He is about all we have left to frighten the most powerful man in the world

By Robert Fisk

Bush has a messianic vision – and intends to go down in history (probably he has chosen the right direction) as the man who will have “saved” Iran. “So we’re in a real American crisis ... we’ve had a collapse of congress ... we have had a collapse of the military ... the good news is that when we wake up tomorrow morning, there will be one less day (of Bush). But that is the only good news.”

Bolton Refuses To Answer Kucinich’s Questions About US Troops In Iran

By Doug Gordon

While Ambassador Bolton refused to answer questions about US troops in Iran, Bolton did state that the US was prepared to move against Iran, with or without the UN Security Council.

Return Of The Shah: Shah of Iran's Heir Plans Overthrow of Regime

By Human Events

He believes the cause is urgent because of the prospect that Iran may soon develop a nuclear weapon or the U.S. may use military force to preempt that. He hopes to offer a way out of this dilemma: a revolution sparked by massive civil disobedience in which the masses in the streets are backed by elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Beyond Incompetence: Washington's War in Iraq

By Jonathan Cutler

Are neo-conservatives bumbling crackpot idealists who unwittingly opened Pandora's box in Iraq by substituting idealistic dreams of democracy ahead of realist Machiavellian statecraft?

Next-up News 4 May 2006

Mobile phone mast plan is thrown out

PLANS to build three mobile phone masts next to residential areas in Rugby have all been thrown out unanimously by councillors.

Petitions backed by nearly 300 residents were handed into Rugby Borough Council, expressing concerns to build the Vodafone masts in Hollowell Way, Beech Drive and on the corner of Shakespeare Gardens and Dunchurch Road.

Neighbours said they were cheifly worried about possible health implications from the radiation - but councillors refused the plans because the masts would be an eyesore.

As reported in last week's Advertiser, council officers had previously recommended that councillors reject the plans.

And at a packed public meeting, councillors wasted no time in comprehensively refusing all three proposals.

Vodafone previously stated that it will also put forward planning permission to build two more masts in Clifton Road and Hillmorton Road.

Talking about the mast in Hollowell Way outside the Merry Monk pub, Cllr. Alan Webb (Lab, Brownsover South) said: "At a time when we are trying to make a better Brownsover, this is not a good step to be taking.

"The mast is close to two Brownsover schools and I would not want pupils being put through that."

Cllr. Lionel Franklyn (Con, Bilton) said the mast in Beech Drive would have been detrimental to any plans for the Western Relief Road.

He added: "As for health issues, I personally do not believe that is an issue.

"But it is near an elderly persons' home and it is a fear for them."

Many of the members in public gallery came to hear the verdict of the mast on the corner of Shakespeare Gardens and Dunchurch Road.

Cllr. Liegh Hunt (Con, Avon and Swift) said: "This is on the main road into Rugby so it should not be planted right there on the grass verge."

Planning officers said health issues did not form any part of their decision as the Government had certified them as safe.

Vodafone said that the health issues are unproven and the masts were designed to blend in with the environment.

Omega this is not true. See under:

04 May 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Council chiefs miss deadline to block mast bid

Furious protesters have blamed council bosses for missing a deadline to block plans for a mobile phone mast in their neighbourhood. Anne Thickett and neighbours campaigned and stopped two planning applications by Hutchinson 3G for the pole and base station, near Williamthorpe Road, North Wingfield.

But last week horrified residents discovered the mast was being erected and learned NE Derbyshire District Council had failed to inform 3G of their latest decision in time.

Mrs Thickett of Williamthorpe Road said: "We're furious that somehow because of a council oversight the mast has been allowed to go up.

"Someone should be held accountable. If it was a housing development the council would tell us to take it down, yet 3G has been allowed to build this monstrosity and we can't do anything."

The campaigners successfully blocked two applications with objection letters, including a second application for a pole with a wooden surround, and in each case were informed it had been refused.

Residents had felt the mast was too close to a residential area, was an eyesore and posed possible health threats from radio waves.

The council said that it had refused the application but 3G did not receive a council letter about the latest decision until after a 56-day legal deadline.

A council spokesman said: "In planning cases involving prior determination a planning authority has 56 days to make a decision.

"Failure to notify an applicant within that timescale means the applicant is entitled to commence building work.

"Following this case, the council has revised how it deals with prior determination cases and will in future fax or email applicants to ensure they receive a decision within the 56 days."

Mrs Thickett said she and other residents were now considering complaining to the local authority watchdog Ombudsman.

04 May 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Tell Congress to Tell Bush and Cheney not to Attack Iran

Victory! No-Permanent-Bases Amendment Passes Both Houses!

Your efforts paid off. The Senate, like the House, passed an amendment to the supplemental spending bill banning the use of any of its funding for the construction of permanent bases in Iraq. Will the amendment survive a Republican-run conference committee? We'll be watching. Meanwhile give yourselves a huge pat on the back and get ready for the next fight.

Here it is:

Tell Congress to Tell Bush and Cheney not to Attack Iran
George Bush is considering attacking Iran, including using nuclear bombs to do so. Such an attack would be illegal and disastrous. Congress can prevent it, but only if Congres asserts its Constitutional right to decide whether or not the United States goes to war. Congressman Peter DeFazio's H. Con. Res. 391 expresses "the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran with respect to its nuclear program without first obtaining authorization from Congress." This bill is rapidly picking up cosponsors, but needs more. Ask your Congress Member to sign on today. Ask your Senators to take the same step in the Senate. CONTACT CONGRESS:

Tell the media to cover - and this time CRITICALLY - Bush's planning for an aggressive war:

More information:

Join us from 1 to 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, May 18, as we deliver the petition, with all its signatures and comments to the White House: PRINT FLYER:

Sign the Petition!

Register to Join PDA Grassroots Organizing and Lobbying Day May 20-22, in Washington, D.C. Featuring: 9:30 - 10:00 AM: (PDA) "Be a Part of the Growing Pro-Impeachment Grassroots Movement" by David Swanson, PDA National Board Member/Co-Founder,

Chomsky on Impeachment and the Next War
Noam Chomsky has recorded a public service announcement available for radio play on the topic of investigating grounds for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Chomsky has also written a wonderful new book, which Stephen Lendman reviews below. He includes this update on Chomsky's views as expressed in the book:

"I hope Chomsky's assessment in the book is right that a second Middle East war is not imminent. However, I read the signs less optimistically, and from an April 29 email I received from him responding to this review which I sent him he's now more inclined to believe the US plans hostile actions against Iran and Venezuela. He added he 'wouldn't be surprised to see (US inspired) secessionist movements in the oil producing areas in Iran, Venezuela and Bolivia, all in areas that are accessible to US military force and alienated from the governments, with the US then moving in to "defend" them and blasting the rest of the country if necessary.'"

Listen to Noam Chomsky's PSA

Review of Noam Chomsky's New Book "Failed States" and an Email Exchange with Chomsky By Stephen Lendman



*Delivery of Petition to White House*

Thursday, May 18, 1-3 p.m. ET Lafayette Square Park, Washington D.C. We will be joining with a Pray-In held by the Network of Spiritual Progressives to deliver to the White House all of the signatures and comments posted below the petition at

*Join* Cindy Sheehan and representatives of many of these groups: After Downing Street, Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers for Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, The Young Turks, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Counter Punch, United for Peace and Justice, Stop the War Coalition, This Can't Be Happening, Voters Evolt, Springs Action Alliance, Radio News America, OrbStandard, International Socialist Organization, Voters for Peace, Thom Hartmann Show, Environmentalists Against War, U.S. Peace Council, Grandmothers for Peace, Justice Through Music, Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran, World Can't Wait, The Rational Response Squad, Idriss Stelley Foundation, Bush Free Zone, Voice International, Foundation for the Development of Human Resources, Tbilisi, Georgia, Political Cooperative, City Sites, Agir contre la guerre (France), Americans Against the War (France), Spiritual Activism Conference, Muslims for Peace (Australia),, Peace Movement Aotearoa, Not in Our Name Aotearoa New Zealand, Pixel4Peace.


*/Please spread this flyer around!/*


Informant: Carol Moore in DC

Petition Bush & Congress to stop Iran war

Informant: jensenmk

Don't Attack Iran petition delivered to White House

On May 18th, hundreds rallied against war in Lafayette Park in front of the White House, and a large delegation led by Cindy Sheehan delivered the Don't Attack Iran petition, with over 42,000 signatures, to the White House. Administration officials would not take the petition from the delegation, so the delegation left the petition at the gate.

Watch videos of this historic event, including the dramatic delivery of the petition to the White House, download mp3 audio of the rally and see the 75 photograph album of the rally and petition delivery at

Holly Near (with Pat Humprhies and Sanda Opatow accompanying), Cindy Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood (Hip Hop Caucus), Ray McGovern (former CIA official), Medea Benjamin with a CODE PINK contingent, and David Swanson (AfterDowingStreet) appear in distinct videos. The rally audio is available for download at the above link.

More multimedia reports, including Traprock's coverage, are available at

The Joint Rally was organized by the Network of Spiritual Progressives ( and the Don't Attack Iran ( campaign, and facilitated by Rabbi Michael Lerner. The rally was followed by delivery of the petition (still accepting signatures) telling President Bush to not attack Iran.

Many organizations supported the Don't Attack Iran petition, including in chronological order: Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers For Peace [ExxonMobil War Boycott], Campus Antiwar Network, The Young Turks, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Counter Punch, United for Peace and Justice, Stop the War Coalition, This Can't Be Happening, Voters Evolt, Springs Action Alliance, Radio News America, OrbStandard, International Socialist Organization, Voters for Peace. See the full list of supporters at

Following the rally and delivery of the petition to the White House, Ray McGovern, U.S. Army veteran and retired 27-year CIA analyst, led a march through downtown Washington, D.C., to the home of Donald Rumsfeld, where protesters gathered to ask Rumsfeld why he lied about the need for a war on Iraq. For more information, contact David Swanson

Charles Jenks
Chair of Advisory Board and Web Manager Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342


From ufpj-news

In Caesar we trust: on faith in war

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Democracy Versus Freedom

The Internet Strikes Again

Hillary is in trouble: on the first lady of warmongering

You’re in Good Hands

Addicted to war - House of War

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Some Interesting Facts About Home Schooling

What Congress Can Do About Soaring Gas Prices

Ignorance and arrogance and state power

The Great Conservative Hoax


What’s At Stake?

A message from Ramsey Clark

George W. Bush and his principal officials are the greatest threat to world peace, to human rights, to economic justice, to the Constitution of the United States and the rule of law that the American people and the world at large face today. His personal, unilateral war of aggression has wrecked Iraq, taken 250,000 lives or more, created tensions worldwide and significantly isolated the United States, costing us international friendships, trust, respect and alliances. War of aggression was judged to be “the Supreme International Crime” by the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Proclaiming himself the “Decider,” President Bush insists he decides what is right. He threatens North Korea, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, Venezuela, and most critically at the moment, Iran. The threats themselves violate international law and the U.N. Charter. His threats are made real by his personal record of false claims followed by arbitrary acts including the criminal aggression against and occupation of Iraq with its painful consequences just beginning for Iraq and the world. The additional U.S. military costs approach a trillion dollars and the occupation stretches the limits of U.S. military capacity. Yet he has ordered detailed plans for attacks on Iran that he could order to be executed as early as this summer. He may believe some radical action can save his presidency.

Iran has more than three times the population of Iraq. It was not debilitated by the Gulf War which cost Iraq more than 150,000 lives and destroyed its basic infrastructure. Thirteen years of sanctions, from Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1990 to “Mission Accomplished” Day “ending” the war of aggression against Iraq announced from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln by President Bush on May 1, 2003, cost Iraq 1 million lives, half children under the age of five. Iraq suffered near total isolation. Without international commerce, or the ability to rebuild, Iraq’s economy was devastated. It suffered physically and psychologically from frequent punitive bombings by U.S. aircraft throughout the sanctions period. Iran’s economy and power fueled by its oil, grew steadily through all these years.Click here to help impeach bush

Nothing could unify Iran like a military strike against it by the U.S. Few acts could better convince Muslims worldwide that George Bush is on a crusade against them. Iran with its long border with Iraq could radically alter political alignments and the level of conflict in Iraq and serve as an open conduit for fighters from many nations. Violence could spread from Egypt to neighboring Pakistan and beyond.

The Geneva Conventions prohibit assaults on “inherently dangerous” facilities, which would threaten civilian populations. Nuclear power plants are the prime example. Iran has a right to develop such plants. The Shah had ambitious plans 30 years ago, well financed and advanced, to construct nuclear plants across Iran to replace depleting oil reserves. Iran is six years or more away from the ability to build nuclear warheads if that is its purpose. The U.S. could incinerate Iran with a single launch from its worldwide land, sea and air nuclear missile capacity in place and alert today. Iran knows this. Surely it is better to seek to stop threatening and start seeking better relations and understanding with Iran and other nations that may be hostile.

Aside from the criminal nature of an attack on Iran, further aggressions by George Bush could put the United States in a rapid decline in international standing, economically and military on the defense, globally and at home.

This is only to suggest what might happen if George Bush remains President. The immediate question is whether We, the People of the United States of America, believe the future of our country is a spectator sport, or whether we will be players.

Will we let George Bush decide the fate of the nation?

Have his judgment and actions been acceptable?

With thirty-two months remaining in his Presidency, George Bush can inflict greater, even devastating injury on our people and the poor of the rest of the planet. He has squandered the largest federal surplus in history and created the largest national debt with his determination to be a War President and his ambition to enrich the rich.

He continues increasing military expenditures including the unlawful development of a new generation of nuclear weapons and a “Star Wars” shield for the U.S., insuring an arms race and increasing the probability of war.

His threats against other governments have strengthened opposition to the U.S. throughout the Muslim world, Latin American, former Soviet Union bloc countries, China, Africa and even West Europe.

President Bush’s tax cuts and “Free Trade” pressures have accelerated the concentration of wealth in oligarchies at home and abroad and further impoverished the poor. Nearly 1/3 of his tax cuts have gone to the top one percent of the population. When his estate tax cuts take hold the top one percent of the population will receive 40% of his tax cuts.

The number of billionaires is increasing rapidly while incomes of workers and the poor decline and organized labor continue to decline. And tax cuts combined with increased military expenditures and increasing deficits in balance of payments which make the U.S. the largest debtor nation are compelling cuts in federal expenditures for health care, education, social security, Medicare, humanitarian foreign aid and other needed programs for the poor. The real income of college graduates fell more than 5% from 2000 to 2004 under President Bush, eroding the middle class while concentrating wealth in the few. The richest ten percent of the population received more than half of all his tax cuts benefits.

But the concentration of wealth is accelerating most rapidly in the top 1/100th of one percent, about 30,000 individuals. The rise in income of these very rich has been astronomical. Just look at the growing number of billionaires and the bonuses and stock options of corporate CEO’s.

President Bush’s contempt for human rights and civil liberties is unprecedented in the American Presidency. He is not only above international law, he is above the Bill of Rights. He can arrest and detain people worldwide, including U.S. citizens, as enemy combatants. He condones torture. He wiretaps U.S. citizens and foreigners alike without court approval. Proclamations concerning his Presidential powers by his Attorneys General, Ashcroft and Gonzales, have stunned the international community. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo now symbolize U.S. regard for human dignity. Yet George Bush proclaims himself the champion of freedom and democracy!

Katrina is only one measure of the incompetence and indifference of the Bush Administration. Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged thousands of mistakes in Iraq without acknowledging the greatest mistake: the unilateral criminal invasion and occupation.

President Bush adheres ideologically to the belief that global warming is not caused in major part by the ever increasing human consumption of oil and other hydrocarbons.

He believes he can bully the world into accepting his way and the American people into accepting his decisions as right. For him, his ideology is truth. He professed to believe, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Because Iraq was "evil," and the U.S. is free and democratic, he believes Iraq should be controlled by the U.S. Iran is racing to develop nuclear weapons in his view, because of its dangerous hatred for freedom and democracy and must be stopped by force now. His truth translated into force has done more to damage freedom and democracy at home and abroad than all the “evil empires” he threatens. For him, his tax cuts, free trade policies and deficits benefited the poor and lower income groups most, if not in dollars, because his ideology holds that when the oligarchy rule, all will fare better.

The imperative need is action now. We cannot risk delay.

If the American people fail to impeach George Bush and his principal officials for his war of aggression, the world can only see the American people as either powerless, or supportive of it. If he is charged only, or primarily, with misleading, or lying to the American people, the world can only believe the American people will accept mass murder if it is not lied about.

Why should any other nation refrain from Wars of Aggression against oil rich states and others unable to defend themselves if they believe they can win and get away with it, while the U.S. proceeds with impunity with its threats and attacks?

Impeachment is essential to the integrity of constitutional government. It is the most urgent duty of the American people. We have the power to cause impeachment, if we have the will. Do your part now! Participate and contribute to the Constitutional Crusade to Impeach George Bush.

Ramsey Clark
May 3, 2006

Gas Prices and Cutting America's Oil Addiction

Telecoms' Secret Plan to Wire Yellowstone Park Industry

Invited to Illegal Closed-Door Meeting to Divide Up Park

WASHINGTON - May 3 - Yellowstone National Park will soon be blanketed with coverage from cell phone towers, wireless internet service, and two-way radio, as well as television and AM/FM radio signals under a plan being written behind closed doors by the telecommunications industry and park officials, according to agency records released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

The March 31, 2005 meeting had representatives from Sprint, Verizon, Qwest, Western Wireless (now Alltel) and other companies conferring with Yellowstone park officials and concessionaires. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a “Wireless Telecommunications Plan” for the park. The companies urged siting more cell phone towers (the park already has six in five locations), installing broadband wireless internet service and microwave transmitters. Meeting notes by one park official state that “up to 10 entities could provide service in the park.”

“Notably, not one park official seems the least concerned that they are sacrificing peace and quiet, the ability to be truly alone and disconnected from the modern world,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch, whose organization has been drawing attention to the proliferation of cell towers throughout the park system. “Yellowstone belongs to the American people, who ought to have some say before it is transformed into a giant cybercafé.”

PEER is charging that the meeting violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act which requires public notice, published agendas and the chance for the public to attend whenever outside groups are assembled to help shape official policy. The group, which obtained the minutes and notes under the Freedom of Information Act, is asking the Interior Department Inspector General to review the matter and identify the officials responsible for the violations.

Significantly, the Park Service has a history of routinely ignoring public notice requirements prior to approving erection of cell towers. For example, Yellowstone illegally approved a tower overlooking Old Faithful without the required public notice. Last year, park officials had the tower shortened by 20 feet because its size violated the illegally issued permit conditions.

“The public should be involved at the earliest stages in shaping this policy before the final product is pre-decided and shoved down everyone’s throat,” Ruch added, noting that the final wireless policy is supposed to be unveiled in 2008. “While we are glad the park wants to plan rather than approve each new facility on a piecemeal basis, there is a difference between planning with all the stakeholders in the room and plotting in seclusion with only those who have a financial stake in the outcome.”

Currently, only one of the 390 units in the national park system has a telecommunications plan. The National Park Service still does not have a complete inventory of existing towers in its parks nor does it track new tower proposals. The agency also lacks any policy that protects wild or backcountry areas from electronic penetration.

Source and further links under:


Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER): OSHA Finds Yellowstone Cell Tower Emits Excess Radiation

We Must Honor Earth's Limits

High Prices Caused by Iraq War

The War in Iraq: A Mother's View on Why We Need to Set the Record Straight

Exporting the American Model: Markets and Democracy

Energy Nationalization Reshapes Politics

Global Warming Cited in Wind Shift

Informant: NHNE

Riding a Bicycle Can Save the World

Informant: NHNE

Torture is Un-American

American Civil Liberties Union: Torture is Un-American - Sign petition

Informant: ranger116

Global warming fastest for 20,000 years and it is mankind's fault

Informant: NHNE

EU3 presents US-backed Iran draft resolution, Russia & China demur

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Western powers offer new Iran resolution

Informant: ranger116

Impeachment Petition - Important - Please Sign

Please take just one minute to sign this important petition to Impeach George W. Bush.

It's Impeachment Time

Thank You,



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