The worst that individuals have to fear from the global system of mass surveillance is something far darker than "mere" loss of privacy, civil liberties, freedom of movement, or loss of democratic patrimonies. (They face indefinite detention in a global gulag).
A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance
By Nolan K. Anderson
The myths surrounding our dealings with the government's avowed purpose of "protecting" us needs more objective scrutiny than almost any other scam politicians have to inflict upon us. "Scam" is a harsh word, but as one examines the true nature of the programs for mass surveillance of global populations it will be seen that "scam" is a word far too benign to truly describe the programs presently underway.
Obedient Slaves Have Nothing to Fear
Get used to surveillance gadgets mounted above every intersection or inside every store. Soon enough, surveillance cameras will be “on downtown streets and in apartment complexes, shopping malls and even private homes to fight crime during a shortage of police officers,” as presaged by Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt.
Consultations With Padre Kino
I have decided to become a drunk and live under a bench, maybe in a radiation suit. It only makes sense. The times are dire. Dark shapes twist in the international fog. The US, in the hands of puzzled children of low moral character, flaps about like a damp rag in a high wind. Anything could happen.
From Information Clearing House