Why Do You Kill Zaid?
By Jürgen Todenhöfer
The West is much more violent than the Muslim world. Millions of Arab civilians have been killed since colonialism began.
The Making of an Insurgent
By Stuart Archer Cohen
We all complain about politics, but have you ever wondered what makes a person pick up a gun and start violently resisting the government?
Do Unto Others
By Karen Armstrong
The practice of compassion is central to every one of the major world religions - but sometimes you would never know it. Instead, religion is associated with violence, intolerance and seems more preoccupied...
Help Us Create a Charter for Compassion
People of all nations, all faiths, all backgrounds, are invited to contribute.
By recognizing that the Golden Rule is fundamental to all world religions, the Charter for Compassion can inspire people to think differently about religion. This Charter is being created in a collaborative project by people from all over the world. It will be completed in 2009. Use this site to offer language you'd like to see included. Or inspire others by sharing your own story of compassion.
From Information Clearing House
Iraq Detention Imams Work for $2 Billion Private Equity Fund
Nick Mottern and Bill Rau, Truthout: "When Iraqi imams sit down with prisoners at a US detention center in Iraq to discuss Islam, they are working for a subsidiary of Global Innovation (GI) Partners LLP, a California- and London-based private equity firm that claims to have '$2 billion in capital under management.' GI Partners sells, among other things: base maintenance for US military forces in Iraq; psychiatric care in the United Kingdom; in-room television and movies for hotels; wine, movie production studios and pubs."
The West is much more violent than the Muslim world. Millions of Arab civilians have been killed since colonialism began.
The Making of an Insurgent
By Stuart Archer Cohen
We all complain about politics, but have you ever wondered what makes a person pick up a gun and start violently resisting the government?
Do Unto Others
By Karen Armstrong
The practice of compassion is central to every one of the major world religions - but sometimes you would never know it. Instead, religion is associated with violence, intolerance and seems more preoccupied...
Help Us Create a Charter for Compassion
People of all nations, all faiths, all backgrounds, are invited to contribute.
By recognizing that the Golden Rule is fundamental to all world religions, the Charter for Compassion can inspire people to think differently about religion. This Charter is being created in a collaborative project by people from all over the world. It will be completed in 2009. Use this site to offer language you'd like to see included. Or inspire others by sharing your own story of compassion.
From Information Clearing House
Iraq Detention Imams Work for $2 Billion Private Equity Fund
Nick Mottern and Bill Rau, Truthout: "When Iraqi imams sit down with prisoners at a US detention center in Iraq to discuss Islam, they are working for a subsidiary of Global Innovation (GI) Partners LLP, a California- and London-based private equity firm that claims to have '$2 billion in capital under management.' GI Partners sells, among other things: base maintenance for US military forces in Iraq; psychiatric care in the United Kingdom; in-room television and movies for hotels; wine, movie production studios and pubs."
rudkla - 14. Nov, 09:44