The value of an Obama promise
Obama’s swelling ego
Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby
President Obama was too busy to attend the celebrations in Germany this week marking the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. … He said nothing about the men and women who died trying to cross the wall. Nor did he mention Harry Truman or Ronald Reagan — or even Mikhail Gorbachev. He did, however, talk about Barack Obama: ‘Few would have foreseen,’ declared the president, ‘that a united Germany would be led by a woman from [the former East German state of] Brandenburg or that their American ally would be led by a man of African descent.’ … Obama couldn’t be troubled to visit Berlin to commemorate a momentous milestone in the history of human liberty. But he was glad to explain to those who were there why reflections on that milestone should inspire appreciation for the self-made ‘destiny’ of his own rise to power.”
Obama’s betrayals in the war on terror
Campaign For Liberty
by Sheldon Richman
After President Obama announced he would fight the release of photographs showing American soldiers abusing ‘war on terror’ detainees, Richard Haass, president of the quintessentially mainstream Council on Foreign Relations, said that Obama had learned the difference between campaigning and governing. He wasn’t being sarcastic. It was said during the presidential campaign that one of the candidates was running for George W. Bush’s third term. Did you think it was Obama?
Time to head home
Washington Post
by Eugene Robinson
The most dreadful burden of the presidency — the power to send men and women to die for their country — seems to weigh heavily on Barack Obama these days. He went to Dover Air Force Base to salute the coffins of fallen troops. He gave a moving speech at the memorial service for victims of last week’s killings at Fort Hood. On Veterans Day, after the traditional wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery, he took an unscheduled walk among the rows of marble headstones in Section 60, where the dead from our two ongoing wars are buried. As he decides whether to escalate the war in Afghanistan, Obama should keep these images in mind. Geopolitical calculation has human consequences. Sending more troops will mean more coffins arriving at Dover, more funerals at Arlington, more stress and hardship for military families. It would be wrong to demand such sacrifice in the absence of military goals that are clear, achievable and worthwhile...
Where are the real deficit hawks?
In These Times
by David Sirota
Let’s say you’re a congressperson or tea party leader looking to champion deficit reduction — a cause 38 percent of Americans tell pollsters they support. And let’s say you’re deciding whether to back two pieces of imminent legislation. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the first bill’s spending provisions cost $100 billion annually and its tax and budget-cutting provisions recoup $111 billion annually, thus reducing total federal expenditures by $11 billion each year. The second bill proposes $636 billion in annual spending and recoups nothing. Over 10 years, the first bill would spend $1 trillion and recover $1.11 trillion — a fantastic return on taxpayer investment. Meanwhile, the second bill puts us on a path to spend $6.3 trillion in the same time...
State secession: Trying to beat the world’s worst record
by Russell D. Longcore
If you can’t think of reasons that state secession is a better solution for liberty than working within ‘the system,’ consider the record of the Federal Government of the United States. Sure, you can ultimately lay the blame on all of us, since we are the ones who allow the atrocities of Washington to continue. But for now, let’s look at Washington’s record of achievement over the last 150 years...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The value of an Obama promise
Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby
President Obama was too busy to attend the celebrations in Germany this week marking the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. … He said nothing about the men and women who died trying to cross the wall. Nor did he mention Harry Truman or Ronald Reagan — or even Mikhail Gorbachev. He did, however, talk about Barack Obama: ‘Few would have foreseen,’ declared the president, ‘that a united Germany would be led by a woman from [the former East German state of] Brandenburg or that their American ally would be led by a man of African descent.’ … Obama couldn’t be troubled to visit Berlin to commemorate a momentous milestone in the history of human liberty. But he was glad to explain to those who were there why reflections on that milestone should inspire appreciation for the self-made ‘destiny’ of his own rise to power.”
Obama’s betrayals in the war on terror
Campaign For Liberty
by Sheldon Richman
After President Obama announced he would fight the release of photographs showing American soldiers abusing ‘war on terror’ detainees, Richard Haass, president of the quintessentially mainstream Council on Foreign Relations, said that Obama had learned the difference between campaigning and governing. He wasn’t being sarcastic. It was said during the presidential campaign that one of the candidates was running for George W. Bush’s third term. Did you think it was Obama?
Time to head home
Washington Post
by Eugene Robinson
The most dreadful burden of the presidency — the power to send men and women to die for their country — seems to weigh heavily on Barack Obama these days. He went to Dover Air Force Base to salute the coffins of fallen troops. He gave a moving speech at the memorial service for victims of last week’s killings at Fort Hood. On Veterans Day, after the traditional wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery, he took an unscheduled walk among the rows of marble headstones in Section 60, where the dead from our two ongoing wars are buried. As he decides whether to escalate the war in Afghanistan, Obama should keep these images in mind. Geopolitical calculation has human consequences. Sending more troops will mean more coffins arriving at Dover, more funerals at Arlington, more stress and hardship for military families. It would be wrong to demand such sacrifice in the absence of military goals that are clear, achievable and worthwhile...
Where are the real deficit hawks?
In These Times
by David Sirota
Let’s say you’re a congressperson or tea party leader looking to champion deficit reduction — a cause 38 percent of Americans tell pollsters they support. And let’s say you’re deciding whether to back two pieces of imminent legislation. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the first bill’s spending provisions cost $100 billion annually and its tax and budget-cutting provisions recoup $111 billion annually, thus reducing total federal expenditures by $11 billion each year. The second bill proposes $636 billion in annual spending and recoups nothing. Over 10 years, the first bill would spend $1 trillion and recover $1.11 trillion — a fantastic return on taxpayer investment. Meanwhile, the second bill puts us on a path to spend $6.3 trillion in the same time...
State secession: Trying to beat the world’s worst record
by Russell D. Longcore
If you can’t think of reasons that state secession is a better solution for liberty than working within ‘the system,’ consider the record of the Federal Government of the United States. Sure, you can ultimately lay the blame on all of us, since we are the ones who allow the atrocities of Washington to continue. But for now, let’s look at Washington’s record of achievement over the last 150 years...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The value of an Obama promise
rudkla - 16. Nov, 10:55