Lieberman Must Go
Informant: sasha karlik
Bazooka Joe: Lieberman's Comic Health-Care Ploy
Jonathan Alter: "But Lieberman is wrong if he thinks it's only hard-core lefties who are mad at him. Everyone is tired of how the junior senator from Connecticut is giving acts of conscience a bad name."
Joe Lieberman and the Health Care Train Wreck
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "When last we heard from Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, he was throwing sand into the gears of the Democratic push for health care reform by declaring he would filibuster any legislation containing the so-called public option. 'I feel so strongly about the creation of another government health insurance entitlement,' said the senator back in November. 'The government going into the health insurance business - I think it's such a mistake that I would use the power I have as a single senator to stop a final vote.'"
Lieberman Was for a Medicare Buy-In Before He Was Against it
Jason Leopold, Truthout: "Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I-Connecticut), has threatened to derail passage of a health care reform bill in the Senate if the legislation includes a measure to expand Medicare to individuals beginning at age 55, a proposal Lieberman says he has long opposed."
The Democrats Blinked
Joe Conason, Truthout: "By bowing to Sen. Joseph Lieberman and his obstructive pals in both parties on health care reform, President Obama has confirmed what Republicans always say about Democrats: They simply aren't strong enough to govern. Or at least the Democrats elected last year -- and their colleagues in the Senate leadership -- don't seem to be."
81% Of Dems Want Lieberman Punished For Health Care Filibuster
More than 80 percent of Democrats say they believe Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) should be stripped of his powerful chairmanship in the Senate if he ends up supporting a Republican filibuster of health care reform, according to a new poll.
Prostitution in the US Government
By Paul J. Balles
January 03, 2010 "Redress" -- MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann, in a special commentary, referred to Senator Joe Lieberman as a "senatorial prostitute" for selling himself to the US insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
From Information Clearing House
Lieberman Tells Reid To His Face: I'll Vote Against Current Health Care Bill
Informant: sasha karlik
Bazooka Joe: Lieberman's Comic Health-Care Ploy
Jonathan Alter: "But Lieberman is wrong if he thinks it's only hard-core lefties who are mad at him. Everyone is tired of how the junior senator from Connecticut is giving acts of conscience a bad name."
Joe Lieberman and the Health Care Train Wreck
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "When last we heard from Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, he was throwing sand into the gears of the Democratic push for health care reform by declaring he would filibuster any legislation containing the so-called public option. 'I feel so strongly about the creation of another government health insurance entitlement,' said the senator back in November. 'The government going into the health insurance business - I think it's such a mistake that I would use the power I have as a single senator to stop a final vote.'"
Lieberman Was for a Medicare Buy-In Before He Was Against it
Jason Leopold, Truthout: "Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I-Connecticut), has threatened to derail passage of a health care reform bill in the Senate if the legislation includes a measure to expand Medicare to individuals beginning at age 55, a proposal Lieberman says he has long opposed."
The Democrats Blinked
Joe Conason, Truthout: "By bowing to Sen. Joseph Lieberman and his obstructive pals in both parties on health care reform, President Obama has confirmed what Republicans always say about Democrats: They simply aren't strong enough to govern. Or at least the Democrats elected last year -- and their colleagues in the Senate leadership -- don't seem to be."
81% Of Dems Want Lieberman Punished For Health Care Filibuster
More than 80 percent of Democrats say they believe Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn) should be stripped of his powerful chairmanship in the Senate if he ends up supporting a Republican filibuster of health care reform, according to a new poll.
Prostitution in the US Government
By Paul J. Balles
January 03, 2010 "Redress" -- MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann, in a special commentary, referred to Senator Joe Lieberman as a "senatorial prostitute" for selling himself to the US insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
From Information Clearing House
Lieberman Tells Reid To His Face: I'll Vote Against Current Health Care Bill
rudkla - 9. Nov, 09:56