Economic stimulation and malinvestment
Quebecois Libre
by Harry Valentine
Governments worldwide are initiating economic stimulus packages that are intended to bring about economic recovery. Over the short term some national economies may even show signs of economic recovery, but those signals will in turn be misleading and cause malinvestment in some business sectors. The result over the long term will be another and perhaps more severe economic slowdown. … Economies worldwide need to correct and liquidate a massive amount of malinvestment. Such correction can only occur if governments are willing to allow it to occur...
Public works (and won’t works)
Strike the Root
by Les Lafave
The unknown cost of economic stimulus is somewhere down the unmeasured road, while stimulus’s close cousin, public works, would appear to be the next Keynesian cluster bomb to be fired at the yet defiant real world. … Stimulus could be just a giveaway to Wall Street. Public works is stuff — concrete and steel. If Wall Street is going to get hold of public works money, at least they’ll have to work to come up with a twisted scam — it won’t be just ‘injected’ onto their balance sheets. But if we can’t keep that concept of output always uppermos — and the evidence so far is that we can’t — the happy, hopeful sound of public works will be another money pit...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Harry Valentine
Governments worldwide are initiating economic stimulus packages that are intended to bring about economic recovery. Over the short term some national economies may even show signs of economic recovery, but those signals will in turn be misleading and cause malinvestment in some business sectors. The result over the long term will be another and perhaps more severe economic slowdown. … Economies worldwide need to correct and liquidate a massive amount of malinvestment. Such correction can only occur if governments are willing to allow it to occur...
Public works (and won’t works)
Strike the Root
by Les Lafave
The unknown cost of economic stimulus is somewhere down the unmeasured road, while stimulus’s close cousin, public works, would appear to be the next Keynesian cluster bomb to be fired at the yet defiant real world. … Stimulus could be just a giveaway to Wall Street. Public works is stuff — concrete and steel. If Wall Street is going to get hold of public works money, at least they’ll have to work to come up with a twisted scam — it won’t be just ‘injected’ onto their balance sheets. But if we can’t keep that concept of output always uppermos — and the evidence so far is that we can’t — the happy, hopeful sound of public works will be another money pit...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 23. Dez, 10:20