New Chairman for the MTHR Research Programme

Prof David Coggan has now been put in charge of the MTHR research programme. He is an expert in batting off any problems to the government!

Prof David Coggan

He is a member of the Medical Research Council Epidemiology. He seems to always be wheeled out when it comes to minimising the potential health effects of any pollutant. Last year it was antimony in plastic water bottles (see here

A few years back, it was pesticides. He was the Chairman of the Independent Advisory Committee on Pesticides current members of this body are listed here

He was also involved in at least one study financed by the MTHR in a supervisory role

Re Prof. David Coggon -

Described in Dr Chris Busby's 'Wolves of Water' book - p.281 on the Medical Research Council's three man committee on the health efffects of depleted uranium -

" The other two members of this coven are Dudley Goodhead and Prof. David Coggon of the MRC epidemiology unit at Southampton. Coggon is famous for having written in the BMJ in 1994 that 'there was no epidemic of cancer'. When I accosted him with this howler recently he was clearly embarrassed but tried to maintain that this was still the case.

Coggon took over from Martin Gardner, the epidemiologist who confirmed the Sellafield leukaemia cluster and found it was associated with the parents who worked for the nuclear site. Gardner died suddenly of cancer age 50.

Coggon shut down the research. He is now a favourite of the establishment for Chairing committees on ill-health and pollution, e.g. the Advisory Committee on Pesticides (ACP) and the Depleted Uranium Committee of the Ministry of Defence (DUOB). Goodhead and Coggon got OBEs. I hope it makes them happy.

They will crop up again in this book, my point is to show that there do not need to be so many operators to keep the system going, just a few people in the right places. Nor am I saying they are anything but perfect gentlemen who believe what it is they say. It is merely that when someone talks about the science of radiation risk, what is there in practice is actually the beliefs and activities of rather a few individuals".

At p. 430 (summarised)

The Royal Commission on Pesticides recently took evidence and established health damage to people affected by crop spraying. Coggon's Committee (ACP) quickly pressured government to disregard this, so that it could be business as usual for agrichems and intensive farming.

Also I (Roger Coghill) add that Coggon was selected by Surrey University against my wishes to examine my PhD. The other (internal) examiner was an IEE member who wrote out a failure note BEFORE I took the viva! Fortunately I discovered it because I arrived early, and 12 copies of his failure note fell out of the printed theses as I picked them up.

So I refused to be examined by these two henchmen of the establishment. (Normally a University's internal examiner is supposed to read the draft thesis and raise any points which might fail the applicant, so that these can be addressed before the thesis is printed, in other words he should be helpful to the applicant. In this case Surrey gets a large amount of funding from the nearby National Grid, for whom my thesis was extremely inconvenient). There is no doubt the University plotted to ambush my thesis. The matter remains unresolved, with the University Visitor. You can publish all this if you wish.


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