Bush may have buried the GOP
Human Events
by Doug Patton
During the first six years after the so-called Republican Revolution, the GOP Congress held spending to a mere avalanche. They reformed welfare and balanced the federal budget. And even though it was Bill Clinton who got the credit, it was Congress which held the purse strings. Then came George W. Bush. As president, the self-proclaimed compassionate conservative led his party down a path of spending and expansion of government that would have made FDR envious. He and his GOP Congress deserve credit for cutting taxes at a crucial time, and for saving the country from what could have been a severe downturn in the economy, post-9/11. But the alienation of the GOP base that followed six years of George Bush working with a Republican Congress has been depressing to watch...
by Doug Patton
During the first six years after the so-called Republican Revolution, the GOP Congress held spending to a mere avalanche. They reformed welfare and balanced the federal budget. And even though it was Bill Clinton who got the credit, it was Congress which held the purse strings. Then came George W. Bush. As president, the self-proclaimed compassionate conservative led his party down a path of spending and expansion of government that would have made FDR envious. He and his GOP Congress deserve credit for cutting taxes at a crucial time, and for saving the country from what could have been a severe downturn in the economy, post-9/11. But the alienation of the GOP base that followed six years of George Bush working with a Republican Congress has been depressing to watch...
rudkla - 23. Aug, 11:51