Phone mast: law unjust
22 August 2007
SIR - Today I have received a letter from the Planning Inspectorate, at Bristol, containing the unwelcome news that Torridge District Council's decision to refuse permission for the erection of a mobile phone mast on St Mary's Church, Bideford, has been overturned, which means that this monstrous project can now go ahead - to the detriment of the health of people living nearby.
I am afraid Government pressure has played its part in this decision. What is worrying is that the research on the possibly harmful effects of these masts is based on biased and flawed research by Government or cellular phone company-backed institutions.
SIR - Today I have received a letter from the Planning Inspectorate, at Bristol, containing the unwelcome news that Torridge District Council's decision to refuse permission for the erection of a mobile phone mast on St Mary's Church, Bideford, has been overturned, which means that this monstrous project can now go ahead - to the detriment of the health of people living nearby.
I am afraid Government pressure has played its part in this decision. What is worrying is that the research on the possibly harmful effects of these masts is based on biased and flawed research by Government or cellular phone company-backed institutions.
rudkla - 22. Aug, 10:19