A plea for help from the British Channel Island of Jersey

Can any of YOU help Jo, in Jersey, with information?

Jo called the Mast-Sanity helpline and asked for assistance, so All, worldwide please help

Mast Sanity’s Gary says:


Jersey is due to have 200 masts rolled out all over it - it's only 40 sq miles.

The Chief Minister has announced that if he receives concrete evidence of harm caused by masts within the next 2 weeks, he will not allow the rollout.

My caller has been constantly quoted ICNIRP/WHO by the industry and now by the CM, so wants reputable debunking:

End of Quote

This is at stake: Quote: Our (Jersey’s) chief minister of planning has said if we, the people of Jersey, can prove that there are health risks then there will be no more masts.

As we all know the evidence of harm is abundant, So if you are in the possession of scientific evidence that has been validated or replicarted please let me know and I will forward it to Gary at Mast-Sanity.

Jo´s plea for help is here:


Best regards.



Dear Agnes:

Please find attached two articles written by friend and colleague the late Neil Cherry.


Reading these articles wiIl bring the message to Jersey, about the risks from radio frequency radiation (RFR).


Zamir Shalita



The best proof I have found is Doctor Neil Cherry's document on his scientific tests carried out in Schwarzenburg, Switzerland -'EMR reduces Melatonin in Animals and people. The fact that

A) Insomnia is one of the main symptoms found in association with microwave (EMR - Electromagnetic Radiofrequency) emissions and:-

B) The hormone Melatonin should take over from Serotonin (hormone which keeps us awake during the day) in order for us to sleep properly is a strong pointer to the causative effect of EMR in relation to insomnia and disturbed sleep.

This is only a part of his findings, and as the Swiss government then did away with the very important transmitter which had made people ill for years and that now their permitted levels of emissions are hundreds of microwats/Volts per metre (or whatever) lower than the ICNIRP's levels adopted by our 'protective' agency in 2004 (I think?) there is another pointer to the proof that emissions do damage our health! Our permitted levels are amonget, if not the highest in the world.

All the invetigations undertaked by the Radiation Protection Board (NRPB) seem to be laboratory tests, where it is impossible to replicate the terrain; alignment of homes to the mast; differences between individual physiological strengths or weaknesses etcetc. They are ignoring the epidemiological evidence which would be staring them in the face if they bothered to look!

It's all on the web!

Good luck,



Dear Agnes,

I think the article by Neil Cherry "Cell phone radiation poses a serious biological and health risk" http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/cell_phone_radiation_poses_a_serious_biological_and_health_risk.pdf can be of some help if the people responible for the environment on Jersey understand English. (Usually they don´t when the question is about mobile phones and microwaves.)

Kind regards

Torbjorn Lindblom


With regard to:

A) "My caller has been constantly quoted ICNIRP/WHO by the industry and now by the CM, so wants reputable debunking"

B) "Experts" from the mobile phone forum say none of the scientific evidence showing adverse health effects has been validated or replicated. I therefore need to find scientific evidence that has been validated or replicarted."

Dear Agnes,

A) It is important to send her Don Maisch's paper about the WHO/ ICNIRP's corruption and to tell her that this is a part of doctorat work (so it is difficult to ignore and refute it, it is a document that can be used in court). It is important to take a strong position, that Nothing the WHO says is related to health in any way as a result of this corruption. So all the quotes about the "WHO's/ICNIRP's strictest standards" don't hold water.

B) It is important that Jo will be careful and not try to play by the rules "they" try to dictate. first, DNA effects are replicated, and apart from the industry's 3G study, all mast studies are in the same direction. But anyway it is important to say that like every drug's study stands on its own, also EMF works stand by their own, and one "failure" to replicate does not cancell other positive result. And to stress that the "failures" to replicate are mostly the industry funded studies so when the industry demands replication it's a double standard.

Best regards

Iris Atzmon.


Gentle Mrs.Agnes,

I think that hoping Jersey, it’s enough to send to the Minister the sentence of HIGH COURT of City PAOLA-ITALY, which says NO to BTS (Base Transmitting Station) of antenna for mobile telephone, according my studies and survey about EMF, which have demonstrate high biological and sanitary damages to people. The original sentence can be found in “google” by clicking “spadanuda and giancarlo” [ http://tinyurl.com/ymp7pw ] in web: http://www.ambientediritto.it ; http://www.lexambiente.it .

Best regards,

Prof. Ing. Dr. Giancarlo

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Thank you for this wonderful group of articles. Could you please get this information to Jo in Jersey? This link is Dr. Henry Lai's ( University of Washington) impressive list of studies that confirm disastrous health effects to people living close to cell base stations. Thanks, as I am not sure how to contact Jo directly.





Look at the attachment "effected area".

Judging from that 300 m is not near enough by half. At 300 m you are still in the red zone. At 500 m you are in the yellow zone. So, a mast every 300 m will mean an overlap that makes sure Everyone is in the red zone.

I pinched the graph from (either emf solutionsUK or Powerwatch, I think, this is going back some time) but it was made (I understood) by monitoring from the centre to the edge of the radiation effect) Scary is´nt it.

Best regards.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


More help needed for Jersey!

First I want to thank you for your invaluable contribution to help for the Jersey citizens when I wrote to you late last year.

All the material and letters were delivered to the Minister of planning Frank Cohen, in an attempt to influence

His approval of 200 masts on the Island. (Yes I am perfectly aware how much cash that would give to his governments coiffeurs) Our efforts have resulted in that a scrutiny committee has been formed who are to inform themselves of possible health hazard from mobile radiation (the first 26 masts have already been approved, before the committee has a chance of doing anything). But here is a link to the scrutiny committee’s website, and they do also have a notice board there. http://www.scrutiny.gov.je/

Here are contact details:

Scrutiny Office Morier House Halkett Place St Helier JE1 1DD Tel: 441080 Fax: 441077 Email: scrutiny@gov.je

So, can I please ask you all to go to the rescue of the Island of Jersey one more time.

There is a debate on-going, by Jersey citizens, in my Forum about the situation there.


The citizens of Jersey have formed a action group and opened a website.

E-mail: jmmcg @hotmail.co.uk

What I am asking you all to do is: to write objections and send material on health consequences that you consider important to their case, Send to the new scrutiny committee at scrutiny@gov.je with cc. to Jersey Mast Concern jmmcg @hotmail.co.uk in a try to stop Jersey being over-run by mobile masts and their polluting radiation emission, after all Jersey is just a small Island with 90000 citizens and they want to clutter them with 200 extra masts.

I trust you will help this time as well,

Best regards.

Agnes Ingvarsdottir.
Glen lea. Upper Colwall.
Nr. Malvern WR13 6DH Herefordshire. UK
Phone/Fax: 01684 540 138
E-mails: a.ingvarsdottir @agnesingvars.plus.com
agnes @mast-victims.org
Website : http://www.mast-victims.org


Dr. Carlo´s evidence for Jersey mast review

The HIGH COURT of Paola (ITALY) says NO to BTS-Base Transceiver Station for telephone


EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People

Sleep Disturbances in the Vicinity of the Short-Wave Broadcast Transmitter Schwarzenburg - The Schwarzenburg shut-down study

The Scandal of Schwarzenburg


Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

European countries have lower guidelines
Review of ICNIRP EMF exposure guidelines

The Inadequacy of the ICNIRP Guidelines

Emissions from Cell Sites below International Guidelines

All radiation exposure carries the risk of cancer

ICNIRP Guidelines are not safe

Conflict of Interest and Bias in Health Advisory Committees: A case study of the WHO’s EMF Task Group

Greece: prohibition for mobile telephone masts, radar and high voltage lines to be within 500 meters of any school

EURELECTRIC Report on EMF Exposure Standards Applicable in Europe and Elsewhere http://www.eurelectric.org/Download/Download.aspx?DocumentFileID=22874


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