Fisher German: advice to land owners of phone mast sites

Take a look at the Fisher German website, it provides some interesting articles/information with regards to advice to land owners of mobile phone mast sites. I've included a couple of the items in this e-mail.

Best wishes

Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster(at)
Sent: 30 October 2006 11:31
To: eileen(at)
Subject: Fisher German: message from

Dear Eileen O\'Connor,

Eileen O\'Connor (eileen(at) has sent you a link to a page on the Fisher German website:


Fisher German is increasingly finding cases where owners wish to remove telecommunications sites off their property; normally because they have or are... The Disappearing Telecoms Sites

The Fisher German Team

Telecom Sites - lift & shift Print Email Bookmark

Fisher German is increasingly finding cases where owners wish to remove telecommunications sites off their property; normally because they have or are hoping to obtain planning permission for an alternative use on their property.

Currently many of our clients for this type of work are private individuals, companies, schools, police forces and hospitals.

There may be other reasons like 'health and safety' issues near schools or the site is potentially depreciating residential or commercial property.

If the lease was originally well drawn up, then there should be provision to serve the telecommunications company with notice to quit if the site is going to be redeveloped. However, in a lot of the earlier leases, when people were not properly advised, there was no such 'lift and shift' clause.

The Fisher German telecoms team increasingly finds that they are instructed to act for owners of commercial, residential and agricultural properties which are effected by telecom sites. We then enter into negotiations with the telecommunications company to remove them completely, or relocate them to another part of the owner's property.

The cost to the telecommunications company of building a replacement site can typically be between £100,000 - £150,000 or if they need to split the 'cell' and build two sites instead, then the total cost can be £200,000 - £300,000. It is, therefore, imperative to get proper professional legal and surveyor's advice to negotiate with the telecoms company to move the site and mitigate the cost.

For Further Information contact Mark Newton on 01858 4112125

Related Views Landowners advised to stand firm on telecoms contracts as Vodafone profits tumble

2006-08-01 | Mark Newton

FRICS Farmers and landowners with telecom mast sites have been warned that companies are reviewing their portfolios and are looking to decommission some rural sites that are proving to be... New Venture for Utility Department

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2005-12-07 | Mark Newton FRICS FG advise, "landowners could expect higher returns from telecom lease renewals." The Disappearing Telecoms Sites

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2005-10-27 | Mark Newton FRICS Check your next Telecom Rent Review Date.

Also: They included the following message: Fisher German website on mobile phone masts

The Disappearing Telecoms Sites Print Email Bookmark
17/11/2005 Mark Newton FRICS Partner Mark has a wide ranging experience in all aspects of professional work. He is also one of the country’s leading experts in telecoms sites and wind farms.

The uptake for third generation ‘3G’ telephones has not taken off in this country as fast as expected. This has resulted in some of the telecommunications companies looking at their existing masts to see if they are still financially viable.

Fisher German has found that there are quite a few cases across the country where telecoms companies are now abandoning less profitable rural sites. It is very important that owners of telecoms sites are aware that their local council could charge business rates if a mast is left standing after it has been handed back, but there may be opportunities for other telecoms companies to utilise these masts. Where leases have been properly drawn up, there should be a clause relating to the re-instatement of the site back to its original condition and there are opportunities for owners to receive a substantial one-off capital payment for dealing with this work themselves. Fisher German has also found cases where telecoms companies want to abandon sites but the lease does not allow them to break it, which can produce interesting negotiations as rent must continue to be paid.

Landowners are also losing out as the telecoms companies have now developed powerful, smaller telecoms masts and are locating up to 60% of these on the edge of the public highway in the verge under the Street Works Act. When masts are located on the verge they pay no rent, rather than on an adjoining farmer’s land where rent would be due.

Mark Newton, Partner at Fisher German says: “The main problem of sites in road verges is that there may be highways issues, problems with underground services and they may be near residential dwellings. Normally these masts are disguised as street furniture, ie wooden telegraph poles or lamp posts. Their height may be limited to that of the adjacent streetlights. Subsequently they do not necessarily provide as much coverage as a normal traditional 15 metre mast on a Greenfield site.”

The telecoms network is getting nearly fully mature, and a lot of the telecoms companies have put on hold building new sites until 3G fully takes off.

If you do get approached for any new sites or decommissioning your existing site, it is important to get proper professional advice and contact Fisher German’s telecoms team, telephone number 01858 411246.


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