Bringing the antennas closer to children

The minister Gidon Ezra: to bring the antennas closer to the children

Maariv 17.10.06

The minister of environment protection is working on changing the public perception on cellular antennas. "I meet mayors and I tell them that we must not remove antennas from population centers, the problem is that to say this today is real madness, they think I am crazy, but this is the truth and this is the right thing professionally. Putting the antennas at distance only causes more damage. In the ministry they claim that the media attack against the cellular antennas was wrong and exaggerated. In the heat of the public panic, the antennas are moved away from population centers, but in reality the radiation danger has only increased. The minister Gidon Ezra: "it is good for the children that on the roof of their school will be antenna, because they speak on the phone and the more the antenna is further away, the more they are hurt. I think that we need to make a revolution in this area and to explain that it is possible to put antennas but it must be by the law and according to the strictest standards of the ministry".

Wimax: 15 mayors in Israel took a lawyer and created "the forum of the 15" in order to claim that they represent the public and they press on the minister of environment to deploy Wimax in Israel. The lawyer who is the executive of the "forum of the 15" said that it is untolerable that we don't have Wimax in Israel because we are in retard of two years after other countries, and an expert said that everyone who resists to Wimax has either economic or ideologic interests, but that the truth is that Wimax "is good for every israeli". (Yediot Ahronot of last weekend).

Cosmetics and Celullar:
12.10.06 (Maariv) Clarins cosmetics announced in Paris, that they had done 6 years of research on the electromagnetic radiation and found it causes damage to skin cells regeneration -causes 25% reduction of skin regeneration, dries the skin quickly, reduces the skin's protection from pollution. They said the study is going to be published in a scientific journal. Clarins invented a spray against the mobile phones effects(...), they claim their spray will also protect against air pollutin. the company representative said they help the cellular companies to sell products in safer and healthier way, and not doing demonization to the cell phones. The product will be released in January 2007.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


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