Call your members of Congress at their local district offices!

In her new Lie/Die TV spot, you can hear congressional candidate Jeeni Criscenzo speaking out about the scary parallel between the lies they told us about Iraq, and the new ones about Iran. The drum beats are getting louder that the Bush administration in fact intends to launch an unprovoked carpet bomb attack on the sovereign nation of Iran, for the sole purpose of trying to influence the upcoming election in his favor. The entire Eisenhower strike force, including nuclear powered aircraft carrier is even now headed for the Persian Gulf.

You remember what they told us about Iraq, that they had to launch the attack because the assets were already place? Don't tell yourself they aren't that insane. They ARE that criminally insane. And don't think they won't stage a Gulf of Tonkin type phony attack to justify it all. They've done it before.

SPECIAL LOCAL DISTRICT PHONE/FAX LOOKUP PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/pnum536.php

As splendidly as the endless occupation of Iraq and the blitzkrieg on Lebanon have turned out, such a new war of aggression as a first response would be condemned by every civilized nation of the world, leading most likely to a fundamentalist coup in Pakistan, putting full fledged nuclear warheads in the hands of terrorists immediately. This is to not mention skyrocketing oil prices and lighting a powder keg of counter attacks against American troops and interests not just in the Middle East but all around the world.

Is there no foreign policy decision that the Bush administration is not desperately determined to mess up big time? As a result of Bush's saber rattling, North Korea took the U.N. seals (which were already in place) off of their nuclear facilities four years ago and have now detonated their first underground nuclear test, comparable to the first tests of India and Pakistan. Will they now bait and switch us to Iran, which experts tell us is at least 5 years away from testing such device?

Where are our members of Congress on this? They need to be giving campaign speeches speaking out to stop this insanity. This special action page below allows you to send all your members of Congress an email message in real time which they WILL get, and with one click you can lookup the LOCAL phone and fax numbers while they are campaigning in their districts. Please do both and speak out in every other way you can while there is still time.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/pnum536.php

The best way for us to stop yet another disastrous war of aggression is for us to remind our fellow citizens about all the lies upon lies which stampeded our country into an attack and occupation of Iraq. The video playing on the next link below is one of the new Lie/Die TV spots, with courageous candidates on the Peace Team from all over the country producing their own versions right now, this one done by Jeeni Criscenzo (CA-49).

These Lie/Die TV spots are calling the Bush administration out on their deliberate deceptions. If we can get enough of these TV spots on the air we can build a concensus of public opinion so that they know they will NOT get away with it again. Please consider making a donation to the Peace Team candidates who are courageous enough to take a strong stand for the truth, so that people know there are real alternatives worth coming out in massive numbers to vote for.

LIE/DIE TV SPOT DONATIONS: http://www.peaceteam.net/donations.php?cv=criscenzo

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

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